예제 #1
    def register(self, login, password):
        if (login == '' or password == ''):
            return 2
            #On se connecte à la boîte à monsieurs
            conn = psycopg2.connect(
                "dbname=puissance5 user=puissance5 password=Disco<3")

            #On vérifie que le monsieur n'est pas déjà dans la boîte
            cur = conn.cursor()
            cur.execute("SELECT * FROM users WHERE login=%s;", (login, ))
            if cur.rowcount:
                return 1

            #Le monsieur n'est pas dans la boîte, on commence par hacher son mot de passe avec un algo overkill : PBKDF2_SHA1
            hash = pbkdf2_sha1.encrypt(password)

            #On met le monsieur dans la boîte
            cur.execute("INSERT INTO users (login, password) VALUES (%s, %s);",
                        (login, hash))



        except Exception as e:
            print("Echec de la création du nouvel utilisateur : \n", e)
            return 3

        return 0
예제 #2
    def register(self, login, password):
        if (login == '' or password == ''):
            return 2
            #On se connecte à la boîte à monsieurs
            conn = psycopg2.connect("dbname=puissance5 user=puissance5 password=Disco<3")

            #On vérifie que le monsieur n'est pas déjà dans la boîte
            cur = conn.cursor()
            cur.execute("SELECT * FROM users WHERE login=%s;", (login,))
            if cur.rowcount:
                return 1

            #Le monsieur n'est pas dans la boîte, on commence par hacher son mot de passe avec un algo overkill : PBKDF2_SHA1
            hash = pbkdf2_sha1.encrypt(password)

            #On met le monsieur dans la boîte
            cur.execute("INSERT INTO users (login, password) VALUES (%s, %s);", (login, hash))



        except Exception as e:
            print("Echec de la création du nouvel utilisateur : \n", e)
            return 3

        return 0
예제 #3
def new(password, server=defaultServer, clientId=None, username="******"):
    Encrypts a new @password by interacting with the Pythia service.
    @clientId: If specified, this value is used. If omitted, a suitable 
               value is selected.

    @returns a tuple of required values to verify the password: (w,t,z,p) 
        @w: client ID (key selector)
        @t: tweak (randomly generated user ID)
        @z: protected passwords
        @p: server public key bound to clientId - used to verify future
            proofs from this server.
    # Set the client ID
    if not clientId:
        w = secureRandom()
        w = clientId

    if ersatzHash == True:
        ersatzPw = "ersatz"
        ersatzHashGen = ersatzlib.ErsatzHashGenerator(hash.pbkdf2_sha1,\
                                                      username, password, \
                                                      ersatzPw, rounds=5000)
        #create ersatz salt
        t = ersatzHashGen._compute_ersatz_salt(password, ersatzPw)
        ersatzHashGen.salt = t
        a = ersatzHashGen._compute_ersatz_hash(password)
        a = passlib.utils.ab64_decode(a)

        #create ersatz input
        ersatzInput = ersatzHashGen._ersatzfy_input(password)
        z, p = query(ersatzInput, w, t, server)

        z = vpop.wrap(
            pyrelic.vpop.update(vpop.unwrapY(z), long(a.encode('hex'), 16)))
        #do the Z^a nonsense, where a is the pbkdf2

        t = secureRandom()

        hashedPW = pbkdf2_sha1.encrypt(password, salt=t, rounds=5000)
        z, p = query(hashedPW, w, t, server)
        z = vpop.wrap(
                                long(hashedPW.encode('hex'), 16)))
        #t = secureRandom()
        #z,p = query(password, w, t, server)
    return w, t, z, p
예제 #4
    def hash_password(username, password):
        count = 0
        salt = ''
        for char in username:
            # every second character is added to salt
            if count % 2 == 0:
                salt += char
            count += 1

        salt = bytes(salt)
        hashed_password = pbkdf2_sha1.encrypt(
        return hashed_password
예제 #5
def check(password, w, t, z, p, server=defaultServer, username="******"):
    Checks an existing @password against the Pythia server using the 
    values (w,t,z,p).
    @returns: True if the password passes authentication; False otherwise.

    if ersatzHash:
        ersatzHashGen = ersatzlib.ErsatzHashGenerator(hash.pbkdf2_sha1,\
                                                      username, password, \
                                                      "ersatz", rounds=5000)
        ersatzHashGen.salt = t
        ersatzInput = ersatzHashGen._ersatzfy_input(password)

        #check true password
        zPrime1, _ = query(ersatzInput, w, t, previousPubkey=p, server=server)
        zPrime2, _ = query(password, w, t, previousPubkey=p, server=server)

        #create ersatz salt
        a = passlib.utils.ab64_decode(

        zPrime1 = vpop.wrap(
                                long(a.encode('hex'), 16)))

        a = passlib.utils.ab64_decode(
            hash.pbkdf2_sha1.encrypt(password, salt=t, rounds=5000))
        zPrime2 = vpop.wrap(
                                long(a.encode('hex'), 16)))

        if z == zPrime1:
            return 1
        elif z == zPrime2:
            return 2
            return 0
        #check ersatz password
        hashedPW = pbkdf2_sha1.encrypt(password, salt=t, rounds=5000)
        zPrime, _ = query(hashedPW, w, t, previousPubkey=p, server=server)
        zPrime = vpop.wrap(
                                long(hashedPW.encode('hex'), 16)))

        #zPrime,_ = query(password, w, t, previousPubkey=p, server=server)
        return z == zPrime
예제 #6
def new(password, server=defaultServer, clientId=None, username="******"):
    Encrypts a new @password by interacting with the Pythia service.
    @clientId: If specified, this value is used. If omitted, a suitable 
               value is selected.

