예제 #1
def get_pddlstream():
    domain_pddl = read(get_file_path(__file__, 'domain.pddl'))
    constant_map = {}
    stream_pddl = read(get_file_path(__file__, 'stream.pddl'))
    stream_map = {
        'test-pose': from_test(empty_test), # universe_test | empty_test
        'sample-pose': from_constant((np.array([2, 0]),)),
        'inv-kin': from_fn(ik_fn),
        'motion': from_fn(motion_fn),

    block = 'block1'
    region = 'region1'
    pose = np.array([1, 0])
    conf = np.array([0, 0])

    init = [
        ('Conf', conf),
        ('AtConf', conf),

        ('Block', block),
        ('Pose', pose),
        ('AtPose', block, pose),
        ('Region', region),

    goal = ('In', block, region)

    return PDDLProblem(domain_pddl, constant_map, stream_pddl, stream_map, init, goal)
예제 #2
파일: run.py 프로젝트: syc7446/pddlstream
def get_pddlstream_problem():
    # TODO: bug where a trajectory sample could be used in a different state than anticipated (don't return the sample)
    # TODO: enforce positive axiom preconditions requiring the state to be exactly some given value
    #       then, the can outputs can be used in other streams only present at that state
    # TODO: explicitly don't let the outputs of one fluent stream be the input to another on a different state

    domain_pddl = read(get_file_path(__file__, 'domain.pddl'))
    constant_map = {}
    stream_pddl = read(get_file_path(__file__, 'stream.pddl'))
    stream_map = {
        'sample-pickable': from_fn(feasibility_fn),
        'test-cleanable': from_fn(lambda o, fluents=set(): (TRAJ, )),
        #'test-cleanable': from_fn(lambda o, fluents=set(): None if fluents else (TRAJ,)),

    init = [
        ('Block', 'b1'),
        ('Block', 'b2'),
        ('OnTable', 'b1'),
        ('OnTable', 'b2'),

    #goal = ('Holding', 'b1')
    goal = And(('Clean', 'b1'), ('Cooked', 'b1'))

    return domain_pddl, constant_map, stream_pddl, stream_map, init, goal
예제 #3
def pddlstream_from_problem(robot, movable=[], teleport=False, grasp_name='top'):
    #assert (not are_colliding(tree, kin_cache))

    domain_pddl = read(get_file_path(__file__, 'domain.pddl'))
    stream_pddl = read(get_file_path(__file__, 'stream.pddl'))
    constant_map = {}

    print('Robot:', robot)
    conf = BodyConf(robot, get_configuration(robot))
    init = [('CanMove',),
            ('Conf', conf),
            ('AtConf', conf),

    fixed = get_fixed(robot, movable)
    print('Movable:', movable)
    print('Fixed:', fixed)
    for body in movable:
        pose = BodyPose(body, get_pose(body))
        init += [('Graspable', body),
                 ('Pose', body, pose),
                 ('AtPose', body, pose)]
        for surface in fixed:
            init += [('Stackable', body, surface)]
            if is_placement(body, surface):
                init += [('Supported', body, pose, surface)]

    for body in fixed:
        name = get_body_name(body)
        if 'sink' in name:
            init += [('Sink', body)]
        if 'stove' in name:
            init += [('Stove', body)]

    body = movable[0]
    goal = ('and',
            ('AtConf', conf),
            #('Holding', body),
            #('On', body, fixed[1]),
            #('On', body, fixed[2]),
            #('Cleaned', body),
            ('Cooked', body),

    stream_map = {
        'sample-pose': from_gen_fn(get_stable_gen(fixed)),
        'sample-grasp': from_gen_fn(get_grasp_gen(robot, grasp_name)),
        'inverse-kinematics': from_fn(get_ik_fn(robot, fixed, teleport)),
        'plan-free-motion': from_fn(get_free_motion_gen(robot, fixed, teleport)),
        'plan-holding-motion': from_fn(get_holding_motion_gen(robot, fixed, teleport)),
        'TrajCollision': get_movable_collision_test(),

            'plan-free-motion': empty_gen(),
            'plan-holding-motion': empty_gen(),

    return domain_pddl, constant_map, stream_pddl, stream_map, init, goal
예제 #4
def get_pddlstream_test(node_points, elements, ground_nodes):
    # stripstream/lis_scripts/run_print.py
    # stripstream/lis_scripts/print_data.txt

    domain_pddl = read(get_file_path(__file__, 'pddl/domain.pddl'))
    constant_map = {}

    stream_pddl = read(get_file_path(__file__, 'pddl/stream.pddl'))
    #stream_pddl = None
    stream_map = {
        'test-cfree': from_test(get_test_cfree({})),

    nodes = list(range(len(node_points)))  # TODO: sort nodes by height?

    init = []
    for n in nodes:
        init.append(('Node', n))
    for n in ground_nodes:
        init.append(('Connected', n))
    for e in elements:
        init.append(('Element', e))
        n1, n2 = e
        t = None
            ('Connection', n1, e, t, n2),
            ('Connection', n2, e, t, n1),
        #init.append(('Edge', n1, n2))

    goal_literals = [('Printed', e) for e in elements]
    goal = And(*goal_literals)

    return PDDLProblem(domain_pddl, constant_map, stream_pddl, stream_map,
                       init, goal)
예제 #5
def pddlstream_from_tamp(tamp_problem):
    domain_pddl = read(get_file_path(__file__, 'domain.pddl'))
    stream_pddl = read(get_file_path(__file__, 'stream.pddl'))
    constant_map = {}

    initial = tamp_problem.initial
    mode = {b: Mode(p, None) for b, p in initial.block_poses.items()}
    conf = conf_from_state(initial)

    init = [
        ('Mode', mode),
        ('AtMode', mode),
        ('Conf', mode, conf),
        ('AtConf', conf),

    goal = Exists(['?m', '?q'], And(('GoalState', '?m', '?q'),
        ('AtMode', '?m'), ('AtConf', '?q')))

    stream_map = {
        's-forward': from_gen_fn(sample_forward(tamp_problem)),
        's-intersection': from_gen_fn(sample_intersection(tamp_problem)),
        's-connection': from_gen_fn(sample_connection(tamp_problem)),
        't-goal': from_test(test_goal_state(tamp_problem)),

    return PDDLProblem(domain_pddl, constant_map, stream_pddl, stream_map, init, goal)
예제 #6
파일: run.py 프로젝트: m1sk/pddlstream
def pddlstream_from_problem(problem, teleport=False, movable_collisions=False):
    robot = problem.robot

    domain_pddl = read(get_file_path(__file__, 'domain.pddl'))
    stream_pddl = read(get_file_path(__file__, 'stream.pddl'))
    constant_map = {
        'world': 'world',

