def __init__(self, detector, keypoint_estimator, radius=3): super(ProbabilisticKeypointPrediction, self).__init__() # face detector RGB2GRAY = pr.ConvertColorSpace(pr.RGB2GRAY) self.detect = pr.Predict(detector, RGB2GRAY, pr.ToBoxes2D(['face'])) # creating pre-processing pipeline for keypoint estimator preprocess = SequentialProcessor() preprocess.add(pr.ResizeImage(keypoint_estimator.input_shape[1:3])) preprocess.add(pr.ConvertColorSpace(pr.RGB2GRAY)) preprocess.add(pr.NormalizeImage()) preprocess.add(pr.ExpandDims(0)) preprocess.add(pr.ExpandDims(-1)) # creating post-processing pipeline for keypoint esimtator # postprocess = SequentialProcessor() # postprocess.add(ToNumpyArray()) # postprocess.add(pr.Squeeze(1)) # keypoint estimator predictions self.estimate_keypoints = PredictMeanDistribution( keypoint_estimator, preprocess) # self.estimate_keypoints = pr.Predict( # keypoint_estimator, preprocess, postprocess) # used for drawing up keypoints in original image self.change_coordinates = pr.ChangeKeypointsCoordinateSystem() self.denormalize_keypoints = pr.DenormalizeKeypoints() self.crop_boxes2D = pr.CropBoxes2D() self.num_keypoints = len(keypoint_estimator.output_shape) self.draw = pr.DrawKeypoints2D(self.num_keypoints, radius, False) self.draw_boxes2D = pr.DrawBoxes2D(['face'], colors=[[0, 255, 0]]) self.wrap = pr.WrapOutput(['image', 'boxes2D'])
class DetectEigenFaces(Processor): def __init__(self, weights, measure, thresh, eigenfaces, mean_face, offsets=[0, 0]): super(DetectEigenFaces, self).__init__() self.offsets = offsets self.class_names = list(weights.keys()) + ['Face not found'] self.colors = lincolor(len(self.class_names)) self.croped_images = None # detection self.detect = HaarCascadeFrontalFace() self.square = SequentialProcessor() self.square.add(pr.SquareBoxes2D()) self.square.add(pr.OffsetBoxes2D(offsets)) self.clip = pr.ClipBoxes2D() self.crop = pr.CropBoxes2D() self.face_detector = EigenFaceDetector(weights, measure, thresh, eigenfaces, mean_face) # drawing and wrapping self.draw = pr.DrawBoxes2D(self.class_names, self.colors, weighted=True, with_score=False) self.wrap = pr.WrapOutput(['image', 'boxes2D']) def call(self, image): boxes2D = self.detect(image.copy())['boxes2D'] boxes2D = self.square(boxes2D) boxes2D = self.clip(image, boxes2D) self.cropped_images = self.crop(image, boxes2D) for cropped_image, box2D in zip(self.cropped_images, boxes2D): box2D.class_name = self.face_detector(cropped_image) image = self.draw(image, boxes2D) return self.wrap(image, boxes2D)
def __init__(self, model, draw=True): super(GMMKeypoints, self).__init__() self.num_keypoints = len(model.output_shape) preprocess = SequentialProcessor() preprocess.add(pr.ResizeImage(model.input_shape[1:3])) preprocess.add(pr.ConvertColorSpace(pr.RGB2GRAY)) preprocess.add(pr.NormalizeImage()) preprocess.add(pr.ExpandDims(0)) preprocess.add(pr.ExpandDims(-1)) self.estimate_keypoints = PredictDistributions(model, preprocess) self.to_grid = ToProbabilityGrid(GRID) self.draw = draw self.draw_probabilities = DrawProbabilities(self.num_keypoints) self.wrap = pr.WrapOutput(['image', 'probabilities', 'distributions'])
class ProcessGrayImage(SequentialProcessor): def __init__(self, size, num_classes, generator=None): super(ProcessGrayImage, self).__init__() self.size = size self.process = SequentialProcessor([pr.ExpandDims(-1)]) if generator is not None: self.process.add(pr.ImageDataProcessor(generator)) self.process.add(PreprocessImage((size, size), mean=None)) self.process.add(pr.ExpandDims(-1)) self.add(pr.UnpackDictionary(['image', 'label'])) self.add(pr.ExpandDomain(self.process)) self.add( pr.SequenceWrapper({0: { 'image': [size, size, 1] }}, {1: { 'label': [num_classes] }}))
from tensorflow.keras.preprocessing.image import ImageDataGenerator from tensorflow.keras.utils import get_file # let's download a test image and put it inside our PAZ directory IMAGE_URL = ('' '/v0.9/image_augmentation.png') filename = os.path.basename(IMAGE_URL) image_fullpath = get_file(filename, IMAGE_URL, cache_subdir='paz/tutorials') # we load the original image and display it image = load_image(image_fullpath) show_image(image) # We construct a data augmentation pipeline using the built-in PAZ processors: augment = SequentialProcessor() augment.add(pr.RandomContrast()) augment.add(pr.RandomBrightness()) augment.add(pr.RandomSaturation()) # We can now apply our pipeline as a normal function: for _ in range(5): image = load_image(image_fullpath) # use it as a normal function image = augment(image) show_image(image) # We can add to our sequential pipeline other function anywhere i.e. arg 0: augment.insert(0, pr.LoadImage()) for _ in range(5): # now we don't load the image every time. image = augment(image_fullpath)
