def setPassword(person_id, password): # TODO: verify user has access to update password... if password is not None: if is_number(person_id): find_str = "ID(p)={person_id}" else: find_str = "p.password_reset_key = {person_id}" db_password_hash = '' # check if password matches person_id result ="MATCH (p:Person) WHERE " + find_str + " RETURN p.password AS password", {"person_id": person_id}) for p in result: db_password_hash = p['password'] if db_password_hash != '': # hash new password and update DB new_pass_hash = sha256_crypt.hash(password) if db_password_hash == new_pass_hash: return True result ="MATCH (p:Person) WHERE " + find_str + " SET p.password = {new_pass_hash}, p.password_reset_key = '' RETURN p", {"person_id": person_id, "new_pass_hash": new_pass_hash}) # Check we updated something summary = result.consume() if summary.counters.properties_set >= 1: return True return False else: raise FindError("No user found") else: raise AuthError("Password is empty")
def encode_api_key(self): self.api_key = sha256_crypt.hash(self.username + str(datetime.utcnow))
#!/usr/bin/python3 import sys from passlib.hash import sha256_crypt password = sys.argv[1] password_hash = sha256_crypt.hash(password) print("password = "******"password hash = " + password_hash)
query_result = db.Column(db.Text, nullable=True) time = db.Column(db.DateTime, nullable=False) user = db.relationship(User) @login_manager.user_loader def load_user(id): existing_user = User.query.filter_by(uname=id).first() return existing_user with app.app_context(): db.init_app(app) db.create_all() if not load_user('admin'): adminUser = User('admin', sha256_crypt.hash('Administrator@1'), '12345678901') adminUser.isAdmin = True db.session.add(adminUser) db.session.commit() class UserForm(FlaskForm): uname = StringField('User Name:', validators=[DataRequired()]) pword = StringField('Password: '******'2FA Token:', validators=[], id='2fa') def addUser(uname, pword, twofa): user = User(uname, sha256_crypt.hash(pword), twofa) user.isAdmin = False
def hash_password(self, password): self.password = sha256_crypt.hash(password)
def profile(): # Check if user is loggedin if 'loggedin' in session: cursor = mysql.connection.cursor(MySQLdb.cursors.DictCursor) category = session['category'] if (category == 'professor'): cursor.execute( 'select distinct id, fname, lname, email, pw, name from professor inner join teach using(profid) inner join coursemap using(mapid) inner join program using(pid) where id=%s and pw=%s', ([session['id']], [session['pw']])) elif (category == 'coordinator'): cursor.execute( 'SELECT * FROM coordinator inner join program using(pid) WHERE id = %s AND pw = %s', ([session['id']], [session['pw']])) elif (category == 'secretary'): cursor.execute( 'select id, fname, lname, pw, email, name from secretary inner join program_secretary using (secid) inner join program using(pid) where id=%s and pw=%s', ([session['id']], [session['pw']])) elif (category == 'student'): cursor.execute( 'select student_num as id, fname, lname, pw, email, name from student inner join enrollment using (sid) inner join program using (pid) where student_num=%s and pw=%s', ([session['id']], [session['pw']])) account = cursor.fetchone() if request.method == 'POST' and 'password' in request.form: #if password is right, show the profile info if (sha256_crypt.verify(request.form['password'], session['pw'])): return render_template('profile.html', account=account, category=session['category'], msg="s") else: return render_template('profile.html', account=account, category=session['category'], msg="The password is wrong.") # if user requests to change password elif request.method == 'POST' and 'newPassword' in request.form and 'newPassword2' in request.form: if (request.form['newPassword'] == request.form['newPassword2']): try: category = session['category'] #make hash using new password user inputs pw = sha256_crypt.hash(request.form['newPassword']) #update password if (category == 'professor'): cursor.execute( 'update professor set pw = %s WHERE id = %s', (pw, [session['id']])) elif (category == 'coordinator'): cursor.execute( ' update coordinator set pw = %s where id= %s', (pw, [session['id']])) elif (category == 'secretary'): cursor.execute( 'update secretary set pw = %s WHERE id = %s', (pw, [session['id']])) elif (category == 'student'): cursor.execute( 'update student set pw = %s WHERE student_num = %s', (pw, [session['id']])) mysql.connection.commit() cursor.close() #save new hash to session session['pw'] = pw return render_template('profile.html', account=account, category=session['category'], msg="New password is updated.") except (MySQLdb.Error, MySQLdb.Warning) as e: print(e) cursor.close() return render_template('profile.html', account=account, category=session['category'], msg="New password is not changed.") else: cursor.close() return render_template('profile.html', account=account, category=session['category'], msg="New password is not changed.") cursor.close() return render_template('profile.html', account=account, category=session['category']) # User is not loggedin redirect to login page return redirect(url_for('login'))
