예제 #1
 def __validateXObjectDictionary(self, dict, id):
     if literal_name(dict.get("Subtype")) == "Form":
         # 6.2.5
         if dict.get("Ref") != None:
             # 6.2.6
             self.__write("XObject dictionary " + str(id) +
                          " is a reference XObject")
         if dict.get("OPI") != None:
             self.__write("Form XObject dictionary " + str(id) +
                          " contains OPI entry")
         # TODO: NOTE ale w reference 3 nie ma nic o Subtype2 i PS
         if dict.get("Subtype2") != None:
             if literal_name(dict.get("Subtype2")) == "PS":
                 self.__write("Form XObject dictionary " + str(id) +
                              " contains" + "Subtype2 entry with PS value")
         if dict.get("PS") != None:
             self.__write("Form XObject dictionary " + str(id) +
                          " contains PS entry")
         if dict.get("Group") != None:
             # 6.4
             groupDict = dict_value(dict.get("Group"))
             if literal_name(groupDict.get("S")) == "Transparency":
                     "Form XObject dictionary " + str(id) +
                     "contains Group entry which S attribute value" +
                     " id /Transparency")
     elif literal_name(dict.get("Subtype")) == "PS":
         # 6.2.7
         self.__write("Document contains PostScript XObject " + str(id))
     elif literal_name(dict.get("Subtype")) == "Image":
         self.__validateImageDictionary(dict, str(id))
예제 #2
 def validate(self, fileName):
     j = 0
     for p in self.__doc.get_pages():
         j += 1
         self.__write("PAGE " + str(j) + ":", error=False)
         images = dict_value(p.resources.get("XObject"))
         for (k, v) in images.iteritems():
         gstates = dict_value(p.resources.get("ExtGState"))
         for (k, v) in gstates.iteritems():
                 dict_value(v), literal_name(k))
         # TODO: V czy w ten sposob sprawdzimy wszystkie wzorce o typie 2?
         patterns = dict_value(p.resources.get("Pattern"))
         for (k, v) in patterns.iteritems():
             self.__validatePattern(dict_value(v), literal_name(k))
         i = -1
         for a in list_value(p.annots):
             i += 1
                 str(i) + " on page " + p.pageid)
         # TODO: V powinno byc sprawdzane, czy font jest uzywany (p. 6.3.4)
         fonts = dict_value(p.resources.get("Font"))
         for (k, v) in fonts.iteritems():
             self.__validateFont(dict_value(v), literal_name(k))
예제 #3
 def setEncoding(self, enc):
     self.__mode = "Encoding"
     #self.__object = enc
     dEncoding = dict_value2(enc.get("Encoding"))
     differences = list_value(enc.get("Differences"))
     if dEncoding == None:
         nEncoding = literal_name(enc.get("Encoding"))
     if dEncoding == None:
         self.__control.WriteText("Base encoding: " + nEncoding + "\n")
         self.__colorSpace = dEncoding
     code = 0
     for el in differences:
         if isinstance(el, int):
             code = el
             self.__control.WriteText("\t" + str(code) + ": " +
                                      literal_name(el) + "\n")
             code += 1
예제 #4
 def __validateAction(self, action, id):
     # 6.6
     # 6.6.1
     if literal_name(action.get("S")) in [
             "Launch", "Sound", "Movie", "ResetForm", "ImportData",
             "JavaScript", "set-state", "no-op"
         self.__write("Action " + str(id) + " has type " +
                      literal_name(action.get("S")) +
                      ", which is not permitted")
     if literal_name(action.get("S")) == "Named" and not literal_name(
             action.get("N")) in [
                 "NextPage", "PrevPage", "LastPage", "FirstPage"
         self.__write("Named action " + str(id) + " has name " +
                      literal_name(action.get("N")) +
                      ", which is not permitted")
예제 #5
 def __validateAnnotationDictionary(self, dict, id):
     # 6.5
     if not literal_name(dict.get("Subtype")) in [
             "Text", "Link", "FreeText", "Line", "Square", "Circle",
             "Highlight", "Underline", "Squiggly", "StrikeOut", "Stamp",
             "Ink", "Popup", "Widget", "PrinterMark", "TrapNet"
         self.__write("Annotation dictionary " + str(id) +
                      "contains invalid" + " Subtype entry")
     if dict.get("CA") != None:
         if num_value(dict.get("CA")) != 1.0:
             self.__write("Annotation dictionary " + str(id) +
                          " contains CA " + "entry which value isn't 1.0")
     if dict.get("F") != None:
         self.__write("Annotation dictionary " + str(id) +
                      " contains F entry")
     if literal_name(dict.get("Subtype")) == "Widget":
         self.__validateWidgetAnnotation(dict, id)
         if dict.get("A") != None:
                                   "in annotation " + str(id))
예제 #6
 def __validateImageDiciotnary(self, dict, id):
     # 6.2.4
     if dict.get("Alternates") != None:
         self.__write("Image dictionary " + str(id) +
                      " contains Alternates entry")
     if dict.get("OPI") != None:
         self.__write("Image dictionary " + str(id) + " contains OPI entry")
     if dict.get("Interpolation") != None:
         if bool(dict.get("Interpolation")) == True:
             self.__write("Image dictionary " + str(id) +
                          " contains Interpolate entry with value true")
     if dict.get("Intent") != None:
             literal_name(dict.get("Intent")), "Image dictionary " +
             str(id) + " contains Intent entry with value " +
             literal_name(dict.get("Intent")) + ".")
