예제 #1
def enumerate_files():

    # image_files will contain the *relative* paths to all image files in the input folder

    if (file_list_cache_file is
            None) or (not os.path.isfile(file_list_cache_file)):

        image_files = find_images(input_base, recursive=True)
        image_files = [os.path.relpath(s, input_base) for s in image_files]
        image_files = [s.replace('\\', '/') for s in image_files]
        if file_list_cache_file is not None:
            with open(file_list_cache_file, 'w') as f:
                for fn in image_files:
                    f.write(fn + '\n')

        print('Enumerated {} files'.format(len(image_files)))


        with open(file_list_cache_file, 'r') as f:
            image_files = f.readlines()
            image_files = [s.strip() for s in image_files]

        print('Read a list of {} files'.format(len(image_files)))

    return image_files
def enumerate_images(dirName, outputFileName=None):
    Non-recursively enumerates all image files in *dirName* to the text file 
    *outputFileName*, as relative paths.  This is used to produce a file list
    after removing true positives from the image directory.
    Not used directly in this module, but provides a consistent way to enumerate
    files in the format expected by this module.
    imageList = path_utils.find_images(dirName)
    imageList = [os.path.basename(fn) for fn in imageList]

    if outputFileName is not None:
        with open(outputFileName, 'w') as f:
            for s in imageList:
                f.write(s + '\n')

    return imageList
        new_ann = ann.copy()
        new_ann['image_id'] = associated_image['id']
        new_ann['id'] = str(uuid.uuid1())
print('\nCreated {} replicated annotations from {} original annotations'.format(len(annotations_replicated),

annotations = annotations_replicated

#%% See what files are on disk but not annotated
print('Listing images from disk...')
start_time = time.time()
image_files = path_utils.find_images(project_base,bRecursive=True)
elapsed = time.time() - start_time
print('Finished listing {} files in {}'.format(len(image_files),humanfriendly.format_timespan(elapsed)))

files_not_in_db = []

for fn in tqdm(image_files):
    id = os.path.relpath(fn,project_base).replace('\\','/').replace('.JPG','')
    if id not in im_id_to_image:

print('{} files not in the database (of {})'.format(len(files_not_in_db),len(image_files)))
del fn

#%% Sanity-check image and annotation uniqueness
if False:
    fn = filenames_with_multiple_annotations[1000] 
    rows = filenames_to_rows[fn]
    assert(len(rows) > 1)
    for i_row in rows:

#%% Check for images that aren't included in the metadata file

# Enumerate all images
image_full_paths = find_images(image_directory, bRecursive=True)

unannotated_images = []

for iImage, image_path in tqdm(enumerate(image_full_paths),total=len(image_full_paths)):
    relative_path = os.path.relpath(image_path,image_directory)
    if relative_path not in filenames_to_rows:

print('Finished checking {} images to make sure they\'re in the metadata, found {} unannotated images'.format(

#%% Create CCT dictionaries

images = []
예제 #5
    frame_folder_base = r'e:\video_test\frames'
    detected_frame_folder_base = r'e:\video_test\detected_frames'
    rendered_videos_folder_base = r'e:\video_test\rendered_videos'

    results_file = r'results.json'
    os.makedirs(detected_frame_folder_base, exist_ok=True)
    os.makedirs(rendered_videos_folder_base, exist_ok=True)

    #%% Split videos into frames

    frame_filenames_by_video, fs_by_video = video_folder_to_frames(
        input_folder, frame_folder_base, recursive=True)

    #%% List image files, break into folders

    frame_files = path_utils.find_images(frame_folder_base, True)
    frame_files = [s.replace('\\', '/') for s in frame_files]
    print('Enumerated {} total frames'.format(len(frame_files)))

    Fs = 30.01
    # Find unique folders
    folders = set()
    # fn = frame_files[0]
    for fn in frame_files:
    folders = [s.replace('\\', '/') for s in folders]
    print('Found {} folders for {} files'.format(len(folders),

    #%% Load detector output
예제 #6
output_encoding = 'utf-8'
read_image_sizes = True

info = {}
info['year'] = 2020
info['version'] = '1.0'
info['description'] = 'Auckaland DOC Camera Traps (test)'
info['contributor'] = 'Auckland DOC'
info['date_created'] = str(datetime.date.today())

#%% Enumerate files

print('Enumerating files from {}'.format(input_base_dir))
absolute_image_paths = find_images(input_base_dir, recursive=True)
print('Enumerated {} images'.format(len(absolute_image_paths)))

relative_image_paths = []
for fn in absolute_image_paths:

relative_image_paths_set = set(relative_image_paths)

assert len(relative_image_paths_set) == len(relative_image_paths)

#%% Create unique identifier for each image

# The ground truth doesn't have full paths in it; create unique identifiers for each image 
# based on the camera name and filename.
예제 #7
categories = list(categoryIDToCategories.values())

elapsed = time.time() - startTime
print('Finished verifying file loop in {}, {} images, {} missing images, {} repeat labels'.format(
        humanfriendly.format_timespan(elapsed), len(images), len(missingFiles), len(duplicateImageIDs)))    

#%% Check for images that aren't included in the metadata file

# Enumerate all images
# list(relativePathToImage.keys())[0]

imageFullPaths = path_utils.find_images(image_base,bRecursive=True)
unmatchedFiles = []

for iImage,imagePath in enumerate(imageFullPaths):
    fn = os.path.relpath(imagePath,image_base)    
    if fn not in relativePathToImage:

print('Finished checking {} images to make sure they\'re in the metadata, found {} mismatches'.format(

