예제 #1
파일: tcpv4test.py 프로젝트: victorlawn/PCS
    def test_tcpv4_read(self):
        """This test reads from a pre-stored pcap file generated with tcpdump."""
        file = PcapConnector("wwwtcp.out")
        packet = file.read()
        ip = ipv4(packet[file.dloff:len(packet)])
        assert (ip != None)
        tcppacket = tcp(ip.data.bytes)

        self.assertEqual(tcppacket.sport, 53678,
                         "source port not equal %d" % tcppacket.sport)
        self.assertEqual(tcppacket.dport, 80,
                         "destination port not equal %d" % tcppacket.dport)
        self.assertEqual(tcppacket.sequence, 1351059655,
                         "sequence number not equal %d" % tcppacket.sequence)
        self.assertEqual(tcppacket.ack_number, 0,
                         "ack number not equal %d" % tcppacket.ack_number)
        self.assertEqual(tcppacket.offset, 11,
                         "offset not equal %d" % tcppacket.offset)
        self.assertEqual(tcppacket.reserved, 0,
                         "reserved not equal %d" % tcppacket.reserved)
        self.assertEqual(tcppacket.urgent, 0,
                         "urgent not equal %d" % tcppacket.urgent)
        self.assertEqual(tcppacket.ack, 0, "ack not equal %d" % tcppacket.ack)
        self.assertEqual(tcppacket.push, 0,
                         "push not equal %d" % tcppacket.push)
        self.assertEqual(tcppacket.reset, 0,
                         "reset not equal %d" % tcppacket.reset)
        self.assertEqual(tcppacket.syn, 1, "syn not equal %d" % tcppacket.syn)
        self.assertEqual(tcppacket.fin, 0, "fin not equal %d" % tcppacket.fin)
        self.assertEqual(tcppacket.window, 65535,
                         "window not equal %d" % tcppacket.window)
        self.assertEqual(tcppacket.checksum, 15295,
                         "checksum not equal %d" % tcppacket.checksum)
예제 #2
파일: tcpv4test.py 프로젝트: victorlawn/PCS
    def test_tcpv4_compare(self):
        """Test the underlying __compare__ functionality of the
        packet.  Two packets constructed from the same bytes should be
        equal and two that are not should not be equal."""
        file = PcapConnector("wwwtcp.out")
        packet = file.read()
        ip = ipv4(packet[file.dloff:len(packet)])
        tcp1 = tcp(ip.data.bytes)
        tcp2 = tcp(ip.data.bytes)
        assert (tcp1 != None)
        assert (tcp2 != None)

        #hd = hexdumper()
        #print hd.dump(tcp1.bytes)
        #print hd.dump(tcp2.bytes)

        # tcp1 should not equal tcp2, they are different instances,
        # and will therefore have different timestamps -- unless
        # we end up racing the system clock.
        self.assertNotEqual(tcp1, tcp2, "instances SHOULD be equal")

        self.assertEqual(tcp1.bytes, tcp2.bytes, "packet data SHOULD be equal")
        tcp1.dport = 0
        self.assertNotEqual(tcp1.bytes, tcp2.bytes,
                            "packet data SHOULD NOT be equal")
예제 #3
    def test_ethernet_compare(self):
        """Test the underlying __compare__ functionality of the
        packet.  Two packets constructed from the same bytes should be
        equal and two that are not should not be equal."""
        file = PcapConnector("etherping.out")
        packet = file.read()
        ether1 = ethernet(packet[0:file.dloff])
        ether2 = ethernet(packet[0:file.dloff])
        assert (ether1 != None)
        assert (ether2 != None)
        self.assertEqual(ether1, ether2, "packets should be equal but are not")

        ether1.dst = "\xff\xff\xff\xff\xff\xff"
        self.assertNotEqual(ether1, ether2, "packets compare equal but should not")
예제 #4
파일: tcpv4test.py 프로젝트: victorlawn/PCS
    def test_tcpv4_println(self):
        """Test the println method."""
        file = PcapConnector("wwwtcp.out")
        packet = file.read()
        ip = ipv4(packet[file.dloff:len(packet)])
        assert (ip != None)
        tcppacket = tcp(ip.data.bytes)
        assert (tcppacket)