     if dict.get("SMask") != None:
         # 6.4 TODO: NOTE ale w Image XObject nie moze byc name
         if literal_name(dict.get("SMask")) != "None":
             self.__write("Image dictionary " + str(id) +
                          " contains SMask " +
                          "entry which value isn't /None")
예제 #7
 def __validateGraphicsStateParameterDictionary(self, dict, id):
     # 6.2.8
     if dict.get("TR") != None:
         self.__write("Graphics state parameter dictionary " + str(id) +
                      " contains TR entry")
     if dict.get("TR2") != None:
         if literal_name(dict.get("TR2")) != "Default":
             # TODO: X wypisac wartosc i wogole zrobic jakies funkcje
             # sprawdzajace typ obiektu PDFowego
                 "Graphics state parameter dictionary " + str(id) +
                 " contains TR2 entry with value other than /Default")
     if dict.get("RI") != None:
             literal_name(dict.get("Intent")), "Graphics state parameter " +
             "dictionary " + str(id) + " contains RI" +
             " entry with value " + literal_name(dict.get("Intent")) + ".")
     if dict.get("SMask") != None:
         # 6.4
         if literal_name(dict.get("SMask")) != "None":
             self.__write("Image dictionary " + str(id) +
                          " contains SMask " +
                          "entry which value isn't /None")
     if dict.get("BM") != None:
         # 6.4
         if not literal_name(dict.get("BM")) in ["Normal", "Compatible"]:
             self.__write("Image dictionary " + str(id) + " contains BM " +
                          "entry which value isn't /Normal or /Compatible")
     if dict.get("CA") != None:
         # 6.4
         if num_value(dict.get("CA")) != 1.0:
             self.__write("Image dictionary " + str(id) + " contains CA " +
                          "entry which value isn't 1.0")
     if dict.get("ca") != None:
         # 6.4
         if num_value(dict.get("ca")) != 1.0:
             self.__write("Image dictionary " + str(id) + " contains ca " +
                          "entry which value isn't 1.0")
예제 #8
 def __validateFont(self, font, id):
     # 6.3
     if literal_name(font.get("Subtype")) == "Type0":
         self.__warning("Handling of Type0 fonts unimplemented")
     # 6.3.4 TODO: V sprawdzic czy font jest uzywany (patrz NOTE1 na nastepnej stronie)
     desc = dict_value_none(font.get("FontDescriptor"))
     if desc == None and literal_name(
             font.get("Subtype")) in ["TrueType", "Type1", "MMType1"]:
         self.__write("Font " + str(id) + " does not have FontDescriptor")
     if literal_name(font.get("Subtype")) == "TrueType":
         if desc != None and desc.get("FontFile2") == None:
             self.__write("Font " + str(id) +
                          " does not have embedded file")
     if literal_name(font.get("Subtype")) in ["Type1", "MMType1"]:
         if desc != None and desc.get("FontFile1") == None:
             if desc != None and desc.get("FontFile3") == None:
                 self.__write("Font " + str(id) +
                              " does not have embedded file")
     # 6.3.5
     if literal_name(font.get("Subtype")) == "Type1":  # TODO: MMType1 tez?
