예제 #1
def main():
    if len(sys.argv) != 3: # if no input
        print "This function takes as input two pdb files"
        print "calculates distances and writes out a report"
        print len(sys.argv)
    pdb_file1  = sys.argv[1]
    pdb_file2  = sys.argv[2]
    #pdb_out   = sys.argv[3]
    print "center of voxal, file 1: " + pdb_file1
    print "list of waters, file 2: " + pdb_file2

    pdb1 = pdb_lib.read_pdb(pdb_file1)
    pdb2 = pdb_lib.read_pdb(pdb_file2)

    atomcount = [] # count how meny atoms are in each voxel    
    # intialize
    for i in range(len(pdb1)):

    i = 0
    for voxelatom in pdb1:
        for atom in pdb2:
            #print atom.atomname
            if atom.atomname.replace(" ","") != "O":
            if (in_voxel(voxelatom,atom,0.25)):
                atomcount[i] = atomcount[i] + 1
        i = i + 1 

    for i in range(len(pdb1)):
        print "voxel%d, %d"%(i, atomcount[i])
    print len(pdb2)/3
예제 #2
def readin_all_atoms_center_of_mass(fileinputpdb):
    pdblist = pdb.read_pdb(fileinputpdb)
    atoms =[]
    for pdbatoms in pdblist:
        for atom in pdbatoms:
    return centre_of_mass(atoms)
def main():

    if (len(sys.argv) != 4):  # if no input
        print " (1) pdb file name,"
        print " (1) crd file name,"
        print " (2) output file  "

    pdbfilename = sys.argv[1]
    crdfilename = sys.argv[2]
    output = sys.argv[3]

    #cl = pdb_lib.read_pdb(pdb_file)
    pdb = pdb_lib.read_pdb(pdbfilename)[0]
    size = len(pdb)

    frames = coord_reader(crdfilename, size)

    j = 0
    for f in frames:
        i = 0
        for c in f.cords:
            print "j=", j, "i=", i

            pdb[i].X = c.x
            pdb[i].Y = c.y
            pdb[i].Z = c.z
            i = i + 1
        pdb_lib.output_pdb(pdb, output + "." + str(j) + ".pdb")
        j = j + 1

예제 #4
def readin_all_atoms_return_chains(fileinputpdb):
    pdblist = pdb.read_pdb(fileinputpdb)
    if (len(pdblist) > 1):
        print("len(pdblist) = %d" % len(pdblist))
        print("pdblist is greater than 1. there is more than one model...")
    pdblist_combined = []
    for atoms in pdblist:
        for atom in atoms:
    #    exit()
    atoms_list = []
    chains = []
    chains_dict = {}
    #current_chain = pdblist_combined[0].chainid
    for atom in pdblist_combined:
        #for atom in pdbatoms:
        if not (atom.chainid in chains_dict):
            chains_dict[atom.chainid] = []

    for key in chains_dict:
    return chains
예제 #5
def main():

    if (len(sys.argv) != 4):  # if no input
        print(" (1) pdb file name,")
        print(" (1) crd file name,")
        print(" (2) output file  ")

    pdbfilename = sys.argv[1]
    crdfilename = sys.argv[2]
    output = sys.argv[3]

    #cl = pdb_lib.read_pdb(pdb_file)
    pdb = pdb_lib.read_pdb(pdbfilename)[0]
    size = len(pdb)

    j = 0
    crds = []
    for i in range(size):
        #print( "j=",j,"i=",i
        x = pdb[i].X
        y = pdb[i].Y
        z = pdb[i].Z
        crd = cord(x, y, z)

    mdcrd_writer(crdfilename, crds, "from " + pdbfilename)