        # pre tcp options:
        #expected = "<TCP: sport: 53678, dport: 80, sequence: 1351059655, ack_number: 0, offset: 11, reserved: 0, urgent: 0, ack: 0, push: 0, reset: 0, syn: 1, fin: 0, window: 65535, checksum: 15295, urg_pointer: 0>"

        # post tcp options:
        # XXX println() uses __repr__(), not __str__(). the rules for the
        # game "python" say we have to preserve the structure of
        # objects returned by __repr__().
        expected = "<TCP: sport: 53678, dport: 80, sequence: 1351059655, " \
     "ack_number: 0, offset: 11, reserved: 0, " \
                   "ns: 0, cwr: 0, ece: 0, urgent: 0, " \
     "ack: 0, push: 0, reset: 0, syn: 1, fin: 0, " \
     "window: 65535, checksum: 15295, urg_pointer: 0, " \
     "options: [" \
   "[Field: mss, Value: " \
    "<pcs.Field  name v, 16 bits, " \
    "default 1460, discriminator 0>], " \
   "[Field: nop, Value: 1], " \
   "[Field: wscale, Value: " \
    "<pcs.Field  name v, 8 bits, " \
    "default 0, discriminator 0>], " \
   "[Field: nop, Value: 1], " \
   "[Field: nop, Value: 1], " \
   "[Field: tstamp, Value: " \
    "<pcs.Field  name v, 64 bits, " \
    "default 0, discriminator 0>], " \
   "[Field: sackok, Value: " \
    "<pcs.Field  name v, 0 bits, " \
    "default 0, discriminator 0>], " \
   "[Field: end, Value: 0], " \
   "[Field: end, Value: 0]" \

        # unusual naming to make it easier to spot deltas in an
        # 80 column display.
        gotttted = tcppacket.println()

            expected, gotttted,
            "strings are not equal \nexpected %s \ngotttted %s " %
            (expected, gotttted))
예제 #5
파일: ipv6test.py 프로젝트: victorlawn/PCS
    def test_ipv6_compare(self):
        """Test the underlying __compare__ functionality of the
        packet.  Two packets constructed from the same bytes should be
        equal and two that are not should not be equal."""
        file = PcapConnector("loopping6.out")
        packet = file.read()
        ip1 = ipv6(packet[file.dloff:len(packet)])
        ip2 = ipv6(packet[file.dloff:len(packet)])
        assert (ip1 != None)
        assert (ip2 != None)
        self.assertEqual(ip1, ip2, "packets should be equal but are not")

        ip1.dst = inet_pton(AF_INET6, "2001:ffff::1")

        self.assertNotEqual(ip1, ip2, "packets compare equal but should not")
예제 #6
    def test_ethernet_println(self):
        """This test reads from a pre-stored pcap file generated with
        tcpdump and ping on an ethernet interface and tests the
        __str__ method to make sure the correct values are printed."""
        file = PcapConnector("etherping.out")
        packet = file.read()
        ether = ethernet(packet[0:file.dloff])
        assert (ether != None)

        test_string = "<Ethernet: dst: 0:10:db:3a:3a:77 src: 0:d:93:44:fa:62 type: 0x800>"

        string = ether.println()

        self.assertEqual(string, test_string,
                         "strings are not equal \nexpected %s \ngot %s " %
                         (test_string, string))
예제 #7
파일: ipv6test.py 프로젝트: victorlawn/PCS
    def test_ipv6_println(self):
        """This test reads from a pre-stored pcap file generated with
        tcpdump and ping on the loopback interface and tests the
        __str__ method to make sure the correct values are printed."""
        file = PcapConnector("loopping6.out")
        packet = file.read()
        ip = ipv6(packet[file.dloff:len(packet)])
        assert (ip != None)