def test_controlmap_reduction_and_keep(): pipeline = SequentialProcessor() pipeline.add(ControlMap(Sum(), [1, 2], [1], {2: 0})) assert pipeline(2, 5, 10) == (10, 2, 5 + 10)
# first we transform our numpy array into our built-in ``Box2D`` messages to_boxes2D = pr.ToBoxes2D(class_names) denormalize = pr.DenormalizeBoxes2D() boxes2D = to_boxes2D(box_data) image = load_image(image_fullpath) boxes2D = denormalize(image, boxes2D) draw_boxes2D = pr.DrawBoxes2D(class_names) show_image(draw_boxes2D(image, boxes2D)) # As you can see, we were not able to put everything as a # ``SequentialProcessor``. This is because we are dealing with 2 inputs: # ``box_data`` and ``image``. We can join them into a single processor # using ``pr.ControlMap`` wrap. ``pr.ControlMap`` allows you to select which # arguments (``intro_indices``) are passed to your processor, and also where # you should put the output of your processor (``outro_indices``). draw_boxes = SequentialProcessor() draw_boxes.add(pr.ControlMap(to_boxes2D, intro_indices=[1], outro_indices=[1])) draw_boxes.add(pr.ControlMap(pr.LoadImage(), [0], [0])) draw_boxes.add(pr.ControlMap(denormalize, [0, 1], [1], keep={0: 0})) draw_boxes.add(pr.DrawBoxes2D(class_names)) draw_boxes.add(pr.ShowImage()) # now you have everything in a single packed function that loads and draws! draw_boxes(image_fullpath, box_data) # Also note if one of your function is ``eating`` away one input that you # wish to keep in your pipeline, you can use the ``keep`` dictionary to # explicitly say which of your inputs you wish to keep and where it should # be located. This is represented respectively by the ``key`` and the # ``value`` of the ``keep`` dictionary.
def test_controlmap_reduction_and_retention(): pipeline = SequentialProcessor() pipeline.add(ControlMap(Sum(), [1, 5], [3])) assert pipeline(2, 5, 10, 6, 7, 8) == (2, 10, 6, 5 + 8, 7)
def test_controlmap_parallelization_in_different_order(): pipeline = SequentialProcessor() pipeline.add(ControlMap(MultiplyByFactor(2.0), [1], [1])) pipeline.add(ControlMap(MultiplyByFactor(3.0), [0], [0])) assert pipeline(10, 5) == (10 * 3.0, 5 * 2.0)
def test_controlmap_reduction_and_flip(): pipeline = SequentialProcessor() pipeline.add(ControlMap(Sum(), [1, 2], [1])) pipeline.add(ControlMap(MultiplyByFactor(0.5), [0], [0])) pipeline.add(ControlMap(AddConstantToVector(0.1), [0, 1], [1, 0])) assert pipeline(2, 5, 10) == ((5 + 10) + 0.1, (2 * 0.5) + 0.1)
def test_controlmap_reduction_and_selection_to_arg_2(): pipeline = SequentialProcessor() pipeline.add(ControlMap(Sum(), [1, 2], [1])) assert pipeline(2, 5, 10) == (2, 5 + 10)
def test_deterministic_and_stochastic_in_sequential_processor(): function = SequentialProcessor() function.add(NormalAdd()) function.add(RandomAdd(probability=1.0)) assert function(2.0) == 4.0
x = self.preprocess(x) distributions = self.model(x) keypoints = np.zeros((self.num_keypoints, 2)) for arg, distribution in enumerate(distributions): keypoints[arg] = distribution.mean() return keypoints def draw_circles(image, points, color=GREEN, radius=3): for point in points: draw_circle(image, point, color, radius) return image if __name__ == '__main__': from facial_keypoints import FacialKeypoints from paz.backend.image import show_image from paz.abstract import SequentialProcessor data_manager = FacialKeypoints('dataset/', 'train') datasets = data_manager.load_data() augment_keypoints = SequentialProcessor() augment_keypoints.add(pr.RandomKeypointRotation()) augment_keypoints.add(pr.RandomKeypointTranslation()) for arg in range(100): original_image = datasets[0]['image'].copy() kp = datasets[0]['keypoints'].copy() original_image, kp = augment_keypoints(original_image, kp) original_image = draw_circles(original_image, kp.astype('int')) show_image(original_image.astype('uint8'))
class FlipBoxesLeftRight(Processor): def __init__(self): super(FlipBoxesLeftRight, self).__init__() def call(self, image, boxes): width = image.shape[1] boxes[:, [0, 2]] = width - boxes[:, [2, 0]] image = image[:, ::-1] return image, boxes data = [{ 'value_A': np.array([[1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0]]), 'value_B': np.array([[1.0, 1.1, 1.2], [2.0, 2.1, 2.2]]) }] processor = SequentialProcessor() processor.add(pr.UnpackDictionary(['value_A', 'value_B'])) processor.add(FlipBoxesLeftRight()) processor.add( pr.SequenceWrapper({0: { 'value_A': [1, 4] }}, {1: { 'value_B': [2, 3] }})) sequence = ProcessingSequence(processor, 1, data) for _ in range(10): batch = sequence.__getitem__(0) value_A, value_B = batch[0]['value_A'][0], batch[1]['value_B'][0] print(value_B)