예제 #6
def main():
    if len(sys.argv) != 3:  # if no input
        print "This function takes as input two pdb files"
        print "read in the  xtal waters (pdb1) and the water positions predicted by GIST (pdb2)."
        print len(sys.argv)

    pdb_file1 = sys.argv[1]
    pdb_file2 = sys.argv[2]
    #pdb_out   = sys.argv[3]
    print "file 1: " + pdb_file1
    print "file 2: " + pdb_file2

    pdb1 = pdb.read_pdb(pdb_file1)
    pdb2 = pdb.read_pdb(pdb_file2)
    pdb.cal_dists_TP_FP_FN(pdb1, pdb2)
def main():
    if len(sys.argv) != 4:  # if no input
        print "This function takes as input two pdb files"
        print "read in the low dielectric spheres (pdb1) and the water positions (pdb2)."
        print "calculates distances and writes out a the overlaping atoms from the second file (water positions)"
        print len(sys.argv)

    pdb_file1 = sys.argv[1]
    pdb_file2 = sys.argv[2]
    pdb_out = sys.argv[3]
    print "file 1: " + pdb_file1
    print "file 2: " + pdb_file2

    pdb1 = pdb.read_pdb(pdb_file1)
    pdb2 = pdb.read_pdb(pdb_file2)
    pdb2_close = pdb.cal_dists_close(pdb1, pdb2)
    pdb.output_pdb(pdb2_close, pdb_out)
def main():
    if len(sys.argv) != 5:  # if no input
        print "ERORR: there need to be 4 inputs: pdb inputfilename, bfactorfilename(2 colomn:resname,value)  residuelist, outputfileprefix."

    fileinputpdb = sys.argv[1]
    filebfactor = sys.argv[2]
    res_string = sys.argv[3]
    fileoutput = sys.argv[4]

    splitname = fileinputpdb.split('/')[-1].split('.')
    if len(splitname) != 2:
        print "error pdb file is weird. "
    prefix = splitname[0]

    print 'input_pdb =' + fileinputpdb
    print 'sph prefix =' + prefix
    print 'residue string =' + res_string
    print 'output =' + fileoutput

    residlist = []
    res_string_split = res_string.split(',')
    print res_string_split
    #   if len(res_string_split) == 1:
    #       residlist.append(int(res_string_split[0]))
    #   else:
    #print res_string_split
    for s in res_string_split:
        if ('-' in s):
            s_split = s.split('-')
            if (len(s_split) != 2):
                print "something is wrong with residue string."
                start = int(s_split[0])
                stop = int(s_split[1]) + 1
                for i in range(start, stop):

    for i in range(1, len(residlist)):
        if residlist[i - 1] > residlist[i]:
            print "uhoh. list is not monotonic"

    print residlist

    pdblist_chains = pdb.read_pdb(fileinputpdb)
    pdblist = []
    for chain in pdblist_chains:
        pdblist = pdblist + chain
    pdblist_mod = add_bfactors(pdblist, residlist, filebfactor)
    pdb.output_pdb(pdblist_mod, fileoutput + '.pdb')
def main():
    filename = sys.argv[1]
    intval = int(sys.argv[2])
    fileprefix = sys.argv[3]

    pdbchains = pdb_lib.read_pdb(filename)
    count = 1
    for pdbmol in pdbchains:
        renumber_residue_continuous(pdbmol, intval)
        pdb_lib.output_pdb(pdbmol, '%s_%i.pdb' % (fileprefix, count))
        count = count + 1
def main():
    if len(sys.argv) != 5: # if no input
        print "This function takes as input two pdb files, output file name and the value"
        print "read in the ligand (pdb1) and the water positions (pdb2)."
        print "calculates distances and writes out a the overlaping atoms from the second file (water positions)"
        print len(sys.argv)
    pdb_file1  = sys.argv[1]
    pdb_file2  = sys.argv[2]
    pdb_out    = sys.argv[3]
    val        = float(sys.argv[4])
    print "file 1: " + pdb_file1
    print "file 2: " + pdb_file2
    print "file out: " + pdb_out
    print "value: " + str(val)

    pdb1 = pdb.read_pdb(pdb_file1)[0]
    pdb2 = pdb.read_pdb(pdb_file2)[0]
    pdb2_close = pdb.cal_dists_close_val(pdb1,pdb2,val**2)
    pdb.output_pdb( pdb2_close, pdb_out) 
예제 #11
def main():
    if len(sys.argv) != 4:  # if no input
        print "ERORR: there need to be 3 inputs: sph inputfilename, pdb inputfilename, outputfilename."

