def validate_ceph_crush_map_from_backend(self, *args, **kwargs): banner("CLI.Validate CEPH Crush Map From Backend") self._load_kwargs(kwargs) try: print("Kwargs are: {}".format(kwargs)) cmd = "sudo ceph osd tree|awk '/region|zone|datacenter|rack|host/ {print $4}'" status = cli_run(cmd=cmd, host_ip=self.hostip, linux_user=self.user, linux_password=self.password) print("cmd: {} executed successfully and status is: {}".format( cmd, status)) serialised_status = self._serialize_response(time.time(), status) cmd_output = str(serialised_status['Result']['stdout']).replace( '\n', '').strip() trace("Command output is:{}".format(cmd_output)) validation_status = [] for node_name, location in ast.literal_eval( self.node_location).items(): if node_name.lower() in cmd_output: validation_status.append("OK") else: validation_status.append( "{} not present in from_backend".format(node_name)) for loc in location: if loc.lower() in cmd_output: validation_status.append("OK") else: validation_status.append( "{} not present in backend for node:{}".format( loc, node_name)) trace("validation_status: {}".format(validation_status)) result = len(validation_status) > 0 and all( elem == "OK" for elem in validation_status) if result: return "OK" else: return "Validation unsuccessful for CEPH crush map. Validation status is:{}".format( validation_status) except Exception as e: trace( "Error in validate_ceph_crush_map_from_backend: {}".format(e))
def disable_firewall(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Disable Firewall [Args] (str) host_ip: (str) linux_password: (str) linux_user: [Returns] (str) OK if command successful, stderr output if there's an error """ self._load_kwargs(kwargs) print("kwargs" + str(kwargs)) banner("CLI.Disable Firewall ip=%s" % self.host_ip) OS_type = self.get_OS_version(host_ip=self.host_ip, linux_user=self.linux_user, linux_password=self.linux_password) if"Ubuntu", str(OS_type)) or "Debian", str(OS_type)): cmd = "sudo ufw disable" cmd_output = cli_run(cmd=cmd, host_ip=self.host_ip, linux_user=self.linux_user, linux_password=self.linux_password) print("Command: {} executed successfully and output is :{}".format( cmd, cmd_output)) return "OK" elif"Red Hat", str(OS_type)) or "CentOS", str(OS_type)): cmd1 = "sudo systemctl stop firewalld" cmd2 = "sudo systemctl disable firewalld" resp1 = cli_run(cmd1, self.host_ip, self.linux_user, self.linux_password) resp2 = cli_run(cmd2, self.host_ip, self.linux_user, self.linux_password) print("Command executed successfully and Response1 is " + str(resp1)) print("Command executed successfully and Response2 is " + str(resp2)) return "OK" else: return "OS type not specified"
def verify_k8s_be(self, *args, **kwargs): cmd = "sudo kubectl get nodes" banner("PCC.K8s Verify BE") self._load_kwargs(kwargs) print("Kwargs:" + str(kwargs)) for ip in eval(str(self.nodes_ip)): output = cli_run(cmd=cmd, host_ip=ip, linux_user=self.user, linux_password=self.password) print("Output:" + str(output)) if"Ready", str(output)): continue else: print("Could not verify K8s on " + str(ip)) return "Error" return "OK"
def cli_copy_pcc_logs(self, *args, **kwargs): """ CLI Copy+ PCC Logs [Args] (str) host_ip: (str) linux_password: (str) linux_user: (str) remote_source (str) local_destination [Returns] (str) OK if command successful, stderr output if there's an error """ self._load_kwargs(kwargs) print("kwargs:-" + str(kwargs)) banner("CLI.Copy PCC Logs ip=%s" % self.host_ip) return cli_copy_pcc_logs(self.host_ip, self.linux_user, self.linux_password)
