def logToFile( strMessage, strSpecificFileName = "" ): "add a message to the current debug log file" import filetools import pathtools global global_strAltools_LogToFile; global global_mutex_LogToFile; global global_timeLogToFile_lastLog; timeNow = time.time(); rDurationSec = timeNow - global_timeLogToFile_lastLog; global_timeLogToFile_lastLog = timeNow; while( global_mutex_LogToFile.testandset() == False ): time.sleep( 0.02 ); if( global_strAltools_LogToFile == None ): try: os.makedirs( pathtools.getCachePath() ); except: pass global_strAltools_LogToFile = pathtools.getCachePath() + filetools.getFilenameFromTime() + ".log"; print( "altools.logToFile: logging to '%s'" % global_strAltools_LogToFile ); if( strSpecificFileName == '' ): strFileName = global_strAltools_LogToFile; else: strFileName = pathtools.getCachePath() + strSpecificFileName + '_' + getNaoqiStartupTimeStamp() + ".log"; # print( "logToFile: logging to %s" % strFileName ); try: file = open( strFileName, "at" ); file.write( "%s (%5.2fs): %s\n" % ( getHumanTimeStamp(), rDurationSec, strMessage ) ); finally: if( file ): file.close(); global_mutex_LogToFile.unlock();
def logToFile(strMessage, strSpecificFileName=""): "add a message to the current debug log file" global global_strAltools_LogToFile global global_mutex_LogToFile global global_timeLogToFile_lastLog timeNow = time.time() rDurationSec = timeNow - global_timeLogToFile_lastLog global_timeLogToFile_lastLog = timeNow while (global_mutex_LogToFile.testandset() == False): time.sleep(0.02) if (global_strAltools_LogToFile == None): try: os.makedirs(pathtools.getCachePath()) except: pass # often the cases! global_strAltools_LogToFile = pathtools.getCachePath( ) + getFilenameFromTime() + ".log" print("altools.logToFile: logging to '%s'" % global_strAltools_LogToFile) if (strSpecificFileName == ''): strFileName = global_strAltools_LogToFile else: strFileName = pathtools.getCachePath( ) + strSpecificFileName + '_' + naoqitools.getNaoqiStartupTimeStamp( ) + ".log" # print( "logToFile: logging to %s" % strFileName ); try: file = open(strFileName, "at") file.write("%s (%5.2fs): %s\n" % (debug.getHumanTimeStamp(), rDurationSec, strMessage)) finally: if (file): file.close() global_mutex_LogToFile.unlock()
def log( self, strMessage ): timeNow = time.time(); rDurationSec = timeNow - self.logLastTime; self.logLastTime = timeNow; strTimeStamp = debug.getHumanTimeStamp(); print( "INF: %s: Xarloader: %s" % ( strTimeStamp, str( strMessage ) ) ); while( self.logMutex.testandset() == False ): print( "INF: XarLoader: log: locked" ); time.sleep( 0.02 ); strFilename = pathtools.getCachePath() + "XarLoader.log"; try: os.makedirs( pathtools.getCachePath() ); except BaseException, err: print( "WRN: normal error: err: " + str( err ) );
def sayAndCacheAndLight( strTextToSay, bJustPrepare = False, bStoreToNonVolatilePath = False, nEyesColor = 0, nUseLang = -1 ): "say a cached text with light animation" "nEyesColor: 0: white, 1: blue, 2: green; 3: red" "nUseLang: if different of -1: speak with a specific languages (useful, when text are already generated: doesn't need to swap languages for nothing!" "return the length of the text in seconds, or None if impossible" print( "sayAndCacheAndLight( '%s', bJustPrepare: %s, bStoreToNonVolatilePath: %s, nEyesColor: %s, nUseLang: %s )" % ( strTextToSay, str( bJustPrepare ), str( bStoreToNonVolatilePath ), str( nEyesColor ), str( nUseLang ) ) ); if( not config.bPrecomputeText ): print( "sayAndCacheAndLight: disabled by configuration: bPrecomputeText is false" ); if( bJustPrepare ): return None; # do nothing tts = naoqitools.myGetProxy( "ALTextToSpeech" ); tts.say( strTextToSay ); return None; rLength = sayAndCache( strTextToSay, bJustPrepare = True, bStoreToNonVolatilePath = bStoreToNonVolatilePath, nUseLang = nUseLang, bCalledFromSayAndCacheFromLight = True ); # we store it to disk, only if we must do it # this two lines are done too in sayAndCache... strTextToSay = assumeTextHasDefaultSettings( strTextToSay, nUseLang ); szFilename = sayAndCache_getFilename( strTextToSay, nUseLang ); szPathVolatile = pathtools.getVolatilePath(); rSampleLenSec = 0.05; # szPathFilenamePeak = szPathVolatile + szFilename + ("_%5.3f.egy" % rSampleLenSec); szPathFilenamePeak = szFilename + ("_%5.3f.egy" % rSampleLenSec); szPathFilenamePeakCache = pathtools.getCachePath() + "generatedvoices" + pathtools.getDirectorySeparator() + szPathFilenamePeak; szPathFilenamePeak = szPathVolatile + szPathFilenamePeak; anLedsColorSequency = []; aBufFile = ""; bFileGenerated = False; if( not filetools.isFileExists( szPathFilenamePeak ) ): if( filetools.isFileExists( szPathFilenamePeakCache ) ): copyFile( szPathFilenamePeakCache, szPathFilenamePeak ); if( not filetools.isFileExists( szPathFilenamePeak ) ): # generate peak file timeBegin = time.time(); print( "sayAndCacheAndLight: generating peak light - begin\n" ); szPathFilename = szPathVolatile + szFilename + ".raw"; anLedsColorSequency = []; try: une = naoqitools.myGetProxy( 'UsageNoiseExtractor' ); anLedsColorSequency = une.analyseSpeakSound( szPathFilename, int( rSampleLenSec * 1000 ), False ); except BaseException, err: print( "ERR: sayAndCacheAndLight( '%s' ): err: %s" % ( strTextToSay, str( err ) ) ); print( "ERR: sayAndCacheAndLight => trying old cpp version" ); anLedsColorSequency = analyseSpeakSound( szPathFilename, rSampleLenSec * 1000 ); print( "sayAndCacheAndLight: analyseSpeakSound - end - time: %fs\n" % float( time.time() - timeBegin ) ); # print( "anLedsColorSequency: %d samples: %s\n" % ( len( anLedsColorSequency ), str( anLedsColorSequency ) ) ); print( "Writing file with %d peak samples (time: %d)\n" % ( len( anLedsColorSequency ), int( time.time() ) ) ); # struct.pack_into( "f"*len( anLedsColorSequency ), aBufFile, anLedsColorSequency[:] ); for peakValue in anLedsColorSequency: aBufFile += struct.pack( "f", peakValue ); try: file = open( szPathFilenamePeak, "wb" ); file.write( aBufFile ); except RuntimeError, err: print( "ERR: sayAndCacheAndLight( '%s' ): err: %s" % ( strTextToSay, str( err ) ) );
def saveToDisk( self ): try: timer = altools.TimeMethod(); except: pass print( "INF: KmlManager.saveToDisk: begining..." ); file = open( pathtools.getCachePath() + "KmlManager.dat", "wb" ); dictTofile( file, self.aListPos ); file.close(); print( "INF: KmlManager.saveToDisk: end" );
def loadFromDisk( self ): print( "INF: KmlManager.loadFromDisk: begin" ); try: file = open( pathtools.getCachePath() + "KmlManager.dat", "rb" ); if( file ): self.aListPos = fileToDict( file ); print( "INF: KmlManager.loadFromDisk: position known: %d" % len( self.aListPos ) ); file.close(); except BaseException, err: print( "INF: KmlManager.loadFromDisk: no previous data found ? (err:%s)" % ( err ) ); self.aListPos = {}; # reset it return;
def __getVarPath_Inner__(self): import pathtools # module already unloaded when called from __del__ return pathtools.getCachePath( ) + "mem" + pathtools.getDirectorySeparator()