    fileinputsph = sys.argv[1]
    fileinputpdb = sys.argv[2]
    fileoutput = sys.argv[3]

    print 'input_sph =' + fileinputsph
    print 'input_pdb =' + fileinputpdb
    print 'output =' + fileoutput

    list = sph.read_sph(fileinputsph, "A", "A")
    pdblist = pdb.read_pdb(fileinputpdb)[0]
    list2 = distance_sph_pdb(list, pdblist, 5)
    sph.write_sph(fileoutput, list2)
예제 #12
def main():
    if len(sys.argv) != 4:  # if no input
            "ERORR: there need to be 3 inputs: pdb inputfilename,  residue:atom_list, outputfileprefix."
            "list is resnum1:atomname1,...,resnum1:atomnamei,...,resnumk,atomnamej,..."

    fileinputpdb = sys.argv[1]
    res_string = sys.argv[2]
    fileoutput = sys.argv[3]

    splitname = fileinputpdb.split('\\')[-1].split('.')
    if len(splitname) != 2:
        print("error pdb file is weird. ")
    prefix = splitname[0]

    print('input_pdb =' + fileinputpdb)
    print('sph prefix =' + prefix)
    print('residue string =' + res_string)
    print('output =' + fileoutput)

    residlist = []
    res_string_split = res_string.split(',')
    residlist = res_string_split
    print res_string_split

    pdblist = pdb.read_pdb(fileinputpdb)[0]
    center = centre_of_mass(pdblist, residlist)
    #print ("%6.4f %6.4f %6.4f"%(center[0],center[1],center[2]))
        "HETATM    1 ZN    ZN A   1    %8.3f%8.3f%8.3f  1.00  0.00          ZN"
        % (center[0], center[1], center[2]))
    fh = open(fileoutput + '_zinc.pdb', 'w')
        "HETATM    1 ZN    ZN A   1    %8.3f%8.3f%8.3f  1.00  0.00          ZN\n"
        % (center[0], center[1], center[2]))

    change_name(pdblist, residlist)
    pdb.output_pdb(pdblist, fileoutput + '.pdb')
def main():
    if len(sys.argv) != 6: # if no input
       print "ERORR: there need to be 4 inputs: sph inputfilename, pdb inputfilename, res list outputfilename, distance."

    fileinputsph  = sys.argv[1]
    fileinputpdb  = sys.argv[2]
    fileinputlist = sys.argv[3]
    fileoutput    = sys.argv[4]
    distance      = float(sys.argv[5])

    print 'input_sph =' + fileinputsph
    print 'input_pdb =' + fileinputpdb
    print 'input_list =' + fileinputlist
    print 'output =' + fileoutput
    print 'distance = %6.3f'%distance

    reslist = read_list(fileinputlist)
    sphlist = sph.read_sph(fileinputsph,"A","A")

    pdblist = pdb.read_pdb(fileinputpdb)[0]    

    # make dictionary
    dict_pdblist = make_dict_pdb_res(pdblist) 

    fhout = open(fileoutput,'w')
    # for each residue find the spheres within a certian distance
    for res in reslist:  
       print res
       if not res in dict_pdblist: 
          print str(res) + " not in dict"
       list2 = distance_sph_pdb(sphlist, dict_pdblist[res], distance)
       sphere_cluster = {}
       for sphere in list2: 
           sphere_cluster[sphere.cluster] = ''
       # sorted clusters contain all the sphere clusters that are close to the residue.  note that the sphere cluster define a pocket. 
       sorted_clusters = sorted(sphere_cluster.keys())
       print "sphere clusters close to residue %d:"%(res), sorted_clusters
       if len(sorted_clusters) != 0:
           fhout.write("sphere clusters close to residue %d: %s\n"%(res,int_list_to_string(sorted_clusters)))
    print "I AM HERE" 
예제 #14
def main():
    if len(sys.argv) != 5: # if no input
       print "ERORR: there need to be 4 inputs: sph inputfilename, pdb inputfilename, outputfilename, distance."