def get_sub_enclosure_slot_id(self, *args, **kwargs): self._load_kwargs(kwargs) banner("PCC.Get Sub-Enclosure Slot Id") print("kwargs in get sub enclosure slot id :- {}".format(str(kwargs))) conn = BuiltIn().get_variable_value("${PCC_CONN}") try: sub_enclosures = self.get_SAS_enclosures( )['Data'][0]['subenclosures'][0]['slots'] for slots in sub_enclosures: if str(slots['deviceName']) == str(self.slot_name): trace("Slot name found") return slots['slotID'] trace("Slot not found") return "Error: Slot_name not found" except Exception as e: return {'Error': str(e)}
def validate_ethtool(self, *args, **kwargs): self._load_kwargs(kwargs) banner("CLI.Validate Ethtool") try: for host_ip in ast.literal_eval(self.host_ips): trace("Host IP:{}".format(host_ip)) cmd = 'sudo ethtool --version' cmd_op = cli_run(host_ip, self.linux_user, self.linux_password, cmd) trace("Command output:{}".format(cmd_op)) if"ethtool version", str(cmd_op)): return "OK" else: return "Error: Ethtool Not Found" except Exception as e: print("Exception encountered: {}".format(e)) return "Exception encountered: " + str(e)
def delete_all_erasure_pools(self, *args, **kwargs): self._load_kwargs(kwargs) banner("PCC.Ceph Delete All Erasure Pool") try: conn = BuiltIn().get_variable_value("${PCC_CONN}") except Exception as e: raise e response = pcc.get_erasure_ceph_pools(conn) for data in get_response_data(response): response = pcc.delete_erasure_ceph_pool_by_id( conn, str(data['id'])) status = self.wait_until_erasure_pool_deleted(id=data['id']) if status != "OK": print("{} deletion failed".format(data['name'])) return "Error" return "OK"
def get_openssh_key_id(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Get OpenSSH Key Id [Args] (dict) conn: Connection dictionary obtained after logging in (str) Name: Name of the OpenSSH Key who's id is required (name=<Name>) [Returns] (int) Id: Id of the OpenSSH Key, or None: if no match found, or (dict) Error response: If Exception occured """ banner("PCC.Get OpenSSH Key Id") self._load_kwargs(kwargs) conn = BuiltIn().get_variable_value("${PCC_CONN}") return easy.get_openssh_keys_id_by_name(conn, self.Name)
def get_CR_server_id(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Get Server Id used by Container Registry [Args] (dict) conn: Connection dictionary obtained after logging in (str) Name: Name of the Container Registry who's server id is required (name=<Name>) [Returns] (int) Id: Server Id of the Container Registry, or None: if no match found, or (dict) Error response: If Exception occured """ banner("PCC.Get CR_Server Id") self._load_kwargs(kwargs) conn = BuiltIn().get_variable_value("${PCC_CONN}") return easy.get_server_id_used_by_portus(conn, self.Name)
def check_snmp_services_backend(self, **kwargs): banner("PCC.Check SNMP from backend") self._load_kwargs(kwargs) conn = BuiltIn().get_variable_value("${PCC_CONN}") cmd_snmp1 = "sudo systemctl status snmpd" cmd_snmp2 = "sudo netstat -anp | grep snmpd" cmd_snmp3 = "sudo ps aux | grep snmpd" success_chk = [] failed_chk = [] for ip in ast.literal_eval(self.targetNodeIp): snmp_check1 = cli_run(ip, self.user, self.password, cmd_snmp1) print("Command_1 is: {}".format(cmd_snmp1)) print("=========== SNMP_Check1 output ==========\n{}".format( snmp_check1)) snmp_check2 = cli_run(ip, self.user, self.password, cmd_snmp2) print("Command_2 is: {}".format(cmd_snmp2)) print("=========== SNMP_Check2 output ==========\n{}".format( snmp_check2)) snmp_check3 = cli_run(ip, self.user, self.password, cmd_snmp3) print("Command_3 is: {}".format(cmd_snmp3)) print("=========== SNMP_Check3 output ==========\n{}".format( snmp_check3)) if"snmpd", str(snmp_check1)) and "running", str(snmp_check1)) and "CONNECTED", str(snmp_check2)) and "snmpd", str(snmp_check3)): print("SNMP Found") success_chk.append(ip) else: failed_chk.append(ip) print("Success chk status is : {}".format(success_chk)) print("Failed chk status is : {}".format(failed_chk)) if len(success_chk) == len(ast.literal_eval(self.targetNodeIp)): print("Backend verification successfuly done for : {}".format( success_chk)) return "OK" if failed_chk: print("SNMP service are down for {}".format(failed_chk)) return "Error: SNMP service are down for {}".format(failed_chk) else: return "OK"
