class CrossMgrPrintoutPDF( CrossMgrPrintout ): def __init__( self, dir, fileBase, orientation, categories = None, allInOne = False ): CrossMgrPrintout.__init__(self, categories) self.dir = dir self.fileBase = fileBase self.orientation = orientation self.allInOne = allInOne self.pdf = None self.lastFName = None def OnEndPrinting(self): if self.pdf and self.allInOne: if self.dir and not os.path.isdir( self.dir ): os.mkdir( self.dir ) fname = u'{fileBase}.pdf'.format( fileBase=self.fileBase ) self.pdf.set_title( unicode(os.path.splitext(fname)[0].replace('-', ' ')).encode('iso-8859-1','ignore') ) fname = os.path.join( self.dir, fname ) self.pdf.output( fname, 'F' ) self.lastFName = fname self.pdf = None return super(CrossMgrPrintoutPDF, self).OnEndPrinting() def OnPrintPage( self, page ): exportGrid = self.prepareGrid( page ) try: category = self.pageInfo[page][0] except Exception as e: # Handle case of no data. return True pageNumber = self.pageInfo[page][3] pageTotal = self.pageInfo[page][4] fname = u'{fileBase}-{categoryName}.pdf'.format( fileBase = self.fileBase, categoryName = category.fullname if category != 'Primes' else 'Primes' ) fname = Utils.RemoveDisallowedFilenameChars( fname ).replace( ' ', '-' ) if not self.pdf: self.pdf = PDF( orientation = 'L' if self.orientation == wx.LANDSCAPE else 'P' ) self.pdf.set_font( 'Arial', '', 12 ) self.pdf.set_author( unicode(getpass.getuser()).encode('iso-8859-1','ignore') ) self.pdf.set_keywords( unicode('CrossMgr Results').encode('iso-8859-1','ignore') ) self.pdf.set_creator( unicode(Version.AppVerName).encode('iso-8859-1','ignore') ) self.pdf.set_title( unicode(os.path.splitext(fname)[0].replace('-', ' ')).encode('iso-8859-1','ignore') ) exportGrid.drawToFitPDF( *([self.pdf, self.orientation] + self.pageInfo[page][1:-1]) ) if not self.allInOne and pageNumber == pageTotal: if self.dir and not os.path.isdir( self.dir ): os.mkdir( self.dir ) fname = os.path.join( self.dir, fname ) self.pdf.output( fname, 'F' ) self.lastFName = fname self.pdf = None return True
def doExport( self, event=None ): race = Model.race if not race: return fileName = Utils.getMainWin().fileName if Utils.getMainWin() else 'Test.cmn' #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Create an Excel file. # xlFileName = os.path.splitext(fileName)[0] + '-TeamResults.xlsx' try: wb = xlsxwriter.Workbook( xlFileName ) formats = ExportGrid.ExportGrid.getExcelFormatsXLSX( wb ) ues = Utils.UniqueExcelSheetName() for category in race.getCategories( publishOnly=True ): eg = self.toExportGrid( category ) if eg: ws = wb.add_worksheet( ues.getSheetName(category.fullname) ) eg.toExcelSheetXLSX( formats, ws ) wb.close() except Exception as e: logException( e, sys.exc_info() ) del wb #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Create a PDF file. # pdfFileName = os.path.splitext(fileName)[0] + '-TeamResults.pdf' try: pdf = PDF( orientation = 'P' ) pdf.set_font( 'Arial', '', 12 ) pdf.set_author( getpass.getuser() ) pdf.set_keywords( 'CrossMgr Team Results' ) pdf.set_creator( Version.AppVerName ) pdf.set_title( os.path.splitext(pdfFileName)[0].replace('-', ' ') ) for category in race.getCategories( publishOnly=True ): eg = self.toExportGrid( category ) if eg: eg.drawToFitPDF( pdf, orientation=wx.PORTRAIT ) pdf.output( pdfFileName, 'F' ) except Exception as e: logException( e, sys.exc_info() ) del pdf
def print_id_label(participant): competition = participant.competition license_holder = participant.license_holder bib = participant.bib name = license_holder.first_last if len(name) > 32: name = license_holder.first_last_short system_name = 'CrossMgr' inches_to_points = 72.0 # Use points at the units. page_width = 3.9 * inches_to_points page_height = 2.4 * inches_to_points pdf = PDF('L', (page_height, page_width)) pdf.set_author(RaceDBVersion) pdf.set_title('Bib Number: {}'.format(bib)) pdf.set_subject('Rider ID and Emergency Information.') pdf.set_creator(getpass.getuser()) pdf.set_keywords( 'RaceDB CrossMgr Bicycle Racing Software Database Road Time Trial MTB CycloCross' ) margin = min(page_height, page_width) / 18.0 sep = margin / 2.5 height = page_height - margin * 2.0 width = page_width - margin * 2.0 header = Rect(margin, margin, width, height / 10.0) footer_height = height / 20 footer = Rect(margin, page_height - margin - footer_height, header.width, footer_height) field = Rect(header.x, header.bottom + sep, width, - header.bottom - sep * 2) leftArrow, rightArrow = chr(172), chr(174) font_name = 'Helvetica' pdf.add_page() pdf.set_font(font_name, 'b') header.draw_text_to_fit(pdf, name, Rect.AlignLeft, True) pdf.set_font(font_name) info = [] info.append([ '', u', '.join([ u'Age: {}'.format(license_holder.get_age()), u'Gender: {}'.format(license_holder.get_gender_display()), u'Nation: {}'.format(license_holder.nation_code), ]), ]) info.append(['', '']) if info.append(['', u'{}'.format(]) info.append([ '', u', '.join([ u'Bib: {}'.format(participant.bib), u'Category: {}'.format(participant.category.code_gender if participant.category else ''), ]), ]) if info.append([ '', u' '.join([ u'Phone: {}'.format(format_phone(, ]), ]) info.append(['', '']) if license_holder.emergency_medical: info.append([ '', u'Medical Alert: {}'.format(license_holder.emergency_medical) ]) info.append(['', u'Emergency Contact:']) if license_holder.emergency_contact_name: info.append([ '', u' {}'.format(license_holder.emergency_contact_name or 'None provided') ]) info.append([ '', u' {}'.format( format_phone(license_holder.emergency_contact_phone) or 'No phone number provided') ]) pdf.table_in_rectangle(field.x, field.y, field.width, field.height, info, leftJustifyCols=[0, 1], hasHeader=False, horizontalLines=False) footer.draw_text_to_fit(pdf, system_name, Rect.AlignRight, True) pdf_str = pdf.output(dest='s') return pdf_str
def print_bib_on_rect(bib, license_code=None, name=None, logo=None, widthInches=5.9, heightInches=3.9, copies=1, onePage=False): page_width = widthInches * inches_to_points page_height = heightInches * inches_to_points pdf = PDF('L', (page_height * (copies if onePage else 1), page_width)) pdf.set_author(RaceDBVersion) pdf.set_title('Race Bib Number: {}'.format(bib)) pdf.set_subject('Bib number.') pdf.set_creator(getpass.getuser()) pdf.set_keywords( 'RaceDB CrossMgr Bicycle Racing Software Database Road Time Trial MTB CycloCross RFID' ) pdf.add_font('din1451alt', style='', fname=get_font_file('din1451alt G.ttf'), uni=True) margin = min(page_height, page_width) / 17.5 sep = margin / 2.5 height = page_height - margin * 2.0 width = page_width - margin * 2.0 text_margin = margin text_height = margin * 0.4 for c in xrange(copies): if c == 0 or not onePage: pdf.add_page() page_y = 0 else: page_y = page_height * c pdf.dashed_line(0, page_y, page_width, page_y, space_length=12) pdf.set_font('din1451alt', '', 16) field = Rect(margin, margin + page_y, width, height) field.draw_text_to_fit(pdf, bib, Rect.AlignCenter | Rect.AlignMiddle) pdf.set_font('Helvetica') if logo: x = text_margin logo_rect = Rect(x, page_height - margin + page_y, (page_width - barcode_width_max) / 2.0 - x, text_height) logo_rect.draw_text_to_fit(pdf, logo, Rect.AlignLeft | Rect.AlignMiddle) if license_code: barcode_rect = Rect(margin, page_height - margin * 1.2 + page_y, width, margin * 0.8) draw_code128(pdf, license_code, barcode_rect.x, barcode_rect.y, barcode_rect.width, barcode_rect.height) if name: x = (page_width + barcode_width_max) / 2.0 name_rect = Rect(x, page_height - margin + page_y, page_width - text_margin - x, text_height) name_rect.draw_text_to_fit(pdf, name, Rect.AlignRight | Rect.AlignMiddle) pdf_str = pdf.output(dest='s') return pdf_str
def print_bib_tag_label(participant, sponsor_name=None, left_page=True, right_page=True, barcode=True): competition = participant.competition license_holder = participant.license_holder bib = participant.bib name = license_holder.first_last if len(name) > 32: name = license_holder.first_last_short if sponsor_name is None: if competition.number_set and competition.number_set.sponsor: sponsor_name = competition.number_set.sponsor else: sponsor_name = system_name = 'CrossMgr' # Use points at the units. page_width = 3.9 * inches_to_points page_height = 2.4 * inches_to_points pdf = PDF('L', (page_height, page_width)) pdf.set_author(RaceDBVersion) pdf.set_title('Race Bib Number: {}'.format(bib)) pdf.set_subject( 'Bib number and rider info to be printed as a label to apply on the chip tag.' ) pdf.set_creator(getpass.getuser()) pdf.set_keywords( 'RaceDB CrossMgr