def _yourls_init(self, settings): if not settings['short_url']: PBinCLIError("YOURLS: An API URL is required") # setting API URL apiurl = settings['short_url'] if apiurl.endswith('/yourls-api.php'): self.apiurl = apiurl elif apiurl.endswith('/'): self.apiurl = apiurl + 'yourls-api.php' else: PBinCLIError( "YOURLS: Incorrect URL is provided.\n" + "It must contain full address to 'yourls-api.php' script (like\n" + "or just contain instance URL with '/' at the end (like" ) # validating for required credentials if settings['short_user'] and settings[ 'short_pass'] and settings['short_token'] is None: self.auth_args = { 'username': settings['short_user'], 'password': settings['short_pass'] } elif settings['short_user'] is None and settings[ 'short_pass'] is None and settings['short_token']: self.auth_args = {'signature': settings['short_token']} elif settings['short_user'] is None and settings[ 'short_pass'] is None and settings['short_token'] is None: self.auth_args = {} else: PBinCLIError( "YOURLS: either username and password or token are required. Otherwise set to default (None)" )
def _gd(self, url): request = { 'format': 'json', 'url': url, 'logstats': 0 # we don't want use any statistics } headers = {'User-Agent': self.useragent} try: result = + "create.php", headers=headers, proxies=self.proxy, data=request) response = result.json() if 'shorturl' in response: print("Short Link:\t{}".format(response['shorturl'])) else: PBinCLIError("{}: got error {} from API: {}".format( "" if self.api == 'isgd' else '', response['errorcode'], response['errormessage'])) except Exception as ex: PBinCLIError("{}: unexcepted behavior: {}".format( "" if self.api == 'isgd' else '', ex))
def _custom(self, url): if self.apiurl is None: PBinCLIError( "No short_url specified - link will not be shortened.") from urllib.parse import quote qUrl = quote(url, safe="") # urlencoded paste url rUrl = self.apiurl.replace("{{url}}", qUrl) try: result = self.session.get(url=rUrl, proxies=self.proxy) print("Short Link:\t{}".format(result.text)) except Exception as ex: PBinCLIError("Shorter: unexcepted behavior: {}".format(ex))
def _clckru(self, url): request = {'url': url} try: result ="", proxies=self.proxy, data=request) print("Short Link:\t{}".format(result.text)) except Exception as ex: PBinCLIError(" unexcepted behavior: {}".format(ex))
def _cuttly(self, url): request = {'url': url, 'domain': 0} try: result = url="", proxies=self.proxy, data=request) print("Short Link:\t{}".format(result.text)) except Exception as ex: PBinCLIError(" unexcepted behavior: {}".format(ex))
def _tinyurl(self, url): request = {'url': url} try: result = url="", proxies=self.proxy, data=request) print("Short Link:\t{}".format(result.text)) except Exception as ex: PBinCLIError("TinyURL: unexcepted behavior: {}".format(ex))
def post(self, request): result =, headers=self.headers, proxies=self.proxy, data=request) try: return result.json() except ValueError: PBinCLIError( "Unable parse response as json. Received (size = {}):\n{}". format(len(result.text), result.text))
def delete(self, request): # using try as workaround for versions < 1.3 due to we cant detect # if server used version 1.2, where auto-deletion is added try: result =, headers=self.headers, proxies=self.proxy, data=request).json() except ValueError: # unable parse response as json because it can be empty (1.2), so simulate correct answer print( "NOTICE: Received empty response. We interpret that as our paste has already been deleted." ) from json import loads as json_loads result = json_loads('{"status":0}') if not result['status']: print("Paste successfully deleted!") elif result['status']: PBinCLIError("Something went wrong...\nError:\t\t{}".format( result['message'])) else: PBinCLIError("Something went wrong...\nError: Empty response.")