    world = 'world'
    initial_bq = Pose(robot, get_pose(robot))
    init = [
        ('BConf', initial_bq), # TODO: could make pose as well...
        ('AtBConf', initial_bq),
        ('AtAConf', world, None),
        ('AtPose', world, world, None),
    ] + [('Sink', s) for s in problem.sinks] + \
           [('Stove', s) for s in problem.stoves] + \
           [('Connected', b, d) for b, d in problem.buttons] + \
           [('Button', b) for b, _ in problem.buttons]
    #for arm in ARM_JOINT_NAMES:
    for arm in problem.arms:
        joints = get_arm_joints(robot, arm)
        conf = Conf(robot, joints, get_joint_positions(robot, joints))
        init += [('Arm', arm), ('AConf', arm, conf),
                 ('HandEmpty', arm), ('AtAConf', arm, conf), ('AtPose', arm, arm, None)]
        if arm in problem.arms:
            init += [('Controllable', arm)]
    for body in problem.movable:
        pose = Pose(body, get_pose(body))
        init += [('Graspable', body), ('Pose', body, pose),
                 ('AtPose', world, body, pose)]
        for surface in problem.surfaces:
            init += [('Stackable', body, surface)]
            if is_placement(body, surface):
                init += [('Supported', body, pose, surface)]

    goal = ['and']
    if problem.goal_conf is not None:
        goal_conf = Pose(robot, problem.goal_conf)
        init += [('BConf', goal_conf)]
        goal += [('AtBConf', goal_conf)]
    goal += [('Holding', a, b) for a, b in problem.goal_holding] + \
                     [('On', b, s) for b, s in problem.goal_on] + \
                     [('Cleaned', b)  for b in problem.goal_cleaned] + \
                     [('Cooked', b)  for b in problem.goal_cooked]

    stream_map = {
        'sample-pose': get_stable_gen(problem),
        'sample-grasp': from_list_fn(get_grasp_gen(problem)),
        'inverse-kinematics': from_gen_fn(get_ik_ir_gen(problem, teleport=teleport)),

        'plan-base-motion': from_fn(get_motion_gen(problem, teleport=teleport)),
        #'plan-base-motion': empty_gen(),
        'BTrajCollision': fn_from_constant(False),
    # get_press_gen(problem, teleport=teleport)

    return domain_pddl, constant_map, stream_pddl, stream_map, init, goal
예제 #7
def pddlstream_from_problem(problem, teleport=False, movable_collisions=False):
    robot = problem.robot

    domain_pddl = read(get_file_path(__file__, 'domain.pddl'))
    stream_pddl = read(get_file_path(__file__, 'stream.pddl'))
    constant_map = {}

    #initial_bq = Pose(robot, get_pose(robot))
    initial_bq = Conf(robot, get_group_joints(robot, 'base'), get_group_conf(robot, 'base'))
    init = [
        ('BConf', initial_bq),
        ('AtBConf', initial_bq),
        Equal(('PickCost',), scale_cost(1)),
        Equal(('PlaceCost',), scale_cost(1)),
    ] + [('Sink', s) for s in problem.sinks] + \
           [('Stove', s) for s in problem.stoves] + \
           [('Connected', b, d) for b, d in problem.buttons] + \
           [('Button', b) for b, _ in problem.buttons]
    for arm in ARM_NAMES:
    #for arm in problem.arms:
        joints = get_arm_joints(robot, arm)
        conf = Conf(robot, joints, get_joint_positions(robot, joints))
        init += [('Arm', arm), ('AConf', arm, conf), ('HandEmpty', arm), ('AtAConf', arm, conf)]
        if arm in problem.arms:
            init += [('Controllable', arm)]
    for body in problem.movable:
        pose = Pose(body, get_pose(body))
        init += [('Graspable', body), ('Pose', body, pose),
                 ('AtPose', body, pose)]
        for surface in problem.surfaces:
            init += [('Stackable', body, surface)]
            if is_placement(body, surface):
                init += [('Supported', body, pose, surface)]

    goal = [AND]
    if problem.goal_conf is not None:
        goal_conf = Pose(robot, problem.goal_conf)
        init += [('BConf', goal_conf)]
        goal += [('AtBConf', goal_conf)]
    goal += [('Holding', a, b) for a, b in problem.goal_holding] + \
                     [('On', b, s) for b, s in problem.goal_on] + \
                     [('Cleaned', b)  for b in problem.goal_cleaned] + \
                     [('Cooked', b)  for b in problem.goal_cooked]

    stream_map = {
        'sample-pose': get_stable_gen(problem),
        'sample-grasp': from_list_fn(get_grasp_gen(problem)),
        'inverse-kinematics': from_gen_fn(get_ik_ir_gen(problem, teleport=teleport)),
        'plan-base-motion': from_fn(get_motion_gen(problem, teleport=teleport)),
        'MoveCost': move_cost_fn,
        'TrajPoseCollision': fn_from_constant(False),
        'TrajArmCollision': fn_from_constant(False),
        'TrajGraspCollision': fn_from_constant(False),
        stream_map['plan-base-motion'] = empty_gen(),
    # get_press_gen(problem, teleport=teleport)

    return domain_pddl, constant_map, stream_pddl, stream_map, init, goal
예제 #8
파일: run.py 프로젝트: yijiangh/pddlstream
def get_pddlstream(trajectories, element_bodies, ground_nodes):
    domain_pddl = read(get_file_path(__file__, 'domain.pddl'))
    constant_map = {}

    stream_pddl = read(get_file_path(__file__, 'stream.pddl'))
    stream_map = {
        'test-cfree': from_test(get_test_cfree(element_bodies)),

    init = []
    for n in ground_nodes:
        init.append(('Connected', n))
    for t in trajectories:
            ('Node', t.n1),
            ('Node', t.n2),
            ('Element', t.element),
            ('Traj', t),
            ('Connection', t.n1, t.element, t, t.n2),

    goal_literals = [('Printed', e) for e in element_bodies]
    goal = And(*goal_literals)
    # TODO: weight or order these in some way
    # TODO: instantiation slowness is due to condition effects. Change!

    return PDDLProblem(domain_pddl, constant_map, stream_pddl, stream_map,
                       init, goal)
예제 #9
def get_pddlstream(world,
    domain_pddl = read(get_file_path(__file__, 'pddl/domain.pddl'))
    stream_pddl = read(get_file_path(__file__, 'pddl/stream.pddl'))