def validate_rsyslog_backend(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Validate rsyslog from backend [Args] (str) host_ip: Host IP of the server (str) client names [Returns] (str) Response: Output of check repo list command """ self._load_kwargs(kwargs) banner("CLI.Validate Rsyslog from backend") try: conn = BuiltIn().get_variable_value("${PCC_CONN}") except Exception as e: raise e try: validation_status = [] for node_name in ast.literal_eval(self.node_names): print("Node name: {}".format(node_name)) date_cmd_op = self._serialize_response(time.time(), cli_run(self.host_ip,self.linux_user,self.linux_password,cmd="date")) output = str(date_cmd_op['Result']['stdout']).replace('\n', '').strip() current_date = output[4:10] current_time = output[11:16] print("Current_date: {}".format(current_date)) print("Current_time: {}".format(current_time)) cmd = '''sudo cat /var/log/messages|grep "{}"|grep "{}"|grep "{}"|wc -l'''.format(current_date,current_time,node_name) print("============== cmd is : {} ==========".format(cmd)) cmd_op=cli_run(self.host_ip,self.linux_user,self.linux_password,cmd) serialised_output = self._serialize_response(time.time(), cmd_op) output = str(serialised_output['Result']['stdout']).replace('\n', '').strip() print("command output is :{}".format(output)) if int(output)>0: print("I am here inside if") validation_status.append("OK") else: validation_status.append("{}: Failed".format(node_name)) result = len(validation_status) > 0 and all(elem == "OK" for elem in validation_status) if result: return "OK" else: return "Error: while validation of Rsyslog. Validation_status is: {}".format(validation_status) except Exception as e: return "Exception encountered while Validating Rsyslog client {}".format(e)
def wait_until_interface_ready(self, *args, **kwargs): banner("PCC.Wait Until Interface Ready") self._load_kwargs(kwargs) print("Kwargs:-" + str(kwargs)) if self.node_name == None: return None if self.interface_name == None: return None try: conn = BuiltIn().get_variable_value("${PCC_CONN}") except Exception as e: raise e inf_ready = False timeout = time.time() + PCCSERVER_TIMEOUT counter = 0 while inf_ready == False: counter += 1 if counter == 15 or counter == 20 or counter == 26: print( "Interface stucked in updating state, Refreshing interface UI ..." ) refresh = self.interface_apply() print("Refresh:" + str(refresh)) node_id = easy.get_node_id_by_name(conn, self.node_name) response = pcc.get_node_by_id(conn, str(node_id))['Result']['Data'] interfaces = eval(str(response))['interfaces'] timeout_response = None for data in interfaces: if str(data['interface']["name"]) == str(self.interface_name): timeout_response = data if str(data['interface']["intfState"]).lower() == "ready": print(str(data)) inf_ready = True elif"failed", str(data['interface']["intfState"])): print(str(data)) return "Error" if time.time() > timeout: print("Response Before Time Out: " + str(timeout_response)) raise Exception("[PCC.Wait Until Interface Ready] Timeout") trace(" Waiting until Interface : is Ready .....") time.sleep(20) return "OK"