def hash_password(password): return sha256_crypt.hash(password)
def newprofile(): adminflag=False pnameok=False while pnameok==False: threadqueues.secureoutput.put("please enter profile name") pname=wait_for_secure_input() print(9) fstring="/media/sf_share/samaritan-VA/current_code/front_end/backend/security/profiles/"+pname+".txt" try: f = open(fstring,"r") f.close() return("PROFILE NAME ALREADY IN USE. PLEASE TRY AGAIN.") except FileNotFoundError: pnameok=True pscheckexit=0 print("here") while(pscheckexit==0): threadqueues.secureoutput.put("PROFILE NAME: "+pname+". Please enter profile password") print(455) pps=wait_for_secure_input() print("here2") threadqueues.secureoutput.put("please confirm password") ppscheck=wait_for_secure_input() print("j") if(ppscheck==pps): pscheckexit=1 else: threadqueues.secureoutput.put("ERROR. PASSWORDS DON'T MATCH. PLEASE TRY AGAIN.") threadqueues.secureoutput.put("Do you wish this to be an admistrative account? Y/N") if(wait_for_secure_input())=="Y": exit=1 while(exit==1): threadqueues.secureoutput.put("PLEASE INPUT MASTER PASSWORD NOW") mspscheck=wait_for_secure_input() if(passwordcheck(mspscheck,"masteradmin")==True): threadqueues.secureoutput.put("MASTER PASSWORD ACCEPTED.") adminflag=True exit=0 else: threadqueues.secureoutput.put("incorrect password please try again (Y) or make ordinary profile instead (N).") rexit=1 while(rexit==1): response=wait_for_secure_input() if(response=="Y"):rexit=0 if(response=="N"): rexit=0 exit=0 else:threadqueues.secureoutput.put("invalid input. please input Y/N.") print(1234) threadqueues.secureoutput.put("please enter default location (this can be changed later)") loc=wait_for_secure_input() storedpassword=sha256_crypt.hash(pps) passwordfile = open("/media/sf_share/samaritan-VA/current_code/front_end/backend/security/keymanagement/pswds.txt", "a") passwordfile.write("\n"+pname+":"+storedpassword) passwordfile.close() profilelistfile=open("/media/sf_share/samaritan-VA/current_code/front_end/backend/security/profiles/profilelist.txt","a") if adminflag==True:privs="1011010" if adminflag==False:privs="0000000" profilelistfile.write("\n"+pname+":"+privs) fstring="/media/sf_share/samaritan-VA/current_code/front_end/backend/security/profiles/"+pname+".txt" f=open(fstring,"wb") profilestringlist=[pname,privs,loc] profilestring="" for i in profilestringlist: profilestring+=(":"+i) salt=get_random_bytes(32) filekey= PBKDF2(pps, salt, dkLen=32) data = bytes(profilestring,"utf-8") cipher =, AES.MODE_CBC) # Create a AES cipher object with the key using the mode CBC ciphered_data = cipher.encrypt(pad(data, AES.block_size)) # Pad the input data and then encrypt f.write(salt) f.write(cipher.iv) f.write(ciphered_data) f.close() print("profile created") return "nptest"
import csv import sys from passlib.hash import sha256_crypt import os users = [ { 'username': '', 'password': '' }, ] do_header = False if not os.path.isfile('users.csv'): do_header = True with open('users.csv', 'a') as csvfile: fieldnames = ['username', 'password'] writer = csv.DictWriter(csvfile, fieldnames=fieldnames) # Add header the first time the file is created if do_header: writer.writeheader() for u in users: # Generate new salt, hash password password_hash = sha256_crypt.hash(u['password']) writer.writerow({'username': u['username'], 'password': password_hash})
def enc(): awal() putih = "\033[97m" dfv = raw_input(W + "[" + B + "+" + W + "] Your Text " + B + ": " + G) asw = raw_input(W + "[" + B + "+" + W + "] Your Password " + B + ": " + G) print W + "\n* Generate Hash . . . . Please Wait !!!" time.sleep(1) print(W + ' ------------------------------------------------') #md5 daf1 = hashlib.md5(dfv.encode("utf -8")).hexdigest() print W + "[" + B + "+" + W + "] Md5 " + B + ":" + W, daf1 time.sleep(0.1) #sha256 daf2 = hashlib.sha256(dfv.encode()).hexdigest() print W + "[" + B + "+" + W + "] Sha256 " + B + ":" + W, daf2 time.sleep(0.1) #sha224 daf4 = hashlib.sha224(dfv.encode()).hexdigest() print W + "[" + B + "+" + W + "] Sha224 " + B + ":" + W, daf4 time.sleep(0.1) #sha512 daf5 = hashlib.sha512(dfv.encode()).hexdigest() print W + "[" + B + "+" + W + "] Sha512 " + B + ":" + W, daf5 time.sleep(0.1) #sha384 daf6 = hashlib.sha384(dfv.encode()).hexdigest() print W + "[" + B + "+" + W + "] Sha384 " + B + ":" + W, daf6 time.sleep(0.1) #sha1 daf11 = hashlib.sha1(dfv.encode()).hexdigest() print W + "[" + B + "+" + W + "] Sha1 " + B + ":" + W, daf11 time.sleep(0.1) #pbkdf2_sha1 daf12 = pbkdf2_sha1.hash(dfv) print W + "[" + B + "+" + W + "] Pbkdf2_sha1 " + B + ":" + W, daf12 time.sleep(0.1) #pbkdf2_sha256 daf13 = pbkdf2_sha256.hash(dfv) print W + "[" + B + "+" + W + "] Pbkdf2_sha256 " + B + ":" + W, daf13 time.sleep(0.1) #pbkdf2_sha512 daf14 = pbkdf2_sha512.hash(dfv) print W + "[" + B + "+" + W + "] Pbkdf2_sha512 " + B + ":" + W, daf14 time.sleep(0.1) #sha256_crypt daf15 = sha256_crypt.hash(dfv) print W + "[" + B + "+" + W + "] Sha256_crypt " + B + ":" + W, daf15 time.sleep(0.1) #sha512_crypt daf16 = sha512_crypt.hash(dfv) print W + "[" + B + "+" + W + "] Sha512_crypt " + B + ":" + W, daf16 time.sleep(0.1) #md5_crypt daf17 = md5_crypt.hash(dfv) print W + "[" + B + "+" + W + "] Md5_crypt " + B + ":" + W, daf17 time.sleep(0.1) #sha1_crypt daf18 = sha1_crypt.hash(dfv) print W + "[" + B + "+" + W + "] Sha_crypt " + B + ":" + W, daf18 time.sleep(0.1) #sha1_crypt daf18 = sha1_crypt.hash(dfv) print W + "[" + B + "+" + W + "] Sha_crypt " + B + ":" + W, daf18 time.sleep(0.1) #sun_md5_crypt daf19 = sun_md5_crypt.hash(dfv) print W + "[" + B + "+" + W + "] Sun_md5_crypt " + B + ":" + W, daf19 time.sleep(0) #des_crypt daf20 = des_crypt.hash(dfv) print W + "[" + B + "+" + W + "] Des_crypt " + B + ":" + W, daf20 time.sleep(0.1) #bsdi_crypt daf21 = bsdi_crypt.hash(dfv) print W + "[" + B + "+" + W + "] Bsdi_crypt " + B + ":" + W, daf21 time.sleep(0.1) #bigcrypt daf22 = bigcrypt.hash(dfv) print W + "[" + B + "+" + W + "] Bigcrypt " + B + ":" + W, daf22 time.sleep(0.1) #crypt16 daf23 = crypt16.hash(dfv) print W + "[" + B + "+" + W + "] Crypt16 " + B + ":" + W, daf23 time.sleep(0.1) #phpass daf24 = phpass.hash(dfv) print W + "[" + B + "+" + W + "] Phpass " + B + ":" + W, daf24 time.sleep(0.1) #scram daf25 = scram.hash(dfv) print W + "[" + B + "+" + W + "] Scram " + B + ":" + W, daf25 time.sleep(0.1) #apr_md5_crypt daf27 = apr_md5_crypt.hash(dfv) print W + "[" + B + "+" + W + "] Apr_Md5_Crypt " + B + ":" + W, daf27 time.sleep(0.1) #cta_pbkdf2 daf28 = cta_pbkdf2_sha1.hash(dfv) print W + "[" + B + "+" + W + "] Cta_pbkdf2_sha1 " + B + ":" + W, daf28 time.sleep(0.1) #dlitz_pbdf2_sha1 daf29 = dlitz_pbkdf2_sha1.hash(dfv) print W + "[" + B + "+" + W + "] Dlitz_pbkdf_sha1 " + B + ":" + W, daf29 time.sleep(0.1) #ldap_md5_crypt daf30 = ldap_md5_crypt.hash(dfv) print W + "[" + B + "+" + W + "] Ldap_Md5_Crypt " + B + ":" + W, daf30 time.sleep(0.1) #ldap_hex_md5 daf31 = ldap_hex_md5.hash(dfv) print W + "[" + B + "+" + W + "] Ldap_Hex_Md5 " + B + ":" + W, daf31 time.sleep(0.1) #ldao_hex_sha1 daf32 = ldap_hex_sha1.hash(dfv) print W + "[" + B + "+" + W + "] Ldap_Hex_Sha1 " + B + ":" + W, daf32 time.sleep(0.1) #ldap_pbkdf2_sha1 daf33 = ldap_pbkdf2_sha1.hash(dfv) print W + "[" + B + "+" + W + "] Ldap_pbkdf2_sha1 " + B + ":" + W, daf33 time.sleep(0.1) #ldap_pbkdf2_sha256 daf34 = ldap_pbkdf2_sha256.hash(dfv) print W + "[" + B + "+" + W + "] Ldap_pbkdf2_sha256 " + B + ":" + W, daf34 time.sleep(0.1) #ldap_pbkdf2_sha512 daf35 = ldap_pbkdf2_sha512.hash(dfv) print W + "[" + B + "+" + W + "] Ldap_pbdf2_sha512 " + B + ":" + W, daf35 time.sleep(0.1) #atlassian_pbkdf2_sha1 daf36 = atlassian_pbkdf2_sha1.hash(dfv) print W + "[" + B + "+" + W + "] Atlassian_pbkdf2_sha1 " + B + ":" + W, daf36 time.sleep(0.1) #fshp daf37 = fshp.hash(dfv) print W + "[" + B + "+" + W + "] Fshp " + B + ":" + W, daf37 time.sleep(0.1) #mysql323 daf38 = mysql323.hash(dfv) print W + "[" + B + "+" + W + "] Mysql323 " + B + ":" + W, daf38 time.sleep(0.1) #mysql41 daf39 = mysql41.hash(dfv) print W + "[" + B + "+" + W + "] Mysql41 " + B + ":" + W, daf39 time.sleep(0.1) #postgres_md5 daf40 = postgres_md5.hash(dfv, user=asw) print W + "[" + B + "+" + W + "] Postgres_md5 " + B + ":" + W, daf40 time.sleep(0.1) #oracle10 daf41 = oracle10.hash(dfv, user=asw) print W + "[" + B + "+" + W + "] Oracle10 " + B + ":" + W, daf41 time.sleep(0.1) #oracle11 daf42 = oracle11.hash(dfv) print W + "[" + B + "+" + W + "] Oracle11 " + B + ":" + W, daf42 time.sleep(0.1) #lmhash daf43 = lmhash.hash(dfv) print W + "[" + B + "+" + W + "] Lmhash " + B + ":" + W, daf43 time.sleep(0.1) #nthash daf44 = nthash.hash(dfv) print W + "[" + B + "+" + W + "] Nthash " + B + ":" + W, daf44 time.sleep(0.1) #msdcc daf45 = msdcc.hash(dfv, user=asw) print W + "[" + B + "+" + W + "] Msdcc " + B + ":" + W, daf45 time.sleep(0.1) #msdcc2 daf46 = msdcc2.hash(dfv, user=asw) print W + "[" + B + "+" + W + "] Msdcc2 " + B + ":" + W, daf46 time.sleep(0.1) #cisco_type7 daf47 = cisco_type7.hash(dfv) print W + "[" + B + "+" + W + "] Cisco_type7 " + B + ":" + W, daf47 time.sleep(0.1) #grub_pbkdf2_sha512 daf48 = grub_pbkdf2_sha512.hash(dfv) print W + "[" + B + "+" + W + "] Grub_pbkdf2_sha512 " + B + ":" + W, daf48 time.sleep(0.1) #hex_sha1 daf49 = hex_sha1.hash(dfv) print W + "[" + B + "+" + W + "] Hex_Sha1 " + B + ":" + W, daf49 time.sleep(0.1) #pwd daf50 = pwd.genword() print W + "[" + B + "+" + W + "] Pwd " + B + ":" + W, daf50 time.sleep(0.1) #mssql2005 daf51 = cuk.hash(dfv) print W + "[" + B + "+" + W + "] Mssql2005 " + B + ":" + W, daf51 time.sleep(0.1) #Mssql2000 daf52 = cak.hash(dfv) print W + "[" + B + "+" + W + "] Mssql2000 " + B + ":" + W, daf52 time.sleep(0.1) #ldap_salted_md5 daf52 = cik.hash(dfv) print W + "[" + B + "+" + W + "] Ldap_salted_md5 " + B + ":" + W, daf52 time.sleep(0.1)