def _yourls(self, url): request = {'action': 'shorturl', 'format': 'json', 'url': url} request.update(self.auth_args) result =, proxies=self.proxy, data=request) try: result.raise_for_status() except HTTPError: try: response = result.json() except ValueError: PBinCLIError( "YOURLS: Unable parse response. Received (size = {}):\n{}". format(len(result.text), result.text)) else: PBinCLIError( "YOURLS: Received error from API: {} with JSON {}".format( result, response)) else: response = result.json() if {'status', 'statusCode', 'message'} <= set(response.keys()): if response['status'] == 'fail': PBinCLIError("YOURLS: Received error from API: {}".format( response['message'])) if not 'shorturl' in response: PBinCLIError("YOURLS: Unknown error: {}".format( response['message'])) else: print("Short Link:\t{}".format(response['shorturl'])) else: PBinCLIError( "YOURLS: No status, statusCode or message fields in response! Received:\n{}" .format(response))
def read_config(filename): """Read config variables from a file""" settings = {} with open(filename) as f: for l in f.readlines(): if len(l.strip()) == 0: continue try: key, value = l.strip().split("=", 1) settings[key.strip()] = value.strip() except ValueError: PBinCLIError( "Unable to parse config file, please check it for errors.") return settings
def __compress(self, s): if self._version == 2 and self._compression == 'zlib': # using compressobj as compress doesn't let us specify wbits # needed to get the raw stream without headers co = zlib.compressobj(wbits=-zlib.MAX_WBITS) return co.compress(s) + co.flush() elif self._version == 2 and self._compression == 'none': # nothing to do, just return original data return s elif self._version == 1: co = zlib.compressobj(wbits=-zlib.MAX_WBITS) b = co.compress(s) + co.flush() return b64encode(''.join(map(chr, b)).encode('utf-8')) else: PBinCLIError('Unknown compression type provided!')
def __decompress(self, s): if self._version == 2 and self._compression == 'zlib': # decompress data return zlib.decompress(s, -zlib.MAX_WBITS) elif self._version == 2 and self._compression == 'none': # nothing to do, just return original data return s elif self._version == 1: return zlib.decompress( bytearray( map(lambda c: ord(c) & 255, b64decode(s.encode('utf-8')).decode('utf-8'))), -zlib.MAX_WBITS) else: PBinCLIError('Unknown compression type provided in paste!')
def __init__(self, settings=None): self.api = settings['short_api'] if self.api is None: PBinCLIError( "Unable to activate link shortener without short_api.") # we checking which service is used, because some services doesn't require # any authentication, or have only one domain on which it working if self.api == 'yourls': self._yourls_init(settings) elif self.api == 'isgd' or self.api == 'vgd': self._gd_init() elif self.api == 'custom': self.apiurl = settings['short_url'] self.session, self.proxy = _config_requests(settings)
def send(args, api_client, settings=None): from pbincli.api import Shortener if args.short: shortener = Shortener(settings) if not args.notext: if args.text: text = args.text elif args.stdin: print("Reading text from stdin…") text = elif not args.file: PBinCLIError("Nothing to send!") else: text = "" print("Preparing paste…") paste = Paste(args.debug) if args.verbose: print("Used server: {}".format(api_client.getServer())) # get from server supported paste format version and update object if args.verbose: print("Getting supported paste format version from server…") version = api_client.getVersion() paste.setVersion(version) if args.verbose: print("Filling paste with data…") # set compression type, works only on v2 pastes if version == 2: paste.setCompression(args.compression) # add text in paste (if it provided) paste.setText(text) # If we set PASSWORD variable if args.password: paste.setPassword(args.password) # If we set FILE variable if args.file: paste.setAttachment(args.file) if args.verbose: print("Encrypting paste…") paste.encrypt(formatter=args.format, burnafterreading=args.burn, discussion=args.discus, expiration=args.expire) if args.verbose: print("Sending request to server…") request = paste.getJSON() if args.debug: print("Passphrase:\t{}\nRequest:\t{}".format(paste.getHash(), request)) # If we use dry option, exit now if args.dry: exit(0) print("Uploading paste…") result = if args.debug: print("Response:\t{}\n".format(result)) # Paste was sent. Checking for returned status code if not result['status']: # return code is zero passphrase = paste.getHash() # Paste information print( "Paste uploaded!\nPasteID:\t{}\nPassword:\t{}\nDelete token:\t{}". format(result['id'], passphrase, result['deletetoken'])) # Paste link print("\nLink:\t\t{}?{}#{}".format(settings['server'], result['id'], passphrase)) # Paste deletion link print("Delete Link:\t{}?pasteid={}&deletetoken={}".format( settings['server'], result['id'], result['deletetoken'])) # Print links to mirrors if present if settings['mirrors']: print("\nMirrors:") urls = settings['mirrors'].split(',') for x in urls: print("\t\t{}?{}#{}".format(validate_url_ending(x), result['id'], passphrase)) elif result['status']: # return code is other then zero PBinCLIError("Something went wrong…\nError:\t\t{}".format( result['message'])) else: # or here no status field in response or it is empty PBinCLIError("Something went wrong…\nError: Empty response.") if args.short: print("\nQuerying URL shortening service…") shortener.getlink("{}?{}#{}".format(settings['server'], result['id'], passphrase))
