예제 #1
파일: geoserver.py 프로젝트: xmichael/pcapi
def publish(table, title, company, identifier,url=DEFAULT_AUTHORITY_URL):
    """ Create a layer & authority metadata for a postgis table

    @oaram table(string): Postgis table name e.g. sid-*
    @oaram title(string): Human readble title for direct users of WFS
    @param company(string): the company name to add
    @param identifier(string): the identifier. 
        NOTE: This is the same as the PostGIS table!.
    @param url(string): the name of a URI for the company. Can be "http://SOME_URI"
    @returns : the XML string
    log.debug("Publishing {0} as {1} and url {2}".format(COMPANY,identifier,url))
    if ( config.get("geoserver","enable") == "true"):
        endpoint = config.get("geoserver","endpoint")
        username = config.get("geoserver","username")
        password = config.get("geoserver","password")

        data = message_add_layer(table, title)
        msg = rest_request(endpoint, username, password, "POST", data, ADD_LAYER_PATH)
        log.debug("Geoserver add layer reponse: %s" % msg)
        data = message_authority(company, identifier, url)
        # this call returns nothing
        rest_request(endpoint, username, password, "PUT", data, PUBLISH_LAYER_PATH_TPL.format(table))
        return msg
    log.debug("Geoserver support is disabled!")
    return None #no-op
예제 #2
파일: WFS.py 프로젝트: edina/pcapi
def describefeaturetype(params):
    """WFS DescribeFeatureType interface
    @param params(dict): request headers
    @returns dictionary with { response, mimetype, error }
    ## Mandatory parametres
    if "typename" not in params:
        return {"error": 1, "response": "Missing 'typeName'"}
    TYPENAME = params["typename"]
    FEATURES_FILE=os.path.join(config.get("path", "ows_template_dir"), "features.json")

    SID = None
    with open(FEATURES_FILE) as f:
        FEATURES = json.load(f)
        if TYPENAME in FEATURES:

    if not SID:
        return {"error": 1, "response": "TypeName %s not found in features.json"
                % TYPENAME}

    XSD_FILE=os.path.join(config.get("path", "ows_template_dir"), TPL_FILE + ".xsd")

        with open(XSD_FILE) as f:
            return {"error": 0, "response": f.read(), "mimetype":'text/xml; charset=utf-8'}
    except IOError:
        return _error("Cannot open file %s.xsd" % SID)
예제 #3
파일: WFS.py 프로젝트: edina/pcapi
def getfeature(params):
    """WFS GetFeature interface
    @param params(dict): request headers
    @returns dictionary with { response, mimetype, error }
    ## Mandatory parametres
    if "typename" not in params:
        return {"error": 1, "response": "Missing 'typeName'"}
    TYPENAME = params["typename"]
    ENDPOINT=config.get("ows", "endpoint")
    FEATURES_FILE=os.path.join(config.get("path", "ows_template_dir"), "features.json")

    ## Optional parametres
    OUTPUTFORMAT = params["outputformat"] if "outputformat" in params else "text/xml; subtype=gml/3.1.1"

    SID = None
    TPL_FILE = None
    with open(FEATURES_FILE) as f:
        FEATURES = json.load(f)
        if TYPENAME in FEATURES:

    if not SID:
        return {"error": 1, "response": "featureType %s not found in features.json"
                % TYPENAME}

    if "test" in params and params["test"] == "1":
        uid = config.get("test", "test_uid")
        uid = config.get("path", "public_uid")

    fp = fs_provider.FsProvider(uid)
    # Join all records
    all_records = Records.create_records_cache(fp, "/records")
    # Filter by survey id
    filtered_records = Records.filter_data(all_records, "editor", uid, {"id":SID})
    # export ot GeoJSON (as Python dictionary)
    res = Records.convertToGeoJSON(filtered_records)

    if res:
        if (OUTPUTFORMAT == "application/json") or (OUTPUTFORMAT == "json"):
            return {"error": 0, "response": res, "mimetype": "application/json"}
        # If not JSON assume XML and pipe through template
        APPSCHEMA_FILE=os.path.join(config.get("path", "ows_template_dir"),
        if os.path.isfile(APPSCHEMA_FILE):
            with open(APPSCHEMA_FILE) as f:
                res = template(f.read(), FC=res, OWS_ENDPOINT=ENDPOINT,)
            return {"error": 0, "response": res, "mimetype":'text/xml; charset=utf-8'}
            return {"error": 1, "response": "Template not found for %s" % SID}
        return {"error": 1, "response": "WFS GetFeature unsuccessful"}
예제 #4
파일: logtool.py 프로젝트: xmichael/pcapi
def getLogger(name, parent=None):
    """ Create a logger with some sane configuration
        name (str): name of logger. Should be the name of the file.
        parent (str): name of parent logger to inherit its properties
    if parent:
        # create child logger that inherits properties from father
        logger = logging.getLogger(parent + "." + name)
        #create parent logger with new properties
        logger = logging.getLogger(name)
        # create file handler which logs even debug messages
        #fh = logging.FileHandler(config.get("path","log_file"))
        fh = handlers.TimedRotatingFileHandler(config.get("path", "log_file"),
        # create formatter and add it to the handler
        formatter = logging.Formatter(
            '%(asctime)s - %(name)s:%(lineno)d - %(levelname)s - %(message)s')
        # add the handlers to the logger
    return logger
예제 #5
파일: wfs.py 프로젝트: cobweb-eu/pcapi
    def test_get_feature(self):
        def post_rec(url, name):
            with open(os.path.join(config.get("test", "test_resources"), name), "r") as f:
                resp = self.app.post(url, params=f.read()).json
                self.assertEquals(resp['error'], 0)

