예제 #1
 def createIpv6Pkt(self, ipproto=6, layer1=None, layer2=None):
     e = ethernet()
     e.dst = self.dmac
     e.src = self.smac
     e.type = 0x86dd
     i = ipv6()
     i.next_header = ipproto
     i.src = self.src6
     i.dst = self.dst6
     e.data = i
     i.data = layer1
     layer1.data = layer2
     if layer2 == None:
         retChain = pcs.Chain([e, i, layer1]).packets[0]
         retChain = pcs.Chain([e, i, layer1, layer2]).packets[0]
     return retChain
예제 #2
def createwritepacket(self, tcb, ip, tcp, from_, to):
    ether = createethernet(self, tcb, from_, to)

    tcp.checksum = tcp_cksum(tcp, ip)

    ip.length = len(ip.bytes) + len(tcp.bytes)
    ip.checksum = ip_cksum(ip)

    packet = pcs.Chain([ether, ip, tcp])
    tcb.output[from_].write(packet.bytes, len(packet.bytes))
예제 #3
 def createIpv4Pkt(self, ipproto=6, layer1=None, layer2=None):
     e = ethernet()
     e.dst = self.dmac
     e.src = self.smac
     e.type = 0x0800
     i = ipv4()
     i.protocol = ipproto
     i.id = 0
     i.flags = 0
     i.src = self.src
     i.dst = self.dst
     e.data = i
     i.data = layer1
     layer1.data = layer2
     if layer2 == None:
         retChain = pcs.Chain([e, i, layer1]).packets[0]
         retChain = pcs.Chain([e, i, layer1, layer2]).packets[0]
     return retChain
예제 #4
    def executeTrigger(self, pkt):
        Execute the trigger action the pkt which satisfies the trigger's 
        action conditions.
        @param pkt:
            The packet against which a trigger is actioned
            A trigger Chain for transmission, None if action is internal
        retChain = None

        # Action based on trigger type
        if self.action == Trigger.Trigger.STOP:
            # Test if pkt is really a HTTP packet
            (p, i) = pkt.chain().find_first_of(pcs.packets.http.httpResponse)
            if not p:
                self.logger.debug("HTTP trigger.STOP:\n%s" % pkt.chain())
                raise PcapReplayError(Trigger.ERR_PCAPR_TRIGGER_INVALID, 
                                      'executeTrigger : Invalid trigger/pkt ' +
                                      'pair execution')

            # Create a terminating response chain for xmit by the caller
            ether = pkt
            e = ethernet()
            e.dst = ether.src
            e.src = ether.dst
            e.type = ether.type
            ip = pkt.data
            if type(ip) == pcs.packets.ipv4.ipv4:
                i = ipv4()
                i.tos = ip.tos
                i.protocol = ip.protocol
                i.id = 0
                i.flags = 0
            elif type(ip) == pcs.packets.ipv6.ipv6:
                i = ipv6()
                i.traffic_class = ip.traffic_class
                i.next_header = ip.next_header
            i.src = ip.dst
            i.dst = ip.src
            tcp = pkt.data.data
            t = pcs.packets.tcp.tcp()
            t.sport = tcp.dport
            t.dport = tcp.sport
            t.reset = 1
            t.ack = 1
            t.ack_number = tcp.ack_number
            t.sequence = tcp.sequence
            t.data = None
            retChain = pcs.Chain([e, i, t])
        return retChain
예제 #5
def main():

    from optparse import OptionParser

    parser = OptionParser()
                      help="Network interface to send on.")

                      help="IPv4 target address to lookup.")

                      help="IPv4 source address to use.")

                      help="Ethernet destination address to use.")

                      help="Ethernet source address to use.")

                      help="Tcp source port.")

                      help="Tcp destination port.")