def delete_ceph_rgw_by_id(self, *args, **kwargs): banner("PCC.Ceph Delete Cluster") self._load_kwargs(kwargs) try: conn = BuiltIn().get_variable_value("${PCC_CONN}") except Exception as e: raise e if self.ID == None and == None: return { "Error": "[PCC.Ceph Delete Cluster]: Id of the cluster is not specified." } self.ID = easy.get_ceph_rgw_id_by_name( conn,, Ceph_cluster_name=self.ceph_cluster_name) return pcc.delete_ceph_rgw_by_id(conn, str(self.ID))
def get_profile_id(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Get Authentication Profile Id [Args] (dict) conn: Connection dictionary obtained after logging in (str) Name: Name of the Auth Profile who's id is required (name=<name>) [Returns] (int) Id: Id of the Authentication Profile, or None: if no match found, or (dict) Error response: If Exception occured """ self._load_kwargs(kwargs) banner("PCC.Get Id [Name=%s]" % self.Name) conn = BuiltIn().get_variable_value("${PCC_CONN}") return easy.get_profile_id_by_name(conn, Name=self.Name)
def ceph_node_osd_architecture_validation(self, *args, **kwargs): banner("PCC.Ceph Nodes OSDs Architecture Validation") self._load_kwargs(kwargs) if == None: return "Please provide Ceph cluster name" try: conn = BuiltIn().get_variable_value("${PCC_CONN}") except Exception as e: raise e cluster_id = self.get_ceph_cluster_id_by_name(conn, response = pcc.get_ceph_clusters_state(conn, id=str(cluster_id), state='osds') response_data = get_response_data(response) servers = list(set([x['server'] for x in response_data])) trace("Servers are:{}".format(servers)) temp_dict = {} for server in servers: temp_osd_ids = [] for data in response_data: if data['server'] == server: temp_osd_ids.append(data['osd']) temp_dict[server] = temp_osd_ids architecture_from_pcc = temp_dict trace("architecture_from_pcc:{}".format(architecture_from_pcc)) cmd = 'sudo ceph node ls osd -f json-pretty' status = cli_run(cmd=cmd, host_ip=self.hostip, linux_user=self.user, linux_password=self.password) print("cmd: {} executed successfully and status is: {}".format( cmd, status)) serialised_status = self._serialize_response(time.time(), status) trace("serialised_status: {}".format(serialised_status)) cmd_output = str(serialised_status['Result']['stdout']).replace( '\n', '').strip() architecture_from_backend = json.loads(cmd_output) trace("architecture_from_backend:{}".format(architecture_from_backend)) if architecture_from_pcc == architecture_from_backend: return "OK" else: return "Architecture of Node and OSDs doesn't match -- architecture_from_pcc :{} and architecture_from_backend : {}".format( architecture_from_pcc, architecture_from_backend)
def add_role(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Add Role [Args] (str) Name: Name of the Role (str) description: of the Role (list) groupOperations: List of dictionaries containing ids of ops (int) owner [Returns] (dict) Response: Add Role response (includes any errors) """ self._load_kwargs(kwargs) banner("PCC.Add Role [Name=%s]" % self.Name) conn = BuiltIn().get_variable_value("${PCC_CONN}") print("conn is {}".format(conn)) return easy.add_role(conn, self.Name, self.Description, self.owner, self.groupOperations)
def get_app_id_from_policies(self, *args, **kwargs): self._load_kwargs(kwargs) banner("PCC.Get App Id from Policies") try: conn = BuiltIn().get_variable_value("${PCC_CONN}") logger.console("kwargs are : {}".format(kwargs)) data = pcc.get_policy_enabled_apps(conn)['Result']['Data'] for i in eval(str(data)): app_list = [ str(x).lower() for x in i.values() if type(x) != int ] if self.Name.lower() in app_list: app_id_from_policy = i['id'] logger.console( "app_id_from_policy: {}".format(app_id_from_policy)) except Exception as e: return "Error in get_app_id_from_policies: {}".format(e) return app_id_from_policy
