예제 #1
def volume_spread(ldd,
    Estimate 2D flooding from a 1D simulation per subcatchment reach
        ldd -- pcraster object direction, local drain directions
        hand -- pcraster object float32, elevation data normalised to nearest drain
        subcatch -- pcraster object ordinal, subcatchments with IDs
        volume -- pcraster object float32, scalar flood volume (i.e. m3 volume outside the river bank within subcatchment)
        volume_thres=0. -- scalar threshold, at least this amount of m3 of volume should be present in a catchment
        area_multiplier=1. -- in case the maps are not in m2, set a multiplier other than 1. to convert
        iterations=15 -- number of iterations to use
        inundation -- pcraster object float32, scalar inundation estimate
    #initial values
    dem_min = pcr.areaminimum(hand,
                              subcatch)  # minimum elevation in subcatchments
    # pcr.report(dem_min, 'dem_min.map')
    dem_norm = hand - dem_min
    # pcr.report(dem_norm, 'dem_norm.map')
    # surface of each subcatchment
    surface = pcr.areaarea(subcatch) * area_multiplier
    pcr.report(surface, 'surface.map')

    error_abs = pcr.scalar(1e10)  # initial error (very high)
    volume_catch = pcr.areatotal(volume, subcatch)
    # pcr.report(volume_catch, 'volume_catch.map')

    depth_catch = volume_catch / surface
    pcr.report(depth_catch, 'depth_catch.map')

    dem_max = pcr.ifthenelse(volume_catch > volume_thres, pcr.scalar(32.),
                             pcr.scalar(0))  # bizarre high inundation depth
    dem_min = pcr.scalar(0.)
    for n in range(iterations):
        print('Iteration: {:02d}'.format(n + 1))
        #####while np.logical_and(error_abs > error_thres, dem_min < dem_max):
        dem_av = (dem_min + dem_max) / 2
        # pcr.report(dem_av, 'dem_av00.{:03d}'.format(n + 1))
        # compute value at dem_av
        average_depth_catch = pcr.areaaverage(pcr.max(dem_av - dem_norm, 0),
        # pcr.report(average_depth_catch, 'depth_c0.{:03d}'.format(n + 1))
        error = pcr.cover((depth_catch - average_depth_catch) / depth_catch,
                          depth_catch * 0)
        # pcr.report(error, 'error000.{:03d}'.format(n + 1))
        dem_min = pcr.ifthenelse(error > 0, dem_av, dem_min)
        dem_max = pcr.ifthenelse(error <= 0, dem_av, dem_max)
    # error_abs = np.abs(error)  # TODO: not needed probably, remove
    inundation = pcr.max(dem_av - dem_norm, 0)
    return inundation
예제 #2
def volume_spread(ldd,
    Estimate 2D flooding from a 1D simulation per subcatchment reach
        ldd -- pcraster object direction, local drain directions
        hand -- pcraster object float32, elevation data normalised to nearest drain
        subcatch -- pcraster object ordinal, subcatchments with IDs
        volume -- pcraster object float32, scalar flood volume (i.e. m3 volume outside the river bank within subcatchment)
        volume_thres=0. -- scalar threshold, at least this amount of m3 of volume should be present in a catchment
        area_multiplier=1. -- in case the maps are not in m2, set a multiplier other than 1. to convert
        iterations=15 -- number of iterations to use
        inundation -- pcraster object float32, scalar inundation estimate
    #initial values
    dem_min = pcr.areaminimum(hand,
                              subcatch)  # minimum elevation in subcatchments
    dem_norm = hand - dem_min
    # surface of each subcatchment
    surface = pcr.areaarea(subcatch) * pcr.areaaverage(
        cell_surface, subcatch)  # area_multiplier
    error_abs = pcr.scalar(1e10)  # initial error (very high)
    volume_catch = pcr.areatotal(volume, subcatch)
    depth_catch = volume_catch / surface  # meters water disc averaged over subcatchment
    # ilt(depth_catch, 'depth_catch_{:02d}.map'.format(order))
    # pcr.report(volume, 'volume_{:02d}.map'.format(order))
    dem_max = pcr.ifthenelse(volume_catch > volume_thres, pcr.scalar(32.),
                             pcr.scalar(0))  # bizarre high inundation depth
    dem_min = pcr.scalar(0.)
    for n in range(iterations):
        logging.debug('Iteration: {:02d}'.format(n + 1))
        #####while np.logical_and(error_abs > error_thres, dem_min < dem_max):
        dem_av = (dem_min + dem_max) / 2
        # compute value at dem_av
        average_depth_catch = pcr.areaaverage(pcr.max(dem_av - dem_norm, 0),
        error = pcr.cover((depth_catch - average_depth_catch) / depth_catch,
                          depth_catch * 0)
        dem_min = pcr.ifthenelse(error > 0, dem_av, dem_min)
        dem_max = pcr.ifthenelse(error <= 0, dem_av, dem_max)
    inundation = pcr.max(dem_av - dem_norm, 0)
    return inundation
예제 #3
def volume_spread(ldd, hand, subcatch, volume, volume_thres=0., area_multiplier=1., iterations=15):
    Estimate 2D flooding from a 1D simulation per subcatchment reach
        ldd -- pcraster object direction, local drain directions
        hand -- pcraster object float32, elevation data normalised to nearest drain
        subcatch -- pcraster object ordinal, subcatchments with IDs
        volume -- pcraster object float32, scalar flood volume (i.e. m3 volume outside the river bank within subcatchment)
        volume_thres=0. -- scalar threshold, at least this amount of m3 of volume should be present in a catchment
        area_multiplier=1. -- in case the maps are not in m2, set a multiplier other than 1. to convert
        iterations=15 -- number of iterations to use
        inundation -- pcraster object float32, scalar inundation estimate
    #initial values
    dem_min = pcr.areaminimum(hand, subcatch)  # minimum elevation in subcatchments
    # pcr.report(dem_min, 'dem_min.map')
    dem_norm = hand - dem_min
    # pcr.report(dem_norm, 'dem_norm.map')
    # surface of each subcatchment
    surface = pcr.areaarea(subcatch)*area_multiplier
    pcr.report(surface, 'surface.map')