def prepare_the(meat): meat = sha256_crypt.hash(meat) return meat
#Concaténation de l'adresse df['adresse'] = df['adresse_rue'] + ', ' + df['ville'] + ' ' + df['code_postal'] df.drop(['adresse_rue', 'ville', 'code_postal'], axis=1, inplace=True) # Création des adresses courriels à partir des nom et prénom des clients df = df.assign(courriel=df['prenom'] + '.' + df['nom']) df['courriel'] = df['courriel'].apply(lambda x: uni.unidecode(x.lower( )) + '') #création du courriel sans accents et en minuscule #Création de la colonne mdp #Peuplement de la table Client peupler(df, 'Client') df_u = df[['courriel']].copy() df_u = df_u.assign(mdp=[sha256_crypt.hash(gen_MP()) for x in range(len(df_u))]) peupler(df_u, 'Utilisateur') """ Création et peuplement de la table Artiste """ # création du dataframe Artiste df_a = df[['courriel']].iloc[0:100].copy() df_a = df_a.assign( nom=df['prenom'].apply(lambda x: x[0:3]) + df['nom'].apply(lambda x: x[0:3]) ) #nomArtiste : concat des 3 premières lettres du prenom et nom df_a['nom'] = df_a['nom'].apply(lambda x: x.lower()) #Peuplement de la table peupler(df_a, 'Artiste') """
# 'nonce': nonce, # }) # singed_trn = web3.eth.account.sign_transaction(trxn, private_key=key) # web3.eth.sendRawTransaction(singed_trn.rawTransaction) doc_privatekeys = [ '936b9a4a782b66182e48d7d61ae36942847f06dbc04e9ff39ed6b99b1afeffc7', '28903f4c7b0ad2f22790de3b035c2f8700f815597bf55f490e538e19fb5eea38', '3c055897e9045855e8a4e9631913504beedf445bc67116c79971dd203326507b' ] doc_names = ['Abdul', 'Ubaid', 'Saad'] for i, key in enumerate(doc_privatekeys): password = '******' account = web3.eth.account.encrypt(key, password) password = sha256_crypt.hash(password) pub_key = web3.toChecksumAddress(account['address']) User(name=pat_names[i], email=f'doc{i}', password=password, data=account, publickey=pub_key, type='doctor').save() nonce = web3.eth.getTransactionCount(pub_key) trxn = HealthContract.functions.addDoctor( pat_names[i], 'aadhar_number').buildTransaction({ 'chainId': chain_id, 'gas': 700000, 'gasPrice':
def __init__(self, email, password, is_privileged=False): = email self.password = sha256_crypt.hash(password) self.is_privileged = is_privileged
query_result = db.Column(db.Text, nullable=True) time = db.Column(db.DateTime, nullable=False) user = db.relationship(User) @login_manager.user_loader def load_user(id): existing_user = User.query.filter_by(uname=id).first() return existing_user with app.app_context(): db.init_app(app) db.create_all() if not load_user('admin'): adminUser = User('admin', sha256_crypt.hash(admin_password), admin_2fa) adminUser.isAdmin = True db.session.add(adminUser) db.session.commit() class UserForm(FlaskForm): uname = StringField('User Name:', validators=[DataRequired()]) pword = StringField('Password: '******'2FA Token:', validators=[], id='2fa') def addUser(uname, pword, twofa): user = User(uname, sha256_crypt.hash(pword), twofa) user.isAdmin = False db.session.add(user)
def edit_users_page(id): if request.method == 'POST': name = request.form.get('name') email = request.form.get('email') password = sha256_crypt.hash(request.form.get('password')) status = request.form.get('status') orgid = request.form.get('orgid') lastlogin = time createddate = time if id == '0': postvalidate = Users.query.filter_by(email=email).first() if (postvalidate == None): post = Users(name=name, email=email, password=password, status=status, orgid=orgid, lastlogin=lastlogin, createddate=createddate) db.session.add(post) db.session.commit() subject = "Welcome aboard " + name + "!" content1 = '''<!DOCTYPE html><html lang="en" ><head><meta charset="UTF-8"><title>Register CGV</title></head><body><table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" border="0" style="color:#333;background:#fff;padding:0;margin:0;width:100%;font:15px/1.25em 'Helvetica Neue',Arial,Helvetica"><tbody><tr width="100%"><td valign="top" align="left" style="background:#eef0f1;font:15px/1.25em 'Helvetica Neue',Arial,Helvetica"><table style="border:none;padding:0 18px;margin:50px auto;width:500px"><tbody><tr width="100%" height="60"><td valign="top" align="left" style="border-top-left-radius:4px;border-top-right-radius:4px;background: white; padding:10px 18px;text-align:center"> <img height="75" width="75" src="" title="CGV" style="font-weight:bold;font-size:18px;color:#fff;vertical-align:top" class="CToWUd"></td></tr><tr width="100%"><td valign="top" align="left" style="background:#fff;padding:18px"><h1 style="font-size:20px;margin:16px 0;color:#333;text-align:center">India’s Largest Online Verification Network</h1><p style="font:15px/1.25em 'Helvetica Neue',Arial,Helvetica;color:#333;text-align:center">Hey, ''' + str( name ) + '''</p><div style="background:#f6f7f8;border-radius:3px"> <br><p style="font-family: 'Trebuchet MS', 'Lucida Sans Unicode', 'Lucida Grande', 'Lucida Sans', Arial, sans-serif;">Now contact your organization head for your account activation. Once activated click on link below to login.