    @returns a tuple of required values to verify the password: (w,t,z,p) 
        @w: client ID (key selector)
        @t: tweak (randomly generated user ID)
        @z: protected passwords
        @p: server public key bound to clientId - used to verify future
            proofs from this server.
    # Set the client ID
    if not clientId:
        w = secureRandom()
        w = clientId
    if ersatzHash == True:
        ersatzPw = "ersatz"
        ersatzHashGen = ersatzlib.ErsatzHashGenerator(hash.pbkdf2_sha1,\
                                                      username, password, \
                                                      ersatzPw, rounds=5000)
        #create ersatz salt
        t = ersatzHashGen._compute_ersatz_salt(password,ersatzPw)
        ersatzHashGen.salt = t
        a = ersatzHashGen._compute_ersatz_hash(password)
        a = passlib.utils.ab64_decode(a)
        #create ersatz input
        ersatzInput = ersatzHashGen._ersatzfy_input(password)
        z,p = query(ersatzInput, w, t, server)
        z = vpop.wrap(pyrelic.vpop.update(vpop.unwrapY(z), long(a.encode('hex'),16)))
        #do the Z^a nonsense, where a is the pbkdf2
        t = secureRandom()

        hashedPW = pbkdf2_sha1.encrypt(password, salt=t, rounds=5000)
        z,p = query(hashedPW, w, t, server)
        z = vpop.wrap(pyrelic.vpop.update(vpop.unwrapY(z), long(hashedPW.encode('hex'),16)))
        #t = secureRandom()
        #z,p = query(password, w, t, server)
    return w, t, z, p
예제 #7
def check(password, w, t, z, p, server=defaultServer, username="******"):
    Checks an existing @password against the Pythia server using the 
    values (w,t,z,p).
    @returns: True if the password passes authentication; False otherwise.
    if ersatzHash:
        ersatzHashGen = ersatzlib.ErsatzHashGenerator(hash.pbkdf2_sha1,\
                                                      username, password, \
                                                      "ersatz", rounds=5000)
        ersatzHashGen.salt = t
        ersatzInput = ersatzHashGen._ersatzfy_input(password)
        #check true password
        zPrime1,_ = query(ersatzInput, w, t, previousPubkey=p, server=server)
        zPrime2,_ = query(password, w, t, previousPubkey=p, server=server)

        #create ersatz salt
        a = passlib.utils.ab64_decode(ersatzHashGen._compute_ersatz_hash(password))
        zPrime1 = vpop.wrap(pyrelic.vpop.update(vpop.unwrapY(zPrime1), long(a.encode('hex'),16)))
        a = passlib.utils.ab64_decode(hash.pbkdf2_sha1.encrypt(password, salt=t, rounds=5000))
        zPrime2 = vpop.wrap(pyrelic.vpop.update(vpop.unwrapY(zPrime2), long(a.encode('hex'),16)))
        if z == zPrime1:
            return 1
        elif z == zPrime2:
            return 2
            return 0
        #check ersatz password
        hashedPW = pbkdf2_sha1.encrypt(password, salt=t, rounds=5000)
        zPrime,_ = query(hashedPW, w, t, previousPubkey=p, server=server)
        zPrime = vpop.wrap(pyrelic.vpop.update(vpop.unwrapY(zPrime), long(hashedPW.encode('hex'),16)))
        #zPrime,_ = query(password, w, t, previousPubkey=p, server=server)
        return z == zPrime
예제 #8
    def register(self, login, password):
        #On vérifie qu'il a bien entré des informations valides
        if (login == '' or password == ''):
            return 2
            #On obtient le verrou pour éviter les accès concurrents à la base de données
            #On se connecte à la base de données
            conn = psycopg2.connect("dbname=puissance5 user=puissance5 password=Disco<3")

            #On vérifie que l'utilisateur n'existe pas déjà
            cur = conn.cursor()
            cur.execute("SELECT * FROM users WHERE login=%s;", (login,))
            if cur.rowcount:
                #L'utilisateur existe déjà
                return 1

            #L'utilisateur n'est pas dans la BDD, on commence par hacher son mot de passe avec un algo overkill : PBKDF2_SHA1
            hash = pbkdf2_sha1.encrypt(password)

            #On ajoute l'utilisateur à la base de données
            cur.execute("INSERT INTO users (login, password) VALUES (%s, %s);", (login, hash))



        except Exception as e:
            print("Echec de la création du nouvel utilisateur : \n", e)
            return 3

        return 0