예제 #1
 def globaltrace_lt(self, frame, why, arg):
     ## Copied from trace module ##
     Handler for call events.
     If the code block being entered is to be ignored, returns `None',
     else returns self.localtrace.
     if why == 'call':
         code = frame.f_code
         filename = frame.f_globals.get('__file__', None)
         if filename:
             # XXX modname() doesn't work right for packages, so
             # the ignore support won't work right for packages
             ignore_it = self.ignore.names(filename)
             if not ignore_it:
                 if self.trace:
                     filename = Path(filename)
                     modulename = '.'.join(
                             self.ignore.package_path).parts[:-1] +
                         (filename.stem, ))
                     self.__out(' --- modulename: %s, funcname: %s' %
                                (modulename, code.co_name))
                 return self.localtrace
             return None
예제 #2
 def make_decision(path: pathlib2.Path):
     match_sum = sum(
             lambda ignore: ignore.match(
                 str(path.relative_to(self.root_path))) is not None,
     return match_sum == 0 if self.mode == IGNORE_MODE else match_sum > 0
예제 #3
def is_resource(package, name):
    """True if name is a resource inside package.

    Directories are *not* resources.
    package = _get_package(package)
        package_contents = set(contents(package))
    except OSError as error:
        if error.errno not in (errno.ENOENT, errno.ENOTDIR):
            # We won't hit this in the Python 2 tests, so it'll appear
            # uncovered.  We could mock os.listdir() to return a non-ENOENT or
            # ENOTDIR, but then we'd have to depend on another external
            # library since Python 2 doesn't have unittest.mock.  It's not
            # worth it.
            raise  # pragma: nocover
        return False
    if name not in package_contents:
        return False
    # Just because the given file_name lives as an entry in the package's
    # contents doesn't necessarily mean it's a resource.  Directories are not
    # resources, so let's try to find out if it's a directory or not.
    path = Path(package.__file__).parent / name
    if path.is_file():
        return True
    if path.is_dir():
        return False
    # If it's not a file and it's not a directory, what is it?  Well, this
    # means the file doesn't exist on the file system, so it probably lives
    # inside a zip file.  We have to crack open the zip, look at its table of
    # contents, and make sure that this entry doesn't have sub-entries.
    archive_path = package.__loader__.archive  # type: ignore
    package_directory = Path(package.__file__).parent
    with ZipFile(archive_path) as zf:
        toc = zf.namelist()
    relpath = package_directory.relative_to(archive_path)
    candidate_path = relpath / name
    for entry in toc:  # pragma: nobranch
            relative_to_candidate = Path(entry).relative_to(candidate_path)
        except ValueError:
            # The two paths aren't relative to each other so we can ignore it.
        # Since directories aren't explicitly listed in the zip file, we must
        # infer their 'directory-ness' by looking at the number of path
        # components in the path relative to the package resource we're
        # looking up.  If there are zero additional parts, it's a file, i.e. a
        # resource.  If there are more than zero it's a directory, i.e. not a
        # resource.  It has to be one of these two cases.
        return len(relative_to_candidate.parts) == 0
    # I think it's impossible to get here.  It would mean that we are looking
    # for a resource in a zip file, there's an entry matching it in the return
    # value of contents(), but we never actually found it in the zip's table of
    # contents.
    raise AssertionError('Impossible situation')
예제 #4
파일: html.py 프로젝트: uberpye/gwdetchar
 def _local_url(path):
     """Copy a filepath into the static dir if required
     path = Path(path).resolve()
     # if file is already below static in the hierarchy, don't do anything
     if static in path.parents:
         return path.relative_to(base)
     # otherwise copy the file into static
     static.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
     local = static / path.name
     copyfile(str(path), str(local))  # only need str for py<3.6
     return str(local.relative_to(base))
예제 #5
 def _local_url(path):
     """Copy a filepath into the static dir if required
     path = Path(path).resolve()
     # if file is already below static in the hierarchy, don't do anything
     if static in path.parents:
         return path.relative_to(base)
     # otherwise copy the file into static
     static.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
     local = static / path.name
     copyfile(str(path), str(local))  # only need str for py<3.6
     return str(local.relative_to(base))
예제 #6
def contents(package):
    """Return an iterable of entries in `package`.

