thisPeer = Peer(, args.IP, args.port, args.limit) thisPeer.addResource(, + ' is interactive peer') while True: do = input() # PEERS match = re.match("plist", do) if match: pprint.pprint(thisPeer.listPeers()) continue match = re.match("hello", do) if match: thisPeer.multicast() thisPeer.startListeningForMulticast() thisPeer.startFindingNeighbours() thisPeer.startLookingForDeadNeighbours() continue match = re.match(r"hello\s((\d+\.\d+\.\d+\.\d+\:\d+)|localhost\:\d+)", do) if match: thisPeer.sayHello( thisPeer.multicast() thisPeer.startListeningForMulticast() thispeer.startFindingNeighbours() thisPeer.startLookingForDeadNeighbours() continue
#!/usr/bin/python3 from peer import Peer import random import argparse parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Setup Script') parser.add_argument('-peers', type=int, help='Number of peers to set up', default=30) parser.add_argument('-late', type=float, help='Artificial Latency in RPC requests', default=.0) args = parser.parse_args() numberOfPeers = args.peers names = ['P'+str(x) for x in range(numberOfPeers)] IP = 'localhost' ports = [10000+x for x in range(numberOfPeers)] for (i,name) in enumerate(names): limit = 3 while random.choice([True, True, True, False]): limit += 1 peer = Peer(name, IP, ports[i], str(limit), args.late) peer.addResource(name, name + " iz best peer") peer.multicast() peer.startListeningForMulticast() peer.startFindingNeighbours() peer.startLookingForDeadNeighbours() peer.startSendingCoverTraffic() input('>')