        test_string = "<IPv6: version: 6, traffic_class: 0, flow: 0, length: 16, next_header: 58, hop: 64, src: \'\\x00\\x00\\x00\\x00\\x00\\x00\\x00\\x00\\x00\\x00\\x00\\x00\\x00\\x00\\x00\\x01\', dst: \'\\x00\\x00\\x00\\x00\\x00\\x00\\x00\\x00\\x00\\x00\\x00\\x00\\x00\\x00\\x00\\x01\'>"

        string = ip.println()

            string, test_string,
            "strings are not equal \nexpected %s \ngot %s " %
            (test_string, string))
예제 #8
파일: ipv6test.py 프로젝트: victorlawn/PCS
    def test_ipv6_print(self):
        """This test reads from a pre-stored pcap file generated with
        tcpdump and ping on the loopback interface and tests the
        __str__ method to make sure the correct values are printed."""
        file = PcapConnector("loopping6.out")
        packet = file.read()
        ip = ipv6(packet[file.dloff:len(packet)])
        assert (ip != None)

        test_string = "version 6\ntraffic_class 0\nflow 0\nlength 16\nnext_header 58\nhop 64\nsrc ::1\ndst ::1\n"

        string = ip.__str__()

            string, test_string,
            "strings are not equal \nexpected %s \ngot %s " %
            (test_string, string))
예제 #9
    def test_ipv4_println(self):
        """This test reads from a pre-stored pcap file generated with
        tcpdump and ping on the loopback interface and tests the
        __str__ method to make sure the correct values are printed."""
        file = PcapConnector("loopping.out")
        packet = file.read()
        ip = ipv4(packet[file.dloff:len(packet)])
        assert (ip != None)

        expected = "<IPv4: version: 4, hlen: 5, tos: 0, length: 84, " \
                   "id: 59067, flags: 0, offset: 0, ttl: 64, protocol: 1, " \
                   "checksum: 0, src: 2130706433, dst: 2130706433, options: []>"

        gotttted = ip.println()

            expected, gotttted,
            "strings are not equal \nexpected %s \ngotttted %s " %
            (expected, gotttted))
예제 #10
파일: ipv6test.py 프로젝트: victorlawn/PCS
    def test_ipv6_read(self):
        """This test reads from a pre-stored pcap file generated with tcpdump and ping on the loopback interface."""
        file = PcapConnector("loopping6.out")
        packet = file.read()
        ip = ipv6(packet[file.dloff:len(packet)])
        assert (ip != None)

        self.assertEqual(ip.version, 6, "version not equal %d" % ip.version)
        self.assertEqual(ip.traffic_class, 0,
                         "traffic_class not equal %d" % ip.traffic_class)
        self.assertEqual(ip.flow, 0, "flow not equal %d" % ip.flow)
        self.assertEqual(ip.length, 16, "length not equal %d" % ip.length)
        self.assertEqual(ip.next_header, 58,
                         "next_header not equal %d" % ip.next_header)
        self.assertEqual(ip.hop, 64, "hop not equal %d" % ip.hop)
        self.assertEqual(ip.src, inet_pton(AF_INET6, "::1"),
                         "src not equal %s" % ip.src)
        self.assertEqual(ip.dst, inet_pton(AF_INET6, "::1"),
                         "dst not equal %s" % ip.dst)
예제 #11
    def test_ipv4_read(self):
        """This test reads from a pre-stored pcap file generated with tcpdump and ping on the loopback interface."""
        file = PcapConnector("loopping.out")
        packet = file.read()
        ip = ipv4(packet[file.dloff:len(packet)])
        assert (ip != None)