         if isSubsetName(literal_name(font.get("BaseFont"))):
             if desc != None and desc.get("CharSet") == None:
                     "Font " + str(id) +
                     " is Type1 font subset and does not contain CharSet")
     # 6.3.7
     if literal_name(font.get("Subtype")) == "TrueType":
         if desc != None and desc.get("Flags") & 0x20 != 0:  # non-symbolic
             if not literal_name(font.get("Encoding")) in [
                     "MacRomanEncoding", "WinAnsiEncoding"
                     "TrueType font " + str(id) +
                     " is non-symbolic and its" +
                     " encoding is different than MacRomanEncoding or " +
         elif desc != None and desc.get("Flags") & 0x4 != 0:  # symbolic
             if font.get("Encoding") != None:
                 self.__write("TrueType font " + str(id) +
                              " is symbolic and it" +
                              " have Encoding entry in font dictionary")
     # 6.3.8
     if not self.__levelb:
         if not literal_name(font.get("Encoding")) in [
                 "WinAnsiEncoding", "MacRomanEncoding", "MacExpertEncoding"
             check = False
             if literal_name(font.get("Subtype")) in ["Type1", "MMType1"]:
                 if desc == None:
                     check = True
                     set = str_value(desc.get("CharSet")).split(" ")
                     ok = True
                     for s in set:
                         if not s in SYMBOLS:  # TODO: informacja o tym (bugcheck)
                             ok = False
                     if not ok:
                         check = True
                 check = True
             if check and font.get("ToUnicode") == None:
                 self.__write("Font " + str(id) +
                              " should have ToUnicode CMap," +
                              " but have not")
예제 #9
 def __processFont(self, font):
     dict = font.dict
     result = u""
     type = literal_name(dict.get("Subtype"))
     name = literal_name_none(dict.get("BaseFont"))
     if name != None:
         fullName = Font.removeSubset(name)
     descr = dict_value_none(dict.get("FontDescriptor"))
     family = None
     stretch = None
     weight = None
     file = None
     type1File = False
     file3 = False
     desName = None
     monospace = False
     serif = False
     symbolic = False
     script = False
     nonsymbolic = False
     italic = False
     allCap = False
     smallCap = False
     if descr != None:
         family = str_value_none(descr.get("FontFamily"))
         stretch = literal_name_none(descr.get("FontStretch"))
         weight = num_value_none(descr.get("FontWeight"))
         file = stream_value_none(descr.get("FontFile2"))
         type1File = descr.get("FontFile1") != None
         file3 = descr.get("FontFile3") != None
         desName = literal_name(descr.get("FontName"))
         if weight >= 700:
             strWeight = "bold"
             strWeight = "normal"
         flags = num_value(descr.get("Flags"))
         if flags == None:
             flags = 0
         monospace = flags & 0x1
         serif = flags & 0x2
         symbolic = flags & 0x4
         script = flags & 0x8
         nonsymbolic = flags & 0x20
         italic = flags & 0x40
         allCap = flags & 0x10000
         smallCap = flags & 0x20000
     encoding = dict.get("Encoding") != None
     if type == "Type0":
         encoding = False
     enc = None
     if encoding:
         dEncoding = dict_value2(dict.get("Encoding"))
         if dEncoding != None:
             enc = dEncoding
             nEncoding = literal_name(dict.get("Encoding"))
     cmap = stream_value_none(dict.get("ToUnicode"))
     if name != None:
         result += "PostScript name: " + fullName + "\n"
         result += "Full name: " + name + "\n"
     if descr != None:
         result += "Descriptor: yes\n"
     elif type == "TrueType" or type == "Type1":
         result += "Descriptor: no\n"
     if desName != None:
         result += "Full name in descriptor : " + desName + "\n"
     if family != None:
         result += "Family: " + family + "\n"
     result += "Type: " + type + "\n"
     if stretch != None:
         result += "Stretch: " + stretch + "\n"
     if weight != None:
         result += "Weight: " + str(weight) + " (" + strWeight + ")\n"
     if descr != None:
         result += "Flags set: "
         useComma = False
         if monospace != 0:
             result += "monspace"
             useComma = True
         if serif != 0:
             if useComma:
                 result += ", "
             result += "serif"
             useComma = True
         if symbolic != 0:
             if useComma:
                 result += ", "
             result += "symbolic"
             useComma = True
         if italic != 0:
             if useComma:
                 result += ", "
             result += "italic"
             useComma = True
         if nonsymbolic != 0:
             if useComma:
                 result += ", "
             result += "nonsymbolic"
             useComma = True
         if script != 0:
             if useComma:
                 result += ", "
             result += "script"
             useComma = True
         if allCap != 0:
             if useComma:
                 result += ", "
             result += "allCap"
