예제 #1
def install_db(database, db_filepath=None, schema_version=None):
    """Install database. If database already exists, it is first removed."""
    engine1, msg = mysqldb.get_engine(database="", echo=False)
    if engine1 is None:
        print("Invalid MySQL credentials.")
        result2 = mysqldb.drop_create_db(engine1, database)
        if result2 != 0:
            print("Unable to create new, empty database.")
            engine2, msg = mysqldb.get_engine(database=database,
            if engine2 is None:
                print(f"No connection to the {database} database due "
                      "to invalid credentials or database.")
                if db_filepath is not None:
                    mysqldb.install_db(engine2, db_filepath)
                    mysqldb.execute_transaction(engine2, db_schema_0.STATEMENTS)
                    convert_args = ["pdm_utils.run", "convert", database,
                                    "-s", str(schema_version)]
                    convert_db.main(convert_args, engine2)
                # Close up all connections in the connection pool.
        # Close up all connections in the connection pool.
예제 #2
def reinsert_pham_data(new_phams, new_colors, engine):
    Puts pham data back into the database
    :param new_phams:
    :param new_colors:
    :param engine:
    # Colors have to go first, since PhamID column in gene table references
    # PhamID in pham table
    commands = []
    for key in new_colors.keys():
        commands.append(f"INSERT INTO pham (PhamID, Color) VALUES ({key}, "

    mysqldb.execute_transaction(engine, commands)

    commands = []
    for key in new_phams.keys():
        for gene in new_phams[key]:
            commands.append(f"UPDATE gene SET PhamID = {key} WHERE GeneID = '{gene}'")

    mysqldb.execute_transaction(engine, commands)
예제 #3
def install_db(database, db_filepath=None, schema_version=None):
    """Install database. If database already exists, it is first removed."""
    # No need to specify database yet, since it needs to first check if the
    # database exists.

    alchemist1 = AlchemyHandler(database="")
    engine1 = alchemist1.engine
    result = mysqldb_basic.drop_create_db(engine1, database)
    if result != 0:
        print("Unable to create new, empty database.")
        alchemist2 = AlchemyHandler(database=database,
        engine2 = alchemist2.engine
        if engine2 is None:
            print(f"No connection to the {database} database due "
                  "to invalid credentials or database.")
            if db_filepath is not None:
                mysqldb_basic.install_db(engine2, db_filepath)
                mysqldb.execute_transaction(engine2, db_schema_0.STATEMENTS)
                convert_args = [
                    "pdm_utils.run", "convert", database, "-s",
                convert_db.main(convert_args, engine2)
            # Close up all connections in the connection pool.
    # Close up all connections in the connection pool.
예제 #4
def fix_colored_orphams(engine):
    Find any single-member phams which are colored as though they are
    multi-member phams (not #FFFFFF in pham.Color).
    :param engine: sqlalchemy Engine allowing access to the database
    query = "SELECT * FROM (SELECT g.PhamID, COUNT(GeneID) AS count, " \
            "p.Color FROM gene AS g INNER JOIN pham AS p ON g.PhamID " \
            "=p.PhamID GROUP BY PhamID) AS c WHERE Color != '#FFFFFF' " \
            "AND count = 1"

    results = mysqldb_basic.query_dict_list(engine, query)
    print(f"Found {len(results)} non-white orphams...")

    commands = []
    for dictionary in results:
        pham_id = dictionary["PhamID"]
        count = dictionary["count"]
        color = dictionary["Color"]
        new_color = "#FFFFFF"
        commands.append(f"UPDATE pham SET Color = '{new_color}' WHERE "
                        f"PhamID = '{pham_id}'")

    mysqldb.execute_transaction(engine, commands)
예제 #5
def fix_white_phams(engine):
    Find any phams with 2+ members which are colored as though they are
    orphams (#FFFFFF in pham.Color).
    :param engine: sqlalchemy Engine allowing access to the database
    query = "SELECT c.PhamID FROM (SELECT g.PhamID, COUNT(GeneID) AS count, "\
            "p.Color FROM gene AS g INNER JOIN pham AS p ON g.PhamID " \
            "= p.PhamID GROUP BY PhamID) AS c WHERE Color = '#FFFFFF' "\
            "AND count > 1"

    results = mysqldb_basic.query_dict_list(engine, query)
    print(f"Found {len(results)} white phams...")

    commands = []
    for dictionary in results:
        pham_id = dictionary["PhamID"]
        h = s = v = 0
        while h <= 0:
            h = random.random()
        while s < 0.5:
            s = random.random()
        while v < 0.8:
            v = random.random()
        rgb = colorsys.hsv_to_rgb(h, s, v)
        rgb = (rgb[0] * 255, rgb[1] * 255, rgb[2] * 255)
        hexrgb = "#{:02x}{:02x}{:02x}".format(int(rgb[0]), int(rgb[1]),
        new_color = hexrgb.upper()
        commands.append(f"UPDATE pham SET Color = '{new_color}' WHERE "
                        f"PhamID = '{pham_id}'")