        gf_url = '{0}?SERVICE=WFS&VERSION=1.1.0&REQUEST=GETFEATURE'.format(

        resp = self.app.get(gf_url)
        self.assertEquals(self._error(resp), "Missing 'typeName'")

        type_name = 'XXX'
        url = '{0}&typename={1}'.format(gf_url, type_name)
        resp = self.app.get(url)
            'featureType {0} not found in features.json'.format(type_name))

        uid = config.get("test", "test_uid")

        # post initial record to ensure test directory is setup
        rname = 'record1'
        r_url = '/records/local/{0}/{1}'.format(uid, rname)
        post_rec(r_url, 'testfile-sd1.rec')

        # delete all records

        # test no records
        ft = self._get_feature_types(1)[0].text
        url = '{0}&typename={1}&OUTPUTFORMAT=json&test=1'.format(gf_url, ft)
        resp = self.app.get(url).json
        self.assertEquals(len(resp['features']), 0)

        # post a record for sd1
        post_rec(r_url, 'testfile-sd1.rec')
        url = '{0}&typename={1}&OUTPUTFORMAT=json&test=1'.format(gf_url, ft)
        resp = self.app.get(url).json
        self.assertEquals(len(resp['features']), 1)
        self.assertEquals(resp['features'][0]['properties']['fields'][0]['val'], 'val1')

        # gml
        url = '{0}&typename={1}&OUTPUTFORMAT&test=1'.format(gf_url, ft)
        resp = self.app.get(url)
        # TODO: missing template
        #print resp

        # post a record for sd2
        post_rec(r_url, 'testfile-sd2.rec')
        ft = self._get_feature_types(2)[0].text
        url = '{0}&typename={1}&OUTPUTFORMAT=json&test=1'.format(gf_url, ft)
        resp = self.app.get(url).json
        self.assertEquals(len(resp['features']), 1)
        self.assertEquals(resp['features'][0]['properties']['fields'][0]['val'], 'val2')

        # gml
        url = '{0}&typename={1}&OUTPUTFORMAT&test=1'.format(gf_url, ft)
        resp = self.app.get(url)
예제 #6
파일: qa_usecase.py 프로젝트: edina/pcapi
 def _create_rec(self, name):
     with open(
             os.path.join(config.get('test', 'test_resources'),
                          'record_filter', '{0}.json'.format(name)),
             'r') as f:
         url = '{0}/{1}'.format(self.REC_PREFIX, name)
         resp = self.app.post(url, params=f.read()).json
         self.assertEquals(resp["error"], 0)
예제 #7
 def create_rec(name):
     with open(
             os.path.join(config.get('test', 'test_resources'),
                          'record_filter', '{0}.json'.format(name)),
             'r') as f:
         url = '/records/{0}/{1}/{2}'.format(provider, userid, name)
         resp = app.post(url, params=f.read()).json
         self.assertEquals(resp["error"], 0)
예제 #8
def get_surveys(uid):
    """ fetching all surveys a users is registered for. 
    @param uid(string): the SAML UUID of the user
    @returns : A class that represents all the surveys found or None
    log.debug("Quering surveys for {0}".format(uid))
    endpoint = config.get("geonetwork","endpoint")
    username = config.get("geonetwork","username")
    password = config.get("geonetwork","password")

