def test(): from pastamaker import gh_pr from pastamaker import utils utils.setup_logging() config.log() gh_pr.monkeypatch_github() parts = sys.argv[1].split("/")"Getting repo %s ..." % sys.argv[1]) if True: # With access_token got from oauth token = sys.argv[2] g = github.Github(token) user = g.get_user(parts[3]) repo = user.get_repo(parts[4]) pull = repo.get_pull(int(parts[6])) update_branch(pull, token) else: # With access_token got from integration integration = github.GithubIntegration(config.INTEGRATION_ID, config.PRIVATE_KEY) installation_id = utils.get_installation_id(integration, parts[3]) token = integration.get_access_token(installation_id).token update_branch(pull, "x-access-token:%s" % token)
def test(): import github from pastamaker import gh_pr from pastamaker import utils utils.setup_logging() config.log() gh_pr.monkeypatch_github() parts = sys.argv[1].split("/")"Getting repo %s ..." % sys.argv[1]) integration = github.GithubIntegration(config.INTEGRATION_ID, config.PRIVATE_KEY) installation_id = utils.get_installation_id(integration, parts[3]) token = integration.get_access_token(installation_id).token g = github.Github(token) user = g.get_user(parts[3]) repo = user.get_repo(parts[4])"Protecting repo %s branch %s ..." % (sys.argv[1], sys.argv[2])) policy = get_branch_policy(repo, sys.argv[2]) protect_if_needed(repo, sys.argv[2], policy)
def refresh(owner, repo, branch): integration = github.GithubIntegration(config.INTEGRATION_ID, config.PRIVATE_KEY) installation_id = utils.get_installation_id(integration, owner) if not installation_id: flask.abort(404, "%s have not installed pastamaker" % owner) # Mimic the github event format data = { 'repository': { 'name': repo, 'full_name': '%s/%s' % (owner, repo), 'owner': { 'login': owner }, }, 'installation': { 'id': installation_id }, "branch": branch, } get_queue().enqueue(worker.event_handler, "refresh", data) return "", 202
def refresh(owner, repo, refresh_ref): authentification() integration = github.GithubIntegration(config.INTEGRATION_ID, config.PRIVATE_KEY) installation_id = utils.get_installation_id(integration, owner) if not installation_id: flask.abort(404, "%s have not installed pastamaker" % owner) if refresh_ref == "full": token = integration.get_access_token(installation_id).token g = github.Github(token) r = g.get_repo("%s/%s" % (owner, repo)) pulls = r.get_pulls() branches = set([p.base.ref for p in pulls]) for branch in branches: # Mimic the github event format data = { 'repository': { 'name': repo, 'full_name': '%s/%s' % (owner, repo), 'owner': { 'login': owner }, }, 'installation': { 'id': installation_id }, "refresh_ref": "branch/%s" % branch, } get_queue().enqueue(worker.event_handler, "refresh", data) else: # Mimic the github event format data = { 'repository': { 'name': repo, 'full_name': '%s/%s' % (owner, repo), 'owner': { 'login': owner }, }, 'installation': { 'id': installation_id }, "refresh_ref": refresh_ref, } get_queue().enqueue(worker.event_handler, "refresh", data) return "", 202