예제 #1
from pattern.web import Twitter
from pattern.en import Sentence, parse, pprint, modality, sentiment, parsetree, ngrams, mood
import db
import MySQLdb as mdb
import sys
import logging
import pattern_engine as p
logging.basicConfig(format='%(asctime)s : %(levelname)s : %(message)s', level=logging.INFO)

t = Twitter()

trending = t.trends(cached=False)

tweet_db = []

for trend in trending:
	for tweet in t.search(trend, count=10):
		if tweet.language == u'en':
			tweet_db.append((tweet, trend))

tweet_db = [[tweet.id, tweet.author, tweet.text, tweet.date, tweet.profile, tweet.url, tweet.language, trend] for (tweet, trend) in tweet_db]
tweet_db = p.add_sentiment(tweet_db)
tweet_db = p.add_modality(tweet_db)

con = db.con
cur = con.cursor(mdb.cursors.DictCursor)
query = 'INSERT into predictive.dev_pattern \
	(tweet_id, author, text, date, profile, url, language, trend, polarity, subjectivity, mood, modality) \
	VALUES %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %f, %f, %s, %f);'
for tweet in tweet_db:
	cur.execute(query, tuple(tweet))
def poli_twitter_analysis():
	"""This function parses Twitter to determine the average sentiment towards a user-defined political figure"""
	print 'This program measures the average sentiment of the populous towards a political candidate through the analysis of recent tweets' #introduce program to user
	print 'Enter the name of a candidate:'
	x = raw_input('> ') #receives name of candidate to search for
	print 'Enter number of tweets to search (max = 100)'
	twtNumstr = raw_input('> ') #recieve number of tweets to search for
	twtNum = int(twtNumstr) #convert to int to use in search

	if twtNum <= 1: #check if an invalid number was entered, and if so, correct it to either the minimum or maximum allowed
		twtNum = 2
		print 'Invalid number entered. The minimum of 2 tweets will be used.'
	elif twtNum > 100:
		twtNum = 100
		print 'Invalid number entered. The maximum of 100 tweets will be used.'

	t = Twitter() #search for tweets containing user-defined key word
	i = None
	twts = []
	for j in range(1):
		for tweet in t.search(x, start=i, count=twtNum):

	senti_count = 0 #predefine sentiment variable
	for entry in twts: #loop through all tweets found
		[senti,objec] = sentiment(entry) #sentiment analysis of tweets
		senti_count = senti_count + senti 

	res = senti_count/twtNum #get average sentiment of all tweets parsed 

	print 'Result:'

	if res >= -0.01 and res <= 0.01:
		print 'Overwhelmingly neutral!'
	elif res > 0.01 and res <= 0.1:
		print 'Somewhat positive'
		print("%s out of 1.0" % res)
	elif res > 0.1 and res <= 0.5:
		print 'Pretty positive'
		print("%s out of 1.0" % res)
	elif res > 0.5:
		print 'Very positive!'
		print("%s out of 1.0" % res)
	elif res < -0.01 and res >= -0.1:
		print 'Somewhat negative'
		print("%s out of -1.0" % res)
	elif res < -0.1 and res >= -0.5:
		print 'Pretty negative'
		print("%s out of -1.0" % res)
	elif res < 0.5:
		print 'Very negative...'
		print("%s out of -1.0" % res)

	twtTrends = t.trends(cached=False) #import current twitter trends (worldwide)
	twtTrendsLower = [runthrough.lower() for runthrough in twtTrends]
	xLower = x.lower()
	if any(xLower in s for s in twtTrendsLower): #check to see if the user's search matches any of the current trends
		print 'Your search is trending!'
		matching = [s for s in twtTrendsLower if xLower in s]
		for entry in matching:
			if entry[0] == '#':
				print entry
				print '#' + entry

	print 'Do you want to read the tweets? (y/n)' #user can read the tweets used
	yay_or_nay = raw_input('> ')
	if yay_or_nay == 'y': #only complete if user requests
		for entry in twts: #loop through all tweets found
			print entry #print each tweet with a blank line separating each