    # just in case, since urllib2 is not threadsafe according to docs
    with lock:
        msg = msg_get_surveys(uid)
        resj = get_request(endpoint, username, password, msg)
        res = json.loads(resj)

    return Surveys(res)
예제 #9
 def _create_rec(self, name):
     with open(os.path.join(
         config.get('test', 'test_resources'),
         '{0}.json'.format(name)), 'r') as f:
         url = '{0}/{1}'.format(self.REC_PREFIX, name)
         resp = self.app.post(url, params=f.read()).json
         self.assertEquals(resp["error"], 0)
예제 #10
 def copy_to_public_folder(self, path):
     """ Copies file to public folder as configued in pcapi.ini 
     returns destination path (should be the same as path)        
     public_uid = config.get("path", "public_uid")
     pubfs = FsProvider(public_uid)
     with open(self.realpath(path)) as fp:
         return pubfs.put_file(path, fp, True)
예제 #11
 def copy_to_public_folder(self,path):
     """ Copies file to public folder as configued in pcapi.ini 
     returns destination path (should be the same as path)        
     public_uid = config.get("path", "public_uid")
     pubfs = FsProvider(public_uid)
     with open(self.realpath(path)) as fp:
         return pubfs.put_file(path, fp, True)
예제 #12
 def __init__(self, userid):
     """ Args:
             userid (string) : Userid (aka request key) of user.
                 Only valid emails or hexnums are allowed
     if not ( FsProvider.EMAIL_RE.match(userid) or FsProvider.HEX_RE.match(userid) ):
         raise FsException("Illegal userid: %s -- should either HEX or EMAIL" % userid)
     self.userid = userid
     # Full path pointing to the user's sandbox *directory*
     self.basedir = config.get("path", "data_dir") + "/" + userid
예제 #13
def upgrade_all_data():
    # normally ~/.pcapi/data
    data_dir = config.get("path", "data_dir")
    for f in find_json(data_dir):
        j = json.load(open(f))
        gj = rec2geojson(j)
        if not gj:
            print "Ignoring %s which is already converted." % f
            print "Overwriting new version of %s" % f
            with open(f, 'w') as fp:
                json.dump(gj, fp)
예제 #14
def upgrade_all_data():
    # normally ~/.pcapi/data
    data_dir = config.get("path","data_dir")
    for f in find_json(data_dir):
        j = json.load(open(f))
        gj = rec2geojson(j)
        if not gj:
            print "Ignoring %s which is already converted." % f
            print "Overwriting new version of %s" % f
            with open(f,'w') as fp:
예제 #15
 def __init__(self, userid):
     """ Args:
             userid (string) : Userid (aka request key) of user.
                 Only valid emails or hexnums are allowed
     if not (FsProvider.EMAIL_RE.match(userid)
             or FsProvider.HEX_RE.match(userid)):
         raise FsException(
             "Illegal userid: %s -- should either HEX or EMAIL" % userid)
     self.userid = userid
     # Full path pointing to the user's sandbox *directory*
     self.basedir = config.get("path", "data_dir") + "/" + userid
예제 #16
파일: WFS.py 프로젝트: edina/pcapi
def getcapabilities(params):
    """WFS GetCapalities interface
    @param params(dict): request headers
    @returns dictionary with { response, mimetype, error }
    FEATURES = None

    # Check mandatory arguments
    ENDPOINT=config.get("ows", "endpoint")
    FEATURES_FILE=os.path.join(config.get("path", "ows_template_dir"), "features.json")
    GETCAPABILITIES_FILE=os.path.join(config.get("path", "ows_template_dir"),
                                      "wfs_getcapabilities_response-%s.tpl" % params["version"])

    with open(FEATURES_FILE) as f:
        FEATURES = json.load(f)

    with open(GETCAPABILITIES_FILE) as f:
        res = template(f.read(), OWS_ENDPOINT=ENDPOINT,
    if res:
        return {"error": 0, "response": res, "mimetype":'text/xml; charset=utf-8'}
        return {"error": 1, "response": "WFS GetCapalities unsuccessful"}
예제 #17
    def test_post_editor(self):
        """  post an editor """

        url = '/fs/{0}/{1}/editors/test.json'.format(provider, userid)
        editor = editorfile.read()
        with open(
                os.path.join(config.get("test", "test_resources"),
                             'form.json'), "r") as f:
            resp = app.post(url, params=f.read()).json
            self.assertEquals(resp["error"], 0)
        # Contents of /editors/ should be the "/editors/test.json" (always receives absolute paths)
        resp = app.get('/fs/{0}/{1}/editors'.format(provider, userid)).json
        #print `resp`
        self.assertTrue("/editors/test.json" in resp["metadata"])
예제 #18
def toPostGIS(data, userid):
    """ Export "/data.json" to configured PostGIS database. Assumes an up-to-date data.json.
    Returns: JSON object with status, new tablename, message
    # If an email is used for userid we need to change `@' and `.' to something valid
    # for Postgres tables
    tablename = userid.replace('@','_at_').replace('.','_dot_')
    host = config.get("pg","database_host")
    database = config.get("pg","database_database")
    user = config.get("pg","database_user")
    password = config.get("pg","database_password")

    target = TARGET_POSTGIS.format( USER=user, DATABASE=database, HOST=host, PASSWORD=password )
    source = data

    call_array = [ OGR2OGR, "-overwrite", "-update", "-f", "PostgreSQL", target, \
        source, "OGRGeoJSON", "-nln", tablename]

