def check_project_title(title: str): """ Check the format of project title Args: title (str): project title """ if not title or len(title) < 3 or len(title) > 30: error("invalid project title length! (length must be between \ 3 and 30)") if'[^a-zA-Z\s:]', title): error("invalid project title chars ([A-Za-z ] allowed)") return (True)
def change_list_format(file_name: str, file_content: str): """ Change and check the list format. Args: file_name (str): file name file_content (str): file content """ out = "" if len(file_content) == 0: error("empty file!", infile=file_name) code_flag = 0 equation_flag = 0 empty_prev_line = 0 list_factor = 4 list_pattern = re.compile(r'([\s]*)[-\*]{1} (.*)') for idx, line in enumerate(file_content.rstrip().split('\n')): if re.match(r'^```.*', line): code_flag = 1 if code_flag == 0 else 0 if re.match(r'^[\$]{2}.*', line): equation_flag = 1 if equation_flag == 0 else 0 if not list_pattern.match(line) or code_flag or equation_flag: empty_prev_line = 0 out += line + "\n" if len(line.strip()) == 0 and not code_flag and not equation_flag: empty_prev_line = 1 continue groups = list_pattern.findall(line)[0] front_space = groups[0] if len(front_space) % list_factor != 0: error("number of spaces in front of list is not a factor of {}!". format(list_factor), infile=file_name, line_nb=idx) if not empty_prev_line: out += "\n" out += line + "\n" empty_prev_line = 0 return (out)
def check_input_dir_bootcamp(directory: str): """ Check the bootcamp directory file organization Args: directory (str): bootcamp day directory """ # check directory is in the format dayXX while directory[-1] == '/': directory = directory[:-1] dir = directory.split('/')[-1] day_regex = re.compile(r'^day[0-9]{2}$') module_regex = re.compile(r'^module[0-9]{2}$') if not and not error("'{}' invalid day/module directory (dayXX/moduleXX allowed)". format(directory)) # check if it is a directory if not os.path.isdir(directory): error("'{}' is not a directory!".format(directory)) # check directory has a ls_day = sub_run("ls {}/day*.md".format(directory)) ls_module = sub_run("ls {}/module*.md".format(directory)) if ls_day.stderr and ls_module.stderr: error("markdown for day/module missing") # check directory has files ls_ex = sub_run("ls {}/ex*/ex*.md".format(directory)) if ls_ex.stderr: error("markdown for exercises missing")
def set_url_color(file_name: str, file_content: str): """ Add url parameters for pdf build. Args: file_name (str): file name file_content (str): file content """ out = "---\ncolorlinks: true\nurlcolor: \"blue\"\n---\n\n" if len(file_content) == 0: error("empty file!", infile=file_name) for line in file_content.rstrip().split('\n'): out += line + "\n" return (out)
def change_img_format(file_name: str, file_content: str): """ Change the images format (also convert html images into markdown ones). Args: file_name (str): file name file_content (str): file content """ groups = None title = None path = None style = None out = "" if len(file_content) == 0: error("empty file!", infile=file_name) img_pattern_md = re.compile(r'[\s]*\!\[(.*)\]\((.*)\)({.*})?') img_pattern_html = re.compile(r'[\s]*<img.*src=[\"\']{1}(.*)[\"\']{1}.*/>') for idx, line in enumerate(file_content.rstrip().split('\n')): if not img_pattern_md.match(line) and not img_pattern_html.match(line): out += line + "\n" continue if img_pattern_md.match(line): groups = img_pattern_md.findall(line)[0] title = groups[0] path = groups[1] style = groups[2] if img_pattern_html.match(line): groups = img_pattern_html.findall(line)[0] title = groups.split('/')[-1].split('.')[0] path = groups style = '' if len(title) == 0: error("empty image title!", Warn=True, infile=file_name, line_nb=idx) title = path.split('/')[-1].split('.')[0] if len(path) == 0: error("empty image path!", infile=file_name, line_nb=idx) if len(style) != 0 and not re.match(r'.*width=[0-9]{1,4}px.*', style): error("wrong image style format! (example: '{width=250px}')", infile=file_name, line_nb=idx) path = "tmp/assets/" + path.split('/')[-1] out += "\n![{}]({}){}".format(title, path, style) + "\n" return (out)