    fileinputsph = sys.argv[1]
    fileinputpdb = sys.argv[2]
    fileoutput   = sys.argv[3]
    distance     = float(sys.argv[4])

    print 'input_sph =' + fileinputsph
    print 'input_pdb =' + fileinputpdb
    print 'output =' + fileoutput
    print 'distance = %6.3f'%distance

    list = sph.read_sph(fileinputsph,"A","A")
    pdblist = pdb.read_pdb(fileinputpdb)[0]    
    list2 = distance_sph_pdb(list, pdblist,distance)
def main():
    #if len(sys.argv) != 5: # if no input
    #   print "ERORR: there need to be 4 inputs: sph inputfilename, pdb inputfilename, outputfilename, distance."
    #   return
    if len(sys.argv) != 4:  # if no input
        print "ERORR: there need to be 3 inputs: sph inputfilename, pdb inputfilename, outputfilename"

    fileinputsph = sys.argv[1]
    fileinputpdb = sys.argv[2]
    fileoutput = sys.argv[3]
    #distance     = float(sys.argv[4])

    print 'input_sph =' + fileinputsph
    print 'input_pdb =' + fileinputpdb
    print 'output =' + fileoutput
    #print 'distance = %6.3f'%distance

    sph_cluster_list = sph.read_sph_cluster_list(fileinputsph)
    pdblist = pdb.read_pdb(fileinputpdb)[0]
    #list2 = distance_sph_pdb(sph_cluster_list, pdblist, distance)
    list2 = distance_sph_pdb(sph_cluster_list, pdblist)
    sph.write_sph(fileoutput, list2)
def cluster_water_pdb(inputfilename, cutoff, outputfilename, denominator):
    bonds = []
    bond_dic = {}
    duplicate = {}
    pdb_ori = pdb_lib.read_pdb(inputfilename)[0]
    pdb_water = []
    pdb_other = []
    #print inputfilename
    for atom in pdb_ori:
        #print atom.resname
        if atom.resname == "HOH":
    numwat = len(pdb_water)
    print "%s contains %d waters" % (inputfilename, numwat)
    if numwat == 0:
        print "There are zero waters in the file.  If this is not right make sure that there are no TER in the file and re-run. "
    for i in range(numwat):
        for j in range(i + 1, numwat):
            dist = dist_wat(pdb_water[i], pdb_water[j])
            #print i, j, pdb_water[i].resnum, pdb_water[j].resnum, dist
            if (dist == 0.0):  # discard duplicates
                duplicate[j] = i
            elif (dist < cutoff):
                #bonds.append([i,j, dist])
                bonds.append([i, j])
                print "bond: %d %d %f" % (i, j, dist)
                bond_dic[i] = 1
                bond_dic[j] = 1

    clusters = {}  # what cluster belongs to each atom
    count = 0
    for bond in bonds:
        if bond[0] in clusters:  # if the starting point is in a cluster then put the ending point in that same cluster
            clusters[bond[1]] = clusters[bond[0]]
        elif bond[
                1] in clusters:  # if the ending point is in a cluster then put the starting point in that same cluster
            clusters[bond[0]] = clusters[bond[1]]
        else:  # nether point is in a cluster
            clusters[bond[0]] = count
            clusters[bond[1]] = count
            count = count + 1
    for i in range(numwat):
        if not i in bond_dic and not i in duplicate:
            # then singlton.
            clusters[i] = count
            count = count + 1