def getVarPath(): return pathtools.getCachePath( ) + 'mem' + pathtools.getDirectorySeparator()
szFilename = sayAndCache_getFilename( strTextToSay, nUseLang, strUseVoice ); szPathVolatile = pathtools.getVolatilePath() + "generatedvoices" + pathtools.getDirectorySeparator(); try: os.mkdir( szPathVolatile ); except BaseException, err: pass # if( not szFilename.isalnum() ): # the underscore is not an alphanumeric, but is valid there # debug.debug( "WRN: sayAndCache: some chars are not alphanumeric in filename '%s'" % szFilename ); szPathFilename = szPathVolatile + szFilename + ".raw"; bGenerate = not filetools.isFileExists( szPathFilename ); if( bGenerate ): szAlternatePathFilename = pathtools.getCachePath() + "generatedvoices" + pathtools.getDirectorySeparator() + szFilename + ".raw"; # look in a non volatile path if( filetools.isFileExists( szAlternatePathFilename ) ): debug.debug( "sayAndCache: get static precomputed text for '%s'" % ( strTextToSay ) ); filetools.copyFile( szAlternatePathFilename, szPathFilename ); bGenerate = not filetools.isFileExists( szPathFilename ); #update this variable # if alternate # if bGenerate if( bGenerate ): # generate it! debug.debug( "sayAndCache: generating '%s' to file '%s'" % ( strTextToSay, szPathFilename ) ); sayAndCache_InformProcess(); timeBegin = time.time(); tts = naoqitools.myGetProxy( "ALTextToSpeech" );
def sayAndCacheAndLight(strTextToSay, bJustPrepare=False, bStoreToNonVolatilePath=False, nEyesColor=0, nUseLang=-1): "say a cached text with light animation" "nEyesColor: 0: white, 1: blue, 2: green; 3: red" "nUseLang: if different of -1: speak with a specific languages (useful, when text are already generated: doesn't need to swap languages for nothing!" "return the length of the text in seconds, or None if impossible" print( "sayAndCacheAndLight( '%s', bJustPrepare: %s, bStoreToNonVolatilePath: %s, nEyesColor: %s, nUseLang: %s )" % (strTextToSay, str(bJustPrepare), str(bStoreToNonVolatilePath), str(nEyesColor), str(nUseLang))) if (not config.bPrecomputeText): print( "sayAndCacheAndLight: disabled by configuration: bPrecomputeText is false" ) if (bJustPrepare): return None # do nothing tts = naoqitools.myGetProxy("ALTextToSpeech") tts.say(strTextToSay) return None rLength = sayAndCache(strTextToSay, bJustPrepare=True, bStoreToNonVolatilePath=bStoreToNonVolatilePath, nUseLang=nUseLang, bCalledFromSayAndCacheFromLight=True) # we store it to disk, only if we must do it # this two lines are done too in sayAndCache... strTextToSay = assumeTextHasDefaultSettings(strTextToSay, nUseLang) szFilename = sayAndCache_getFilename(strTextToSay, nUseLang) szPathVolatile = pathtools.getVolatilePath() rSampleLenSec = 0.05 # szPathFilenamePeak = szPathVolatile + szFilename + ("_%5.3f.egy" % rSampleLenSec); szPathFilenamePeak = szFilename + ("_%5.3f.egy" % rSampleLenSec) szPathFilenamePeakCache = pathtools.getCachePath( ) + "generatedvoices" + pathtools.getDirectorySeparator( ) + szPathFilenamePeak szPathFilenamePeak = szPathVolatile + szPathFilenamePeak anLedsColorSequency = [] aBufFile = "" bFileGenerated = False if (not filetools.isFileExists(szPathFilenamePeak)): if (filetools.isFileExists(szPathFilenamePeakCache)): copyFile(szPathFilenamePeakCache, szPathFilenamePeak) if (not filetools.isFileExists(szPathFilenamePeak)): # generate peak file timeBegin = time.time() print("sayAndCacheAndLight: generating peak light - begin\n") szPathFilename = szPathVolatile + szFilename + ".raw" anLedsColorSequency = [] try: une = naoqitools.myGetProxy('UsageNoiseExtractor') anLedsColorSequency = une.analyseSpeakSound( szPathFilename, int(rSampleLenSec * 1000), False) except BaseException, err: print("ERR: sayAndCacheAndLight( '%s' ): err: %s" % (strTextToSay, str(err))) print("ERR: sayAndCacheAndLight => trying old cpp version") anLedsColorSequency = analyseSpeakSound(szPathFilename, rSampleLenSec * 1000) print("sayAndCacheAndLight: analyseSpeakSound - end - time: %fs\n" % float(time.time() - timeBegin)) # print( "anLedsColorSequency: %d samples: %s\n" % ( len( anLedsColorSequency ), str( anLedsColorSequency ) ) ); print("Writing file with %d peak samples (time: %d)\n" % (len(anLedsColorSequency), int(time.time()))) # struct.pack_into( "f"*len( anLedsColorSequency ), aBufFile, anLedsColorSequency[:] ); for peakValue in anLedsColorSequency: aBufFile += struct.pack("f", peakValue) try: file = open(szPathFilenamePeak, "wb") file.write(aBufFile) except RuntimeError, err: print("ERR: sayAndCacheAndLight( '%s' ): err: %s" % (strTextToSay, str(err)))
def sayAndCache(strTextToSay, bJustPrepare=False, bStoreToNonVolatilePath=False, bDirectPlay=False, nUseLang=-1, bWaitEnd=True, bCalledFromSayAndCacheFromLight=False): "generate a text in a file, then read it, next time it will be directly played from that file" "bJustPrepare: render the text to a file, but don't play it now" "bStoreToNonVolatilePath: copy the generated file to a non volatile path (/usr/generatedvoices)" "nUseLang: if different of -1: speak with a specific languages (useful, when text are already generated: doesn't need to swap languages for nothing!" "return the length of the text in seconds, or None if impossible" print( "sayAndCache( '%s', bJustPrepare: %s, bStoreToNonVolatilePath: %s, bDirectPlay: %s, nUseLang: %d, bWaitEnd: %s, bCalledFromSayAndCacheFromLight: %s )" % (strTextToSay, str(bJustPrepare), str(bStoreToNonVolatilePath), str(bDirectPlay), nUseLang, str(bWaitEnd), str(bCalledFromSayAndCacheFromLight))) if (not config.bPrecomputeText): print( "sayAndCache: disabled by configuration: bPrecomputeText is false") if (bJustPrepare): return None # do nothing tts = naoqitools.myGetProxy("ALTextToSpeech") tts.say(strTextToSay) return None print( "sayAndCache: FORCING DIRECT_PLAY CAR SINON C'EST BUGGE DANS LA VERSION COURANTE!" ) bDirectPlay = True if (config.bRemoveDirectPlay): print( "WRN: DISABLING DIRECT_PLAY SETTINGS for testing/temporary purpose" ) bDirectPlay = False strTextToSay = assumeTextHasDefaultSettings(strTextToSay, nUseLang) szFilename = sayAndCache_getFilename(strTextToSay, nUseLang) szPathVolatile = pathtools.getVolatilePath() # if( not szFilename.isalnum() ): # the underscore is not an alphanumeric, but is valid there # debug( "WRN: sayAndCache: some chars are not alphanumeric in filename '%s'" % szFilename ); szPathFilename = szPathVolatile + szFilename + ".raw" bGenerate = not filetools.isFileExists(szPathFilename) if (bGenerate): szAlternatePathFilename = pathtools.getCachePath( ) + "generatedvoices" + pathtools.getDirectorySeparator( ) + szFilename + ".raw" # look in a non volatile path if (filetools.isFileExists(szAlternatePathFilename)): debug("sayAndCache: get static precomputed text for '%s'" % (strTextToSay)) copyFile(szAlternatePathFilename, szPathFilename) bGenerate = not filetools.isFileExists(szPathFilename) #update this variable # if alternate # if bGenerate if (bGenerate): # generate it! debug("sayAndCache: generating '%s' to file '%s'" % (strTextToSay, szPathFilename)) sayAndCache_InformProcess() timeBegin = time.time() tts = naoqitools.myGetProxy("ALTextToSpeech") if (nUseLang != -1): # change the language to the wanted one setSpeakLanguage(nUseLang) if (len(strTextToSay) > 150 and (not bJustPrepare or bCalledFromSayAndCacheFromLight)): # if it's a long text, we had a blabla to tell the user we will wait (if it's a just prepare from inner, we don't use it) sayAndCache_InformPrepare() print("TTS TO FILE 1 - BEGIN") tts.sayToFile(strTextToSay, szPathFilename) print("TTS TO FILE 1 - END") sayAndCache_InformProcess_end() debug("sayAndCache: generating text to file - end (tts) - time: %fs" % (time.time() - timeBegin)) timeBegin = time.time() removeBlankFromFile(szPathFilename) debug( "sayAndCache: generating text to file - end (post-process1) - time: %fs" % (time.time() - timeBegin)) timeBegin = time.time() if (bStoreToNonVolatilePath): try: os.makedirs(pathtools.getCachePath() + "generatedvoices" + pathtools.getDirectorySeparator()) except: pass szAlternatePathFilename = pathtools.getCachePath( ) + "generatedvoices" + pathtools.getDirectorySeparator( ) + szFilename + ".raw" # a non volatile path copyFile(szPathFilename, szAlternatePathFilename) time.sleep(0.1) # pour laisser la synthese souffler un peu (dans les scripts je mettais 300ms) debug( "sayAndCache: generating text to file - end (post-process2) - time: %fs" % (time.time() - timeBegin)) statinfo = os.stat(szPathFilename) rLength = statinfo.st_size / float(22050 * 1 * 2) # sizefile => secondes if (not bJustPrepare): # debug( "speech::sayAndCache: launching sound now!" ); if (bWaitEnd): analyseSound_pause(True) if (bDirectPlay): nLang = nUseLang if (nLang == -1): nLang = getSpeakLanguage() nFreq = 22050 if (nLang == constants.LANG_CH or nLang == constants.LANG_KO): nFreq = 17000 # parce que c'est beau, (ca fait a peu pres du speed a 72%) # todo: ca désynchronise les yeux qui se lisent trop vite ! argh ! mySystemCall("aplay -c1 -r%d -fS16_LE -q %s" % (nFreq, szPathFilename), bWaitEnd=bWaitEnd) else: leds = naoqitools.myGetProxy("ALLeds", True)"RightFootLeds", 0xFF0000, 0.7) # right in red (skip) audioProxy = naoqitools.myGetProxy("ALAudioPlayer", True) # read it in background and check if someone press the right feet a long times => skip text playing id = if (not bWaitEnd): # attention: no unpause of analyse dans ce cas la! return rLength nbrFramesBumpersPushed = 0 nbrFramesBumpersPushedMinToSkip = 2 strTemplateKeyName = "Device/SubDeviceList/%sFoot/Bumper/%s/Sensor/Value" stm = naoqitools.myGetProxy("ALMemory") while (audioProxy.isRunning(id)): time.sleep(0.1) # time for user to release precedent push listRightFeetBumpers = stm.getListData([ strTemplateKeyName % ("R", "Left"), strTemplateKeyName % ("R", "Right") ]) if (listRightFeetBumpers[0] > 0.0 or listRightFeetBumpers[1] > 0.0): nbrFramesBumpersPushed += 1 if (nbrFramesBumpersPushed >= nbrFramesBumpersPushedMinToSkip): print( "sayAndCache: skipping current text reading because users press on right bumpers" ) audioProxy.stop(id)"RightFootLeds", 0x000000, 0.2) # turn off it # while - end #if( bDirectPlay ) - end analyseSound_resume(True) # if( not bJustPrepare ) - end print("sayAndCache: End !!!") return rLength