    mysqldb.execute_transaction(engine, commands)
예제 #6
def fix_miscolored_phams(engine):
    print("Phixing Phalsely Hued Phams...")
    # Phams which are colored as though they are orphams, when really
    # they are multi-member phams
    query = "SELECT * FROM (SELECT g.PhamID, COUNT(GeneID) AS count, "\
            "p.Color FROM gene AS g INNER JOIN pham AS p ON g.PhamID " \
            "= p.PhamID GROUP BY PhamID) AS c WHERE Color = '#FFFFFF' "\
            "AND count > 1"

    results = mysqldb.query_dict_list(engine, query)

    print(f"Found {len(results)} miscolored phams to fix")

    commands = []
    for dictionary in results:
        pham_id = dictionary["PhamID"]
        count = dictionary["count"]
        color = dictionary["Color"]
        h = s = v = 0
        while h <= 0:
            h = random.random()
        while s < 0.5:
            s = random.random()
        while v < 0.8:
            v = random.random()
        rgb = colorsys.hsv_to_rgb(h, s, v)
        rgb = (rgb[0] * 255, rgb[1] * 255, rgb[2] * 255)
        hexrgb = "#{:02x}{:02x}{:02x}".format(int(rgb[0]), int(rgb[1]),
        new_color = hexrgb
            f"UPDATE pham SET Color = '{new_color}' WHERE PhamID = '{pham_id}'"

    mysqldb.execute_transaction(engine, commands)

    print("Phixing Phalsely Phlagged Orphams...")
    # Phams which are colored as though they are multi-member phams
    # when really they are orphams
    query = "SELECT * FROM (SELECT g.PhamID, COUNT(GeneID) AS count, "\
            "p.Color FROM gene AS g INNER JOIN pham AS p ON g.PhamID "\
            "=p.PhamID GROUP BY PhamID) AS c WHERE Color != '#FFFFFF' "\
            "AND count = 1"

    results = mysqldb.query_dict_list(engine, query)
    print(f"Found {len(results)} miscolored orphams to fix...")

    commands = []
    for dictionary in results:
        pham_id = dictionary["PhamID"]
        count = dictionary["count"]
        color = dictionary["Color"]
        new_color = "#FFFFFF"
            f"UPDATE pham SET Color = '{new_color}' WHERE PhamID = '{pham_id}'"

    mysqldb.execute_transaction(engine, commands)
예제 #7
 def test_execute_transaction_2(self):
     """Valid connection but invalid transaction should return code 1."""
     valid1 = ("INSERT INTO phage "
               "(PhageID, Accession, Name, HostGenus, Sequence, "
               "Length, GC, Status, DateLastModified, "
               "RetrieveRecord, AnnotationAuthor,"
               "Cluster, Subcluster) "
               "VALUES ('D29', 'ABC123', 'L5_Draft', 'Mycobacterium', "
               "'ATCG', 4, 0.5001, 'final', "
               f"'{constants.EMPTY_DATE}', 1, 1, 'A', 'A2');")
     invalid1 = ("INSERT INTO phage "
                 "(PhageID, Accession, Name, HostGenus, Sequence, "
                 "Length, GC, Status, DateLastModified, "
                 "RetrieveRecord, AnnotationAuthor,"
                 "Cluster, Subcluster) "
                 "VALUES ('Trixie', 'ABC123', 'L5_Draft', 'Mycobacterium', "
                 "'ATCG', 4, 0.5001, 'final', "
                 f"'{constants.EMPTY_DATE}', 1, 1, 'A', 'A2');")
     invalid_stmts = [valid1, invalid1]
     return_code, msg = mysqldb.execute_transaction(self.engine,
     query = "SELECT COUNT(PhageID) FROM phage"
     result_list = self.engine.execute(query).fetchall()
     count = result_list[0][0]
     with self.subTest():
         self.assertEqual(count, 1)
     with self.subTest():
         self.assertEqual(return_code, 1)
예제 #8
def convert_schema(engine, actual, dir, steps, verbose=False):
    """Iterate through conversion steps and convert database schema."""
    summary = {}  #Key = conversion step. Value = summary dictionary.
    index = 0
    convert = True
    stop_step = actual
    while (index < len(steps) and convert == True):
        step = steps[index]
        if verbose == True:
            print(f"{dir[:-1].capitalize()}ing to schema version {step}...")
        step_name = get_step_name(dir, step)
        step_dict = get_step_data(step_name)
        commands = step_dict["statements"]
        commands = [i for i in commands if i != ""]
        commands = [i for i in commands if i != "\n"]
        # Try to convert the schema.
        result = mysqldb.execute_transaction(engine, commands)
        if result == 1:
            convert = False
            print("Error encountered while executing MySQL statements.")
        if convert == False:
            print(f"Error: Unable to {dir} schema to version {step}.")
            stop_step = step
            summary[step_name] = step_dict["step_summary_dict"]
        index += 1
    return stop_step, summary
예제 #9
def update_gene_table(phams, engine):
    Updates the gene table with new pham data
    :param phams: new pham gene data
    :type phams: dict
    :param engine: sqlalchemy Engine allowing access to the database
    commands = []

