예제 #1
    def host_passes(self, host_state, filter_properties):
        spec = filter_properties.get('request_spec', {})
        props = spec.get('instance_properties', {})
        availability_zone = props.get('availability_zone')

        if not availability_zone:
            return True

        metadata = utils.aggregate_metadata_get_by_host(
                host_state, key='availability_zone')

        if 'availability_zone' in metadata:
            hosts_passes = availability_zone in metadata['availability_zone']
            host_az = metadata['availability_zone']
            hosts_passes = availability_zone == CONF.default_availability_zone
            host_az = CONF.default_availability_zone

        if not hosts_passes:
            LOG.debug("Availability Zone '%(az)s' requested. "
                      "%(host_state)s has AZs: %(host_az)s",
                      {'host_state': host_state,
                       'az': availability_zone,
                       'host_az': host_az})

        return hosts_passes
예제 #2
    def test_aggregate_metadata_get_by_host_empty_result(self):
        host_state = fakes.FakeHostState(
            'fake', 'node', {'aggregates': []})

        metadata = utils.aggregate_metadata_get_by_host(host_state, 'k3')

        self.assertEqual({}, metadata)
예제 #3
    def test_aggregate_metadata_get_by_host_with_key(self):
        host_state = fakes.FakeHostState(
            'fake', 'node', {'aggregates': _AGGREGATE_FIXTURES})

        metadata = utils.aggregate_metadata_get_by_host(host_state, 'k1')

        self.assertIn('k1', metadata)
        self.assertEqual(set(['1', '3', '7', '6']), metadata['k1'])
    def host_passes(self, host_state, filter_properties):
        """If a host is in an aggregate that has the metadata key
        "filter_tenant_id" it can only create instances from that tenant(s).
        A host can be in different aggregates.

        If a host doesn't belong to an aggregate with the metadata key
        "filter_tenant_id" it can create instances from all tenants.
        spec = filter_properties.get('request_spec', {})
        props = spec.get('instance_properties', {})
        tenant_id = props.get('project_id')

        metadata = utils.aggregate_metadata_get_by_host(host_state,

        if metadata != {}:
            if tenant_id not in metadata["filter_tenant_id"]:
                LOG.debug("%s fails tenant id on aggregate", host_state)
                return False
        return True
    def host_passes(self, host_state, filter_properties):
        """Return a list of hosts that can create instance_type

        Check that the extra specs associated with the instance type match
        the metadata provided by aggregates.  If not present return False.
        instance_type = filter_properties.get("instance_type")
        if "extra_specs" not in instance_type:
            return True

        metadata = utils.aggregate_metadata_get_by_host(host_state)

        for key, req in instance_type["extra_specs"].iteritems():
            # Either not scope format, or aggregate_instance_extra_specs scope
            scope = key.split(":", 1)
            if len(scope) > 1:
                if scope[0] != _SCOPE:
                    del scope[0]
            key = scope[0]
            aggregate_vals = metadata.get(key, None)
            if not aggregate_vals:
                    "%(host_state)s fails instance_type extra_specs "
                    "requirements. Extra_spec %(key)s is not in aggregate.",
                    {"host_state": host_state, "key": key},
                return False
            for aggregate_val in aggregate_vals:
                if extra_specs_ops.match(aggregate_val, req):
                    "%(host_state)s fails instance_type extra_specs "
                    "requirements. '%(aggregate_vals)s' do not "
                    "match '%(req)s'",
                    {"host_state": host_state, "req": req, "aggregate_vals": aggregate_vals},
                return False
        return True
    def host_passes(self, host_state, filter_properties):
        """Checks a host in an aggregate that metadata key/value match
        with image properties.
        cfg_namespace = CONF.aggregate_image_properties_isolation_namespace
        cfg_separator = CONF.aggregate_image_properties_isolation_separator

        spec = filter_properties.get("request_spec", {})
        image_props = spec.get("image", {}).get("properties", {})
        metadata = utils.aggregate_metadata_get_by_host(host_state)

        for key, options in metadata.iteritems():
            if cfg_namespace and not key.startswith(cfg_namespace + cfg_separator):
            prop = image_props.get(key)
            if prop and prop not in options:
                    "%(host_state)s fails image aggregate properties "
                    "requirements. Property %(prop)s does not "
                    "match %(options)s.",
                    {"host_state": host_state, "prop": prop, "options": options},
                return False
        return True
예제 #7
    def test_aggregate_metadata_get_by_host_empty_result(self):
        host_state = fakes.FakeHostState('fake', 'node', {'aggregates': []})

        metadata = utils.aggregate_metadata_get_by_host(host_state, 'k3')

        self.assertEqual({}, metadata)