</p><p style="font:15px/1.25em 'Helvetica Neue',Arial,Helvetica;margin-bottom:0;text-align:center"> <a href="''' content2 = json[ "site_url"] + '''/login" style="border-radius:3px;background:#3aa54c;color:#fff;display:block;font-weight:700;font-size:16px;line-height:1.25em;margin:24px auto 6px;padding:10px 18px;text-decoration:none;width:180px" target="_blank">Login Now!</a></p> <br><br></div><p style="font:14px/1.25em 'Helvetica Neue',Arial,Helvetica;color:#333"> <strong>What's CGV?</strong> We generate and verify certificates online which also includes a backend dashboard. Click to know more. <a href="" style="color:#306f9c;text-decoration:none;font-weight:bold" target="_blank">Learn more »</a></p></td></tr></tbody></table></td></tr></tbody></table></body></html>''' content = content1 + content2 message = Mail(from_email=('*****@*****.**', 'Register Bot CGV'), to_emails=email, subject=subject, html_content=content) try: sg = SendGridAPIClient(json['sendgridapi']) response = sg.send(message) except Exception as e: print("Error!") flash("Error while sending mail!", "danger") flash("User added successfully!", "success") else: flash("User exist!", "danger") else: post = Users.query.filter_by(id=id).first() if ( == json['admin_email']): flash("You can't edit admin user details!", "danger") return redirect('/view/users') else: = name = email post.password = password post.status = status post.orgid = orgid post.lasylogin = time db.session.commit() flash("User edited successfully!", "success") return redirect('/edit/users/' + id) posto = Organization.query.filter_by().all() post = Users.query.filter_by(id=id).first() return render_template('add_edit_users.html', json=json, id=id, post=post, posto=posto,
def from_plaintext(cls, plaintext): password = cls() password.cyphertext = sha256_crypt.hash(plaintext, rounds=HASH_ROUNDS) return password
def set_password(self, password): self.password_hash = sha256_crypt.hash(password)
def _make_password_hash(raw_password: str) -> str: return sha256_crypt.hash(raw_password)
def encode_password(self, password): self.password = sha256_crypt.hash(password) return self.password
from passlib.hash import md5_crypt, sha1_crypt, sha256_crypt, sha512_crypt, des_crypt var = "Hello" salt = "ZDzPE45C" desSalt = "e4" md5 = md5_crypt.hash(var, salt=salt) sha1 = sha1_crypt.hash(var, salt=salt) sha256 = sha256_crypt.hash(var, salt=salt) sha512 = sha512_crypt.hash(var, salt=salt) des = des_crypt.hash(var, salt=desSalt) print("MD5 Hash of {}: {}... Length = {}".format(var, md5[12:18], len(md5))) print("SHA1 Hash of {}: {}... Length = {}".format(var, sha1[13:19], len(sha1))) print("SHA256 Hash of {}: {}... Length = {}".format(var, sha256[26:32], len(sha256))) print("SHA512 Hash of {}: {}... Length = {}".format(var, sha512[26:32], len(sha512))) print("Des hash of {}: {}... Length = {}".format(var, des, len(des)))
def __init__(self, email, password): = email self.password = sha256_crypt.hash(password)
def register_page(): # check if form has been submitted i.e., user has tried to register if request.method == "POST": # get the data in name, email, and password fields name = request.form.get("name") email = request.form.get("email") profile_image = avatar(email, 128) # Validate email address if not validate(EMAIL_VALIDATION, email): flash("Invalid Email Address!", "danger") return render_template("register.html", favTitle=favTitle) password = request.form.get("password") # Validate password if not validate(PASSWORD_VALIDATION, password): flash("Invalid Password. Please enter a valid password!", "danger") return render_template("register.html", favTitle=favTitle) password2 = request.form.get("password2") # check if passwords match if password != password2: # if not, flash an error msg flash("Password unmatched!", "danger") return render_template("register.html", favTitle=favTitle) else: # generate the hashed password password = sha256_crypt.hash(password) response = User.query.filter_by(email=email).first() # check if the email already exists in the db if not response: # add the user to the db using the details entered and flash a msg entry = User( name=name, email=email, password=password, date=time, profile_image=profile_image, status=0, is_staff=True, ) db.session.add(entry) db.session.commit() # Generate email verification token verification_token = generate_token(email) print( url_for("verify_email", token=verification_token, email=email)) # generate the welcome email to be sent to the user message = Mail( from_email=("*****@*****.**", "Register Bot | Bulk Mailer"), to_emails=email, subject="Welcome aboard " + name + "!", html_content=render_template("emails/register.html", token=verification_token, email=email), ) # If any error occurs, the response will be equal to False if isinstance(send_mail(message), bool) and not response: flash("Error while sending mail!", "danger") else: flash( "Now verify your email address for activating your account.", "success", ) return redirect(url_for("login")) else: # user exists so flash an error flash("User exists!", "danger") return render_template("register.html", favTitle=favTitle) return render_template("register.html", favTitle=favTitle)