    LOG.debug("OGR export: " + `call_array`)

    status = subprocess.call( call_array )
    if (status):
        return { "error": status, "msg":"OGR Export failed"}
    return {"error": 0, "table": tablename, "msg":"Successfully exported to {0}".format(tablename) }
예제 #19
    def test_get_invalid_records(self):
        url = '/records/{0}/{1}//'.format(provider, userid)

        # post invalid record
        url = '/records/{0}/{1}/myrecord'.format(provider, userid)
        with open(
                os.path.join(config.get("test", "test_resources"),
                             'invalid.rec'), "r") as f:
            resp = app.post(url, params=f.read()).json
            self.assertEquals(resp["error"], 0)

        url = '/records/{0}/{1}/'.format(provider, userid)
        resp = app.get(url).json

        # get all returns 0 but no error
        self.assertEquals(len(resp["records"]), 0)
        self.assertEquals(resp["error"], 0)
예제 #20
def _verify_token():
    Get user id from token file and validate it. If it is not there or invalid
    generate a new one.
    global userid
    tokenfile = os.sep.join((config.get('test',
                                        'test_resources'), 'token.txt'))

    with open(tokenfile, 'w+') as f:
        token = f.read()

    if len(token) > 0:
        resp = app.get('/auth/dropbox/{0}'.format(token)).json

        if resp["state"] == 1:
            userid = token

    if userid is None:

        def get_json():
            obj = None
                f = urllib2.urlopen(
                obj = json.loads(f.read())
            except URLError:
                print 'Run python pcapi_devel.py, press Ret to continue'
                obj = get_json()

            return obj

        obj = get_json()
        userid = obj['userid']
        print 'Goto {0}  press Ret to continue'.format(obj['url'])
        print 'Using {0}'.format(userid)

        with open(tokenfile, 'w') as f:

    return userid
예제 #21
파일: logtool.py 프로젝트: cobweb-eu/pcapi
def getLogger(name, parent=None):
    """ Create a logger with some sane configuration
        name (str): name of logger. Should be the name of the file.
        parent (str): name of parent logger to inherit its properties
    if parent:
        # create child logger that inherits properties from father
        logger = logging.getLogger(parent + "." + name)
        #create parent logger with new properties
        logger = logging.getLogger(name)
        # create file handler which logs even debug messages
        #fh = logging.FileHandler(config.get("path","log_file"))
        fh = handlers.TimedRotatingFileHandler(config.get("path","log_file"), when='midnight')
        # create formatter and add it to the handler
        formatter = logging.Formatter('%(asctime)s - %(name)s:%(lineno)d - %(levelname)s - %(message)s')
        # add the handlers to the logger
    return logger
예제 #22
    def test_image_upload(self):
        url = '/records/{0}/{1}//'.format(provider, userid)

        # create new record
        rname = 'myrecord'
        url = '/records/{0}/{1}/{2}'.format(provider, userid, rname)
        resp = app.post(url, params=localfile.read()).json
        self.assertEquals(resp['error'], 0)

        # post binary image
        bfname = 'image.jpg'
        resp = app.post('{0}/{1}'.format(url, bfname),
                        upload_files=[('file', imagefilepath)]).json
        self.assertEquals(resp['error'], 0)
        self.assertEquals(resp['msg'], 'File uploaded')
                          '/records/{0}/{1}'.format(rname, bfname))

        # post base64 string (based on encoding of test image)
        sfname = 'imageb64.jpg'
        with open(imagefilepath, 'r') as f:
            out = base64.b64encode(f.read())
            resp = app.post('{0}/{1}?base64=true'.format(url, sfname),
            self.assertEquals(resp['error'], 0)
            self.assertEquals(resp['msg'], 'File uploaded')
                              '/records/{0}/{1}'.format(rname, sfname))

        # verify both files have same size
        d = os.path.join(config.get("path", 'data_dir'), userid, 'records',
            os.stat(os.path.join(d, bfname)).st_size,
            os.stat(os.path.join(d, sfname)).st_size)
예제 #23
파일: postgis.py 프로젝트: xmichael/pcapi
import psycopg2
import psycopg2.extensions

from pcapi.fs_provider import FsProvider
from pcapi.publish import mapping, geoserver

# Needed for transparent unicode support

from pcapi import config, logtool

log = logtool.getLogger("postgis", "pcapi.publish")

# full path of PostGIS database
host = config.get("pg", "database_host")
database = config.get("pg", "database_database")
user = config.get("pg", "database_user")
password = config.get("pg", "database_password")

log.debug("Starting connection with PostGIS database: {0}@{1}".format(
    user, password))