    (options, args) = parser.parse_args()

    import random

    ipid = random.randrange(1, (1 << 16) - 1)
    tcpsport = random.randrange(50000, 60000)  #int(options.source_port )
    tcpsequence = random.randrange(1, (1 << 32) - 1)
    output = pcs.PcapConnector(options.interface)

    replyip = None
    replytcp = None
    reply = None
    packet = None

    # SYN
    what = "SYN"

    ip1 = ipv4.ipv4()

    ip1.version = 4
    ip1.hlen = 5
    ip1.tos = 0
    ip1.id = ++ipid
    ip1.flags = 0
    ip1.offset = 0
    ip1.ttl = 64
    ip1.protocol = pcs.IPPROTO_TCP
    ip1.src = pcs.inet_atol(options.ip_source)
    ip1.dst = pcs.inet_atol(options.ip_target)

    tcp1 = tcp.tcp()

    tcp1.sport = tcpsport
    tcp1.dport = int(options.destination_port)
    tcp1.sequence = tcpsequence
    tcpsequence = tcpsequence + 1  # SYN consumes the sequence
    tcp1.ack_number = 0
    tcp1.offset = 5
    tcp1.urgent = 0
    tcp1.ack = 0
    tcp1.push = 0
    tcp1.reset = 0
    tcp1.syn = 1
    tcp1.fin = 0
    tcp1.window = (1 << 16) - 1
    tcp1.urg_point = 0

    tcp1.checksum = tcp_cksum(tcp1, ip1)

    ip1.length = len(ip1.bytes) + len(tcp1.bytes)

    # important, only calcs the ip checksum after fill length field
    ip1.checksum = ip_cksum(ip1)

    ether1 = ethernet.ethernet()
    ether1.src = ethernet.ether_atob(options.ether_source)
    ether1.dst = ethernet.ether_atob(options.ether_destination)
    ether1.type = 0x800

    packet = pcs.Chain([ether1, ip1, tcp1])

    print "\n%s---------------------------------" % what
    print tcp1
    print "---------------------------------"

    out = output.write(packet.bytes, len(packet.bytes))

    ## SYN
    # SYN+ACK
    what = "SYN+ACK"

    while 1:
        reply = output.read()
        packet = ethernet.ethernet(reply)
            replyip = packet.data
            replytcp = replyip.data
            if (ip1.src==replyip.dst and \
             ip1.dst==replyip.src and \
             tcp1.sport==replytcp.dport and \
        except:  #it cannot be a tcp packet (without sport:)

    print "\n%s---------------------------------" % what
    print packet.data.data
    print "---------------------------------"

    ## SYN+ACK
    # ACK 134,187
    what = "ACK (SYN)"

    ip3 = ipv4.ipv4()

    ip3.version = 4
    ip3.hlen = 5
    ip3.tos = 0
    ip3.id = ++ipid
    ip3.flags = 0
    ip3.offset = 0
    ip3.ttl = 64
    ip3.protocol = pcs.IPPROTO_TCP
    ip3.src = pcs.inet_atol(options.ip_source)
    ip3.dst = pcs.inet_atol(options.ip_target)

    tcp3 = tcp.tcp()

    tcp3.sport = tcpsport
    tcp3.dport = int(options.destination_port)
    tcp3.sequence = tcpsequence
    ##tcpsequence = tcpsequence + 1  # ACK DOES NOT consumes the sequence
    tcp3.ack_number = replytcp.sequence + 1
    tcp3.offset = 5
    tcp3.urgent = 0
    tcp3.ack = 1
    tcp3.push = 0
    tcp3.reset = 0
    tcp3.syn = 0
    tcp3.fin = 0
    tcp3.window = (1 << 16) - 1
    tcp3.urg_point = 0

    tcp3.checksum = tcp_cksum(tcp3, ip3)

    ip3.length = len(ip3.bytes) + len(tcp3.bytes)

    # important, only calcs the ip checksum after fill length field
    ip3.checksum = ip_cksum(ip3)

    ether3 = ethernet.ethernet()
    ether3.src = ethernet.ether_atob(options.ether_source)
    ether3.dst = ethernet.ether_atob(options.ether_destination)
    ether3.type = 0x800

    packet = pcs.Chain([ether3, ip3, tcp3])

    print "\n%s---------------------------------" % what
    print tcp3
    print "---------------------------------"

    out = output.write(packet.bytes, len(packet.bytes))