def wait_for_CR_updation(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Wait for updation of Container Registry [Args] (dict) conn: Connection dictionary obtained after logging in (str) Name: Name of the Container Registry to wait for(name=<Name>) [Returns] (str) OK: OK if Container Registry has been updated on PCC, else Error """ banner("PCC.CR Wait For Updation") self._load_kwargs(kwargs) self.CR_ID = self.get_CR_id(**kwargs) if self.CR_ID != None: conn = BuiltIn().get_variable_value("${PCC_CONN}") else: return "Object with {} not found".format(self.Name) for i in range(1, 60): time.sleep(10) banner("Loop: {}".format(i)) response = pcc.get_portus_by_id(conn, id=str(self.CR_ID)) print("Response is:{}".format(response)) node = get_response_data(response) try: if node['name'] == self.Name: self.availability = node["available"] print("availability status: ", self.availability) banner("availability is: {}".format(self.availability)) if self.availability == True: if node.get("portusInfo") != None: self.running = node["portusInfo"]["running"] print("running status: ", self.running) banner("running is: {}".format(self.running)) if self.running == True: return "OK" else: continue else: continue # continue for loop if availability is false if i >= 49: return { "Error: Timeout while updating Container Registry: {}". format(self.Name) } except Exception as e: print("Error in updating CR: {}".format(self.Name)) return "Error in updating CR: {}".format(self.Name)
def remove_dummy_file(self, *args, **kwargs): banner("Remove dummy file") self._load_kwargs(kwargs) try: print("Kwargs are: {}".format(kwargs)) print("username is '{}' and password is: '{}'".format( self.user, self.password)) cmd = "sudo rm -rf /home/pcc/{}".format(self.dummy_file_name) status = cli_run(cmd=cmd, host_ip=self.hostip, linux_user=self.user, linux_password=self.password) print("cmd3: {} executed successfully and status is : {}".format( cmd, status)) return "OK" except Exception as e: trace("Error in removing dummy file: {}".format(e))
def make_ceph_osds_up(self, *args, **kwargs): self._load_kwargs(kwargs) banner("PCC.Ceph Make Osds Up : {}".format( print("Kwargs:" + str(kwargs)) try: conn = BuiltIn().get_variable_value("${PCC_CONN}") except Exception as e: raise e cluster_id = easy.get_ceph_cluster_id_by_name(conn, print("Cluster Name: {} Id: {}".format(, cluster_id)) response = pcc.get_ceph_clusters_state(conn, str(cluster_id), 'osds') host_ip = None for data in get_response_data(response): print("Data:" + str(data)) trace("Data:" + str(data)) print("Server:" + str(data['server'])) print("Osd Id:" + str(data['osd'])) host_ip = easy.get_hostip_by_name(conn, data['server']) print("Host Ip:" + str(host_ip)) cmd = "sudo systemctl -f restart ceph-osd@{}".format(data['osd']) cmd_exec = cli_run(host_ip, self.user, self.password, cmd) print("cmd:" + str(cmd)) print("cmd output:" + str(cmd_exec)) time.sleep(10) cmd_verify = "sudo ceph osd tree|grep osd.{} |grep up|wc -l".format( data['osd']) cmd_verify_exec = cli_run(host_ip, self.user, self.password, cmd_verify) serialise_output = self._serialize_response( time.time(), cmd_verify_exec)['Result']['stdout'] print("cmd:" + str(cmd_verify)) print("cmd output:" + str(cmd_verify_exec)) print("Serialise Output:" + str(serialise_output)) if int(serialise_output) == 1: print("{} ods id {} up sucessfully !!!".format( data['server'], data['osd'])) continue else: print("Command execution could not make osd id {} up".format( data['osd'])) return "Error" return "OK"