        self.assertEqual(ip.version, 4, "version not equal %d" % ip.version)
        self.assertEqual(ip.hlen, 5, "hlen not equal %d" % ip.hlen)
        self.assertEqual(ip.tos, 0, "tos not equal %d" % ip.tos)
        self.assertEqual(ip.length, 84, "length not equal %d" % ip.length)
        self.assertEqual(ip.id, 59067, "id not equal %d" % ip.id)
        self.assertEqual(ip.flags, 0, "flags not equal %d" % ip.flags)
        self.assertEqual(ip.offset, 0, "offset not equal %d" % ip.offset)
        self.assertEqual(ip.ttl, 64, "ttl not equal %d" % ip.ttl)
        self.assertEqual(ip.protocol, 1, "protocol not equal %d" % ip.protocol)
        self.assertEqual(ip.src, inet_atol(""),
                         "src not equal %d" % ip.src)
        self.assertEqual(ip.dst, inet_atol(""),
                         "dst not equal %d" % ip.dst)
예제 #12
    def test_ipv4_print(self):
        """This test reads from a pre-stored pcap file generated with
        tcpdump and ping on the loopback interface and tests the
        __str__ method to make sure the correct values are printed."""
        file = PcapConnector("loopping.out")
        packet = file.read()
        ip = ipv4(packet[file.dloff:len(packet)])
        assert (ip != None)

        expected = "IPv4\nversion 4\nhlen 5\ntos 0\nlength 84\n" \
                   "id 59067\nflags 0\noffset 0\nttl 64\nprotocol 1\n" \
                   "checksum 0\nsrc\ndst\n" \
                   "options []\n"

        gotttted = ip.__str__()

            expected, gotttted,
            "strings are not equal \nexpected %s \ngotttted %s " %
            (expected, gotttted))
예제 #13
파일: tcpv4test.py 프로젝트: victorlawn/PCS
    def test_tcpv4_str(self):
        """Test the ___str__ method to make sure the correct
        values are printed."""
        file = PcapConnector("wwwtcp.out")
        packet = file.read()
        ip = ipv4(packet[file.dloff:len(packet)])
        assert (ip != None)
        tcppacket = tcp(ip.data.bytes)
        assert (tcppacket)

        # pre tcp options:
        #expected = "TCP\nsport 53678\ndport 80\nsequence 1351059655\nack_number 0\noffset 11\nreserved 0\nns 0\ncwr 0\nece 0\nurgent 0\nack 0\npush 0\nreset 0\nsyn 1\nfin 0\nwindow 65535\nchecksum 15295\nurg_pointer 0\n"

        # post tcp options:
        expected = "TCP\nsport 53678\ndport 80\nsequence 1351059655\nack_number 0\noffset 11\nreserved 0\nns 0\ncwr 0\nece 0\nurgent 0\nack 0\npush 0\nreset 0\nsyn 1\nfin 0\nwindow 65535\nchecksum 15295\nurg_pointer 0\n" \
     "options [" \
   "[Field: mss, Value: " \
    "<pcs.Field  name v, 16 bits, " \
    "default 1460, discriminator 0>], " \
   "[Field: nop, Value: 1], " \
   "[Field: wscale, Value: " \
    "<pcs.Field  name v, 8 bits, " \
    "default 0, discriminator 0>], " \
   "[Field: nop, Value: 1], " \
   "[Field: nop, Value: 1], " \
   "[Field: tstamp, Value: " \
    "<pcs.Field  name v, 64 bits, " \
    "default 0, discriminator 0>], " \
   "[Field: sackok, Value: " \
    "<pcs.Field  name v, 0 bits, " \
    "default 0, discriminator 0>], " \
   "[Field: end, Value: 0], " \
   "[Field: end, Value: 0]" \

        gotttted = tcppacket.__str__()

            expected, gotttted,
            "strings are not equal \nexpected %s \ngotttted %s " %
            (expected, gotttted))