             useComma = True
         if smallCap != 0:
             if useComma:
                 result += ", "
             result += "smallCap"
         result += "\n"
     if encoding:
         if enc == None:
             result += "Encoding: " + nEncoding + "\n"
     result2 = ""
     if file3:
         result2 += "Embedded file: non standard (FontFile3)\n"
     if type == "TrueType":
         if file != None:
             result2 += "Embedded file: yes\n"
             result2 += "Embedded file: no\n"
         if file != None:
             sio = StringIO(file.get_data())
             fontFile = TTFontMod(sio)
             #print fontFile.getTableData("name")
             result2 += self.__processNamesTable(fontFile['name'].names)
     elif type == "Type1":
         if type1File:
             result2 += "Embedded file: yes\n"
             result2 += "Embedded file: no\n"
     if cmap != None:
         result2 += "Mapping to unicode:\n"
         unicodeMap = FileUnicodeMap()
         sio = StringIO(cmap.get_data())
         CMapParser(unicodeMap, sio).run()
         i = 0
         for (k, v) in unicodeMap.cid2unichr.iteritems():
             i += 1
             if unicode(v) == "\n":
                 result2 += str(k) + ":\tLF\t" + hex(ord(unicode(v)))
             elif unicode(v) == "\r":
                 result2 += str(k) + ":\tCR\t" + hex(ord(unicode(v)))
             elif unicode(v) == "\t":
                 result2 += str(k) + ":\tTAB\t" + hex(ord(unicode(v)))
                 code = ""
                 j = 0
                 for c in unicode(v):
                     j += 1
                     code += hex(ord(c)) + " "
                 if j == 1 and i % 3 != 0:
                     code += "\t"
                 result2 += str(k) + ":\t" + unicode(v) + "\t" + code
             if i % 3 == 0:
                 result2 += "\n"
                 result2 += "\t\t"
     return (result, enc, result2)
예제 #10
class PhysList(wx.ListCtrl):
    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        wx.ListCtrl.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs)
        self.Bind(wx.EVT_LIST_ITEM_SELECTED, self.__onClick)
        self.__textCtrl = None  # kontrolka w ktorej wyswietlamy tekst z informacjami
        # o pokazywanym obrazku lub foncie
        self.__root = None  # obiekt PTree ze slownikami zasobow stron (patrz TagLib i
        # XMLLib) - nazwa jest pozostaloscia z czasow gdy ta kontrolka byla drzewem
        self.__frame = None  # glowne okno aplikacji (MainWindow)
        self.__path = None  # sciezka do wczytanego pliku PDF, potrzebna do wyciagniecia
        # obrazka z pliku
        self.__colorSpace = None  # przestrzen kolorow ktora chcemy pokazac w osobnym
        # oknie dialogowym (patrz onURL, slownik przestrzeni koloru)
        self.__encoding = None  # kodowanie znakow ktore chcemy pokazac w osobnym
        # oknie dialogowym (patrz onURL, slownik kodowania PDF)
        self.__urlMode = "Image"  # jezeli ma wartosc Image to znaczy, ze w oknie
        # __textCtrl pokazujemy informacje o obrazku i link w nim prowadzi do
        # przestrzeni kolorow, wpp pokazujemy informacje o foncie i link
        # prowadzi do kodowania
        self.__nodes = [
        ]  # lista wezlow obiektu PTree z fontami i obrazkami, indeks
        # na tej liscie jest jednoczesnie informacja przechowywana w itemach
        # wxWidgets bedacych elementami tej kontrolki (patrz metoda show)

    # przygotowujemy sie do wczytania nowego pliku
    def restart(self):
        self.__root = None
        self.__path = None
        self.__colorSpace = None

    def setPath(self, path):
        self.__path = path

    def setFrame(self, frame):
        self.__frame = frame

    def setTextCtrl(self, textCtrl):
        self.__textCtrl = textCtrl

    # kliknieto na link
    # (poniewaz informacje o kodowaniu fontu i przestrzeni kolorow sa zlozone, sa
    # wyswietlane oknie dialogowym otwieranym po kliknieciu w odpowiedni link w
    # __textCtrl)
    def onURL(self, event):
        if self.__urlMode == "Image":  # w __textCtrl pokazujemy informacje o obrazku,
            # a zatem link prowadzi do przestrzeni kolorow
            if self.__colorSpace != None:
                dia = ColourSpaceDialog(self, wx.ID_ANY, "Color space")
                dia.ShowModal()  # pokazujemy przestrzen kolorow
        else:  # wpp pokazujemy informacje o foncie, a zatem link prowadzi do kodowania
            if self.__encoding != None:
                dia = ColourSpaceDialog(self, wx.ID_ANY, "Encoding")
                dia.ShowModal()  # pokazujemy kodowanie

    def setRoot(self, tree):
        self.__root = tree

    # pokazuje slownik zasobow strony o danym identyfikatorze page
    # jezeli seekedNodde != None to chcemy pokazac konkretny font (w zasadzie
    # (por. komentarze do MainWindow.switchTabs i Font.ptreeLink) moznaby od razu
    # wywolywac w MainWindow.switchTabs __showFont, a obecna implementacja to
    # pozostalosc gdy PhysList bylo drzewem i trzeba bylo je odpowiednio rozwijac;
    # powinno sie natomiast dodac jakies zaznaczanie odpowiedniego item wxWidgets
    # w kontrolce PhysList)
    def show(self, page, seekedNode=None):
        if self.__root == None:  # wczytany plik jest plikiem XML i nie ma slownikow
            # zasobow stron
        self.ClearAll()  # czyscimy kontrolke
        self.__nodes = []  # j.w.