    # TODO: increase number of attempts when collecting data
    constant_map, initial_atoms, goal_formula = get_initial_and_goal(world)
    stream_map = {
        from_fn(get_motion_fn(world, collisions=collisions,
        from_gen_fn(get_pick_gen_fn(world, collisions=collisions)),
        from_fn(get_place_fn(world, collisions=collisions)),
        from_gen_fn(get_stable_pose_gen_fn(world, collisions=collisions)),
        #'sample-grasp': from_gen_fn(get_grasp_gen_fn(world)),
        from_gen_fn(get_press_gen_fn(world, collisions=collisions)),
        get_control_pose_collision_test(world, collisions=collisions),
        get_control_conf_collision_test(world, collisions=collisions),
        get_pose_pose_collision_test(world, collisions=collisions),
        get_conf_conf_collision_test(world, collisions=collisions),
    if debug:
        # Uses an automatically constructed debug generator for each stream
        stream_map = DEBUG
    return PDDLProblem(domain_pddl, constant_map, stream_pddl, stream_map,
                       initial_atoms, goal_formula)
예제 #10
파일: run.py 프로젝트: yijiangh/pddlstream
def get_pddlstream2(robot,
    domain_pddl = read(get_file_path(
        __file__, 'regression.pddl'))  # progression | regression
    constant_map = {}

    stream_pddl = read(get_file_path(__file__, 'stream.pddl'))
    stream_map = {
        #'sample-print': from_gen_fn(get_print_gen_fn(robot, obstacles, node_points, element_bodies, ground_nodes)),
        get_wild_print_gen_fn(robot, obstacles, node_points, element_bodies,

    # TODO: assert that all elements have some support
    init = []
    for n in ground_nodes:
        init.append(('Grounded', n))
    for e in element_bodies:
        for n in e:
            if element_supports(e, n, node_points):
                init.append(('Supports', e, n))
            if is_start_node(n, e, node_points):
                init.append(('StartNode', n, e))
    for e in element_bodies:
        n1, n2 = e
            ('Node', n1),
            ('Node', n2),
            ('Element', e),
            ('Printed', e),
            ('Edge', n1, e, n2),
            ('Edge', n2, e, n1),
            #('StartNode', n1, e),
            #('StartNode', n2, e),
        #if is_ground(e, ground_nodes):
        #    init.append(('Grounded', e))
    #for e1, neighbors in get_element_neighbors(element_bodies).items():
    #    for e2 in neighbors:
    #        init.append(('Supports', e1, e2))
    for t in trajectories:
            ('Traj', t),
            ('PrintAction', t.n1, t.element, t),

    goal = And(*[('Removed', e) for e in element_bodies])

    return PDDLProblem(domain_pddl, constant_map, stream_pddl, stream_map,
                       init, goal)
예제 #11
파일: run.py 프로젝트: Khodeir/pddlstream
def pddlstream_from_problem(problem):
    # TODO: push and attach to movable objects

    domain_pddl = read(get_file_path(__file__, 'domain.pddl'))
    stream_pddl = read(get_file_path(__file__, 'stream.pddl'))
    constant_map = {}

    # TODO: action to generically connect to the roadmap
    # TODO: could check individual vertices first
    # TODO: dynamically generate the roadmap in interesting parts of the space
    # TODO: visibility graphs for sparse roadmaps
    # TODO: approximate robot with isotropic geometry
    # TODO: make the effort finite if applied to the roadmap vertex

    samples = []
    init = []
    for robot, conf in problem.initial_confs.items():
        init += [('Robot', robot), ('Conf', robot, conf),
                 ('AtConf', robot, conf), ('Free', robot)]
    for body, pose in problem.initial_poses.items():
        init += [('Body', body), ('Pose', body, pose), ('AtPose', body, pose)]

    goal_literals = []
    goal_literals += [('Holding', robot, body)
                      for robot, body in problem.goal_holding.items()]
    for robot, base_values in problem.goal_confs.items():
        q_goal = Conf(robot, get_base_joints(robot), base_values)
        init += [('Conf', robot, q_goal)]
        goal_literals += [('AtConf', robot, q_goal)]
    goal_formula = And(*goal_literals)

    # TODO: assuming holonomic for now
    [body] = problem.robots

    with LockRenderer():
        init += create_vertices(problem, body, samples)
        #init += create_edges(problem, body, samples)

    stream_map = {
        'test-cfree-conf-pose': from_test(get_test_cfree_conf_pose(problem)),
        'test-cfree-traj-pose': from_test(get_test_cfree_traj_pose(problem)),
        # TODO: sample pushes rather than picks/places
        'sample-grasp': from_gen_fn(get_grasp_generator(problem)),
        'compute-ik': from_fn(get_ik_fn(problem)),
        'compute-motion': from_fn(get_motion_fn(problem)),
        'test-reachable': from_test(lambda *args: False),
        'Cost': get_cost_fn(problem),
    #stream_map = 'debug'

    return PDDLProblem(domain_pddl, constant_map, stream_pddl, stream_map,
                       init, goal_formula)
예제 #12
def pddlstream_from_tamp(tamp_problem, use_stream=True, use_optimizer=False, collisions=True):
    initial = tamp_problem.initial
    assert(initial.holding is None)

    domain_pddl = read(get_file_path(__file__, 'domain.pddl'))
    external_paths = []
    if use_stream:
        external_paths.append(get_file_path(__file__, 'stream.pddl'))
    if use_optimizer:
        external_paths.append(get_file_path(__file__, 'optimizer.pddl'))
    external_pddl = [read(path) for path in external_paths]

    constant_map = {}

    init = [
        ('Conf', initial.conf),
        ('AtConf', initial.conf),
        Equal((TOTAL_COST,), 0)] + \
           [('Block', b) for b in initial.block_poses.keys()] + \
           [('Pose', b, p) for b, p in initial.block_poses.items()] + \
           [('AtPose', b, p) for b, p in initial.block_poses.items()] + \
           [('Placeable', b, GROUND_NAME) for b in initial.block_poses.keys()] + \
           [('Placeable', b, r) for b, r in tamp_problem.goal_regions.items()] + \
           [('Region', r) for r in tamp_problem.goal_regions.values() + [GROUND_NAME]]

    goal_literals = [('In', b, r) for b, r in tamp_problem.goal_regions.items()] #+ [('HandEmpty',)]

    if tamp_problem.goal_conf is not None:
        goal_literals += [('AtConf', tamp_problem.goal_conf)]
    goal = And(*goal_literals)

    stream_map = {
        's-motion': from_fn(plan_motion),
        's-region': from_gen_fn(get_pose_gen(tamp_problem.regions)),
        't-region': from_test(get_region_test(tamp_problem.regions)),
        's-ik': from_fn(inverse_kin_fn),
        #'s-ik': from_gen_fn(unreliable_ik_fn),
        'distance': distance_fn,