    Note that not all entries are resources.  Specifically, directories are
    not considered resources.  Use `is_resource()` on each entry returned here
    to check if it is a resource or not.
    package = _get_package(package)
    package_directory = Path(package.__file__).parent
        return os.listdir(str(package_directory))
    except OSError as error:
        if error.errno not in (errno.ENOENT, errno.ENOTDIR):
            # We won't hit this in the Python 2 tests, so it'll appear
            # uncovered.  We could mock os.listdir() to return a non-ENOENT or
            # ENOTDIR, but then we'd have to depend on another external
            # library since Python 2 doesn't have unittest.mock.  It's not
            # worth it.
            raise  # pragma: nocover
        # The package is probably in a zip file.
        archive_path = getattr(package.__loader__, 'archive', None)
        if archive_path is None:
        relpath = package_directory.relative_to(archive_path)
        with ZipFile(archive_path) as zf:
            toc = zf.namelist()
        subdirs_seen = set()
        subdirs_returned = []
        for filename in toc:
            path = Path(filename)
            # Strip off any path component parts that are in common with the
            # package directory, relative to the zip archive's file system
            # path.  This gives us all the parts that live under the named
            # package inside the zip file.  If the length of these subparts is
            # exactly 1, then it is situated inside the package.  The resulting
            # length will be 0 if it's above the package, and it will be
            # greater than 1 if it lives in a subdirectory of the package
            # directory.
            # However, since directories themselves don't appear in the zip
            # archive as a separate entry, we need to return the first path
            # component for any case that has > 1 subparts -- but only once!
            if path.parts[:len(relpath.parts)] != relpath.parts:
            subparts = path.parts[len(relpath.parts):]
            if len(subparts) == 1:
            elif len(subparts) > 1:  # pragma: nobranch
                subdir = subparts[0]
                if subdir not in subdirs_seen:
        return subdirs_returned
예제 #7
def pytest_collection_modifyitems(items):
    """Mark collected test types based on their location"""
    for item in items:
        type_marker = item.get_closest_marker("type")
        if type_marker and type_marker.args:
            continue  # Do not modify manually set marks
        file_path = Path("%s" % item.reportinfo()[0])
        repo_rel_path = file_path.relative_to(repo_path())
        ty = repo_rel_path.parts[1]
        if ty not in test_types:
            raise Exception("Test in %s not TYPE marked: %r (%r)" %
                            (repo_rel_path, item, ty))
예제 #8
    def create_task(self):
        # type: () -> Task
        Create the new populated Task

        :return: newly created Task object
        local_entry_file = None
        repo_info = None
        if self.folder or (self.script and Path(self.script).is_file()
                           and not self.repo):
            self.folder = os.path.expandvars(os.path.expanduser(
                self.folder)) if self.folder else None
            self.script = os.path.expandvars(os.path.expanduser(
                self.script)) if self.script else None
            self.cwd = os.path.expandvars(os.path.expanduser(
                self.cwd)) if self.cwd else None
            if Path(self.script).is_file():
                entry_point = self.script
                entry_point = (Path(self.folder) / self.script).as_posix()
            entry_point = os.path.abspath(entry_point)
            if not os.path.isfile(entry_point):
                raise ValueError(
                    "Script entrypoint file \'{}\' could not be found".format(

            local_entry_file = entry_point
            repo_info, requirements = ScriptInfo.get(
                create_requirements=self.packages is True,

        # check if we have no repository and no requirements raise error
        if self.raise_on_missing_entries and (not self.requirements_file and not self.packages) \
                and not self.repo and (
                not repo_info or not repo_info.script or not repo_info.script.get('repository')):
            raise ValueError(
                "Standalone script detected \'{}\', but no requirements provided"

        if self.base_task_id:
            if self.verbose:
                print('Cloning task {}'.format(self.base_task_id))
            task = Task.clone(source_task=self.base_task_id,
            # noinspection PyProtectedMember
            task = Task._create(task_name=self.task_name,
                                or Task.TaskTypes.training)

            # if there is nothing to populate, return
            if not any([
                    self.folder, self.commit, self.branch, self.repo,
                    self.script, self.cwd, self.packages,
                    self.requirements_file, self.base_task_id, self.docker
                return task

        task_state = task.export_task()
        if 'script' not in task_state:
            task_state['script'] = {}

