def test_pot_wrapper(self): from pele.angleaxis import _cpp_aa from pele.potentials import LJ rbpot_cpp = _cpp_aa.RBPotentialWrapper(self.topology, LJ()) rbpot = RBPotentialWrapper(self.topology, LJ()) self.assertAlmostEqual(rbpot_cpp.getEnergy(self.x0), rbpot.getEnergy(self.x0), 4) e1, grad1 = rbpot_cpp.getEnergyGradient(self.x0) e2, grad2 = rbpot.getEnergyGradient(self.x0) self.assertAlmostEqual(e1, e2, 4) for g1, g2 in zip(grad1, grad2): self.assertAlmostEqual(g1, g2, 3)
class TestOTPExplicit(unittest.TestCase): def setUp(self): nrigid = 3 self.topology = RBTopology() self.topology.add_sites([make_otp() for i in range(nrigid)]) self.topology.finalize_setup() cartesian_potential = LJ() self.pot = RBPotentialWrapper(self.topology, cartesian_potential) self.x0 = _x03 self.x0 = np.array(self.x0) self.e0 = -17.3387670023 assert nrigid * 6 == self.x0.size self.x0atomistic = _x03_atomistic self.nrigid = nrigid def test_energy(self): e = self.pot.getEnergy(self.x0) self.assertAlmostEqual(e, self.e0, delta=1e-4) def test_energy_gradient(self): e = self.pot.getEnergy(self.x0) gnum = self.pot.NumericalDerivative(self.x0) e2, g = self.pot.getEnergyGradient(self.x0) self.assertAlmostEqual(e, e2, delta=1e-4) for i in range(g.size): self.assertAlmostEqual(g[i], gnum[i], 2) def test_to_atomistic(self): xatom = self.topology.to_atomistic(self.x0).flatten() for i in range(xatom.size): self.assertAlmostEqual(xatom[i], self.x0atomistic[i], 2) def test_site_to_atomistic(self): rf = make_otp() p = np.array([1., 2, 3]) p /= np.linalg.norm(p) com = np.array([4., 5, 6]) print("otp to atomistic") print(rf.to_atomistic(com, p)) print("otp transform grad") g = np.array(list(range(9)), dtype=float).reshape([-1, 3]) print(g.reshape(-1)) print(rf.transform_grad(p, g)) def test_to_atomistic2(self): x0 = np.array(list(range(self.nrigid * 6)), dtype=float) x2 = x0.reshape([-1, 3]) for p in x2[self.nrigid:, :]: p /= np.linalg.norm(p) atomistic = self.topology.to_atomistic(x0).flatten() from pele.potentials import LJ lj = LJ() e, g = lj.getEnergyGradient(atomistic.reshape(-1)) grb = self.topology.transform_gradient(x0, g) rbpot = RBPotentialWrapper(self.topology, lj) print(rbpot.getEnergy(x0))
class TestOTPExplicit(unittest.TestCase): def make_otp(self): """this constructs a single OTP molecule""" otp = RigidFragment() otp.add_atom("O", np.array([0.0, -2. / 3 * np.sin(7. * pi / 24.), 0.0]), 1.) otp.add_atom( "O", np.array([cos(7. * pi / 24.), 1. / 3. * sin(7. * pi / 24.), 0.0]), 1.) otp.add_atom( "O", np.array([-cos(7. * pi / 24.), 1. / 3. * sin(7. * pi / 24), 0.0]), 1.) otp.finalize_setup() return otp def setUp(self): nrigid = 3 self.topology = RBTopology() self.topology.add_sites([self.make_otp() for i in xrange(nrigid)]) self.topology.finalize_setup() cartesian_potential = LJ() self.pot = RBPotentialWrapper(self.topology, cartesian_potential) self.x0 = _x03 self.x0 = np.array(self.x0) self.e0 = -17.3387670023 assert nrigid * 6 == self.x0.size self.x0atomistic = _x03_atomistic self.nrigid = nrigid def test_energy(self): e = self.pot.getEnergy(self.x0) self.assertAlmostEqual(e, self.e0, delta=1e-4) def test_energy_gradient(self): e = self.pot.getEnergy(self.x0) gnum = self.pot.NumericalDerivative(self.x0) e2, g = self.pot.getEnergyGradient(self.x0) self.assertAlmostEqual(e, e2, delta=1e-4) for i in xrange(g.size): self.assertAlmostEqual(g[i], gnum[i], 2) def test_to_atomistic(self): xatom = self.topology.to_atomistic(self.x0).flatten() for i in xrange(xatom.size): self.assertAlmostEqual(xatom[i], self.x0atomistic[i], 2) def test_site_to_atomistic(self): rf = self.make_otp() p = np.array([1., 2, 3]) p /= np.linalg.norm(p) com = np.array([4., 5, 6]) print "otp to atomistic" print rf.to_atomistic(com, p) print "otp transform grad" g = np.array(range(9), dtype=float).reshape([-1, 3]) print g.reshape(-1) print rf.transform_grad(p, g) def test_to_atomistic2(self): x0 = np.array(range(self.nrigid * 6), dtype=float) x2 = x0.reshape([-1, 3]) for p in x2[self.nrigid:, :]: p /= np.linalg.norm(p) atomistic = self.topology.to_atomistic(x0).flatten() from pele.potentials import LJ lj = LJ() e, g = lj.getEnergyGradient(atomistic.reshape(-1)) grb = self.topology.transform_gradient(x0, g) rbpot = RBPotentialWrapper(self.topology, lj) print rbpot.getEnergy(x0)