    ## ACK
    # FIN 188,241
    what = "FIN"

    ip4 = ipv4.ipv4()

    ip4.version = 4
    ip4.hlen = 5
    ip4.tos = 0
    ip4.id = ++ipid
    ip4.flags = 0
    ip4.offset = 0
    ip4.ttl = 64
    ip4.protocol = pcs.IPPROTO_TCP
    ip4.src = pcs.inet_atol(options.ip_source)
    ip4.dst = pcs.inet_atol(options.ip_target)

    tcp4 = tcp.tcp()

    tcp4.sport = tcpsport
    tcp4.dport = int(options.destination_port)
    tcp4.sequence = tcpsequence
    tcpsequence = tcpsequence + 1  # FIN consumes the sequence
    tcp4.ack_number = replytcp.sequence + 1
    tcp4.offset = 5
    tcp4.urgent = 0
    tcp4.ack = 1
    tcp4.push = 0
    tcp4.reset = 0
    tcp4.syn = 0
    tcp4.fin = 1
    tcp4.window = (1 << 16) - 1
    tcp4.urg_point = 0

    tcp4.checksum = tcp_cksum(tcp4, ip4)

    ip4.length = len(ip4.bytes) + len(tcp4.bytes)

    # important, only calcs the ip checksum after fill length field
    ip4.checksum = ip_cksum(ip4)

    ether4 = ethernet.ethernet()
    ether4.src = ethernet.ether_atob(options.ether_source)
    ether4.dst = ethernet.ether_atob(options.ether_destination)
    ether4.type = 0x800

    packet = pcs.Chain([ether4, ip4, tcp4])

    print "\n%s---------------------------------" % what
    print tcp4
    print "---------------------------------"

    out = output.write(packet.bytes, len(packet.bytes))

    ## FIN
    # ACK (FIN)
    what = "ACK (FIN)"

    while 1:
        reply = output.read()
        packet = ethernet.ethernet(reply)
            replyip = packet.data
            replytcp = replyip.data
            if (ip1.src==replyip.dst and \
             ip1.dst==replyip.src and \
             tcp1.sport==replytcp.dport and \
        except:  #it cannot be a tcp packet (without sport:)

    print "\n%s---------------------------------" % what
    print packet.data.data
    print "---------------------------------"

    ## ACK (FIN)
    # FIN
    what = "FIN"

    while 1:
        reply = output.read()
        packet = ethernet.ethernet(reply)
            replyip = packet.data
            replytcp = replyip.data
            if (ip1.src==replyip.dst and \
             ip1.dst==replyip.src and \
             tcp1.sport==replytcp.dport and \
        except:  #it cannot be a tcp packet (without sport:)

    print "\n%s---------------------------------" % what
    print packet.data.data
    print "---------------------------------"

    ## FIN
    # ACK (FIN) 288,341
    what = "ACK (FIN)"

    ip7 = ipv4.ipv4()

    ip7.version = 4
    ip7.hlen = 5
    ip7.tos = 0
    ip7.id = ++ipid
    ip7.flags = 0
    ip7.offset = 0
    ip7.ttl = 64
    ip7.protocol = pcs.IPPROTO_TCP
    ip7.src = pcs.inet_atol(options.ip_source)
    ip7.dst = pcs.inet_atol(options.ip_target)

    tcp7 = tcp.tcp()

    tcp7.sport = tcpsport
    tcp7.dport = int(options.destination_port)
    tcp7.sequence = tcpsequence
    ##tcpsequence = tcpsequence + 1  # ACK DOES NOT consumes the sequence
    tcp7.ack_number = replytcp.sequence + 1
    tcp7.offset = 5
    tcp7.urgent = 0
    tcp7.ack = 1
    tcp7.push = 0
    tcp7.reset = 0
    tcp7.syn = 0
    tcp7.fin = 0
    tcp7.window = (1 << 16) - 1
    tcp7.urg_point = 0

    tcp7.checksum = tcp_cksum(tcp7, ip7)

    ip7.length = len(ip7.bytes) + len(tcp7.bytes)

    # important, only calcs the ip checksum after fill length field
    ip7.checksum = ip_cksum(ip7)

    ether7 = ethernet.ethernet()
    ether7.src = ethernet.ether_atob(options.ether_source)
    ether7.dst = ethernet.ether_atob(options.ether_destination)
    ether7.type = 0x800

    packet = pcs.Chain([ether7, ip7, tcp7])

    print "\n%s---------------------------------" % what
    print tcp7
    print "---------------------------------"

    out = output.write(packet.bytes, len(packet.bytes))