# When host is not supplied then default to peer (UNIX sockets) authentication
conn_string = "dbname={database} user={user}".format(database=database,
if host:
    conn_string += " host={host} password={password}".format(host=host,

# NOTE: mod_wsgi could initialize these global variables in *different* processes for each request.
예제 #24
import sys
import unittest

from webtest import TestApp

## Also libraries to the python path
pwd = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))
sys.path.append(os.path.join(pwd, '../'))  # to find the classes to test

from pcapi.server import application
from pcapi import config

userid = "*****@*****.**"

# where to get records ala "recordXXX.json" from
envsys_records_dir = config.get("test", "records_dir")
# How many records
records_num = 15

# Application
app = TestApp(application)
provider = 'local'

class TestOGRExport(unittest.TestCase):
    1) POST all test records

    2) EXPORT to postgis
예제 #25
# Database connection wrapper

from pcapi import config, logtool

log = logtool.getLogger("connection", "pcapi")

use_sqlite = config.has_option("path", "sessionsdb")
if use_sqlite:
    # using sqlite
    #from pysqlite2.dbapi2 import OperationalError
    import pysqlite2.dbapi2 as db

    # full path of sqlite3 database
    db_path = config.get("path", "sessionsdb")
    log.info('Connect to sqlite using {0}'.format(db_path))

    # creating/connecting the test_db.
    # "check_same_thread" turns off some false alarms from sqlite3.
    # NOTE: mod_wsgi runs these global variables in *different* processes for each request.
    conn = db.connect(db_path, check_same_thread=False)
    # try postgres
    import psycopg2
    db = 'dbname={0} user={1} password={2} host={3} port={4}'.format(
        config.get("pg", "database_database"),
        config.get("pg", "database_user"),
        config.get("pg", "database_password"),
        config.get("pg", "database_host"),
        config.get("pg", "database_port"))
    log.info('Connect to postgres using {0}'.format(db))
    conn = psycopg2.connect(db)
예제 #26
    def test_get_feature(self):
        def post_rec(url, name):
            with open(os.path.join(config.get("test", "test_resources"), name),
                      "r") as f:
                resp = self.app.post(url, params=f.read()).json
                self.assertEquals(resp['error'], 0)

        gf_url = '{0}?SERVICE=WFS&VERSION=1.1.0&REQUEST=GETFEATURE'.format(

        resp = self.app.get(gf_url)
        self.assertEquals(self._error(resp), "Missing 'typeName'")

        type_name = 'XXX'
        url = '{0}&typename={1}'.format(gf_url, type_name)
        resp = self.app.get(url)
            'featureType {0} not found in features.json'.format(type_name))

        uid = config.get("test", "test_uid")

        # post initial record to ensure test directory is setup
        rname = 'record1'
        r_url = '/records/local/{0}/{1}'.format(uid, rname)
        post_rec(r_url, 'testfile-sd1.rec')

        # delete all records

        # test no records
        ft = self._get_feature_types(1)[0].text
        url = '{0}&typename={1}&OUTPUTFORMAT=json&test=1'.format(gf_url, ft)
        resp = self.app.get(url).json
        self.assertEquals(len(resp['features']), 0)

        # post a record for sd1
        post_rec(r_url, 'testfile-sd1.rec')
        url = '{0}&typename={1}&OUTPUTFORMAT=json&test=1'.format(gf_url, ft)
        resp = self.app.get(url).json
        self.assertEquals(len(resp['features']), 1)
            resp['features'][0]['properties']['fields'][0]['val'], 'val1')

        # gml
        url = '{0}&typename={1}&OUTPUTFORMAT&test=1'.format(gf_url, ft)
        resp = self.app.get(url)
        # TODO: missing template
        #print resp

        # post a record for sd2
        post_rec(r_url, 'testfile-sd2.rec')
        ft = self._get_feature_types(2)[0].text
        url = '{0}&typename={1}&OUTPUTFORMAT=json&test=1'.format(gf_url, ft)
        resp = self.app.get(url).json
        self.assertEquals(len(resp['features']), 1)
            resp['features'][0]['properties']['fields'][0]['val'], 'val2')

        # gml
        url = '{0}&typename={1}&OUTPUTFORMAT&test=1'.format(gf_url, ft)
        resp = self.app.get(url)
예제 #27
import re
import time
from pcapi import config, logtool
from pcapi.db import tokens
from dropbox import client, session, rest
from db import tokens
from urlparse import urlsplit, urlunsplit

### Static Variables ###
APP_KEY = config.get("dropbox", "app_key")
APP_SECRET = config.get("dropbox", "app_secret")
ACCESS_TYPE = 'app_folder'  # should be 'dropbox' or 'app_folder' as configured for your app