        id = 0
        for c in self.__root.children:  # dzieci korzenia PTree to strony
            #print c.data, page
            if c.data == page:  # mamy strone ktorej szukamy
                for cc in c.children:  # dzieci strony to fonty i obrazki (elementy
                    # jej slownika zasobow)
                    #item = wx.ListItem()
                        id, cc.label)  # dodajemy item wxWidgets do
                    # listy
                    #self.SetStringItem(id, 0, cc.label, id)
                                     id)  # wkladamy do niego indeks na liscie
                    # __node - dzieki temu mozemy sie z itema dostac do fontu
                    # lub obrazka ktoremu od odpowiada
                    id += 1
                        cc)  # dodajemy font lub obrazek do listy __nodes
                    if seekedNode == cc:  # tego parametru uzywamy, jezeli metode wywolano
                        # z metody MainWindow.switchTabs, zeby pokazac font po
                        # nacisnieciu na link w MainWindow.__textCtrl
                        self.__showFont(cc)  # pokazujemy font

    # pokazuje dany font w __textCtrl
    # data - obiekt PTree reprezentujacy font
    def __showFont(self, data):
            0)  # potrzebne, wpp caly tekst po kliknieciu
        self.__textCtrl.Clear()  # na link robi sie niebieski
        (result, enc, result2) = self.__processFont(data.data)  # zwraca tekst
        # z informacja o foncie, ktory ma byc wyswietlony, na podstawie
        # obiektu klasy Font (data.data)
        if enc != None:
            self.__urlMode = "Font"  # patrz onURL
            self.__encoding = enc  # zapisuje na __encoding slownik kodowania fontu
            # ktory bedzie widoczny w metodzie onURL

    # kliknieto na jeden z itemow listy
    # pobiera na jego podstawie obiekt PTree odpowiadajacy fontowi lub obrazkowi z
    # listy __nodes i wyswietla w polu __textCtrl
    def __onClick(self, event):
        #print "ON CLICK", event.GetItem(), self.GetItemText(event.GetItem())
        item = event.GetItem()
        #print item.GetData()
        data = self.__nodes[item.GetData()]
        #print ":" + str(item) + ":" + item.GetText()
        if item.GetText(
        )[0:4] == "Imag":  # obrazek, odnosnie warunku patrz pole PTree.label
            #self.__textCtrl.MoveCaret(0, True)
                0)  # potrzebne, wpp po kliknieciu na link
            self.__textCtrl.Clear()  # caly tekst robi sie niebieski
            (text, url, text2, img) = self.__processImage(data.data)
            #self.__textCtrl.SetStyle(rt.RichTextRange(0.0, 10000.0), rt.TextAttrEx())
            if url != None:
                #print "begin"
                self.__urlMode = "Image"  # patrz onURL,
                # self.__colorSpace ustawiane powyzej w metodzie __processImage
                #print url
                #print "end"
        elif item.GetText(
        )[0:4] == "Font":  # font, przekazanie sterowania do metody
            # __showFont ktora zajmie sie fontem, odnosnie warunku patrz pole PTree.label
            )  # chowamy obrazek (bo moze byc po potrzednim
            # obiekcie)

    # wyciaga informacje ze slownika fontu (ktory z kolei wyciaga z obiektu klasy Font)
    # zwraca krotke (tekst do wyswietlenia przed linkiem do kodowania fontu, slownik kodowania fontu,
    # tekst do wyswietlenia po linku do kodowania fontu) jezeli kodowanie fontu jest w
    # postaci slownika lub (tekst do wyswietlenia przed nazwa kodowania fontu z nazwa
    # wlacznie, None, tekst do wyswietlenia po nazwie kodowania fontu) jezeli kodowanie fontu jest
    # w postaci nazwy
    def __processFont(self, font):
        dict = font.dict
        result = u""
        type = literal_name(dict.get("Subtype"))
        name = literal_name_none(dict.get("BaseFont"))
        if name != None:
            fullName = Font.removeSubset(name)
        descr = dict_value_none(dict.get("FontDescriptor"))
        family = None
        stretch = None
        weight = None
        file = None
        type1File = False
        file3 = False
        desName = None
        monospace = False
        serif = False
        symbolic = False
        script = False
        nonsymbolic = False
        italic = False
        allCap = False
        smallCap = False
        if descr != None:
            family = str_value_none(descr.get("FontFamily"))
            stretch = literal_name_none(descr.get("FontStretch"))
            weight = num_value_none(descr.get("FontWeight"))
            file = stream_value_none(descr.get("FontFile2"))
            type1File = descr.get("FontFile1") != None
            file3 = descr.get("FontFile3") != None
            desName = literal_name(descr.get("FontName"))
            if weight >= 700:
                strWeight = "bold"
                strWeight = "normal"
            flags = num_value(descr.get("Flags"))