    # We need to issue an update command for each gene in each pham
    for key in phams.keys():
        for gene in phams[key]:
                f"UPDATE gene SET PhamID = {key} WHERE GeneID = '{gene}'")

    mysqldb.execute_transaction(engine, commands)
예제 #10
def update_pham_table(colors, engine):
    Populates the pham table with the new PhamIDs and their colors.
    :param colors: new pham color data
    :type colors: dict
    :param engine: sqlalchemy Engine allowing access to the database
    # First command needs to clear the pham table
    commands = ["DELETE FROM pham"]

    # Then we need to issue insert commands for each pham
    for key in colors.keys():
        commands.append(f"INSERT INTO pham (PhamID, Color) VALUES ({key}, "

    mysqldb.execute_transaction(engine, commands)
예제 #11
 def test_execute_transaction_3(self):
     """Everything ok but no transaction should return 0."""
     return_code, msg = mysqldb.execute_transaction(self.engine)
     self.assertEqual(return_code, 0)
예제 #12
def main(argument_list):
    # Set up the argument parser
    phamerate_parser = setup_argparser()

    # Parse arguments
    args = phamerate_parser.parse_args(argument_list)
    program = args.program
    temp_dir = args.temp_dir

    # Initialize SQLAlchemy engine with database provided at CLI
    engine = mysqldb.connect_to_db(args.db)

    # If we made it past the above connection_status() check, database access
    # works (user at least has SELECT privileges on the indicated database).
    # We'll assume that they also have UPDATE, INSERT, and TRUNCATE privileges.

    # Record start time
    start = datetime.datetime.now()

    # Refresh temp_dir
    if os.path.exists(temp_dir):
        except OSError:
            print(f"Failed to delete existing temp directory '{temp_dir}'")
    except OSError:
        print(f"Failed to create new temp directory '{temp_dir}")

    # Get old pham data and un-phamerated genes
    old_phams = get_pham_geneids(engine)
    old_colors = get_pham_colors(engine)
    unphamerated = get_new_geneids(engine)

    # Get GeneIDs & translations, and translation groups
    genes_and_trans = map_geneids_to_translations(engine)
    translation_groups = map_translations_to_geneids(engine)

    # Write input fasta file
    write_fasta(translation_groups, temp_dir)

    # Create clusterdb and perform clustering
    program_params = get_program_params(program, args)
    create_clusterdb(program, temp_dir)
    phamerate(program_params, program, temp_dir)

    # Parse phameration output
    new_phams = parse_output(program, temp_dir)
    new_phams = reintroduce_duplicates(new_phams, translation_groups,

    # Preserve old pham names and colors
    new_phams, new_colors = preserve_phams(old_phams, new_phams, old_colors,

    # Early exit if we don't have new phams or new colors - avoids
    # overwriting the existing pham data with potentially incomplete new data
    if len(new_phams) == 0 or len(new_colors) == 0:
        print("Failed to parse new pham/color data... Terminating pipeline")

    # If we got past the early exit, we are probably safe to truncate the
    # pham table, and insert the new pham data
    # Clear old pham data - auto commits at end of transaction - this will also
    # set all PhamID values in gene table to NULL
    commands = ["DELETE FROM pham"]
    mysqldb.execute_transaction(engine, commands)

    # Insert new pham/color data
    reinsert_pham_data(new_phams, new_colors, engine)

    # Fix miscolored phams/orphams

    # Close all connections in the connection pool.

    # Record stop time
    stop = datetime.datetime.now()

    # Report phameration elapsed time
    print("Elapsed time: {}".format(str(stop - start)))
예제 #13
def install_db(alchemist,
    Install database. If database already exists, it is first removed.
    :param database: Name of the database to be installed
    :type database: str
    :param db_filepath: Directory for installation
    :type db_filepath: Path
    # No need to specify database yet, since it needs to first check if the
    # database exists.
    engine = alchemist.engine
    result = mysqldb_basic.drop_create_db(engine, database)

    if result != 0:
        if pipeline:
            print("Unable to create new, empty database.\nPlease "
                  "check SQL service status and/or database availability.")

        raise OSError("Unable to create new, empty database.\nPlease "
                      "check SQL service status and/or database availability.")

    alchemist.database = database
    except MySQLDatabaseError:
        if pipeline:
            print(f"No connection to database {database} due "
                  "to invalid credentials and/or database.")

        raise MySQLDatabaseError(f"No connection to database {database} due "
                                 "to invalid credentials and/or database.")

    engine = alchemist.engine

    if db_filepath is not None:
        mysqldb_basic.install_db(engine, db_filepath)
        mysqldb.execute_transaction(engine, db_schema_0.STATEMENTS)

    if schema_version is not None:
        curr_schema_version = mysqldb.get_schema_version(engine)

        if not curr_schema_version == schema_version:
            if verbose:
                print(f"Schema version {curr_schema_version} "
                      "database detected.\nBeginning database conversion to "
                      f"schema version {schema_version}...")
            convert_args = [
                "pdm_utils.run", "convert", database, "-s",
            if verbose:

            if config_file is not None:
                convert_args.extend(["-c", config_file])

