def list_files(patchpath): """ List the files referenced by a patch, without duplicates Args: patchpath (string) path to patch file Returns: list of filenames Notes: A "filename" is the portion of the file's path after the kernel root, e.g. "drivers/iio/...". """ #-- strings = ut.read_strings(patchpath) files = {} for string in strings: if (string.startswith('diff --git ')): filename = ut.get_string_filename(string) files[filename] = True filenames = sorted(files) # 2to3 return filenames
def _get_diffs(self, archive, filenames): ''' Generate list of diff sections that refer to files in filenames ''' strings = ut.read_strings(archive) diff = [] for index in range(len(strings)): string = strings[index] if (string.lstrip().startswith('diff --git ')): if (len(diff) > 0): yield diff filename = ut.get_string_filename(string) if (filename in filenames): diff = ["%04d: %s" % (index + 1, string)] elif (len(diff) > 0): diff += ["%04d: %s" % (index + 1, string)] if (len(diff) > 0): yield diff
def sections(self, filenames): """ Find archive file sections that modify files also modified by our patches Args: filenames (list): file names referenced in our patches Returns: A list of sections. Each section is a list of strings, in which the first string identifies the start line number of a diff section, and the remaining strings are the content of the diff section. Raises: None """ #-- sections = [] for (begin, segment) in self._segments(): if (ut.get_string_filename(segment[0]) in filenames): sections += [['archive line %d:' % begin] + segment] return sections
def _get_data(self): ''' Scan patchset to get two mappings: filedata maps filenames to patches patchdata maps patches to filenames ''' filedata = {} patchdata = {} for patchname in self.get_patch_names(): filelist = [] strings = ut.read_strings(ut.join_path(self.patchdir, patchname)) for index in range(len(strings)): if (strings[index].startswith('diff --git ')): filename = ut.get_string_filename(strings[index]) if (filename in filedata): filedata[filename] += [(patchname, index)] else: filedata[filename] = [(patchname, index)] filelist += [(filename, index)] patchdata[patchname] = filelist self.filedata = filedata self.patchdata = patchdata
def watch(self, archpath): """ View files related to archive diff sections Args: archpath (string): path to patch archive file Returns: None. Output is a series of launches of the Viewer to view the files. Raises: PT_ParameterError PT_NotFoundError """ #-- if (not ut.is_string_type(archpath)): raise PT_ParameterError(, 'archpath') if (not ut.is_file(archpath)): raise PT_NotFoundError(, archpath) tempfile = ut.join_path(self._tempdir, 'archdata.txt') filedata = self._patchset.get_file_data() filenames = [key for key in filedata] a = Archive(archpath) s = a.sections(filenames) print("Found %d matching sections" % len(s)) v = Viewer() for section in s: ut.write_strings(section, tempfile) filename = ut.get_string_filename(section[1]) filepath = ut.join_path(self._sourcedir, filename) patchfiles = [] for (fn, _) in filedata[filename]: patchfiles += [ut.join_path(self._patchdir, fn)] r = v.view([tempfile, filepath] + patchfiles) print(r)