            if flags == None:
                flags = 0
            monospace = flags & 0x1
            serif = flags & 0x2
            symbolic = flags & 0x4
            script = flags & 0x8
            nonsymbolic = flags & 0x20
            italic = flags & 0x40
            allCap = flags & 0x10000
            smallCap = flags & 0x20000
        encoding = dict.get("Encoding") != None
        if type == "Type0":
            encoding = False
        enc = None
        if encoding:
            dEncoding = dict_value2(dict.get("Encoding"))
            if dEncoding != None:
                enc = dEncoding
                nEncoding = literal_name(dict.get("Encoding"))
        cmap = stream_value_none(dict.get("ToUnicode"))
        if name != None:
            result += "PostScript name: " + fullName + "\n"
            result += "Full name: " + name + "\n"
        if descr != None:
            result += "Descriptor: yes\n"
        elif type == "TrueType" or type == "Type1":
            result += "Descriptor: no\n"
        if desName != None:
            result += "Full name in descriptor : " + desName + "\n"
        if family != None:
            result += "Family: " + family + "\n"
        result += "Type: " + type + "\n"
        if stretch != None:
            result += "Stretch: " + stretch + "\n"
        if weight != None:
            result += "Weight: " + str(weight) + " (" + strWeight + ")\n"
        if descr != None:
            result += "Flags set: "
            useComma = False
            if monospace != 0:
                result += "monspace"
                useComma = True
            if serif != 0:
                if useComma:
                    result += ", "
                result += "serif"
                useComma = True
            if symbolic != 0:
                if useComma:
                    result += ", "
                result += "symbolic"
                useComma = True
            if italic != 0:
                if useComma:
                    result += ", "
                result += "italic"
                useComma = True
            if nonsymbolic != 0:
                if useComma:
                    result += ", "
                result += "nonsymbolic"
                useComma = True
            if script != 0:
                if useComma:
                    result += ", "
                result += "script"
                useComma = True
            if allCap != 0:
                if useComma:
                    result += ", "
                result += "allCap"
                useComma = True
            if smallCap != 0:
                if useComma:
                    result += ", "
                result += "smallCap"
            result += "\n"
        if encoding:
            if enc == None:
                result += "Encoding: " + nEncoding + "\n"
        result2 = ""
        if file3:
            result2 += "Embedded file: non standard (FontFile3)\n"
        if type == "TrueType":
            if file != None:
                result2 += "Embedded file: yes\n"
                result2 += "Embedded file: no\n"
            if file != None:
                sio = StringIO(file.get_data())
                fontFile = TTFontMod(sio)
                #print fontFile.getTableData("name")
                result2 += self.__processNamesTable(fontFile['name'].names)
        elif type == "Type1":
            if type1File:
                result2 += "Embedded file: yes\n"
                result2 += "Embedded file: no\n"
        if cmap != None:
            result2 += "Mapping to unicode:\n"
            unicodeMap = FileUnicodeMap()
            sio = StringIO(cmap.get_data())
            CMapParser(unicodeMap, sio).run()
            i = 0
            for (k, v) in unicodeMap.cid2unichr.iteritems():
                i += 1
                if unicode(v) == "\n":
                    result2 += str(k) + ":\tLF\t" + hex(ord(unicode(v)))
                elif unicode(v) == "\r":
                    result2 += str(k) + ":\tCR\t" + hex(ord(unicode(v)))
                elif unicode(v) == "\t":
                    result2 += str(k) + ":\tTAB\t" + hex(ord(unicode(v)))
                    code = ""
                    j = 0
                    for c in unicode(v):
                        j += 1
                        code += hex(ord(c)) + " "
                    if j == 1 and i % 3 != 0:
                        code += "\t"
                    result2 += str(k) + ":\t" + unicode(v) + "\t" + code
                if i % 3 == 0:
                    result2 += "\n"
                    result2 += "\t\t"
        return (result, enc, result2)

    # wyciaga informacje z tabeli nazw fontu TrueType
    def __processNamesTable(self, names):
        copyright = None
        license = None
        family = None
        style = None
        completeName = None
        psName = None
        tm = None
        licenseURL = None
        winFamily = None