def __init__(self, username, email, password, dashboard): self.username = username = email self.password = sha256_crypt.hash(password) self.dashboards.append(dashboard)
def google_login_callback(): # Get authorization code Google sent back to us code = request.args.get("code") # Find out what URL to hit to get tokens that allow us to ask for # things on behalf of a user google_provider_cfg = get_google_provider_cfg() token_endpoint = google_provider_cfg["token_endpoint"] token_url, headers, body = client.prepare_token_request( token_endpoint, authorization_response=request.url, redirect_url=request.base_url, code=code, ) token_response = token_url, headers=headers, data=body, auth=(GOOGLE_CLIENT_ID, GOOGLE_CLIENT_SECRET), ) # Parse the tokens! client.parse_request_body_response(json_lib.dumps(token_response.json())) # Now that we have tokens, let's find and hit the URL # from Google that gives us the user's profile information, # including their Google profile image and email userinfo_endpoint = google_provider_cfg["userinfo_endpoint"] uri, headers, body = client.add_token(userinfo_endpoint) userinfo_response = requests.get(uri, headers=headers, data=body) # You want to make sure their email is verified. # The user authenticated with Google, authorized your # app, and now we've verified their email through Google! if userinfo_response.json().get("email_verified"): users_email = userinfo_response.json()["email"] picture = userinfo_response.json()["picture"] users_name = userinfo_response.json()["name"] else: abort(401) pwd = new_password password = sha256_crypt.hash(pwd) # Create a user in your db with the information provided # by Google # Doesn't exist? Add it to the database. if not User.query.filter_by(email=users_email).first(): entry = User( name=users_name, email=users_email, password=password, date=time, profile_image=picture, status=1, is_staff=False, ) db.session.add(entry) db.session.commit() # Begin user session by logging the user in user = User.query.filter_by(email=users_email).first() login_user(user) # Send user back to homepage return redirect(url_for("dash_page"))
def addUser(uname, pword, twofa): user = User(uname, sha256_crypt.hash(pword), twofa) user.isAdmin = False db.session.add(user) db.session.commit()
#!flask/bin/python from migrate.versioning import api from config import SQLALCHEMY_DATABASE_URI from config import SQLALCHEMY_MIGRATE_REPO from app import db, models, forms from passlib.hash import sha256_crypt import os.path db.create_all() if not os.path.exists(SQLALCHEMY_MIGRATE_REPO): api.create(SQLALCHEMY_MIGRATE_REPO, 'database repository') api.version_control(SQLALCHEMY_DATABASE_URI, SQLALCHEMY_MIGRATE_REPO) else: api.version_control(SQLALCHEMY_DATABASE_URI, SQLALCHEMY_MIGRATE_REPO, api.version(SQLALCHEMY_MIGRATE_REPO)) admin = models.User(username="******", email="*****@*****.**", hashed_password=sha256_crypt.hash("password"), admin=True, last_name="smith", first_name="john") db.session.add(admin) db.session.commit()
def create_user(): # check if request is json try: if request.is_json: data = request.get_json() # check for username key if existing required = [ 'username', 'password', 'firstName', 'lastName', 'email', 'balance', 'phone' ] incomplete = False error = {"invalid_fields": []} for r in required: if r not in data.keys(): error["invalid_fields"].append({ "field": r, "reason": r + " is a required property" }) incomplete = True if incomplete: error_str = json.dumps(error) response = make_response(error_str, 400) response.headers['Content-Type'] = 'application/json' response.headers['Access-Control-Allow-Origin'] = '*' response.headers['Connection'] = 'close' return response else: # check password if in pattern, return 400 response error if not match, else continue error = {"invalid_fields": []} incomplete = False password_pattern = re.compile( "^(?=.*?[A-Z])(?=.*?[a-z])(?=.*?[0-9])(?=.*?[^\\w\\s]).{8,}$" ) email_pattern = re.compile( "(^[a-zA-Z0-9_.+-]+@[a-zA-Z0-9-]+\.[a-zA-Z0-9-.]+$)") username_pattern = re.compile("([a-z]+[_]+[a-z]*)") if not username_pattern.match(data['username']): error["invalid_fields"].append({ "field": 'username', "reason": "usernames must only have lowercase letters and underscore. Example: john_doe" }) incomplete = True if not password_pattern.match(data['password']): error["invalid_fields"].append({ "field": 'password', "reason": "password does not match '^(?=.*?[A-Z])(?=.*?[a-z])(?=.*?[0-9])(?=.*?[^\\\\w\\\\s]).