    cluster_lists = {}  # list of atoms in each cluster
    print clusters
    for key in clusters.keys():  # key is atom
        print key, clusters[key]
        cluster_lists[clusters[key]] = []  # intialize

    for key in clusters.keys():

    cluster_centers = []
    cluster_median = []
    for cluster in cluster_lists:
        X = 0.0
        Y = 0.0
        Z = 0.0
        count = 0
        for atom in cluster_lists[cluster]:
            X = X + pdb_water[atom].X
            Y = Y + pdb_water[atom].Y
            Z = Z + pdb_water[atom].Z
            count = count + 1
        X = X / count
        Y = Y / count
        Z = Z / count

        #alpha = float(count)/float(numwat)
        alpha = float(count) / denominator
        temp_atom_info = pdb_lib.PDB_atom_info('', "A", "HOH", cluster, " O  ",
                                               cluster, X, Y, Z, 0.0, alpha,

        # find median water
        min_val = [-1, 1000]
        for i in range(len(cluster_lists[cluster])):
            dist = dist_wat(temp_atom_info,
            if dist < min_val[1]:
                #min_val[0] = i  # this index of the cluster member
                min_val[0] = cluster_lists[cluster][
                    i]  # index of the water, simplifies call
                min_val[1] = dist
                    i]].bfact = temp_atom_info.bfact  # make both report the number of waters/ dem in b column

        #cluster_median.append(pdb_water[cluster_lists[cluster][min_val[0]]]) # when we saved the index of the cluster instead of index of water
        cluster_median.append(pdb_water[min_val[0]])  #

    pdb_lib.output_pdb(cluster_centers, outputfilename + "_center.pdb")
    pdb_lib.output_pdb(cluster_median, outputfilename + "_median.pdb")
예제 #17
def main():
    if len(sys.argv) != 4:  # if no input
        print "ERORR: there need to be 3 inputs: pdb inputfilename,  residuelist, outputfileprefix."

    fileinputpdb = sys.argv[1]
    #fileinputsph = sys.argv[2]
    #res_string = sys.argv[3]
    #fileoutput   = sys.argv[4]
    res_string = sys.argv[2]
    fileoutput = sys.argv[3]

    splitname = fileinputpdb.split('\\')[-1].split('.')
    if len(splitname) != 2:
        print "error pdb file is weird. "
    prefix = splitname[0]

    print 'input_pdb =' + fileinputpdb
    print 'sph prefix =' + prefix
    print 'residue string =' + res_string
    print 'output =' + fileoutput

    residlist = []
    res_string_split = res_string.split(',')
    print res_string_split
    #   if len(res_string_split) == 1:
    #       residlist.append(int(res_string_split[0]))
    #   else:
    #print res_string_split
    for s in res_string_split:
        if ('-' in s):
            s_split = s.split('-')
            if (len(s_split) != 2):
                print "something is wrong with residue string."
                start = int(s_split[0])
                stop = int(s_split[1]) + 1
                for i in range(start, stop):

    for i in range(1, len(residlist)):
        if residlist[i - 1] > residlist[i]:
            print "uhoh. list is not monotonic"

    print residlist

    run_dms_sph(fileinputpdb, prefix)
    list1 = sph.read_sph(prefix + ".sph", "A", "A")

    pdblist = pdb.read_pdb(fileinputpdb)
    center = centre_of_mass(pdblist, residlist)
    print center
    list2 = closest_sphs_to_center(list1, center, 4)
    sph.write_sph(fileoutput + ".sph", list2)
    # add center to list and write agian to new file
    #tmp_sphere = sphere(index,x,y,z,r,atomnum,clust,col)
    tmp_sphere = sph.sphere(2, center[0], center[1], center[2], 0.7, 2, 0, 0)
    sph.write_sph(fileoutput + "_and_center.sph", list2)
    convert_sph_to_pdb(fileoutput + ".sph", fileoutput)
예제 #18
def main():
    if len(sys.argv) != 5:  # if no input
            "ERORR: there need to be 4 inputs: pdb file_pdb_list lig_resid dcutoff (center of ligand to center of model)"