        winStyle = None
        macFamily = None
        res = u""
        for n in names:
            #print n.platformID, n.platEncID, n.langID
            if (n.platformID == 0 or
                (n.platformID == 1 and n.platEncID == 0 and n.langID == 0x0)
                    or (n.platformID == 2 and n.platEncID == 1
                        and n.langID == 0x0409)):
                if (n.platformID == 1):
                    #sys.stderr.write("[" + n.string + "]")
                    #sys.stderr.write("[" + n.string.decode("latin-1") + "]")
                    data = n.string.decode("latin-1")
                    data = uniToString(n.string)
                if len(n.string) == 0:
                if n.nameID == 0:
                    copyright = data
                elif n.nameID == 1:
                    family = data
                elif n.nameID == 13:
                    license = data
                elif n.nameID == 2:
                    style = data
                elif n.nameID == 4:
                    completeName = data
                elif n.nameID == 6:
                    psName = data
                elif n.nameID == 7:
                    tm = data
                elif n.nameID == 14:
                    licenseURL = data
                elif n.nameID == 16:
                    winFamily = data
                elif n.nameID == 17:
                    winStyle = data
                elif n.nameID == 18:
                    macFamily = data
        res += u"Font embedded information:\n"
        if copyright != None:
            res += u"\tCopyright notice: " + copyright + u"\n"
        if license != None:
            res += "\tLicense:\n" + license + "\n"
        if licenseURL != None:
            res += "\tLicense URL: " + licenseURL + "\n"
        if tm != None:
            res += "\tTrademark: " + tm + "\n"
        if family != None:
            res += "\tFamily name: " + family + "\n"
        if style != None:
            res += "\tStyle: " + style + "\n"
        if completeName != None:
            res += "\tComplete name: " + completeName + "\n"
        if psName != None:
            res += "\tPostScript name: " + psName + "\n"
        if winFamily != None:
            res += "\tWindows family name: " + winFamily + "\n"
        if winStyle != None:
            res += "\tWindows style: " + winStyle + "\n"
        if macFamily != None:
            res += "\tMac family name: " + macFamily + "\n"
        return res

    # wyciaga informacje o obrazku ze slownika obrazka
    # znaczenie parametrow - patrz komentarz do pola PTree.data
    # zwraca krotke (tekst do wyswietlenia przed linkiem do przestrzeni kolorow,
    # tekst linka do przestrzeni kolorow, tekst do wyswietlenia po linku do przestrzeni
    # kolorow, obrazek do narysowania przez ImagePanel (obiekt klasy wx.Image)) - jezeli
    # przestrzen kolorow jest skomplikowana i trzeba ja przedstawic w osobnym oknie -
    # - lub krotke (tekst do wyswietlenia przed przestrzenia kolorow i przestrzen kolorow,
    # None, tekst do wyswietlenia po przestrzeni kolorow) - jezeli przestrzen kolorow
    # mozna przedstawic w postaci prostego napisu
    def __processImage(self, (img, page, num, genno)):
        result = ""
        length = num_value(img.get("Length"))
        name = literal_name_none(img.get("Name"))
        filters = None
        filter = None
        if list_value2(img.get("Filter")) != None:
            filters = []
            for f in list_value(img.get("Filter")):
            filter = literal_name_none(img.get("Filter"))
        file = img.get("F")
        width = num_value(img.get("Width"))
        height = num_value(img.get("Height"))
        url = None
        if list_value2(img.get("ColorSpace")) != None:
            colourSpace = literal_name(list_value(img.get("ColorSpace"))[0])
            if colourSpace in ["ICCBased", "Separation", "DeviceN", "Indexed"]:
                url = colourSpace + "\n"
                self.__colorSpace = img.get(
                    "ColorSpace")  # zapamietujemy przestrzen
                # kolorow zeby byla widoczna w metodzie onURL
            elif colourSpace in ["CalGray", "CalRGB", "Lab"]:
                colourSpace += ", " + str(
            colourSpace = literal_name_none(img.get("ColorSpace"))
        bpp = num_value_none(img.get("BitsPerComponent"))
        mask = num_value_none(img.get("ImageMask"))
        intent = literal_name_none(img.get("Intent"))
        if mask != 0 and mask != None:
            result += "Mask\n"
        dict = None
        mode = None
        isMask = mask != 0 and mask != None
        #print page, num, genno, isMask
        if file == None:
            # TODO: D czy pdfimages poradzi sobie z wielokrotnymi filtrami
            (imag, _, _) = getWxImage(self.__path, page, num, genno, isMask,
            # wyciagamy obrazek z pliku (patrz imagextract.py i PDFAUtilitiesCpp)