STATE_CODES = {"verify_token": 0, "connected": 1, "non_authorized": 2}

# CAPABILITIES that this provider supports
CAPABILITIES = ["oauth", "search", "synchronize", "delete"]

log = logtool.getLogger("DropboxProvider", "pcapi")

class Metadata(object):
    """ metadata of files/dir as returned from dropbox. This is plain filesystem
    metadata and NOT high-level pcapi metadata for records or editors"""
    def __init__(self, md):
        self.md = md

    def __str__(self):
        return ` self.md `
예제 #28
import sys
import unittest

from webtest import TestApp

## Also libraries to the python path
pwd = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))
sys.path.append(os.path.join(pwd, '../'))  # to find the classes to test

from pcapi.server import application
from pcapi import config

userid = "*****@*****.**"

# where to get records ala "recordXXX.json" from
envsys_records_dir = config.get("test", "records_dir")
# How many records
records_num = 15

# Application
app = TestApp(application)
provider = 'local'

class TestOGRExport(unittest.TestCase):
    1) POST all test records

    2) EXPORT to postgis
    ########### UPLOAD RECORDS ###########
예제 #29
        returns destination path (should be the same as path)        
        public_uid = config.get("path", "public_uid")
        pubfs = FsProvider(public_uid)
        with open(self.realpath(path)) as fp:
            return pubfs.put_file(path, fp, True)

    def file_delete(self,path):
        """ Delete file and return parsed metadata"""
        m = self.metadata(path)
        f = self.realpath(path)
        if (os.path.isdir(f)):
        return Metadata(m)

if __name__ == "__main__":
    userid = "testuser"
    fp = FsProvider(userid)
    #list metadata
    # upload
    uploadData = open ( config.get("test","textfile") )
    print "put_file -> " + fp.put_file("/Myfile.test" , uploadData)
    #### now list directory ##
    print "================================"
    print "ls -> " + `fp.ls("/")`
    #### now delete the file ##
    print "================================"
예제 #30
 def post_rec(url, name):
     with open(os.path.join(config.get("test", "test_resources"), name),
               "r") as f:
         resp = self.app.post(url, params=f.read()).json
         self.assertEquals(resp['error'], 0)
예제 #31
파일: geoserver.py 프로젝트: xmichael/pcapi
    log.debug("Publishing {0} as {1} and url {2}".format(COMPANY,identifier,url))
    if ( config.get("geoserver","enable") == "true"):
        endpoint = config.get("geoserver","endpoint")
        username = config.get("geoserver","username")
        password = config.get("geoserver","password")

        data = message_add_layer(table, title)
        msg = rest_request(endpoint, username, password, "POST", data, ADD_LAYER_PATH)
        log.debug("Geoserver add layer reponse: %s" % msg)
        data = message_authority(company, identifier, url)
        # this call returns nothing
        rest_request(endpoint, username, password, "PUT", data, PUBLISH_LAYER_PATH_TPL.format(table))
        return msg
    log.debug("Geoserver support is disabled!")
    return None #no-op

if __name__ == "__main__":
    table = "eo"
    title = "Test Title"
    create_msg = message_add_layer(table, title)
    endpoint = config.get("geoserver","endpoint")
    username = config.get("geoserver","username")
    password = config.get("geoserver","password")
    pub_msg = message_authority("cobweb", "test-id2", DEFAULT_AUTHORITY_URL)
    print "Create: %s" % create_msg
    print "Publish: %s" % pub_msg
    print "test add layer : %s " % \
        rest_request(endpoint, username, password, "POST", create_msg, ADD_LAYER_PATH)
    print "test publish : %s " % \
        rest_request(endpoint, username, password, "PUT", pub_msg, PUBLISH_LAYER_PATH_TPL.format(table))
예제 #32
Export filter for several formats supported by OGR. Implemented as a singleton.

It is currently implemented as wrapper around ogr2ogr to facilitate prototype and easy of use.
Prerequisites: ogr2ogr installed and specified under resources/config.ini file

import subprocess
from pcapi import logtool, config

LOG = logtool.getLogger("ogr", "filters")
OGR2OGR = config.get("ogr", "ogr2ogr")