def delete_all_tenants(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Delete All Tenants [Args] (dict) conn: Connection dictionary obtained after logging in (list) tenants: Tenants list to be deleted [Returns] "OK": If all Tenants are deleted else "Error" """ banner("Delete All Tenants") self._load_kwargs(kwargs) conn = BuiltIn().get_variable_value("${PCC_CONN}") banner("Kwargs are: {}".format(kwargs)) try: tenant_list = self.get_tenant_list(conn)['Result'] trace(tenant_list) tenant_names = [tenant['name'] for tenant in tenant_list] trace("tenant_names: {}".format(tenant_names)) if tenant_names == ['ROOT']: return "OK" elif tenant_names == ['ROOT']: return "OK" else: tenants_to_be_deleted = set(tenant_names) - set(['ROOT']) trace( "tenants_to_be_deleted: {}".format(tenants_to_be_deleted)) for tenant in list(tenants_to_be_deleted): trace("Deleting tenant: {}".format(tenant)) tenant_id = self.get_tenant_id(Name=tenant) response = self.delete_tenant(Id=str(tenant_id)) print("tenant name : {}".format(tenant)) print("Response : {}".format(response)) if response['StatusCode'] == 200: continue else: return "Error" return "OK" except Exception as e: return {"Error: {}".format(e)}
def verify_node_back_end_after_deletion(self, *args, **kwargs): banner("PCC.Node Verify Back End After Deletion") self._load_kwargs(kwargs) print("Kwargs:{}".format(kwargs)) pcc_agent_cmd = "sudo systemctl status pccagent" sys_cllector_cmd = "sudo systemctl status systemCollector" frr_cmd = "sudo service frr status|head -10" failed_host = [] if self.host_ips: for host_ip in eval(str(self.host_ips)): logger.console( "Verifying services for host {} .....".format(host_ip)) pcc_agent_output = cli_run(host_ip, self.user, self.password, pcc_agent_cmd) sys_collector_output = cli_run(host_ip, self.user, self.password, sys_cllector_cmd) logger.console("Pcc Agent Output: {}".format(pcc_agent_output)) logger.console( "System Collector Output: {}".format(sys_collector_output)) #frr_output=cli_run(host_ip,self.user,self.password,frr_cmd) #logger.console("Frr Service Output: {}".format(frr_output)) #if"running",str(pcc_agent_output)) and"running",str(sys_collector_output) and"running",str(frr_output))): if"running", str(pcc_agent_output)) and "running", str(sys_collector_output)): continue else: failed_host.append(host_ip) continue else: print( "Host list is empty, please provide the host ip in a list for eg. host_ips=['']" ) if failed_host: print("Service are down for {}".format(failed_host)) return "Error" else: return "OK"
def delete_all_rgws(self, *args, **kwargs): banner("PCC.Rados Gateway Delete All") self._load_kwargs(kwargs) print("Kwargs:" + str(kwargs)) try: conn = BuiltIn().get_variable_value("${PCC_CONN}") except Exception as e: raise e ceph_cluster_id = str( easy.get_ceph_cluster_id_by_name(conn, Name=self.ceph_cluster_name)) if ceph_cluster_id == "None": return "OK" response = pcc.get_ceph_rgws(conn, ceph_cluster_id) print("Rgw Response:" + str(response)) if not get_response_data(response): print("No Rgw found for delete") return "OK" for data in get_response_data(response): print("Response To Look :-" + str(data)) print("Rados Gateway {} and id {} is deleting....".format( data['name'], data['ID'])) self.ID = data['ID'] = data['name'] del_response = pcc.delete_ceph_rgw_by_id(conn, str(self.ID)) if del_response['Result']['status'] == 200: del_check = self.wait_until_rados_deleted() if del_check == "OK": print("Rados Gateway {} is deleted sucessfully".format( data['name'])) return "OK" else: print("Rados Gateway {} unable to delete".format( data['name'])) return "Error" else: print("Delete Response:" + str(del_response)) print("Issue: Not getting 200 response back") return "Error" return "OK"