szFilename = sayAndCache_getFilename(strTextToSay, nUseLang, strUseVoice) szPathVolatile = pathtools.getVolatilePath( ) + "generatedvoices" + pathtools.getDirectorySeparator() try: os.mkdir(szPathVolatile) except BaseException, err: pass # if( not szFilename.isalnum() ): # the underscore is not an alphanumeric, but is valid there # debug.debug( "WRN: sayAndCache: some chars are not alphanumeric in filename '%s'" % szFilename ); szPathFilename = szPathVolatile + szFilename + ".raw" bGenerate = not filetools.isFileExists(szPathFilename) if (bGenerate): szAlternatePathFilename = pathtools.getCachePath( ) + "generatedvoices" + pathtools.getDirectorySeparator( ) + szFilename + ".raw" # look in a non volatile path if (filetools.isFileExists(szAlternatePathFilename)): debug.debug("sayAndCache: get static precomputed text for '%s'" % (strTextToSay)) filetools.copyFile(szAlternatePathFilename, szPathFilename) bGenerate = not filetools.isFileExists(szPathFilename) #update this variable # if alternate # if bGenerate if (bGenerate): # generate it! debug.debug("sayAndCache: generating '%s' to file '%s'" %
def __getVarPath_Inner__( self ): import pathtools # module already unloaded when called from __del__ return pathtools.getCachePath() + "mem" + pathtools.getDirectorySeparator();
def getVarPath(): return pathtools.getCachePath() + 'mem' + pathtools.getDirectorySeparator();
def sayAndCache( strTextToSay, bJustPrepare = False, bStoreToNonVolatilePath = False, bDirectPlay = False, nUseLang = -1, bWaitEnd = True, bCalledFromSayAndCacheFromLight = False ): "generate a text in a file, then read it, next time it will be directly played from that file" "bJustPrepare: render the text to a file, but don't play it now" "bStoreToNonVolatilePath: copy the generated file to a non volatile path (/usr/generatedvoices)" "nUseLang: if different of -1: speak with a specific languages (useful, when text are already generated: doesn't need to swap languages for nothing!" "return the length of the text in seconds, or None if impossible" print( "sayAndCache( '%s', bJustPrepare: %s, bStoreToNonVolatilePath: %s, bDirectPlay: %s, nUseLang: %d, bWaitEnd: %s, bCalledFromSayAndCacheFromLight: %s )" % ( strTextToSay, str( bJustPrepare ), str( bStoreToNonVolatilePath ), str( bDirectPlay ), nUseLang, str( bWaitEnd ), str( bCalledFromSayAndCacheFromLight ) ) ); if( not config.bPrecomputeText ): print( "sayAndCache: disabled by configuration: bPrecomputeText is false" ); if( bJustPrepare ): return None; # do nothing tts = naoqitools.myGetProxy( "ALTextToSpeech" ); tts.say( strTextToSay ); return None; print( "sayAndCache: FORCING DIRECT_PLAY CAR SINON C'EST BUGGE DANS LA VERSION COURANTE!"); bDirectPlay = True; if( config.bRemoveDirectPlay ): print( "WRN: DISABLING DIRECT_PLAY SETTINGS for testing/temporary purpose" ); bDirectPlay = False; strTextToSay = assumeTextHasDefaultSettings( strTextToSay, nUseLang ); szFilename = sayAndCache_getFilename( strTextToSay, nUseLang ); szPathVolatile = pathtools.getVolatilePath(); # if( not szFilename.isalnum() ): # the underscore is not an alphanumeric, but is valid there # debug( "WRN: sayAndCache: some chars are not alphanumeric in filename '%s'" % szFilename ); szPathFilename = szPathVolatile + szFilename + ".raw"; bGenerate = not filetools.isFileExists( szPathFilename ); if( bGenerate ): szAlternatePathFilename = pathtools.getCachePath() + "generatedvoices" + pathtools.getDirectorySeparator() + szFilename + ".raw"; # look in a non volatile path if( filetools.isFileExists( szAlternatePathFilename ) ): debug( "sayAndCache: get static precomputed text for '%s'" % ( strTextToSay ) ); copyFile( szAlternatePathFilename, szPathFilename ); bGenerate = not filetools.isFileExists( szPathFilename ); #update