from base64 import b64encode, b64decode from pbincli.utils import PBinCLIError import zlib # try import AES cipher and check if it has GCM mode (prevent usage of pycrypto) try: from Crypto.Cipher import AES if not hasattr(AES, 'MODE_GCM'): try: from Cryptodome.Cipher import AES from Cryptodome.Random import get_random_bytes except ImportError: PBinCLIError( "AES GCM mode is not found in imported crypto module.\n" + "That can happen if you have installed pycrypto.\n\n" + "We tried to import pycryptodomex but it is not available.\n" + "Please install it via pip, if you still need pycrypto, by running:\n" + "\tpip install pycryptodomex\n" + "... otherwise use separate python environment or uninstall pycrypto:\n" + "\tpip uninstall pycrypto") else: from Crypto.Random import get_random_bytes except ImportError: PBinCLIError("Unable import pycryptodome") CIPHER_ITERATION_COUNT = 100000 CIPHER_SALT_BYTES = 8 CIPHER_BLOCK_BITS = 256 CIPHER_TAG_BITS = 128 class Paste:
def get(args, api_client, settings=None): from pbincli.utils import check_writable, json_encode try: pasteid, passphrase = args.pasteinfo.split("#") except ValueError: PBinCLIError( "Provided info hasn't contain valid PasteID#Passphrase string") if not (pasteid and passphrase): PBinCLIError("Incorrect request") if args.debug: print("PasteID:\t{}\nPassphrase:\t{}".format(pasteid, passphrase)) paste = Paste(args.debug) if args.password: paste.setPassword(args.password) if args.debug: print("Password:\t{}".format(args.password)) result = api_client.get(pasteid) if args.debug: print("Response:\t{}\n".format(result)) # Paste was received. Checking received status code if not result['status']: # return code is zero print("Paste received!") version = result['v'] if 'v' in result else 1 paste.setVersion(version) if version == 2: if args.debug: print("Authentication data:\t{}".format(result['adata'])) paste.setHash(passphrase) paste.loadJSON(result) paste.decrypt() text = paste.getText() if args.debug: print("Decoded text size: {}\n".format(len(text))) if len(text): if args.debug: print("{}\n".format(text.decode())) filename = "paste-" + pasteid + ".txt" print("Found text in paste. Saving it to {}".format(filename)) check_writable(filename) with open(filename, "wb") as f: f.write(text) f.close() attachment, attachment_name = paste.getAttachment() if attachment: print("Found file, attached to paste. Saving it to {}\n".format( attachment_name)) check_writable(attachment_name) with open(attachment_name, "wb") as f: f.write(attachment) f.close() if version == 1 and 'meta' in result and 'burnafterreading' in result[ 'meta'] and result['meta']['burnafterreading']: print("Burn afrer reading flag found. Deleting paste...") api_client.delete( json_encode({ 'pasteid': pasteid, 'deletetoken': 'burnafterreading' })) elif result['status']: # return code is other then zero PBinCLIError("Something went wrong...\nError:\t\t{}".format( result['message'])) else: # or here no status field in response or it is empty PBinCLIError("Something went wrong...\nError: Empty response.")
def send(args, api_client, settings=None): from pbincli.api import Shortener if args.short: shortener = Shortener(settings) if not args.notext: if args.text: text = args.text elif args.stdin: text = elif not args.file: PBinCLIError("Nothing to send!") else: text = "" paste = Paste(args.debug) # get from server supported paste format version and update object version = api_client.getVersion() paste.setVersion(version) # set compression type, works only on v2 pastes if version == 2: paste.setCompression(args.compression) # add text in paste (if it provided) paste.setText(text) # If we set PASSWORD variable if args.password: paste.setPassword(args.password) # If we set FILE variable if args.file: paste.setAttachment(args.file) paste.encrypt(formatter=args.format, burnafterreading=args.burn, discussion=args.discus, expiration=args.expire) request = paste.getJSON() if args.debug: print("Passphrase:\t{}".format(paste.getHash())) print("Request:\t{}".format(request)) # If we use dry option, exit now if args.dry: exit(0) result = if args.debug: print("Response:\t{}\n".format(result)) # Paste was sent. Checking for returned status code if not result['status']: # return code is zero passphrase = paste.getHash() print( "Paste uploaded!\nPasteID:\t{}\nPassword:\t{}\nDelete token:\t{}\n\nLink:\t\t{}?{}#{}" .format(result['id'], passphrase, result['deletetoken'], settings['server'], result['id'], passphrase)) elif result['status']: # return code is other then zero PBinCLIError("Something went wrong...\nError:\t\t{}".format( result['message'])) else: # or here no status field in response or it is empty PBinCLIError("Something went wrong...\nError: Empty response.") if args.short: print("\nQuerying URL shortening service...") shortener.getlink("{}?{}#{}".format(settings['server'], result['id'], passphrase))