{8,}$'" }) incomplete = True if not email_pattern.match(data['email']): error["invalid_fields"].append({ "field": 'email', "reason": "email does not match '^[a-zA-Z0-9_.+-]+@[a-zA-Z0-9-]+\.[a-zA-Z0-9-.]+$)'" }) incomplete = True try: if data['password'] != data['confirm_password']: error["invalid_fields"].append({ "field": 'password', "reason": "password and confirm password does not match" }) incomplete = True except: error["invalid_fields"].append({ "field": 'password', "reason": "passwords and confirm password does not match" }) incomplete = True if data['balance'] == "": data['balance'] = 0.0 else: data['balance'] = float(data['balance']) if incomplete: error_str = json.dumps(error) response = make_response(error_str, 400) response.headers['Content-Type'] = 'application/json' response.headers['Access-Control-Allow-Origin'] = '*' response.headers['Connection'] = 'close' return response # Insert database section # Encrypt password hashed_password = sha256_crypt.hash(data['password']) data['password'] = hashed_password # check for existing user accounts = mongo.db.accounts q = accounts.find_one({'username': data['username']}) if q: error = { "invalid_fields": [{ "field": 'username', "reason": "User " + data['username'] + " already existed" }] } error_str = json.dumps(error) response = make_response(error_str, 400) response.headers['Content-Type'] = 'application/json' response.headers['Access-Control-Allow-Origin'] = '*' response.headers['Connection'] = 'close' return response else: data.update({'categories': [], 'records': []}) del data['confirm_password'] if mongo.db.accounts.insert(data): # Return response return_data = { "balance": data['balance'], "email": data['email'], "phone": data['phone'], "username": data['username'] } return_data_str = json.dumps(return_data) response = make_response(return_data_str, 200) response.headers['Content-Type'] = 'application/json' response.headers['Access-Control-Allow-Origin'] = '*' response.headers['Connection'] = 'close' return response else: error = { 'message': "there's something wrong when inserting the data" } error_str = json.dumps(error) response = make_response(error_str, 400) response.headers['Content-Type'] = 'application/json' response.headers['Access-Control-Allow-Origin'] = '*' response.headers['Connection'] = 'close' return response # return error of not a json request else: error = { "detail": "Invalid Content-type (application/json), expected JSON data", "status": 415, "title": "Unsupported Media Type", "type": "about:blank" } error_str = json.dumps(error) response = make_response(error_str, 415) response.headers['Content-Type'] = 'application/json' response.headers['Access-Control-Allow-Origin'] = '*' response.headers['Connection'] = 'close' return response except Exception as e: error = { "detail": "Invalid Content-type (application/json), expected JSON data", "status": 415, "title": "Unsupported Media Type", "type": "about:blank" } error_str = json.dumps(error) response = make_response(error_str, 415) response.headers['Content-Type'] = 'application/json' response.headers['Access-Control-Allow-Origin'] = '*' response.headers['Connection'] = 'close' return response
def user_new(): # check if all args are provided if 'name' not in request.args or \ 'email' not in request.args or \ 'password' not in request.args or \ 'device_puid' not in request.args: return jsonify({'status': ERROR['missing_args']}) # only required length of args no extra. prevents bulky reqs if len(request.args) > 4: return jsonify({'status': ERROR['too_many_args']}) # check none of the args are empty if check_is_args_empty(request): return jsonify({'status': ERROR['empty_args']}) # store args in vars for later use name = request.args['name'] email = request.args['email'] password = request.args['password'] device_puid = request.args['device_puid'] # check if email is not blocked i.e. someone else's blocked due to spam err, is_email_blocked = check_is_email_blocked(email, Blockedemail) if err is not None: return jsonify({'status': ERROR[err['key']]}) # is email valid? if not validate_email(email): return jsonify({'status': ERROR['invalid_email']}) # try: # v = validate_email(email) # validate and get info # print(v) # email = v["email"] # replace with normalized form # except EmailNotValidError as e: # # email is not valid, exception message is human-readable # print(str(e)) # return jsonify({ # 'status': ERROR['invalid_email'] # }) # check if device_puid is genuine err, is_device_genuine = check_is_device_genuine(device_puid, Device) if err is not None: return jsonify({'status': ERROR[err['key']]}) # check if device is not registered to another user err, is_device_available = check_is_device_available( device_puid, Device, User) if err is not None: return jsonify({'status': ERROR[err['key']]}) # fetch user to see if user exists and is verified or not err, is_new_user = check_is_new_user(email, User) if