TARGET_POSTGIS = "PG:user={USER} dbname={DATABASE} host={HOST} password={PASSWORD}"

def toPostGIS(data, userid):
    """ Export "/data.json" to configured PostGIS database. Assumes an up-to-date data.json.
    Returns: JSON object with status, new tablename, message
    # If an email is used for userid we need to change `@' and `.' to something valid
    # for Postgres tables
    tablename = userid.replace('@','_at_').replace('.','_dot_')
    host = config.get("pg","database_host")
    database = config.get("pg","database_database")
    user = config.get("pg","database_user")
    password = config.get("pg","database_password")

    target = TARGET_POSTGIS.format( USER=user, DATABASE=database, HOST=host, PASSWORD=password )
    source = data

    call_array = [ OGR2OGR, "-overwrite", "-update", "-f", "PostgreSQL", target, \
예제 #33
import os
import sys
import unittest

from webtest import TestApp

## Also libraries to the python path
pwd = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))
sys.path.append(os.path.join(pwd, '../'))  # to find the classes to test

from pcapi.server import application
from pcapi import config

userid = "*****@*****.**"
textfilepath = config.get("test", "testfile")
imagefilepath = config.get("test", "imagefile")
editorfilepath = config.get("test", "editorfile")

# a record file (json)
localfile = open ( textfilepath , "r")
# am editor file (html5)
editorfile = open ( editorfilepath , "r")

# Application
app = TestApp(application)
provider = 'local'

class TestAuthoringTool(unittest.TestCase):
    Test initial creation with authoring tool:
예제 #34
import pysqlite2.dbapi2 as db
import psycopg2

from pcapi import config
from pcapi.db import tokens

# sqllite db
pcapi_dir = os.path.join(
path = os.path.join(pcapi_dir, 'data', 'sessions.db')
sconn = db.connect(path)

# postgres
print config.get("pg", "database_database")
pg = 'dbname={0} user={1} password={2} host={3} port={4}'.format(
    config.get("pg", "database_database"), config.get("pg", "database_user"),
    config.get("pg", "database_password"), config.get("pg", "database_host"),
    config.get("pg", "database_port"))
pconn = psycopg2.connect(pg)

c = sconn.cursor()
c.execute('SELECT userid, reqsec, acckey, accsec, dt FROM tokens ORDER BY id')

INSERT = "INSERT INTO tokens(userid,reqsec,acckey,accsec,dt) SELECT %s,%s,%s,%s,%s WHERE NOT EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM tokens WHERE userid = %s)"

for t in c.fetchall():
    pc = pconn.cursor()
    userid = t[0]
    print 'Migrating ', userid
예제 #35
# Database connection wrapper
    import pysqlite2.dbapi2 as db
    from pysqlite2.dbapi2 import OperationalError
except ImportError:
    import sqlite3.dbapi2 as db
    from sqlite3.dbapi2 import OperationalError
from pcapi import config, logtool

log = logtool.getLogger("connection", "pcapi")

# full path of sqlite3 database
DB = config.get("path", "sessionsdb")

# creating/connecting the test_db.
# "check_same_thread" turns off some false alarms from sqlite3.
# NOTE: mod_wsgi runs these global variables in *different* processes for each request.
con = db.connect(DB, check_same_thread=False)

def execute(sql, args=()):
        Execute *sql* statement using list *args* for sql substitution.

        PC-API was meant to be fault tolerant to all disk/database faults. This function
        tries to handle all possible errors by first regenerating missing tables and falling back
        to using a memory database if all else fails.

            sql:  SQL statement
예제 #36
파일: publish.py 프로젝트: xmichael/pcapi
import os
import sys
import unittest

from webtest import TestApp
## Also libraries to the python path
pwd = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))
sys.path.insert(1, os.path.join(pwd, '../'))  # takes precedence over ~/.local

from pcapi.server import application
from pcapi import config

userid = "*****@*****.**"

# where to get resource and assets
test_dir = config.get("test", "test_resources")
test1 = os.path.join(test_dir, "test1")
test2 = os.path.join(test_dir, "test 2")

# Application
app = TestApp(application)
provider = 'local'

class TestPublish(unittest.TestCase):
    Test Process:
    1) Upload a Form:
        POST /editors/local/uid/SID.edtr
    2) Upload a test record with asset to the local provider at any order
        POST /fs/local/uid/records/TR/record.json
예제 #37
파일: publish.py 프로젝트: cobweb-eu/pcapi
import os
import sys
import unittest

from webtest import TestApp
## Also libraries to the python path
pwd = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))
sys.path.insert(1,os.path.join(pwd, '../'))  # takes precedence over ~/.local

from pcapi.server import application
from pcapi import config

userid = "*****@*****.**"

# where to get resource and assets
test_dir = config.get("test", "test_resources")
test1 = os.path.join(test_dir,"test1")
test2 = os.path.join(test_dir,"test 2")

# Application
app = TestApp(application)
provider = 'local'

class TestPublish(unittest.TestCase):
    Test Process:
    1) Upload a Form:
        POST /editors/local/uid/SID.edtr
    2) Upload a test record with asset to the local provider at any order
        POST /fs/local/uid/records/TR/record.json
        POST /fs/local/uid/records/TR/asset1.img
예제 #38
파일: server.py 프로젝트: xmichael/pcapi
def runserver():
    bottle.run(host=config.get("server", "host"),
               port=config.get("server", "port"),
               debug=config.getboolean("server", "debug"))
예제 #39
import os

import pysqlite2.dbapi2 as db
import psycopg2

from pcapi import config
from pcapi.db import tokens

# sqllite db
pcapi_dir = os.path.join(os.environ['HOME'], '.pcapi',)
path = os.path.join(pcapi_dir, 'data', 'sessions.db')
sconn = db.connect(path)