    fileinputpdb1 = sys.argv[1]
    file_pdb_list = sys.argv[2]
    ligand_name = sys.argv[3]
    ligand_dist = float(sys.argv[4])

    prefix = check_filename(fileinputpdb1)

    print('input_pdb1 =' + fileinputpdb1)
    print('sph prefix =' + prefix)
    print('pdb list file =' + file_pdb_list)
    print('lig_name =' + ligand_name)
    print('lig_dist = %d' % ligand_dist)

    #center = centre_of_mass(pdblist)
    # calculate the center of mass of the full file that contains all molecles
    center1 = readin_all_atoms_center_of_mass(fileinputpdb1)
    fh = open(file_pdb_list, 'r')
    dist_list = []
    pdb_f_list = []
    center_list = []
    # loop over the list of pdb files.  one file contains one model
    for line in fh:
        fileinputpdb2 = line.split()[0]
        print('input_pdb2 =' + fileinputpdb2)
        center2 = readin_all_atoms_center_of_mass(fileinputpdb2)
        d = distance(center1, center2)
    distmin_id = 0
    distmin = dist_list[distmin_id]
    for i in range(0, len(dist_list)):
        if (dist_list[i] < distmin):
            #if dist_list[i] < dist_list[distmin_id]:
            distmin_id = i
            distmin = dist_list[distmin_id]

    print("The model closest (dist = %f) to center is %s" %
          (dist_list[distmin_id], pdb_f_list[distmin_id]))
    # lets get the ligand
    pdblist = pdb.read_pdb(
    )  # read in the model that is closest to the center (this one should be completely suronded by neibors).
    # get the subset of atoms of just the ligand
    atom_lig_list = []
    for pdbatoms in pdblist:
        for atom in pdbatoms:
            if (atom.resname == ligand_name):
    lig_center = centre_of_mass(atom_lig_list)

    filelist = []  # remember wich models are close by center of position.
    for i, center in enumerate(center_list):
        d = distance(center, lig_center)
        if d < ligand_dist:
                "The model within cutoff (dist = %f) to center of ligand is %s"
                % (d, pdb_f_list[i]))
    cat_string = " files to cat "
    cat_cmd = " cat "
    for filename in filelist:
        pdblist = pdb.read_pdb(
        )  # read in the model that is closest to the center (this one should be completely suronded by neibors).
        atom_list = []
        for pdbatoms in pdblist:
            for atom in pdbatoms:

        flag_write = min_dist_between_two_sets_of_atoms(
            atom_lig_list, atom_list, filename, 5)
        if flag_write:
            cat_string = cat_string + " " + filename
            cat_cmd = cat_cmd + " " + filename
    os.system(cat_cmd + " > complex.pdb")
예제 #19
def run_energy_cal():
    # this function will run amber.

    # cluster.  we start with the frist water. find everything close, then go to the next water not alreay assigned. find everything close, repeat until all are assigned.

    wats = pdb_lib.read_pdb("waters.pdb")
    wat_clus = []
    for i in range(len(wats)):

    clusterheads = []
    cluster = 1
    for i, wat1 in enumerate(wats):
        if wat_clus[
                i] != 0:  # if cluster is already asigned then continue to next water
        print "water" + str(i) + " is a clusterhead.  "
        for j, wat2 in enumerate(wats):
            if wat_clus[
                    j] != 0:  # if cluster is already asigned then continue to next water
            dist = dist_wat(wat1, wat2)
            #if dist < 3.0:
            if dist < 2.8:
                wat_clus[j] = cluster

        cluster = cluster + 1

    pdb_lib.output_pdb(clusterheads, "waterclusters.pdb")