err is not None: return jsonify({'status': ERROR[err['key']]}) # run scheduler so that non verified users get cleared after time # generate verification token email_verification_token = \ URL_TOKENIZER.dumps(email, salt=app.config['SECRET_KEY']) # add user to db new_user = None try: new_user = User(name=name, email=email, password=sha256_crypt.hash(password), verification_token=email_verification_token, is_verified=False, registered_on=datetime.datetime.utcnow(), device_uid=Device.query \ .filter_by(physical_uid=device_puid) \ .first().uid) db.session.add(new_user) db.session.commit() except Exception as e: print(e) return jsonify({'status': ERROR['database_error']}) # send verification email try: mailer.send_message( subject='From SmartKitchen - Please Verify Your Email', html=""" <h3>SmartKitchen - Signup</h3> <br/> <p> Please click the following link to verify your email. <br/> <a href="{}" target="_blank">{}</a> </p> <br/> <p> If this was not you then <a href="{}" target="_blank">{}</a> to block any future emails. </p> <br/> <p><small> *** This is a computer generated Email. Reply to this Email will not be entertained. Thank You! *** </small></p> """.format( url_for('confirm_email', token=email_verification_token, _external=True), url_for('confirm_email', token=email_verification_token, _external=True), url_for('block_email', token=email_verification_token, _external=True), 'Click Here'), sender=app.config['MAIL_USERNAME'], recipients=[email]) except Exception as e: print(e) try: if new_user is not None: db.session.delete(new_user) db.session.commit() except: pass return jsonify({'status': ERROR['mailing_error']}) # notify user to verify email return jsonify({ 'status': SUCCESS['verification_email_sent'], 'data': { 'name':, 'email':, } })
def _encrypt(self, clearvalue, salt=None): rounds = param_tools.get_global_parameter("rounds_number") sha256_crypt.using(rounds=rounds) return sha256_crypt.hash(clearvalue)
def secure_password(self): self.password = sha256_crypt.hash(self.password)
def addPerson(forename, surname, location, email, nyunetid, url, tagline, password): if validate_email(email, verify=False) is False: raise SaveError(message="Email address is invalid", context="People.addPerson") if email_domain_is_allowed(email) is False: raise SaveError(message="You cannot register with this email address", context="People.addPerson") # TODO - Enforce password more complex password requirements? if password is not None and (len(password) >= 6): password_hash = sha256_crypt.hash(password) ts = time.time() created_on = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(ts).strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') try: result ="MATCH (n:Person{email: {email}}) RETURN ID(n) as id, n.surname as surname, n.forename AS forename, as email, n.nyunetid as nyunetid", {"email": email}).peek() except Exception as e: raise DbError(message="Could not look up user", context="People.addPerson", dberror=e.message) if result: raise SaveError(message="User already exists with this email address", context="People.addPerson") # return { # "exists": True, # "user_id": result['id'], # "surname": result['surname'], # "forename": result['forename'], # "name": str(result['forename']) + " " + str(result['surname']), # "email": result['email'], # "nyunetid": result['nyunetid'] # } else: try: result = "CREATE (n:Person {url: {url}, surname: {surname}, forename: {forename}, email: {email}, location: {location}, tagline: {tagline}, nyunetid: {nyunetid}, is_disabled: 0, is_admin: 0," + "password: {password_hash}, created_on: {created_on}, prefs: ''})" + " RETURN n.forename AS forename, n.surname AS surname, n.location AS location, AS email, n.url AS url, n.tagline AS tagline, n.nyunetid as nyunetid, ID(n) AS user_id", {"url": url, "surname": surname, "forename" : forename, "email": email, "location": location, "tagline": tagline, "nyunetid": nyunetid, "password_hash": password_hash, "created_on": created_on}) except Exception as e: raise DbError(message="Could not create user", context="People.addPerson", dberror=e.message) if result: person = {} for p in result: person['surname'] = p['surname'] person['forename'] = p['forename'] person['name'] = str(p['forename']) + " " + str(p['surname']) person['location'] = p['location'] person['email'] = p['email'] person['nyunetid'] = p['nyunetid'] person['url'] = p['url'] person['tagline'] = p['tagline'] person['user_id'] = p['user_id'] send_mail(p['email'], None, "Registration notification", "registration", {"email": p['email'], "login_url": app_config["base_url"]}) return person else: raise SaveError(message="Could not add person", context="People.addPerson") raise SaveError(message="Password must be at least six characters in length", context="People.addPerson")
def create_new(login: str, password: str): user = User() user.login = login user.password_hash = sha256_crypt.hash(password) return user