        't-cfree': from_test(lambda *args: implies(collisions, not collision_test(*args))),
        #'posecollision': collision_test, # Redundant
        'trajcollision': lambda *args: False,
    if use_optimizer:
            'gurobi': from_fn(get_optimize_fn(tamp_problem.regions)),
            'rrt': from_fn(cfree_motion_fn),
    #stream_map = 'debug'

    return PDDLProblem(domain_pddl, constant_map, external_pddl, stream_map, init, goal)
예제 #13
파일: run.py 프로젝트: syc7446/pddlstream
def pddlstream_from_tamp(tamp_problem,

    domain_pddl = read(get_file_path(__file__, 'domain.pddl'))
    external_paths = []
    if use_stream:
        external_paths.append(get_file_path(__file__, 'stream.pddl'))
    if use_optimizer:
                'optimizer/optimizer.pddl'))  # optimizer | optimizer_hard
    external_pddl = [read(path) for path in external_paths]

    constant_map = {}
    stream_map = {
        from_fn(lambda b: (GRASP, )),
        #'s-ik': from_gen_fn(unreliable_ik_fn),
            lambda *args: implies(collisions, not collision_test(*args))),
    if use_optimizer:
        # To avoid loading gurobi
                get_optimize_fn(tamp_problem.regions, collisions=collisions)),
    #stream_map = 'debug'

    init, goal = create_problem(tamp_problem)

    return PDDLProblem(domain_pddl, constant_map, external_pddl, stream_map,
                       init, goal)
예제 #14
def create_problem(initial_poses):
    block_goal = (-25, 0, 0)

    initial_atoms = [
        ('IsPose', COASTER, block_goal),
        ('Empty', ROBOT),
        ('CanMove', ROBOT),
        ('HasSugar', 'sugar_cup'),
        ('HasCream', 'cream_cup'),
        ('IsPourable', 'cream_cup'),
        ('Stackable', CUP, COASTER),
        ('Clear', COASTER),

    goal_literals = [
        ('AtPose', COASTER, block_goal),
        ('On', CUP, COASTER),
        ('HasCoffee', CUP),
        ('HasCream', CUP),
        ('HasSugar', CUP),
        ('Mixed', CUP),
        ('Empty', ROBOT),

    for name, pose in initial_poses.items():
        if 'gripper' in name:
            initial_atoms += [('IsGripper', name)]
        if 'cup' in name:
            initial_atoms += [('IsCup', name)]
        if 'spoon' in name:
            initial_atoms += [('IsSpoon', name), ('IsStirrer', name)]
        if 'stirrer' in name:
            initial_atoms += [('IsStirrer', name)]
        if 'block' in name:
            initial_atoms += [('IsBlock', name)]
        initial_atoms += [
            ('IsPose', name, pose),
            ('AtPose', name, pose),
            ('TableSupport', pose),

    domain_pddl = read(get_file_path(__file__, 'domain.pddl'))
    stream_pddl = read(get_file_path(__file__, 'stream.pddl'))

    constant_map = {}
    stream_map = DEBUG

    return PDDLProblem(domain_pddl, constant_map, stream_pddl, stream_map,
                       initial_atoms, And(*goal_literals))
예제 #15
def pddlstream_from_tamp(tamp_problem):
    domain_pddl = read(get_file_path(__file__, 'domain.pddl'))
    stream_pddl = read(get_file_path(__file__, 'stream.pddl'))

    constant_map = {}
    stream_map = {
        #'s-motion': from_fn(plan_motion),
        't-reachable': from_test(test_reachable),
        's-region': from_gen_fn(get_pose_gen(tamp_problem.regions)),
        't-region': from_test(get_region_test(tamp_problem.regions)),
        's-ik': from_fn(lambda b, p, g: (inverse_kin(p, g),)),
        'dist': distance_fn,
    init, goal = create_problem(tamp_problem)

    return PDDLProblem(domain_pddl, constant_map, stream_pddl, stream_map, init, goal)
예제 #16
def pddlstream_from_tamp(tamp_problem):
    initial = tamp_problem.initial
    assert(initial.holding is None)

    domain_pddl = read(get_file_path(__file__, 'domain.pddl'))
    external_pddl = [
        read(get_file_path(__file__, 'stream.pddl')),
        #read(get_file_path(__file__, 'optimizer.pddl')),
    constant_map = {}

    init = [
        ('Conf', initial.conf),
        ('AtConf', initial.conf),
        Equal((TOTAL_COST,), 0)] + \
           [('Block', b) for b in initial.block_poses.keys()] + \
           [('Pose', b, p) for b, p in initial.block_poses.items()] + \
           [('AtPose', b, p) for b, p in initial.block_poses.items()] + \
           [('Placeable', b, GROUND_NAME) for b in initial.block_poses.keys()] + \
           [('Placeable', b, r) for b, r in tamp_problem.goal_regions.items()]

    goal_literals = [('In', b, r) for b, r in tamp_problem.goal_regions.items()] #+ [('HandEmpty',)]

    if tamp_problem.goal_conf is not None:
        goal_literals += [('AtConf', tamp_problem.goal_conf)]
    goal = And(*goal_literals)

    stream_map = {
        's-motion': from_fn(plan_motion),
        's-region': from_gen_fn(get_pose_gen(tamp_problem.regions)),
        't-region': from_test(get_region_test(tamp_problem.regions)),
        's-ik': from_fn(inverse_kin_fn),
        'distance': distance_fn,

        't-cfree': from_test(lambda *args: not collision_test(*args)),
        'posecollision': collision_test, # Redundant
        'trajcollision': lambda *args: False,
        'gurobi': from_fn(get_optimize_fn(tamp_problem.regions)),
        'rrt': from_fn(cfree_motion_fn),
        #'reachable': from_test(reachable_test),
        #'Valid': valid_state_fn,
    #stream_map = 'debug'

    return PDDLProblem(domain_pddl, constant_map, external_pddl, stream_map, init, goal)
예제 #17
def pddlstream_from_tamp(tamp_problem):
    initial = tamp_problem.initial
    assert(initial.holding is None)

    domain_pddl = read(get_file_path(__file__, 'domain.pddl'))
    stream_pddl = read(get_file_path(__file__, 'stream.pddl'))
    constant_map = {}

    # TODO: can always make the state the set of fluents
    #state = tamp_problem.initial
    state = {
        R: tamp_problem.initial.conf,
        H: tamp_problem.initial.holding,
    for b, p in tamp_problem.initial.block_poses.items():
        state[b] = p

    init = [
        ('State', state),
        ('AtState', state),
        ('Conf', initial.conf)] + \
           [('Block', b) for b in initial.block_poses.keys()] + \
           [('Pose', b, p) for b, p in initial.block_poses.items()] + \
           [('Region', r) for r in tamp_problem.regions.keys()] + \
           [('AtPose', b, p) for b, p in initial.block_poses.items()] + \
           [('Placeable', b, GROUND) for b in initial.block_poses.keys()] + \
           [('Placeable', b, r) for b, r in tamp_problem.goal_regions.items()]
    goal = ('AtGoal',)

    stream_map = {
        'plan-motion': from_fn(plan_motion),
        'sample-pose': from_gen_fn(get_pose_gen(tamp_problem.regions)),
        'test-region': from_test(get_region_test(tamp_problem.regions)),
        'inverse-kinematics':  from_fn(inverse_kin_fn),
        #'posecollision': collision_test,
        #'trajcollision': lambda *args: False,