#%% Create info struct

info = {}
예제 #8
os.makedirs(output_base_dir, exist_ok=True)

output_encoding = 'utf-8'
read_image_sizes = True

info = {}
info['year'] = 2019
info['version'] = '1.0'
info['description'] = 'Auckaland DOC Camera Traps'
info['contributor'] = 'Auckland DOC'
info['date_created'] = str(datetime.date.today())

#%% Enumerate files

print('Enumerating files from {}'.format(input_base_dir))
image_files = find_images(input_base_dir, bRecursive=True)
print('Enumerated {} images'.format(len(image_files)))

#%% Assemble dictionaries

images = []
image_id_to_image = {}
annotations = []
categories = []

category_name_to_category = {}
category_id_to_category = {}

# Force the empty category to be ID 0
empty_category = {}
empty_category['name'] = 'empty'
예제 #9
# local folders
filename_base = os.path.join(base_output_folder_name, base_task_name)
combined_api_output_folder = os.path.join(filename_base,
postprocessing_output_folder = os.path.join(filename_base, 'postprocessing')

os.makedirs(filename_base, exist_ok=True)
os.makedirs(combined_api_output_folder, exist_ok=True)
os.makedirs(postprocessing_output_folder, exist_ok=True)

if input_path.endswith('/'):
    input_path = input_path[0:-1]

#%% Enumerate files

all_images = path_utils.find_images(input_path, recursive=True)

print('Enumerated {} image files in {}'.format(len(all_images), input_path))

#%% Divide images into chunks

def split_list(L, n):
    k, m = divmod(len(L), n)
    return list(L[i * k + min(i, m):(i + 1) * k + min(i + 1, m)]
                for i in range(n))

folder_chunks = split_list(all_images, n_jobs)

#%% Estimate total time
예제 #10
    metadata_fullpath = os.path.join(input_base, fn)
    print('Reading {}'.format(metadata_fullpath))
    df = pd.read_csv(metadata_fullpath)
    assert list(df.columns) == expected_columns
    df['DirName'] = dirname

# Concatenate into a giant data frame
input_metadata = pd.concat(all_input_metadata)

print('Read {} rows total'.format(len(input_metadata)))

#%% List files

print('Listing images...')
image_full_paths = path_utils.find_images(input_base, bRecursive=True)
print('Finished listing {} images'.format(len(image_full_paths)))

image_relative_paths = []
for s in image_full_paths:
    image_relative_paths.append(os.path.relpath(s, input_base))
image_relative_paths = set(image_relative_paths)

image_relative_paths_lower = set()
for s in image_relative_paths:

#%% Main loop over labels (prep)

start_time = time.time()
예제 #11
        reader = csv.reader(f)
        csvInfo = list(list(item) for item in csv.reader(f, delimiter=','))

    for iRow in range(len(csvInfo)):
        csvInfo[iRow][2] = int(csvInfo[iRow][2])
        csvInfo[iRow][3] = int(csvInfo[iRow][3])

    fileInfo = csvInfo

    print('Finished reading list of {} files'.format(len(fileInfo)))


    print('Enumerating files from {} to {}'.format(baseDir, outputCsvFilename))

    image_files = find_images(baseDir, bRecursive=True)
    print('Enumerated {} images'.format(len(image_files)))

    with io.open(outputCsvFilename, "w",
                 encoding=outputEncoding) as outputFileHandle:

        for fname in image_files:

            nFiles = nFiles + 1
            if maxFiles >= 0 and nFiles > maxFiles:
                print('Warning: early break at {} files'.format(maxFiles))

            fullPath = fname
            relativePath = os.path.relpath(fullPath, baseDir)
예제 #12

target_fields = ['species_count','group_count','behaviour']

#%% Enumerate images

# Load from file if we've already enumerated
if os.path.isfile(file_list_file):
    with open(file_list_file,'r') as f:
        files = f.readlines()
    files = [s.strip() for s in files]
    image_full_paths = files
    print('Loaded {} images from {}'.format(len(image_full_paths),file_list_file))
    image_full_paths = find_images(input_base, recursive=True)
    with open(file_list_file,'w') as f:
        for line in image_full_paths:
            f.write(line + '\n')        
    print('Enumerated {} images from {}'.format(len(image_full_paths),input_base))
image_full_paths_set = set(image_full_paths)
image_relative_paths = [os.path.relpath(fn,input_base) for fn in image_full_paths]
image_relative_paths_set = set(image_relative_paths)

#%% Create CCT dictionaries

annotations = []
image_ids_to_images = {}
category_name_to_category = {}
예제 #13
#%% Interactive driver

if False:



    # List images in a test folder
    base_dir = r'c:\temp\test_images'
    image_list_file = os.path.join(base_dir, 'images.json')
    relative_image_list_file = os.path.join(base_dir, 'images_relative.json')
    image_size_file = os.path.join(base_dir, 'image_sizes.json')
    import path_utils
    image_names = path_utils.find_images(base_dir, recursive=True)

    with open(image_list_file, 'w') as f:
        json.dump(image_names, f, indent=2)

    relative_image_names = []
    for s in image_names:
        relative_image_names.append(os.path.relpath(s, base_dir))

    with open(relative_image_list_file, 'w') as f:
        json.dump(relative_image_names, f, indent=2)


    # process_list_file(image_list_file,image_size_file,image_prefix=base_dir)