    # check if there is a tleap input file:
    # if there is not then write a defualt file, if one already exist then use that one.
    # This way someone can perpare the receptor the way they want.
    if not (os.path.isfile("./tleap.in")):
        #os.system('cp rec.pdb rec_ori.pdb'
        file1 = open("tleap.in", 'w')
            " set default PBradii mbondi2 \n source leaprc.ff14SB \n \n REC = loadpdb rec_ori.pdb \n WAT = loadpdb water1.pdb \n COM = combine {REC WAT} \n saveamberparm REC rec.leap.prm7 rec.leap.rst7 \n saveamberparm COM rec.1wat.leap.prm7 rec.1wat.leap.rst7 \n charge REC \n quit \n"
        print "using pre-existing tleap.in"

    # cut -c 24-28 rec_ori.pdb | sort -u | wc -l
    numres = 290

    if not (os.path.isfile("./min.in")):
        file2 = open("min.in", 'w')
        #file2.write(" 01mi.in: equil minimization with Cartesian restraints /n &cntrl /n imin=1, maxcyc=3000, ncyc = 1500, /n ntpr=100, /n ntwr=100000000,  /n ntr=1, /n restraint_wt=100.0, /n restraintmask= ':1-%d & !@H' /n / /n "%(numres))
            " min.in: minimization with GB \n &cntrl \n imin = 1, maxcyc = 100, ncyc = 50,  ntmin = 1, \n igb=1, \n ntx = 1, ntc = 1, ntf = 1, \n ntb = 0, ntp = 0, \n ntwx = 1000, ntwe = 0, ntpr = 1000, \n cut = 999.9, \n ntr = 1, \n restraintmask = '!@H=', \n restraint_wt = 0.1, \n / \n "

    #fh = open('waters.pdb','r')
    fh = open('waterclusters.pdb', 'r')
    lines = fh.readlines()

    fh = open('water1.pdb', 'w')

    os.system("setenv AMBERHOME = /nfs/soft/amber/amber14")
    os.system("$AMBERHOME/bin/tleap -s -f tleap.in > ! tleap.out")

    # minimize the receptor alone.
        "$AMBERHOME/bin/sander -O -i min.in -o min.out -p rec.leap.prm7 -c rec.leap.rst7 -ref min.rst7 -x min.mdcrd -inf min.info -r min.rst7"

    # loop over all waters, run a minimization on each water in the context of the receptor.
    count = 1
    for line in lines:
        name = "water_" + str(count)
        print "we are minimzing " + name
        fh = open(name + ".pdb", 'w')
        os.system("python /nfs/home/tbalius/zzz.scripts/add_h_to_wat.py " +
                  name + ".pdb")
        #print "cat rec.leap.rst7 "+name+".pdb.rst7 > "+name+".rst7"
        #os.system("cat rec.leap.rst7 "+name+".pdb.rst7 > "+name+".rst7")
        fh = open('rec.leap.rst7', 'r')
        fh2 = open(name + '.rst7', 'w')
        linecount = 0
        for line in fh:
            if linecount == 1:
                num = int(line.split()[0])
                num = num + 3
                fh2.write('%d\n' % num)
            linecount = linecount + 1
        fh = open(name + ".pdb.rst7", 'r')
        for line in fh:
        os.system("$AMBERHOME/bin/ambpdb -p rec.1wat.leap.prm7 < " + name +
                  ".rst7 > before_min_" + name + ".pdb")
        os.system("$AMBERHOME/bin/sander -O -i min.in -o min." + name +
                  ".out -p rec.1wat.leap.prm7 -c " + name + ".rst7 -ref " +
                  name + ".rst7 -x min." + name + ".mdcrd -inf min." + name +
                  ".info -r min." + name + ".rst7")
        os.system("$AMBERHOME/bin/ambpdb -p rec.1wat.leap.prm7 < min." + name +
                  ".rst7 > min." + name + ".pdb")
        count = count + 1
예제 #20
import pdb_lib
import sys, copy