        'forward-move': from_fn(move_fn),
        'forward-pick': from_fn(pick_fn),
        'forward-place': from_fn(place_fn),
        'test-goal': from_test(get_goal_test(tamp_problem)),
    #stream_map = 'debug'

    return domain_pddl, constant_map, stream_pddl, stream_map, init, goal
예제 #18
def pddlstream_from_tamp(tamp_problem):
    domain_pddl = read(get_file_path(__file__, 'domain.pddl'))
    stream_pddl = read(get_file_path(__file__, 'stream.pddl'))

    # TODO: algorithm that prediscretized once
    constant_map = {}
    stream_map = {
        's-motion': from_fn(plan_motion),
        't-reachable': from_test(test_reachable),
        's-region': from_gen_fn(get_pose_gen(tamp_problem.regions)),
        't-region': from_test(get_region_test(tamp_problem.regions)),
        's-ik': from_fn(lambda b, p, g: (inverse_kin(p, g),)),
        'dist': distance_fn,
    init, goal = create_problem(tamp_problem)
    init.extend(('Grasp', b, GRASP) for b in tamp_problem.initial.block_poses)

    return PDDLProblem(domain_pddl, constant_map, stream_pddl, stream_map, init, goal)
예제 #19
파일: run.py 프로젝트: jingxixu/pddlstream
def pddlstream_from_belief(initial_belief):
    domain_pddl = read(get_file_path(__file__, 'domain.pddl'))
    constant_map = {}
    stream_pddl = None
    stream_map = {}

    init = [
        Equal(('RegisterCost', ), scale_cost(1)),
        Equal(('PickCost', ),
              scale_cost(1)),  # TODO: imperfect transition model
        Equal(('PlaceCost', ), scale_cost(1)),

    for item, dist in initial_belief.items():
        support = dist.support()
        if len(support) == 1:
            init += [('On', item, support[0]), ('Localized', item)]
            init += [('Unknown', item)]
            for i2 in support:
                p_obs = dist.prob(i2)
                cost = revisit_mdp_cost(
                    1, 1, p_obs)  # TODO: imperfect observation model
                if cost == INF:
                if i2 in initial_belief:
                    init += [('FiniteScanCost', i2, item),
                             Equal(('ScanCost', i2, item), scale_cost(cost))]

    graspable_classes = [SOUP, GREEN]
    for item in initial_belief:
        for cl in filter(lambda c: is_class(item, c), CLASSES):
            init += [('Class', item, cl)]
            if cl in graspable_classes:
                init += [('Graspable', item)]  # TODO: include hand?

    stackable_classes = [(TABLE, ROOM), (SOUP, TABLE), (GREEN, TABLE)]
    for cl1, cl2 in stackable_classes:
        for i1 in filter(lambda i: is_class(i, cl1), initial_belief):
            for i2 in filter(lambda i: is_class(i, cl2), initial_belief):
                init += [('Stackable', i1, i2)]

    arms = ['left', 'right']
    for arm in arms:
        init += [('Arm', arm), ('HandEmpty', arm)]

    goal_literals = [('On', 'soup0', 'table1'), ('Registered', 'soup0'),
                     ('HoldingClass', 'green')]
    #goal_literals = [('Holding', 'left', 'soup0')]
    #goal_literals = [('HoldingClass', soup)]
    #goal_literals = [Nearby('table1')]
    #goal_literals = [('HoldingClass', 'green'), ('HoldingClass', 'soup')]
    goal = And(*goal_literals)

    return domain_pddl, constant_map, stream_pddl, stream_map, init, goal
예제 #20
파일: run.py 프로젝트: yijiangh/pddlstream
def get_pddlstream_problem():
    domain_pddl = read(get_file_path(__file__, 'domain.pddl'))
    constant_map = {}
    stream_pddl = read(get_file_path(__file__, 'stream.pddl'))
    stream_map = {
        #'test-feasible': from_test(test_feasible),
        'test-feasible': from_fn(feasibility_fn),

    init = [
        ('Block', 'b1'),
        ('Block', 'b2'),
        ('OnTable', 'b1'),
        ('OnTable', 'b2'),

    goal = ('Holding', 'b1')

    return domain_pddl, constant_map, stream_pddl, stream_map, init, goal
예제 #21
파일: run.py 프로젝트: m1sk/pddlstream
def pddlstream_from_tamp(tamp_problem):
    initial = tamp_problem.initial
    assert (initial.holding is None)

    domain_pddl = read(get_file_path(__file__, 'domain.pddl'))
    stream_pddl = read(get_file_path(__file__, 'stream.pddl'))
    constant_map = {}

    init = [
        ('Conf', initial.conf),
        ('AtConf', initial.conf),
        Equal((TOTAL_COST,), 0)] + \
           [('Block', b) for b in initial.block_poses.keys()] + \
           [('Pose', b, p) for b, p in initial.block_poses.items()] + \
           [('Region', r) for r in tamp_problem.regions.keys()] + \
           [('AtPose', b, p) for b, p in initial.block_poses.items()] + \
           [('Placeable', b, GROUND) for b in initial.block_poses.keys()] + \
           [('Placeable', b, r) for b, r in tamp_problem.goal_regions.items()]

    goal_literals = [('HandEmpty',)] + \
                    [('In', b, r) for b, r in tamp_problem.goal_regions.items()]
    if tamp_problem.goal_conf is not None:
        goal_literals += [('AtConf', tamp_problem.goal_conf)]
    goal = And(*goal_literals)

    stream_map = {
        'plan-motion': from_fn(plan_motion),
        'sample-pose': from_gen_fn(get_pose_gen(tamp_problem.regions)),
        'test-region': from_test(get_region_test(tamp_problem.regions)),
        'inverse-kinematics': from_fn(inverse_kin_fn),
        'collision-free': from_test(lambda *args: not collision_test(*args)),
        'cfree': lambda *args: not collision_test(*args),
        'posecollision': collision_test,
        'trajcollision': lambda *args: False,
        'distance': distance_fn,
        #'Valid': valid_state_fn,
    #stream_map = 'debug'

    return domain_pddl, constant_map, stream_pddl, stream_map, init, goal
예제 #22
def pddlstream_from_tamp(tamp_problem):
    initial = tamp_problem.initial
    assert(not initial.holding) # is None

    domain_pddl = read(get_file_path(__file__, 'domain.pddl'))
    stream_pddl = read(get_file_path(__file__, 'stream.pddl'))
    constant_map = {}

