예제 #1
    def paths_ratios(self, repertoire):
        # Get the dominant genotype network for the repertoire
        giant = self.caller.dominant_network(repertoire)

        # 'PathAnalyzer' object
        path_analyzer = PathAnalyzer(giant, self.netBuilder,

        # Run shortest paths calculation for all paths; regardless of path length.
        # This sets the 'max_path_length' value.

        # Length of the longest path in the network
        max_path_length = path_analyzer.max_path_length

        # Compute the ratio of accessible paths for all path lengths in range:
        # [2, max_path_length].
        # Set dict {path_length : ratio}
        giant["Ratio_of_accessible_mutational_paths"] = {
            i: path_analyzer.getAccessiblePaths(i)
            for i in xrange(2, max_path_length + 1)
예제 #2
    def __init__(self, network, netUtils, seqToEscrDict, delta, bitManip) :
        # Store reference to the network object
        self.network = network

        # Store reference to the netUtils object
        self.netUtils = netUtils

        # Create the peak analyzer
        self.peakAnalyzer = PeakAnalyzer(network, netUtils, delta)

        # Create the path analyzer
        self.pathAnalyzer = PathAnalyzer(network, netUtils, delta)

        # Create the epistasis analyzer
        self.epiAnalyzer = EpistasisAnalyzer(network, netUtils,
            seqToEscrDict, delta, bitManip)

        # Get a reference to the BitSeqManipulator in use
        self.bitManip = self.netUtils.bitManip
예제 #3
class Landscape :
    # Constructor
    def __init__(self, network, netUtils, seqToEscrDict, delta, bitManip) :
        # Store reference to the network object
        self.network = network

        # Store reference to the netUtils object
        self.netUtils = netUtils

        # Create the peak analyzer
        self.peakAnalyzer = PeakAnalyzer(network, netUtils, delta)

        # Create the path analyzer
        self.pathAnalyzer = PathAnalyzer(network, netUtils, delta)

        # Create the epistasis analyzer
        self.epiAnalyzer = EpistasisAnalyzer(network, netUtils,
            seqToEscrDict, delta, bitManip)

        # Get a reference to the BitSeqManipulator in use
        self.bitManip = self.netUtils.bitManip

    # ----------------------------------------------------------------
    # Peak analysis methods
    # ----------------------------------------------------------------

    def getPeaks(self, recompute) :
        return self.peakAnalyzer.getPeaks(recompute)

    # ----------------------------------------------------------------
    # Path analysis methods
    # ----------------------------------------------------------------

    def getAccessiblePaths(self, pathLength=0):
        return self.pathAnalyzer.getAccessiblePaths(pathLength)

    # ----------------------------------------------------------------
    # Epistasis analysis methods
    # ----------------------------------------------------------------

    def getEpistasis(self) :
        return self.epiAnalyzer.getEpiAll()

    # ----------------------------------------------------------------
    # Calculate mutational distances from summit for all vertices
    # ----------------------------------------------------------------

    def populateDistsToSummit(self) :
        # Convenient handle for bitManip
        bm = self.bitManip

        # Get the summit sequence
        summit = Utils.getSeqWithMaxScore(self.network,

        # Get vertex that represents summit
        trgtVrtx = self.netUtils.getVertex(summit, self.network)

        # Reference to the list of sequences in the network
        vertices = [ self.netUtils.getVertex(seq, self.network) \
                     for seq in self.network.vs["sequences"] ]

        self.network.vs["Distance from Summit"] = \
            [ 	len(self.network.get_shortest_paths(srcVrtx, to=trgtVrtx, \
                        weights=None, mode=igraph.OUT, output="epath")[0]) \
                for srcVrtx in vertices ]