예제 #1
def plot_1D_visibilities(visibilities, model, parameters, params, index=0, \

    # Generate a figure and axes if not provided.

    if fig == None:
        fig, ax = plt.subplots(nrows=1, ncols=1, figsize=(4.5, 4))
        fig, ax = fig

    # Average the high resolution model radially.

    m1d = uv.average(model.visibilities[visibilities["lam"][index]+"_high"], \
            gridsize=10000, binsize=3500, radial=True)

    # Plot the visibilities.

    ax.errorbar(visibilities["data1d"][index].uvdist/1000, \
            visibilities["data1d"][index].amp, \
            fmt="ko", markersize=8, markeredgecolor="k")

    # Plot the best fit model

    ax.plot(m1d.uvdist / 1000, m1d.amp, "g-")

    # Adjust the plot and add axes labels.


    ax.set_xscale("log", nonposx='clip')

    ax.set_xlabel("Baseline [k$\lambda$]")
    ax.set_ylabel("Amplitude [Jy]")

    # Return the figure and axes.

    return fig, ax
    # Center the data. => need to update!

    data = uv.center(data, [visibilities["x0"][j], visibilities["y0"][j], 1.])

    # Add the data to the dictionary structure.


    # Scale the weights of the visibilities to force them to be fit well.

    visibilities["data"][j].weights *= visibilities["weight"][j]

    # Average the visibilities radially.

    visibilities["data1d"].append(uv.average(data, gridsize=20, radial=True, \
            log=True, logmin=data.uvdist[numpy.nonzero(data.uvdist)].min()*\
            0.95, logmax=data.uvdist.max()*1.05, mode="spectralline"))

    # Read in the image.


# Read in the images.

for j in range(len(images["file"])):

예제 #3
u = numpy.linspace(100.,1.5e7,10000)
v = numpy.repeat(0.001,10000)

t1 = time.time()
vis = uv.interpolate_model(u, v, numpy.array([2.3e11]), m.images["image"], \
        code="trift", dRA=0., dDec=0., nthreads=4)
t2 = time.time()
print(t2 - t1)

# Do a high resolution model to compare with.

m.run_visibilities(name="image", nphot=1e5, npix=1024, \
        pixelsize=8*25./1024, lam="1000", phi=0, incl=0, code="radmc3d", \
        dpc=100, verbose=False, nostar=True)

m.visibilities["image"] = uv.average(m.visibilities["image"], \
        gridsize=1000000, binsize=1000, radial=True)

# Finally, plot the visibilities.

plt.loglog(u/1e3, vis.amp*1000, "k-", \
        label="Unstructured Fourier Transform, $N_{{pix}} = {0:d}^2$".format(\

plt.plot(m.visibilities["image"].u/1e3, m.visibilities["image"].amp*1000, \
        "r-", label="Traditional Image, $N_{pix} = 1024^2$")

plt.xlabel("u [k$\lambda$]", fontsize=14)
plt.ylabel(r"F$_{\nu}$ [mJy]", fontsize=14)

plt.legend(loc="lower left")
# Get the time for each number of pixels.

times = []
npix_arr = [32, 64, 128, 256, 512, 1024, 2048]
pixelsize_arr = [25 / npix for npix in npix_arr]

for npix in npix_arr:
    t1 = time.time()
    m.run_visibilities(name="image"+str(npix), nphot=1e5, npix=npix, \
            pixelsize=25./npix, lam="1000", phi=0, incl=0, code="radmc3d", \
            dpc=100, verbose=False, nostar=True)
    t2 = time.time()

    times.append(t2 - t1)

    m.visibilities["image"+str(npix)] = uv.average(m.visibilities["image"+\
            str(npix)], gridsize=1000000, binsize=1000, radial=True)

# Now make the plot.

plt.loglog(npix_arr, times, "k.-", label="Traditional Image")
plt.plot(trift_npix, trift_time, "o", label="Unstructured Image")

plt.xlabel("$\sqrt{N_{pix}}$", fontsize=14)
plt.ylabel("Time (s)", fontsize=14)



plt.subplots_adjust(right=0.98, top=0.98, bottom=0.15, left=0.15)