    # TODO: can always make the state a set of fluents
    init = [
        ('State', initial),
        ('AtState', initial)] + \
           [('Robot', r) for r in initial.robot_confs.keys()] + \
           [('Conf', q) for q in initial.robot_confs.values()] + \
           [('Block', b) for b in initial.block_poses.keys()] + \
           [('Pose', b, p) for b, p in initial.block_poses.items()] + \
           [('Grasp', b, GRASP) for b in initial.block_poses.keys()] + \
           [('Region', r) for r in tamp_problem.regions.keys()] + \
           [('Placeable', b, GROUND_NAME) for b in initial.block_poses.keys()] + \
           [('Placeable', b, r) for b, r in tamp_problem.goal_regions.items()]
    # TODO: could populate AtConf, AtPose, HandEmpty, Holding
    goal = ('AtGoal',)

    stream_map = {
        'plan-motion': from_fn(plan_motion),
        'sample-pose': from_gen_fn(get_pose_gen(tamp_problem.regions)),
        'test-region': from_test(get_region_test(tamp_problem.regions)),
        'inverse-kinematics':  from_fn(inverse_kin_fn),
        #'posecollision': collision_test,
        #'trajcollision': lambda *args: False,

        'forward-move': from_fn(move_fn),
        'forward-pick': from_fn(pick_fn),
        'forward-place': from_fn(place_fn),
        'test-goal': from_test(get_goal_test(tamp_problem)),
    #stream_map = 'debug'

    return PDDLProblem(domain_pddl, constant_map, stream_pddl, stream_map, init, goal)
예제 #23
def pddlstream_from_belief():
    domain_pddl = read(get_file_path(__file__, 'domain.pddl'))
    constant_map = {}
    stream_pddl = read(get_file_path(__file__, 'stream.pddl'))
    stream_map = {
        'inv-kin': from_fn(ik_fn),
        'motion': from_fn(motion_fn),

    # Options
    # - observation produces one of several poses
    # - always at the pose, observation just makes it observable
    # - object has a unobserved fluent

    block = 'block1'
    #pose = None # Unknown
    pose = Uncertain()
    #pose = np.array([1, 0])
    conf = np.array([0, 1])
    booth = np.array([0, 2])

    init = [
        ('Initial',), # Forces move first
        ('Conf', conf),
        #('Booth', conf),
        #('Conf', booth),
        #('Booth', booth),
        ('AtConf', conf),

        ('Block', block),
        ('Pose', pose),
        ('AtPose', block, pose),
        #('Observable', pose),
        #('Latent', pose),
    goal = ('Holding', block)

    return domain_pddl, constant_map, stream_pddl, stream_map, init, goal
예제 #24
def get_problem(robot):
    domain_pddl = read(get_file_path(__file__, 'domain.pddl'))
    stream_pddl = None
    constant_map = {}
    stream_map = {}

    robot_name = 'ur5'
    robot_conf = robot.get_current_pose()
    init = [
        ('Robot', robot_name),
        ('AtConf', robot_name, robot_conf),
        ('Conf', robot_name, robot_conf),
        ('CanMove', robot_name),
        ('HandEmpty', robot_name),
        ('FreePos', robot_conf)

    objects = robot.get_object_6d_pose()
    for obj_name in objects.keys():
        init += [
            ('Obj', obj_name), # Currently, we only care about translation
            ('Pose', obj_name, objects[obj_name][0]),
            ('AtPose', obj_name, objects[obj_name][0]),

    print('The robot detects the following objects: ')
    obj_names = list(objects.keys())
    for i, obj_name in enumerate(obj_names):
        print('\t%d %s' % (i + 1, obj_name))
    print('Which one do you want to grasp?')
    idx = raw_input()
    idx = int(idx)
    while idx <= 0 or idx > len(obj_names):
        print('Wrong input, try again: ')
        idx = raw_input()
        idx = int(idx)

    goal = [
        ('AtConf', robot_name, robot_conf),
        ('AtGrasp', robot_name, obj_names[idx - 1]),

    goal = And(*goal)

    return domain_pddl, constant_map, stream_pddl, stream_map, init, goal
예제 #25
파일: run.py 프로젝트: Khodeir/pddlstream
def pddlstream_from_problem(problem, teleport=False):
    domain_pddl = read(get_file_path(__file__, 'domain.pddl'))
    stream_pddl = read(get_file_path(__file__, 'stream.pddl'))
    constant_map = {'{}'.format(name).lower(): name
                    for name in problem.initial_confs.keys()}

    edges = set()
    init = [
    for name, conf in problem.initial_confs.items():
        init += [
            ('Robot', name),
            ('Conf', conf),
            ('AtConf', name, conf),
            Equal(('Speed', name), DIST_PER_TIME),
            Equal(('BatteryCapacity', name), MAX_ENERGY),
            Equal(('RechargeRate', name), CHARGE_PER_TIME),
            Equal(('ConsumptionRate', name), BURN_PER_TIME),
            Equal(('Energy', name), INITIAL_ENERGY),

    goal_literals = [

    for name, base_values in problem.goal_confs.items():
        body = problem.get_body(name)
        joints = get_base_joints(body)
        #extend_fn = get_extend_fn(body, joints, resolutions=5*BASE_RESOLUTIONS)
        #q_init = problem.initial_confs[name]
        #path = [q_init] + [Conf(body, joints, q) for q in extend_fn(q_init.values, base_values)]
        #edges.update(zip(path, path[1:]))
        #q_goal = path[-1]
        q_goal = Conf(body, joints, base_values)
        init += [('Conf', q_goal)]
        goal_literals += [('AtConf', name, q_goal)]
    goal_formula = And(*goal_literals)

    robot = list(map(problem.get_body, problem.initial_confs))[0]
    with LockRenderer():
        init += [('Conf', q) for _, n, q in create_vertices(problem, robot, [], samples_per_ft2=6)]

    #vertices = {v for edge in edges for v in edge}
    #handles = []
    #for vertex in vertices:
    #    handles.extend(draw_point(point_from_conf(vertex.values), size=0.05))

    #for conf1, conf2 in edges:
    #    traj = linear_trajectory(conf1, conf2)
    #    init += [
    #        ('Conf', conf1),
    #        ('Traj', traj),
    #        ('Conf', conf2),
    #        ('Motion', conf1, traj, conf2),
    #    ]

    cfree_traj_traj_test = get_test_cfree_traj_traj(problem)
    cfree_traj_traj_list_gen_fn = from_test(cfree_traj_traj_test)
    traj_traj_collision_test = negate_test(cfree_traj_traj_test)
    stream_map = {
        'test-cfree-conf-conf': cfree_traj_traj_list_gen_fn,
        'test-cfree-traj-conf': cfree_traj_traj_list_gen_fn,
        'test-cfree-traj-traj': cfree_traj_traj_list_gen_fn,
        'ConfConfCollision': traj_traj_collision_test,
        'TrajConfCollision': traj_traj_collision_test,
        'TrajTrajCollision': traj_traj_collision_test,
        'compute-motion': from_fn(get_motion_fn2(problem)),
        'TrajDistance': get_distance_fn(),
    #stream_map = 'debug'

    problem = PDDLProblem(domain_pddl, constant_map, stream_pddl, stream_map, init, goal_formula)

    return problem, edges
예제 #26
def pddlstream_from_state(state, teleport=False):
    task = state.task
    robot = task.robot
    # TODO: infer open world from task

    domain_pddl = read(get_file_path(__file__, 'domain.pddl'))
    stream_pddl = read(get_file_path(__file__, 'stream.pddl'))
    constant_map = {
        'base': 'base',
        'left': 'left',
        'right': 'right',
        'head': 'head',