this variable # if alternate # if bGenerate if( bGenerate ): # generate it! debug( "sayAndCache: generating '%s' to file '%s'" % ( strTextToSay, szPathFilename ) ); sayAndCache_InformProcess(); timeBegin = time.time(); tts = naoqitools.myGetProxy( "ALTextToSpeech" ); if( nUseLang != -1 ): # change the language to the wanted one setSpeakLanguage( nUseLang ); if( len( strTextToSay ) > 150 and ( not bJustPrepare or bCalledFromSayAndCacheFromLight ) ): # if it's a long text, we had a blabla to tell the user we will wait (if it's a just prepare from inner, we don't use it) sayAndCache_InformPrepare(); print( "TTS TO FILE 1 - BEGIN" ); tts.sayToFile( strTextToSay, szPathFilename ); print( "TTS TO FILE 1 - END" ); sayAndCache_InformProcess_end(); debug( "sayAndCache: generating text to file - end (tts) - time: %fs" % ( time.time() - timeBegin ) ); timeBegin = time.time(); removeBlankFromFile( szPathFilename ); debug( "sayAndCache: generating text to file - end (post-process1) - time: %fs" % ( time.time() - timeBegin ) ); timeBegin = time.time(); if( bStoreToNonVolatilePath ): try: os.makedirs( pathtools.getCachePath() + "generatedvoices" + pathtools.getDirectorySeparator()); except: pass szAlternatePathFilename = pathtools.getCachePath() + "generatedvoices" + pathtools.getDirectorySeparator() + szFilename + ".raw"; # a non volatile path copyFile( szPathFilename, szAlternatePathFilename ); time.sleep( 0.1 ); # pour laisser la synthese souffler un peu (dans les scripts je mettais 300ms) debug( "sayAndCache: generating text to file - end (post-process2) - time: %fs" % ( time.time() - timeBegin ) ); statinfo = os.stat( szPathFilename ); rLength = statinfo.st_size / float(22050*1*2); # sizefile => secondes if( not bJustPrepare ): # debug( "speech::sayAndCache: launching sound now!" ); if( bWaitEnd ): analyseSound_pause( True ); if( bDirectPlay ): nLang = nUseLang; if( nLang == -1 ): nLang = getSpeakLanguage(); nFreq = 22050; if( nLang == constants.LANG_CH or nLang == constants.LANG_KO ): nFreq = 17000; # parce que c'est beau, (ca fait a peu pres du speed a 72%) # todo: ca désynchronise les yeux qui se lisent trop vite ! argh ! mySystemCall( "aplay -c1 -r%d -fS16_LE -q %s" % ( nFreq, szPathFilename ), bWaitEnd = bWaitEnd ); else: leds = naoqitools.myGetProxy( "ALLeds", True ); "RightFootLeds", 0xFF0000, 0.7 ); # right in red (skip) audioProxy = naoqitools.myGetProxy( "ALAudioPlayer", True ); # read it in background and check if someone press the right feet a long times => skip text playing id =; if( not bWaitEnd ): # attention: no unpause of analyse dans ce cas la! return rLength; nbrFramesBumpersPushed = 0; nbrFramesBumpersPushedMinToSkip = 2; strTemplateKeyName = "Device/SubDeviceList/%sFoot/Bumper/%s/Sensor/Value"; stm = naoqitools.myGetProxy( "ALMemory" ); while( audioProxy.isRunning( id ) ): time.sleep( 0.1 ); # time for user to release precedent push listRightFeetBumpers = stm.getListData( [strTemplateKeyName % ( "R", "Left" ), strTemplateKeyName % ( "R", "Right" )] ); if( listRightFeetBumpers[0] > 0.0 or listRightFeetBumpers[1] > 0.0 ): nbrFramesBumpersPushed += 1; if( nbrFramesBumpersPushed >= nbrFramesBumpersPushedMinToSkip ): print( "sayAndCache: skipping current text reading because users press on right bumpers" ); audioProxy.stop( id ); "RightFootLeds", 0x000000, 0.2 ); # turn off it # while - end #if( bDirectPlay ) - end analyseSound_resume( True ); # if( not bJustPrepare ) - end print( "sayAndCache: End !!!"); return rLength;