# postgres
print config.get("pg", "database_database")
pg = 'dbname={0} user={1} password={2} host={3} port={4}'.format(
    config.get("pg", "database_database"),
    config.get("pg", "database_user"),
    config.get("pg", "database_password"),
    config.get("pg", "database_host"),
    config.get("pg", "database_port"))
pconn = psycopg2.connect(pg)

c = sconn.cursor()
c.execute('SELECT userid, reqsec, acckey, accsec, dt FROM tokens ORDER BY id')

INSERT = "INSERT INTO tokens(userid,reqsec,acckey,accsec,dt) SELECT %s,%s,%s,%s,%s WHERE NOT EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM tokens WHERE userid = %s)"

for t in c.fetchall():
    pc = pconn.cursor()
예제 #40
from pcapi.form_validator import FormValidator, Editor

# User ID should exist in DATABASE
userid = None

# to test path ending in a directory
dirpath = "lev1/lev2/"

# to test uploading an editor
editorname = "myed.edtr"

# to testing uploading a record
recordname = "myrec.rec"

textfilepath = config.get("test", "testfile")
imagefilepath = config.get("test", "imagefile")
editorfilepath = config.get("test", "editorfile")

# the contents of the file are here (full path to local file)
localfile = open(textfilepath, "r")

#schemafile = open ( schemafilepath , "r")

# Application
app = TestApp(application)

def _verify_token():
    Get user id from token file and validate it. If it is not there or invalid
예제 #41
파일: wfs.py 프로젝트: cobweb-eu/pcapi
 def post_rec(url, name):
     with open(os.path.join(config.get("test", "test_resources"), name), "r") as f:
         resp = self.app.post(url, params=f.read()).json
         self.assertEquals(resp['error'], 0)
예제 #42
import re
import time
from pcapi import config, logtool
from pcapi.db import tokens
from dropbox import client, session, rest
from db import tokens
from urlparse import urlsplit, urlunsplit

### Static Variables ###
APP_KEY = config.get("dropbox","app_key")
APP_SECRET = config.get("dropbox","app_secret")
ACCESS_TYPE = 'app_folder'  # should be 'dropbox' or 'app_folder' as configured for your app

    "verify_token": 0,
    "connected": 1,
    "non_authorized": 2

# CAPABILITIES that this provider supports
CAPABILITIES = [ "oauth", "search", "synchronize", "delete" ]

log = logtool.getLogger("DropboxProvider", "pcapi")

class Metadata(object):
    """ metadata of files/dir as returned from dropbox. This is plain filesystem
    metadata and NOT high-level pcapi metadata for records or editors"""

    def __init__ (self, md):
예제 #43
# Database connection wrapper
    import pysqlite2.dbapi2 as db
    from pysqlite2.dbapi2 import OperationalError
except ImportError:
    import sqlite3.dbapi2 as db
    from sqlite3.dbapi2 import OperationalError
from pcapi import config, logtool

log = logtool.getLogger("connection", "pcapi")

# full path of sqlite3 database
DB = config.get("path", "sessionsdb")

# creating/connecting the test_db.
# "check_same_thread" turns off some false alarms from sqlite3.
# NOTE: mod_wsgi runs these global variables in *different* processes for each request.
con = db.connect(DB, check_same_thread=False)

def execute(sql, args=()):
        Execute *sql* statement using list *args* for sql substitution.

        PC-API was meant to be fault tolerant to all disk/database faults. This function
        tries to handle all possible errors by first regenerating missing tables and falling back
        to using a memory database if all else fails.

            sql:  SQL statement
예제 #44
        public_uid = config.get("path", "public_uid")
        pubfs = FsProvider(public_uid)
        with open(self.realpath(path)) as fp:
            return pubfs.put_file(path, fp, True)

    def file_delete(self, path):
        """ Delete file and return parsed metadata"""
        m = self.metadata(path)
        f = self.realpath(path)
        if (os.path.isdir(f)):
        return Metadata(m)

if __name__ == "__main__":
    userid = "testuser"
    fp = FsProvider(userid)
    #list metadata
    # upload
    uploadData = open(config.get("test", "textfile"))
    print "put_file -> " + fp.put_file("/Myfile.test", uploadData)
    #### now list directory ##
    print "================================"
    print "ls -> " + ` fp.ls("/") `
    #### now delete the file ##
    print "================================"