    #base_conf = state.poses[robot]
    base_conf = Conf(robot, get_group_joints(robot, 'base'),
                     get_group_conf(robot, 'base'))
    scan_cost = 1
    init = [
        ('BConf', base_conf),
        ('AtBConf', base_conf),
        Equal(('MoveCost', ), 1),
        Equal(('PickCost', ), 1),
        Equal(('PlaceCost', ), 1),
        Equal(('ScanCost', ), scan_cost),
        Equal(('RegisterCost', ), 1),
    holding_arms = set()
    holding_bodies = set()
    for attach in state.attachments.values():
        init += [('Grasp', attach.body, attach.grasp),
                 ('AtGrasp', attach.arm, attach.body, attach.grasp)]
    for arm in ARM_NAMES:
        joints = get_arm_joints(robot, arm)
        conf = Conf(robot, joints, get_joint_positions(robot, joints))
        init += [('Arm', arm), ('AConf', arm, conf), ('AtAConf', arm, conf)]
        if arm in task.arms:
            init += [('Controllable', arm)]
        if arm not in holding_arms:
            init += [('HandEmpty', arm)]
    for body in task.get_bodies():
        if body in holding_bodies:
        # TODO: no notion whether observable actually corresponds to the correct thing
        pose = state.poses[body]
        init += [
            ('Pose', body, pose),
            ('AtPose', body, pose),
            ('Observable', pose),

    init += [('Scannable', body) for body in task.rooms + task.surfaces]
    init += [('Registerable', body) for body in task.movable]
    init += [('Graspable', body) for body in task.movable]
    for body in task.get_bodies():
        supports = task.get_supports(body)
        if supports is None:
        for surface in supports:
            p_obs = state.b_on[body].prob(surface)
            cost = revisit_mdp_cost(0, scan_cost,
                                    p_obs)  # TODO: imperfect observation model
            init += [('Stackable', body, surface),
                     Equal(('LocalizeCost', surface, body), clip_cost(cost))]
            #if is_placement(body, surface):
            if is_center_stable(body, surface):
                if body in holding_bodies:
                pose = state.poses[body]
                init += [('Supported', body, pose, surface)]

    for body in task.get_bodies():
        if state.is_localized(body):
            init.append(('Localized', body))
            init.append(('Uncertain', body))
        if body in state.registered:
            init.append(('Registered', body))

    goal = And(*[('Holding', a, b) for a, b in task.goal_holding] + \
           [('On', b, s) for b, s in task.goal_on] + \
           [('Localized', b) for b in task.goal_localized] + \
           [('Registered', b) for b in task.goal_registered])

    stream_map = {
        from_gen_fn(get_ik_ir_gen(task, teleport=teleport)),
        from_fn(get_motion_gen(task, teleport=teleport)),
        from_test(get_in_range_test(task, VIS_RANGE)),
        from_test(get_in_range_test(task, REG_RANGE)),
        accelerate_list_gen_fn(from_gen_fn(get_vis_base_gen(task, VIS_RANGE)),
        accelerate_list_gen_fn(from_gen_fn(get_vis_base_gen(task, REG_RANGE)),

    return PDDLProblem(domain_pddl, constant_map, stream_pddl, stream_map,
                       init, goal)
예제 #27
def get_pddlstream(robot,
    domain_pddl = read(get_file_path(__file__, 'retired.pddl'))
    stream_pddl = read(get_file_path(__file__, 'stream.pddl'))
    constant_map = {}

    conf = np.array(get_configuration(robot))
    init = [
        ('CanMove', ),
        ('Conf', conf),
        ('AtConf', conf),
        ('HandEmpty', ),

    goal_literals = [
        ('AtConf', conf),

    #indices = brick_from_index.keys()
    #indices = range(2, 5)
    indices = [4]
    for index in list(indices):
        indices.append(index + 6)

    for index in indices:
        brick = brick_from_index[index]
        init += [
            ('Graspable', index),
            ('Pose', index, brick.initial_pose),
            ('AtPose', index, brick.initial_pose),
            ('Pose', index, brick.goal_pose),
        goal_literals += [
            #('Holding', index),
            ('AtPose', index, brick.goal_pose),
        for index2 in brick.goal_supports:
            brick2 = brick_from_index[index2]
            init += [
                ('Supported', index, brick.goal_pose, index2,
    goal = And(*goal_literals)

    if not collisions:
        obstacle_from_name = {}
    stream_map = {
        from_gen_fn(get_ik_gen_fn(robot, brick_from_index,
        get_collision_test(robot, brick_from_index, collisions=collisions),
    #stream_map = 'debug'

    return domain_pddl, constant_map, stream_pddl, stream_map, init, goal
예제 #28
def get_pddlstream(robots,
    except RuntimeError:
        temporal = False
            'Temporal Fast Downward is not installed. Disabling temporal planning.'
    # TODO: TFD submodule
    assert not removed & printed
    remaining = set(element_bodies) - removed - printed
    element_obstacles = {element_bodies[e] for e in printed}
    obstacles = set(static_obstacles) | element_obstacles
    max_layer = max(layer_from_n.values())

    directions = compute_directions(remaining, layer_from_n)
    if local:
        # makespan seems more effective than CEA
        partial_orders = compute_local_orders(
            remaining, layer_from_n)  # makes the makespan heuristic slow
        partial_orders = compute_global_orders(remaining, layer_from_n)
    # draw_model(supporters, node_points, ground_nodes, color=RED)
    # wait_if_gui()

    domain_pddl = read(
                         'temporal.pddl' if temporal else 'domain.pddl')))
    stream_pddl = read(get_file_path(__file__, 'pddl/stream.pddl'))
    constant_map = {}