def change_equations_format(file_name: str, file_content: str): """ Change and check the format of equations. Args: file_name (str): file name file_content (str): file content """ out = "" if len(file_content) == 0: error("empty file!", infile=file_name) eq_flag = 0 eq_flag_line = 0 eq_pattern = re.compile(r'^[\$]{2}(.*)') for idx, line in enumerate(file_content.rstrip().split('\n')): line = line.replace('\\frac', '\\cfrac') if not eq_pattern.match(line): out += line + "\n" continue if eq_flag: out += "$$\n\\normalsize\n" eq_flag = 0 continue out += "\\large\n$$\n" eq_flag = 1 eq_flag_line = idx if eq_flag: error("could not find closing equation mark!", infile=file_name, line_nb=eq_flag_line) return (out)
def change_empty_code_block_style(file_name: str, file_content: str): """ Change the empty block format to txt. Args: file_name (str): file name file_content (str): file content """ out = "" if len(file_content) == 0: error("empty file!", infile=file_name) code_flag = 0 code_flag_line = 0 code_pattern = re.compile(r'^```(.*)') for idx, line in enumerate(file_content.rstrip().split('\n')): if not code_pattern.match(line): out += line + "\n" continue language = code_pattern.findall(line)[0] if code_flag: out += "```\n" code_flag = 0 continue if len(language) == 0: out += "```txt\n" else: if language.strip() not in [ 'console', 'bash', 'sh', 'zsh', 'python', 'py', 'txt' ]: error( "unsupported language! (supported languages are: 'console', \ 'bash', 'sh', 'zsh', 'python', 'py', 'txt')", infile=file_name, line_nb=idx) if language.strip() in ['py', 'python']: out += "```{}\n".format(language.strip()) else: out += "```txt\n" code_flag = 1 code_flag_line = idx if code_flag: error("could not find closing code snippet!", infile=file_name, line_nb=code_flag_line) return (out)
def check_day_title(title: str): """ Check the day title format. Args: title (str): title """ if not title or len(title) < 14 or len(title) > 40: error("invalid day/module title length! (length must be between\ 11 and 40)") if'[^A-Za-z\d -]', title): error("invalid day/module title chars ([A-Za-z -] allowed)") if'^(?!Day[0-9]{2} - ).*', title) and r'^(?!Module[0-9]{2} - ).*', title): error( "invalid day/module title format (it must be formatted as follows\ \"DayXX - ...\")") return (True)
def change_header_format(file_name: str, file_content: str): """ Change and check the header format. Args: file_name (str): file name file_content (str): file content """ out = "" if len(file_content) == 0: error("empty file!", infile=file_name) code_flag = 0 header_pattern = re.compile(r'([\s]*)([#]{1,4})[\s]+(.*)') for idx, line in enumerate(file_content.rstrip().split('\n')): if re.match(r'^```.*', line): code_flag = 1 if code_flag == 0 else 0 if not header_pattern.match(line): out += line + "\n" continue groups = header_pattern.findall(line)[0] front_space = groups[0] header = groups[1] title = groups[2] if code_flag: out += "{}{} {}\n".format(front_space, header, title) else: if len(front_space) >= 4: error("too much space(s) in front of header!", infile=file_name, line_nb=idx) if len(front_space) > 0: error("space(s) in front of header!", Warn=True, infile=file_name, line_nb=idx) out += "{} {}\n".format(header, title) return (out)
def check_input_dir_simple(directory: str): """ Check the bootcamp directory file organization Args: directory (str): bootcamp day directory """ # check directory is in the format dayXX while directory[-1] == '/': directory = directory[:-1] # check if it is a directory if not os.path.isdir(directory): error("'{}' is not a directory!".format(directory)) # check directory has a ls_project = sub_run("ls {}/project*.md".format(directory)) if ls_project.stderr: error("markdown for project missing") # check directory has files ls_ex = sub_run("ls {}/ex*/ex*.md".format(directory)) if ls_ex.stderr: error("markdown for exercises missing")