def get_topologies_(self, *args, **kwargs): banner("PCC.Find management interface") self._load_kwargs(kwargs) conn = BuiltIn().get_variable_value("${PCC_CONN}") ## Interfaces from Topology topology_response = pcc.get_topologies(conn)['Result']['Data'] interface_list = [] for interfaces in topology_response: if interfaces['NodeName'] == self.Node_name: for link in interfaces['links']: interface_list.append(link['interface_name']) print("Interface list from Topology: {}".format(interface_list)) ## Interfaces from node properties node_details = pcc.get_node_by_id(conn, id=str( self.Id))['Result']['Data']['HardwareInventory']['Network'] li = [] interface_dict = {} for interfaces in node_details.values(): name = interfaces['name'] status = interfaces["link"] interface_dict[name] = status print("Interface dict from node properties: {}".format(interface_dict)) list_of_online_interfaces = [ key for (key, value) in interface_dict.items() if value == 'yes' ] ## Finding the available online interfaces which will be set as Management Interface list_of_online_interfaces = set(list_of_online_interfaces) interface_list = set(interface_list) management_interfaces = list_of_online_interfaces - interface_list print("Management interfaces: {}".format(management_interfaces)) for management_interface in management_interfaces: logger.console(management_interface) return management_interface
def backend_verification_after_restore(self, *args, **kwargs): banner("CLI.Backend Verification After Restore") self._load_kwargs(kwargs) trace("Kwargs are: " + str(kwargs)) failed_features = [] key_cmd = "sudo sha1sum /home/pcc/platina-home/platina-system/conf/keys/system/key|cut -d ' ' -f1 > /tmp/after_restore.txt" cmd_out = cli_run(self.backup_hostip, self.linux_user, self.linux_password, key_cmd) key_cmd1 = "sudo sha1sum /home/pcc/platina-home/platina-system/conf/keys/system/|cut -d ' ' -f1 >>/tmp/after_restore.txt" cmd_out = cli_run(self.backup_hostip, self.linux_user, self.linux_password, key_cmd1) cert_cmd = "sudo sha1sum /home/pcc/platina-home/platina-system/conf/certs/server.crt|cut -d ' ' -f1 >> /tmp/after_restore.txt" cmd_out = cli_run(self.backup_hostip, self.linux_user, self.linux_password, cert_cmd) cert_cmd1 = "sudo sha1sum /home/pcc/platina-home/platina-system/conf/certs/server.key|cut -d ' ' -f1 >> /tmp/after_restore.txt" cmd_out = cli_run(self.backup_hostip, self.linux_user, self.linux_password, cert_cmd1) monitor_cmd = "sudo test -d /home/pcc/platina-home/platina-system/volumes/monitor-parquet && echo 'True' || echo 'False'" cmd_out = cli_run(self.backup_hostip, self.linux_user, self.linux_password, monitor_cmd) if"True", str(cmd_out)): print("Monitor backup verified !!!") trace("Monitor backup verified !!!") else: failed_features.append("Monitor") env_cmd_verify = "sudo docker ps -a |grep key" cmd_out = cli_run(self.backup_hostip, self.linux_user, self.linux_password, env_cmd_verify) if"v1.6.2", str(cmd_out)): failed_features.append("Env") shasum_verify_cmd = "sudo cmp /tmp/before_restore.txt /tmp/after_restore.txt" cmd_out = cli_run(self.backup_hostip, self.linux_user, self.linux_password, shasum_verify_cmd) if"differ", str(cmd_out)): failed_features.append("Key") failed_features.append(("Cert")) if failed_features: return "Folloeing feature verification failed {}".format( failed_features) else: return "OK" return "OK"