        if repo_info:
            task_state['script']['repository'] = repo_info.script['repository']
            task_state['script']['version_num'] = repo_info.script[
            task_state['script']['branch'] = repo_info.script['branch']
            task_state['script']['diff'] = repo_info.script['diff'] or ''
            task_state['script']['working_dir'] = repo_info.script[
            task_state['script']['entry_point'] = repo_info.script[
            task_state['script']['binary'] = repo_info.script['binary']
            task_state['script']['requirements'] = repo_info.script.get(
                'requirements') or {}
            if self.cwd:
                self.cwd = self.cwd
                cwd = self.cwd if Path(self.cwd).is_dir() else (
                    Path(repo_info.script['repo_root']) / self.cwd).as_posix()
                if not Path(cwd).is_dir():
                    raise ValueError(
                        "Working directory \'{}\' could not be found".format(
                cwd = Path(cwd).relative_to(
                entry_point = \
                    Path(repo_info.script['repo_root']) / repo_info.script['working_dir'] / repo_info.script[
                entry_point = entry_point.relative_to(cwd).as_posix()
                task_state['script']['entry_point'] = entry_point
                task_state['script']['working_dir'] = cwd
        elif self.repo:
            # normalize backslashes and remove first one
            entry_point = '/'.join(
                [p for p in self.script.split('/') if p and p != '.'])
            cwd = '/'.join(
                [p for p in (self.cwd or '.').split('/') if p and p != '.'])
            if cwd and entry_point.startswith(cwd + '/'):
                entry_point = entry_point[len(cwd) + 1:]
            task_state['script']['repository'] = self.repo
            task_state['script']['version_num'] = self.commit or None
            task_state['script']['branch'] = self.branch or None
            task_state['script']['diff'] = ''
            task_state['script']['working_dir'] = cwd or '.'
            task_state['script']['entry_point'] = entry_point
            # standalone task
            task_state['script']['entry_point'] = self.script
            task_state['script']['working_dir'] = '.'

        # update requirements
        reqs = []
        if self.requirements_file:
            with open(self.requirements_file.as_posix(), 'rt') as f:
                reqs = [line.strip() for line in f.readlines()]
        if self.packages and self.packages is not True:
            reqs += self.packages
        if reqs:
            # make sure we have clearml.
            clearml_found = False
            for line in reqs:
                if line.strip().startswith('#'):
                package = reduce(lambda a, b: a.split(b)[0], "#;@=~<>",
                if package == 'clearml':
                    clearml_found = True
            if not clearml_found:
            task_state['script']['requirements'] = {'pip': '\n'.join(reqs)}
        elif not self.repo and repo_info and not repo_info.script.get(
            # we are in local mode, make sure we have "requirements.txt" it is a must
            reqs_txt_file = Path(
                repo_info.script['repo_root']) / "requirements.txt"
            if self.raise_on_missing_entries and not reqs_txt_file.is_file():
                raise ValueError("requirements.txt not found [{}] "
                                 "Use --requirements or --packages".format(

        if self.add_task_init_call:
            script_entry = os.path.abspath(
                '/' + task_state['script'].get('working_dir', '.') + '/' +
            idx_a = 0
            # find the right entry for the patch if we have a local file (basically after __future__
            if local_entry_file:
                with open(local_entry_file, 'rt') as f:
                    lines = f.readlines()
                future_found = self._locate_future_import(lines)
                if future_found >= 0:
                    idx_a = future_found + 1

            task_init_patch = ''
            if self.repo or task_state.get('script', {}).get('repository'):
                # if we do not have requirements, add clearml to the requirements.txt
                if not reqs:
                    task_init_patch += \
                        "diff --git a/requirements.txt b/requirements.txt\n" \
                        "--- a/requirements.txt\n" \
                        "+++ b/requirements.txt\n" \
                        "@@ -0,0 +1,1 @@\n" \

                # Add Task.init call
                task_init_patch += \
                    "diff --git a{script_entry} b{script_entry}\n" \
                    "--- a{script_entry}\n" \
                    "+++ b{script_entry}\n" \
                    "@@ -{idx_a},0 +{idx_b},3 @@\n" \
                    "+from clearml import Task\n" \
                    "+Task.init()\n" \
                        script_entry=script_entry, idx_a=idx_a, idx_b=idx_a + 1)
                # Add Task.init call
                task_init_patch += \
                    "from clearml import Task\n" \

            # make sure we add the dif at the end of the current diff
            task_state['script']['diff'] = task_state['script'].get('diff', '')
            if task_state['script']['diff'] and not task_state['script'][
                task_state['script']['diff'] += '\n'
            task_state['script']['diff'] += task_init_patch

        # set base docker image if provided
        if self.docker:

        if self.verbose:
            if task_state['script']['repository']:
                repo_details = {
                    k: v
                    for k, v in task_state['script'].items()
                    if v and k not in ('diff', 'requirements', 'binary')
                print('Repository Detected\n{}'.format(
                    json.dumps(repo_details, indent=2)))
                print('Standalone script detected\n  Script: {}'.format(

            if task_state['script'].get('requirements') and \
                    '\n  Using requirements.txt: {}'.format(
                    if self.requirements_file else '',
                    '\n  {}Packages: {}'.format(
                        'Additional ' if self.requirements_file else '',
                        self.packages) if self.packages else ''))
            if self.docker:
                print('Base docker image: {}'.format(self.docker))

        # update the Task
        self.task = task
        return task