def cmd_upload(args): # TODO: fix upload to web interface if not os.path.exists(COMO_BATTERY_FILE): error("No como database.") else: if is_osx: url = SERVER_URL + "/upload" cmd = "ioreg -l | awk '/IOPlatformSerialNumber/ " + \ "{ split($0, line, \"\\\"\"); printf(\"%s\\n\", line[4]); }'" computer_serial = subprocess.check_output( cmd, shell=True).translate(None, '\n') bat = get_battery() model = subprocess.check_output( "sysctl -n hw.model", shell=True).rstrip("\n") data = { 'computer': hashlib.md5(computer_serial).hexdigest(), 'model': model, 'battery': hashlib.md5(bat['serial']).hexdigest(), 'design': bat['designcap'], 'age': get_age() } files = {'como': open(COMO_BATTERY_FILE, 'rb')} response =, files=files, data=data) if response.status_code == puts("data uploaded") else: puts("upload failed") else: message("no uploading on this operating system")
def cmd_upload(args): if not os.path.exists(COMO_BATTERY_FILE): error("No como database.") else: if is_osx: url = SERVER_URL + "/upload" cmd = "ioreg -l | awk '/IOPlatformSerialNumber/ " + \ "{ split($0, line, \"\\\"\"); printf(\"%s\\n\", line[4]); }'" computer_serial = subprocess.check_output( cmd, shell=True).translate(None, '\n') bat = get_battery() model = subprocess.check_output( "sysctl -n hw.model", shell=True).rstrip("\n") data = { 'computer': hashlib.md5(computer_serial).hexdigest(), 'model': model, 'battery': hashlib.md5(bat['serial']).hexdigest(), 'design': bat['designcap'], 'age': get_age() } files = {'como': open(COMO_BATTERY_FILE, 'rb')} response =, files=files, data=data) if response.status_code == puts("data uploaded") else: puts("upload failed") else: message("no uploading on this operating system")
def auto_upload(): apple_plist = """<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple Computer//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" """ + \ """ ""> <plist version="1.0"> <dict> <key>Label</key> <string>com.cwoebker.como-update</string> <key>OnDemand</key> <true/> <key>RunAtLoad</key> <false/> <key>ProgramArguments</key> <array> <string>%s</string> <string>upload</string> </array> <key>StartCalendarInterval</key> <dict> <key>Hour</key> <integer>11</integer> <key>Minute</key> <integer>0</integer> </dict> </dict> </plist>""" if is_osx: plist_path = os.path.expanduser( "~/Library/LaunchAgents/com.cwoebker.como-update.plist") if os.path.exists(plist_path): os.system("launchctl unload %s" % plist_path) os.remove(plist_path) puts(colored.white("como will not upload data")) else: with open(plist_path, "w") as plist_file: plist_file.write( apple_plist % os.popen('which como').read().rstrip('\n')) os.system("launchctl load %s" % plist_path) puts(colored.white("como will automatically upload the data")) elif is_lin: user_cron = CronTab() if len(user_cron.find_command("como-update")) > 0: user_cron.remove_all("como-update") user_cron.write() puts(colored.white("como will not upload data")) else: job ="como-update") job.minute.every(2) #job.minute.on(0) #job.hour.on(19) user_cron.write() puts(colored.white("como will automatically upload the data")) elif is_win: error("Sorry there is no auto-upload for windows.")
def cmd_export(args): if not os.path.exists(COMO_BATTERY_FILE): error("No como database.") else: if os.path.exists("como.csv"): sure = raw_input( "Do you want to replace the old export file (como.csv)?" + " [y/n] ") if sure != 'y': return dataset = read_database() with open("como.csv", "w") as como: como.write(dataset.csv) message("saved file to current directory")
def cmd_import(args): if not os.path.exists(COMO_BATTERY_FILE): current_dataset = create_database() else: current_dataset = read_database() if os.path.exists(args.get(0)): import_dataset = Dataset() with open(os.path.expanduser(args.get(0)), "r") as import_file: import_dataset.csv = import_dataset.dict = map(import_format, import_dataset.dict) new = current_dataset.stack(import_dataset).sort('time') with open(COMO_BATTERY_FILE, 'w') as como: como.write(zlib.compress(new.json)) puts(colored.white("battery statistics imported")) else: error("Couldn't open file: %s" % args.get(0))
def main(): if not supported: error("Your OS is not supported.") sys.exit(ExitStatus.UNSUPPORTED) app.go()