def set_interface_down(self, *args, **kwargs): banner("PCC.Set Interface Down") self._load_kwargs(kwargs) cmd = "sudo ip link set down {}".format(self.interface_name) interface_down = cli_run(self.host_ip, self.user, self.password, cmd) print("Interface Status:" + str(interface_down)) check_cmd = "sudo ip addr sh {}".format(self.interface_name) interface_status = cli_run(self.host_ip, self.user, self.password, check_cmd) status = str( self._serialize_response( time.time(), interface_status)['Result']['stdout']).strip() print("Interface Status Serialize:" + str(status)) if"DOWN", str(status)): return "OK" else: return "Error" return "OK"
def verify_tenant_buckets(self,*args,**kwargs): self._load_kwargs(kwargs) banner("PCC.Verify Tenant Buckets") print("kwargs in Verify Tenant Buckets :- "+str(kwargs)) conn = BuiltIn().get_variable_value("${PCC_CONN}") #### cmd ---- '''PGPASSWORD=plat1na psql -h -U jwtuser jwt -c "SELECT * from tenants where name='platina';"''' cmd = '''PGPASSWORD={} psql -h {} -U jwtuser jwt -c "SELECT * from tenants where name='{}';"'''.format(self.pgpassword, self.setup_ip, self.tenant_name) output=cli_run(cmd=cmd, host_ip=self.setup_ip, linux_user=self.user, linux_password=self.password) serialise_output=json.loads(self._serialize_response(time.time(),output)['Result']['stdout']) print("Serialize Output:"+str(serialise_output)) trace("Serialize Output:- %s " % (serialise_output)) if serialise_output['status']==200 and serialise_output['error']=="": return serialise_output return "Error"
def add_node_group(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Add Node Group to PCC [Args] (str) Name: Name of the group (int) owner: Tenant Id for the new group (str) Description: Description of the group [Returns] (dict) Response: Add Node Group response (includes any errors) """ self._load_kwargs(kwargs) banner("PCC.Add Node Group [Name=%s]" % self.Name) conn = BuiltIn().get_variable_value("${PCC_CONN}") payload = { "Name": self.Name, "Description": self.Description, "owner": self.owner } return pcc.add_cluster(conn, payload)
def pull_from_docker_registry(self, *args, **kwargs): self._load_kwargs(kwargs) print("kwargs are: {}".format(kwargs)) try: self.cmd = "docker pull {}".format(self.image_name) pull_command_execution = cli_run(cmd=self.cmd,host_ip=self.hostip, linux_user=self.username,linux_password=self.password) serialised_pull_command_execution = self._serialize_response(time.time(), pull_command_execution) print("serialised_pull_command_execution is:{}".format(serialised_pull_command_execution)) self.cmd_output = str(serialised_pull_command_execution['Result']['stdout']).replace('\n', '').strip() print("pull_image_cmd executed successfully: {}".format(self.cmd_output)) if "Downloaded newer image for {}".format(self.image_name) in self.cmd_output: banner("Image downloaded from docker successfully") return "OK" else: return "Error" except Exception as e: logger.console("Error in pull from docker registry: " + str(e))
def ceph_rgw_upload_file_bucket(self, **kwargs): banner("PCC.Ceph Rgw Upload File To Bucket ") self._load_kwargs(kwargs) cmd = 'sudo dd if=/dev/zero of={} bs=10MiB count=1'.format( self.fileName) file_create = cli_run(self.pcc, self.user, self.password, cmd) cmd = 'sudo s3cmd put {} s3://BUCKET/{} -c /home/pcc/.s3cfg'.format( self.fileName, self.fileName) print("Command:" + str(cmd)) trace("Command:" + str(cmd)) data = cli_run(self.pcc, self.user, self.password, cmd) if"upload", str(data)): print("File is uploaded to bucket") cmd = 'sudo rm {}'.format(self.fileName) file_del = cli_run(self.pcc, self.user, self.password, cmd) return "OK" else: print("File is not uploaded") return "Error" return