Bicycle Racing Software Database Road Time Trial MTB CycloCross RFID' ) pdf.add_font('din1451alt', style='', fname=get_font_file('din1451alt G.ttf'), uni=True) pdf.add_font('Arrows', style='', fname=get_font_file('Arrrows-Regular.ttf'), uni=True) margin = min(page_height, page_width) / 18.0 sep = margin / 2.5 height = page_height - margin * 2.0 width = page_width - margin * 2.0 header = Rect(margin, margin, width, height / 18.0) footer = Rect(margin, page_height - margin - header.height, header.width, header.height) field = Rect(header.x, header.bottom + sep, width, - header.bottom - sep * 2) license_code = license_holder.uci_id or license_holder.license_code leftArrow, rightArrow = 'A', 'a' font_name = 'Helvetica' for lp in ([True] if left_page else []) + ([False] if right_page else []): pdf.add_page() arrow = copy.deepcopy(header) arrow.y -= arrow.height * 0.5 arrow.height *= 2 pdf.set_font('Arrows') arrowWidth = arrow.draw_text_to_fit( pdf, leftArrow if lp else rightArrow, (Rect.AlignLeft if lp else Rect.AlignRight) | Rect.AlignMiddle, consider_descenders=True, convert_to_text=False, ) arrowWidth += pdf.get_string_width(' ') header_remain = copy.deepcopy(header) if lp: header_remain.x += arrowWidth header_remain.width -= arrowWidth pdf.set_font(font_name) header_remain.draw_text_to_fit( pdf, sponsor_name, (Rect.AlignLeft if lp else Rect.AlignRight) | Rect.AlignMiddle, True) pdf.set_font('din1451alt', '', 16) field.draw_text_to_fit(pdf, bib, Rect.AlignCenter | Rect.AlignMiddle) pdf.set_font(font_name) name_width = footer.draw_text_to_fit( pdf, name, (Rect.AlignRight if lp else Rect.AlignLeft) | Rect.AlignMiddle) logo = copy.deepcopy(footer) if not lp: logo.x += name_width + sep logo.width -= name_width + sep if logo.width > 20: logo_width = logo.draw_text_to_fit( pdf, system_name, (Rect.AlignLeft if lp else Rect.AlignRight) | Rect.AlignMiddle) else: logo_width = 0 if barcode: remaining_width = header.width - name_width - logo_width if lp: barcode_rect = Rect(footer.x + logo_width, footer.y, remaining_width, footer.height) else: barcode_rect = Rect( footer.right - logo_width - remaining_width, footer.y, remaining_width, footer.height) if license_code: draw_code128(pdf, license_code, barcode_rect.x, barcode_rect.y, barcode_rect.width, barcode_rect.height) pdf_str = pdf.output(dest='s') return pdf_str
class CrossMgrPrintoutPDF(CrossMgrPrintout): def __init__(self, dir, fileBase, orientation, categories=None, allInOne=False): CrossMgrPrintout.__init__(self, categories) self.dir = dir self.fileBase = fileBase self.orientation = orientation self.allInOne = allInOne self.pdf = None self.lastFName = None def OnEndPrinting(self): if self.pdf and self.allInOne: if self.dir and not os.path.isdir(self.dir): os.mkdir(self.dir) fname = u'{fileBase}.pdf'.format(fileBase=self.fileBase) self.pdf.set_title( unicode(os.path.splitext(fname)[0].replace('-', ' ')).encode( 'iso-8859-1', 'ignore')) fname = os.path.join(self.dir, fname) self.pdf.output(fname, 'F') self.lastFName = fname self.pdf = None return super(CrossMgrPrintoutPDF, self).OnEndPrinting() def OnPrintPage(self, page): exportGrid = self.prepareGrid(page) category = self.pageInfo[page][0] pageNumber = self.pageInfo[page][3] pageTotal = self.pageInfo[page][4] fname = u'{fileBase}-{categoryName}.pdf'.format( fileBase=self.fileBase, categoryName=category.fullname if category != 'Primes' else 'Primes') fname = Utils.RemoveDisallowedFilenameChars(fname).replace(' ', '-') if not self.pdf: self.pdf = PDF( orientation='L' if self.orientation == wx.LANDSCAPE else 'P') self.pdf.set_font('Arial', '', 12) self.pdf.set_author( unicode(getpass.getuser()).encode('iso-8859-1', 'ignore')) self.pdf.set_keywords( unicode('CrossMgr Results').encode('iso-8859-1', 'ignore')) self.pdf.set_creator( unicode(Version.AppVerName).encode('iso-8859-1', 'ignore')) self.pdf.set_title( unicode(os.path.splitext(fname)[0].replace('-', ' ')).encode( 'iso-8859-1', 'ignore')) exportGrid.drawToFitPDF(*([self.pdf, self.orientation] + self.pageInfo[page][1:-1])) if not self.allInOne and pageNumber == pageTotal: if self.dir and not os.path.isdir(self.dir): os.mkdir(self.dir) fname = os.path.join(self.dir, fname) self.pdf.output(fname, 'F') self.lastFName = fname self.pdf = None return True