    error_abs = pcr.scalar(1e10)  # initial error (very high)
    volume_catch = pcr.areatotal(volume, subcatch)
    # pcr.report(volume_catch, 'volume_catch.map')

    depth_catch = volume_catch/surface
    pcr.report(depth_catch, 'depth_catch.map')

    dem_max = pcr.ifthenelse(volume_catch > volume_thres, pcr.scalar(32.),
                             pcr.scalar(0))  # bizarre high inundation depth
    dem_min = pcr.scalar(0.)
    for n in range(iterations):
        print('Iteration: {:02d}'.format(n + 1))
        #####while np.logical_and(error_abs > error_thres, dem_min < dem_max):
        dem_av = (dem_min + dem_max)/2
        # pcr.report(dem_av, 'dem_av00.{:03d}'.format(n + 1))
        # compute value at dem_av
        average_depth_catch = pcr.areaaverage(pcr.max(dem_av - dem_norm, 0), subcatch)
        # pcr.report(average_depth_catch, 'depth_c0.{:03d}'.format(n + 1))
        error = pcr.cover((depth_catch-average_depth_catch)/depth_catch, depth_catch*0)
        # pcr.report(error, 'error000.{:03d}'.format(n + 1))
        dem_min = pcr.ifthenelse(error > 0, dem_av, dem_min)
        dem_max = pcr.ifthenelse(error <= 0, dem_av, dem_max)
    # error_abs = np.abs(error)  # TODO: not needed probably, remove
    inundation = pcr.max(dem_av - dem_norm, 0)
    return inundation
예제 #4
def volume_spread(ldd, hand, subcatch, volume, volume_thres=0., cell_surface=1., iterations=15, logging=logging, order=0, neg_HAND=None):
    Estimate 2D flooding from a 1D simulation per subcatchment reach
        ldd -- pcraster object direction, local drain directions
        hand -- pcraster object float32, elevation data normalised to nearest drain
        subcatch -- pcraster object ordinal, subcatchments with IDs
        volume -- pcraster object float32, scalar flood volume (i.e. m3 volume outside the river bank within subcatchment)
        volume_thres=0. -- scalar threshold, at least this amount of m3 of volume should be present in a catchment
        area_multiplier=1. -- in case the maps are not in m2, set a multiplier other than 1. to convert
        iterations=15 -- number of iterations to use
        neg_HAND -- if set to 1, HAND maps can have negative values when elevation outside of stream is lower than
        stream (for example when there are natural embankments)
        inundation -- pcraster object float32, scalar inundation estimate
    #initial values
    dem_min = pcr.areaminimum(hand, subcatch)  # minimum elevation in subcatchments
    dem_norm = hand - dem_min
    # surface of each subcatchment
    surface = pcr.areaarea(subcatch)*pcr.areaaverage(cell_surface, subcatch) # area_multiplier
    error_abs = pcr.scalar(1e10)  # initial error (very high)
    volume_catch = pcr.areatotal(volume, subcatch)
    depth_catch = volume_catch/surface  # meters water disc averaged over subcatchment
    # ilt(depth_catch, 'depth_catch_{:02d}.map'.format(order))
    # pcr.report(volume, 'volume_{:02d}.map'.format(order))
    if neg_HAND == 1:
        dem_max = pcr.ifthenelse(volume_catch > volume_thres, pcr.scalar(32.),
                             pcr.scalar(-32.))  # bizarre high inundation depth☻
        dem_min = pcr.scalar(-32.)
        dem_max = pcr.ifthenelse(volume_catch > volume_thres, pcr.scalar(32.),
                             pcr.scalar(0.))  # bizarre high inundation depth☻
        dem_min = pcr.scalar(0.)
    for n in range(iterations):
        logging.debug('Iteration: {:02d}'.format(n + 1))
        #####while np.logical_and(error_abs > error_thres, dem_min < dem_max):
        dem_av = (dem_min + dem_max)/2
        # compute value at dem_av
        average_depth_catch = pcr.areaaverage(pcr.max(dem_av - dem_norm, 0), subcatch)
        error = pcr.cover((depth_catch-average_depth_catch)/depth_catch, depth_catch*0)
        dem_min = pcr.ifthenelse(error > 0, dem_av, dem_min)
        dem_max = pcr.ifthenelse(error <= 0, dem_av, dem_max)
    inundation = pcr.max(dem_av - dem_norm, 0)
    return inundation