            imag = None
        exif = ""
        if filter == "DCTDecode" and file == None:  # JPEG
            parser = ImageFile.Parser()
            image = parser.close()
            dict = image.info
            mode = image.mode
            sio = StringIO(img.rawdata)
            exif = extractExif(sio)  # wyciagamy metadane EXIF z obrazka JPEG
        hasMetadata = img.get("Metadata") != None
        if name != None:
            result += "Name: " + name + "\n"
        result += "Length: " + str(length) + "\n"
        if filters != None and len(filters) > 0:
            result += "Filters: "
            result += filters[0]
            for f in filters[1:]:
                result += ", " + filters[1]
            result += "\n"
        if filter != None:
            result += "Filter: " + filter + "\n"
            result += "No filter used\n"
        result += "Dimensions: " + str(width) + "x" + str(height) + "\n"
        if url == None and colourSpace != None:
            result += "Colour space: " + str(colourSpace) + "\n"
        result2 = ""
        if bpp != None:
            result2 += "BPP: " + str(bpp) + "\n"
        if intent != None:
            result2 += "Intent: " + intent + "\n"
        if hasMetadata:
            result2 += "Metadata: yes\n"
            result2 += "Metadata: no\n"
        if dict != None or mode != None or exif != "":
            result2 += "File embedded information:\n"
        if dict != None:
            dict = self.__formatJfif(dict)
            for (k, v) in dict.iteritems():
                result2 += "\t" + str(k) + ": " + str(v) + "\n"
        if exif != "":
            result2 += exif
        if mode != None:
            result2 += "\t" + "Mode: " + str(mode) + "\n"
        if imag == None:
            if file != None:
                result2 += "Image in external file\n"
                result2 += "Image not from this page!\n"  # moze sie zdarzyc, ze
                # slowniki zasobow sa dzielone miedzy wiele stron;
                # wtedy metoda getWxImage zwroci obrazek tylko wtedy, jezeli
                # aktualnie pokazujemy slownik zasobow dla strony na ktorej
                # jest ten obrazek;
                # dla innych stron, mimo ze maja ten sam slownik zasobow,
                # zostanie pokazany ten komunikat
        return (result, url, result2, imag)
예제 #11
 def setColourSpace(self, cs):
     #self.__object = cs
     if list_value2(cs) != None:
         colourSpace = literal_name(list_value(cs)[0])
         self.__control.WriteText("Type: " + colourSpace + "\n")
         if colourSpace == "ICCBased":
             param = stream_value(list_value(cs)[1])
             tmpDict = {}
             if param.get("N") != None:
                 tmpDict.setdefault("N", param.get("N"))
             if param.get("Range") != None:
                 tmpDict.setdefault("Range", param.get("Range"))
             self.__control.WriteText(str(tmpDict) + "\n")
             if list_value2(param.get("Alternate")) == None:
                 if param.get("Alternate") != None:
                         "Alternate color space: " +
                         literal_name(param.get("Alternate")) + "\n")
             if param.get("Alternate") != None:
                 self.__control.WriteText("Alternate color space\n")
                 self.__childObject = param.get("Alternate")
             self.__control.WriteText("ICC profile: " +
                                      hexdump(param.get_data()) + "\n")
         elif colourSpace in ["CalGray", "CalRGB", "Lab"]:
                 str(dict_value(list_value(cs)[1])) + "\n")
         elif colourSpace == "Indexed":
             self.__control.WriteText(colourSpace + "\n")
             self.__control.WriteText("Hival: " + str(list_value(cs)[2]) +
             self.__control.WriteText("Lookup: " + str(list_value(cs)[3]) +
             if list_value2(list_value(cs)[3]) == None:
                 self.__control.WriteText("Base color space: " +
                                          literal_name(list_value(cs)[3]) +
                 self.__control.Writetext("Base color space\n")
                 self.__childObject = list_value(cs)[3]
         elif colourSpace in ["Separation", "DeviceN"]:
             # TODO: E implementacja przestrzeni kolorantow w atrybutach DeviceN
             self.__control.WriteText(colourSpace + "\n")
             self.__control.WriteText("Names: " + str(list_value(cs)[1]) +
             self.__control.WriteText("Tint transform : " +
                                      str(list_value(cs)[3]) + "\n")
             if list_value2(list_value(cs)[2]) == None:
                 self.__control.WriteText("Alternate color space: " +
                                          literal_name(list_value(cs)[2]) +
                 self.__control.Writetext("Alternate color space\n")
                 self.__childObject = list_value(cs)[2]