# Written by Trent E. Balius, B. Shoichet Lab

O = [28.781, 50.284, 29.051]
H1 = [29.738, 50.284, 29.051]
H2 = [28.541, 51.210, 29.051]

pdb_file = sys.argv[1]

wat_o = pdb_lib.read_pdb(pdb_file)

print len(wat_o)

fh = open(pdb_file + ".rst7", 'w')

new_wat = []
count = 0
for c in wat_o:
    print c.X
    print c.Y
    print c.Z
    #count = count+1
    c1 = copy.copy(c)
    count = count + 1
    new_wat[count].atomname = " H1 "  #= line[12:16
    new_wat[count].X = new_wat[count].X + H1[0] - O[0]  #
    new_wat[count].Y = new_wat[count].Y + H1[1] - O[1]  #
예제 #21
def cluster_water_pdb(inputfilename, cutoff, outputfilename, denominator):
    bonds = []
    bond_dic = {}
    duplicate = {}
    pdb_ori = pdb_lib.read_pdb(inputfilename)
    pdb_water = []
    pdb_other = []
    for atom in pdb_ori:
        #print atom.resname
        if atom.resname == "HOH":
    numwat = len(pdb_water)
    for i in range(numwat):
        for j in range(i + 1, numwat):
            dist = dist_wat(pdb_water[i], pdb_water[j])
            #print i, j, pdb_water[i].resnum, pdb_water[j].resnum, dist
            if (dist == 0.0):  # discard duplicates
                duplicate[j] = i
            elif (dist < cutoff):
                #bonds.append([i,j, dist])
                bonds.append([i, j])
                print "bond: %d %d %f" % (i, j, dist)
                bond_dic[i] = 1
                bond_dic[j] = 1

    clusters = {}  # what cluster belongs to each atom
    count = 0
    for bond in bonds:
        if bond[0] in clusters:  # if the starting point is in a cluster then put the ending point in that same cluster
            clusters[bond[1]] = clusters[bond[0]]
        elif bond[
                1] in clusters:  # if the ending point is in a cluster then put the starting point in that same cluster
            clusters[bond[0]] = clusters[bond[1]]
        else:  # nether point is in a cluster
            clusters[bond[0]] = count
            clusters[bond[1]] = count
            count = count + 1
    for i in range(numwat):
        if not i in bond_dic and not i in duplicate:
            # then singlton.
            clusters[i] = count
            count = count + 1

    cluster_lists = {}  # list of atoms in each cluster
    print clusters
    for key in clusters.keys():  # key is atom
        print key, clusters[key]
        cluster_lists[clusters[key]] = []  # intialize

    for key in clusters.keys():

    cluster_centers = []
    cluster_median = []
    for cluster in cluster_lists:
        X = 0.0
        Y = 0.0
        Z = 0.0
        count = 0
        for atom in cluster_lists[cluster]:
            X = X + pdb_water[atom].X
            Y = Y + pdb_water[atom].Y
            Z = Z + pdb_water[atom].Z
            count = count + 1
        X = X / count
        Y = Y / count
        Z = Z / count

        #alpha = float(count)/float(numwat)
        alpha = float(count) / denominator
        temp_atom_info = pdb_lib.PDB_atom_info('', "A", "HOH", cluster, " O  ",
                                               cluster, X, Y, Z, alpha, False)

        # find median water
        min_val = [-1, 1000]
        for i in range(len(cluster_lists[cluster])):
            dist = dist_wat(temp_atom_info,
            if dist < min_val[1]:
                min_val[0] = i
                min_val[1] = dist

            pdb_water[cluster_lists[cluster][min_val[0]]])  # g

    pdb_lib.output_pdb(cluster_centers, outputfilename + "_center.pdb")
    pdb_lib.output_pdb(cluster_median, outputfilename + "_median.pdb")