    # TODO: don't evaluate TrajTrajCollision until the plan is retimed
    stream_map = {
        #'test-cfree': from_test(get_test_cfree(element_bodies)),
        #'sample-print': from_gen_fn(get_print_gen_fn(robot, obstacles, node_points, element_bodies, ground_nodes)),
        #'test-stiffness': from_test(test_stiffness),
        #'test-cfree-traj-conf': from_test(lambda *args: True),
        #'test-cfree-traj-traj': from_test(get_cfree_test(**kwargs)),
        get_collision_test(robots, **kwargs),
        lambda *args, **kwargs:
        False,  # TODO: could treat conf as length 1 traj
        lambda e: get_element_length(e, node_points),
        lambda r, t: t.get_link_distance(),
        lambda r, t: t.get_link_distance() / TOOL_VELOCITY,
        lambda n1, n2: get_element_length((n1, n2), node_points),

    assignments = compute_assignments(robots, remaining, node_points,
    transits = compute_transits(layer_from_n, directions)

    init = [
        ('Stationary', ),
        Equal(('Speed', ), TOOL_VELOCITY),
    if can_print:
        init.append(('Print', ))
    if can_transit:
        init.append(('Move', ))
    if sequential:
        init.append(('Sequential', ))
    for name, conf in initial_confs.items():
        robot = index_from_name(robots, name)
        #init_node = -robot
        init_node = '{}-q0'.format(robot)
            #('Node', init_node),
            ('BackoffConf', name, conf),
            ('Robot', name),
            ('Conf', name, conf),
            ('AtConf', name, conf),
            ('Idle', name),
            #('CanMove', name),
            #('Start', name, init_node, None, conf),
            #('End', name, None, init_node, conf),
        for (n1, e, n2) in directions:
            if layer_from_n[n1] == 0:
                transits.append((None, init_node, n1, e))
            if layer_from_n[n2] == max_layer:
                transits.append((e, n2, init_node, None))

    #init.extend(('Grounded', n) for n in ground_nodes)
    init.extend(('Direction', ) + tup for tup in directions)
    init.extend(('Order', ) + tup for tup in partial_orders)
    # TODO: can relax assigned if I go by layers
        ('Assigned', r, e) for r in assignments for e in assignments[r])
    #init.extend(('Transit',) + tup for tup in transits)
    # TODO: only move actions between adjacent layers

    for e in remaining:
        n1, n2 = e
        #n1, n2 = ['n{}'.format(i) for i in e]
            ('Node', n1),
            ('Node', n2),
            ('Element', e),
            ('Printed', e),

    assert not trajectories
    # for t in trajectories:
    #     init.extend([
    #         ('Traj', t),
    #         ('PrintAction', t.n1, t.element, t),
    #     ])

    goal_literals = []
    if can_transit:
            ('AtConf', r, q) for r, q in initial_confs.items())
    goal_literals.extend(('Removed', e) for e in remaining)
    goal = And(*goal_literals)

    return PDDLProblem(domain_pddl, constant_map, stream_pddl, stream_map,
                       init, goal)
예제 #29
def pddlstream_from_problem(problem, collisions=True, teleport=False):
    #rovers = problem.rovers

    domain_pddl = read(get_file_path(__file__, 'domain.pddl'))
    stream_pddl = read(get_file_path(__file__, 'stream.pddl'))
    constant_map = {}

    camera = 'RGBD'
    mode = 'color'  # highres | lowres | color | depth

    init = []
    goal_literals = [
        #('Calibrated', camera, problem.rovers[0])
        #('Analyzed', problem.rovers[0], problem.rocks[0])
        #('ReceivedAnalysis', problem.rocks[0])

    init += [('Lander', l) for l in problem.landers]
    init += [('Camera', camera), ('Supports', camera, mode), ('Mode', mode)]
    for rover in problem.rovers:
        base_joints = get_group_joints(rover, 'base')
        bq0 = Conf(rover, base_joints)
        head_joints = get_group_joints(rover, 'head')
        hq0 = Conf(rover, head_joints)
        init += [('Rover', rover), ('OnBoard', camera, rover),
                 ('BConf', bq0), ('AtBConf', rover, bq0),
                 ('HConf', hq0), ('AtHConf', rover, hq0)]
    for name in problem.stores:
        init += [('Store', name)]
        init += [('Free', rover, name) for rover in problem.rovers]
    for name in problem.objectives:
        init += [('Objective', name)]
        #initial_atoms += [IsClass(name, cl) for cl in CLASSES if cl in name]
        goal_literals += [('ReceivedImage', name, mode)]
    for name in problem.rocks + problem.soils:
        # pose = Pose(name, get_pose(env.GetKinBody(name)))
        init += [('Rock', name)]  # , IsPose(name, pose), AtPose(name, pose)]
        #init += [('IsClass', name, cl) for cl in CLASSES if cl in name]

    #if problem.rocks:
    #    goal_literals.append(Exists(['?rock'], And(('Rock', '?rock'),
    #                                               ('ReceivedAnalysis', '?rock'))))
    #if problem.soils:
    #    goal_literals.append(Exists(['?soil'], And(('Soil', '?soil'),
    #                                               ('ReceivedAnalysis', '?soil')))) # TODO: soil class
    goal_formula = And(*goal_literals)

    custom_limits = {}
    if problem.limits is not None:
        for rover in problem.rovers:
            custom_limits.update(get_base_custom_limits(rover, problem.limits))

    stream_map = {
        'test-reachable': from_test(get_reachable_test(problem)),
        'obj-inv-visible': from_gen_fn(get_inv_vis_gen(problem, custom_limits=custom_limits)),
        'com-inv-visible': from_gen_fn(get_inv_com_gen(problem, custom_limits=custom_limits)),
        'sample-above': from_gen_fn(get_above_gen(problem, custom_limits=custom_limits)),
        'sample-base-motion': from_fn(get_base_motion_fn(problem, custom_limits=custom_limits, teleport=teleport)),
        'sample-head-motion': from_fn(get_head_motion_fn(problem, teleport=teleport)),
    #stream_map = 'debug'

    return PDDLProblem(domain_pddl, constant_map, stream_pddl, stream_map, init, goal_formula)
예제 #30
from collections import namedtuple, defaultdict
from time import time

from pddlstream.language.constants import EQ, NOT, Head, Evaluation, get_prefix, get_args, OBJECT, TOTAL_COST, Action, Not
from pddlstream.language.conversion import is_atom, is_negated_atom, objects_from_evaluations, pddl_from_object, \
    pddl_list_from_expression, obj_from_pddl
from pddlstream.utils import read, write, INF, clear_dir, get_file_path, MockSet, find_unique, int_ceil, safe_remove, safe_zip
from pddlstream.language.write_pddl import get_problem_pddl

filepath = os.path.abspath(__file__)
if ' ' in filepath:
    raise RuntimeError('The path to pddlstream cannot include spaces')

#CERBERUS_PATH = '/home/caelan/Programs/cerberus' # Check if this path exists
CERBERUS_PATH = '/home/caelan/Programs/fd-redblack-ipc2018'  # Check if this path exists
FD_PATH = get_file_path(__file__, '../../FastDownward/')

FORBID_PATH = '/Users/caelan/Programs/external/ForbidIterative'
FORBID_TEMPLATE = 'plan.py --planner topk --number-of-plans {num} --domain {domain} --problem {problem}'  # topk,topq,topkq,diverse

def find_build(fd_path):
    for release in ['release64', 'release32']:  # TODO: list the directory
        path = os.path.join(fd_path, 'builds/{}/'.format(release))
        if os.path.exists(path):
            return path
    # TODO: could also just automatically compile
    raise RuntimeError(