class TestOTPExplicit(unittest.TestCase): def setUp(self): nrigid = 3 self.topology = RBTopology() self.topology.add_sites([make_otp() for i in range(nrigid)]) self.topology.finalize_setup() cartesian_potential = LJ() self.pot = RBPotentialWrapper(self.topology, cartesian_potential) self.x0 = _x03 self.x0 = np.array(self.x0) self.e0 = -17.3387670023 assert nrigid * 6 == self.x0.size self.x0atomistic = _x03_atomistic self.nrigid = nrigid def test_energy(self): e = self.pot.getEnergy(self.x0) self.assertAlmostEqual(e, self.e0, delta=1e-4) def test_energy_gradient(self): e = self.pot.getEnergy(self.x0) gnum = self.pot.NumericalDerivative(self.x0) e2, g = self.pot.getEnergyGradient(self.x0) self.assertAlmostEqual(e, e2, delta=1e-4) for i in range(g.size): self.assertAlmostEqual(g[i], gnum[i], 2) def test_to_atomistic(self): xatom = self.topology.to_atomistic(self.x0).flatten() for i in range(xatom.size): self.assertAlmostEqual(xatom[i], self.x0atomistic[i], 2) def test_site_to_atomistic(self): rf = make_otp() p = np.array([1., 2, 3]) p /= np.linalg.norm(p) com = np.array([4., 5, 6]) print("otp to atomistic") print(rf.to_atomistic(com, p)) print("otp transform grad") g = np.array(list(range(9)), dtype=float).reshape([-1,3]) print(g.reshape(-1)) print(rf.transform_grad(p, g)) def test_to_atomistic2(self): x0 = np.array(list(range(self.nrigid * 6)), dtype=float) x2 = x0.reshape([-1,3]) for p in x2[self.nrigid:,:]: p /= np.linalg.norm(p) atomistic = self.topology.to_atomistic(x0).flatten() from pele.potentials import LJ lj = LJ() e, g = lj.getEnergyGradient(atomistic.reshape(-1)) grb = self.topology.transform_gradient(x0, g) rbpot = RBPotentialWrapper(self.topology, lj) print(rbpot.getEnergy(x0))
class TestOTP(unittest.TestCase): def make_otp(self): """this constructs a single OTP molecule""" otp = RigidFragment() otp.add_atom("O", np.array([0.0, -2./3 * np.sin( 7.*pi/24.), 0.0]), 1.) otp.add_atom("O", np.array([cos( 7.*pi/24.), 1./3. * sin( 7.* pi/24.), 0.0]), 1.) otp.add_atom("O", np.array([-cos( 7.* pi/24.), 1./3. * sin( 7.*pi/24), 0.0]), 1.) otp.finalize_setup() print "otp" print otp.atom_positions return otp def setUp(self): nrigid = 3 self.topology = RBTopology() self.topology.add_sites([self.make_otp() for i in xrange(nrigid)]) cartesian_potential = LJ() self.pot = RBPotentialWrapper(self.topology, cartesian_potential) self.x0 = [2.550757898788, 2.591553038507, 3.696836364193, 2.623281513163, 3.415794212648, 3.310786279789, 1.791383852327, 2.264321752809, 4.306217333671, 0.761945654023, -0.805817782109, 1.166981882601, 0.442065301864, -2.747066418223, -1.784325262714, -1.520905562598, 0.403670860200, -0.729768985400, ] self.x0 = np.array(self.x0) self.e0 = -17.3387670023 assert nrigid * 6 == self.x0.size self.x0atomistic = [ 3.064051819556, 2.474533745459, 3.646107658946, 2.412011983074, 2.941152759499, 4.243695098053, 2.176209893734, 2.358972610563, 3.200706335581, 2.786627589565, 3.211876105193, 2.850924310983, 1.962626909252, 3.436918873216, 3.370903763850, 3.120590040673, 3.598587659535, 3.710530764535, 1.697360211099, 2.317229950712, 4.823998989452, 2.283487958310, 1.840698306602, 4.168734267290, 1.393303387573, 2.635037001113, 3.925918744272, ] self.nrigid = nrigid def test_energy(self): e = self.pot.getEnergy(self.x0) self.assertAlmostEqual(e, self.e0, delta=1e-4) def test_energy_gradient(self): e = self.pot.getEnergy(self.x0) gnum = self.pot.NumericalDerivative(self.x0) e2, g = self.pot.getEnergyGradient(self.x0) self.assertAlmostEqual(e, e2, delta=1e-4) for i in xrange(g.size): self.assertAlmostEqual(g[i], gnum[i], 2) def test_to_atomistic(self): xatom = self.topology.to_atomistic(self.x0).flatten() for i in xrange(xatom.size): self.assertAlmostEqual(xatom[i], self.x0atomistic[i], 2) def test_site_to_atomistic(self): rf = self.make_otp() p = np.array([1., 2, 3]) p /= np.linalg.norm(p) com = np.array([4., 5, 6]) print "otp to atomistic" print rf.to_atomistic(com, p) print "otp transform grad" g = np.array(range(9), dtype=float).reshape([-1,3]) print g.reshape(-1) print rf.transform_grad(p, g) def test_to_atomistic2(self): x0 = np.array(range(self.nrigid * 6), dtype=float); x2 = x0.reshape([-1,3]) for p in x2[self.nrigid:,:]: p /= np.linalg.norm(p); print x0 print "range to atomistic" print x0 atomistic = self.topology.to_atomistic(x0).flatten() print atomistic print atomistic.size print atomistic[14] print atomistic[23] from pele.potentials import LJ lj = LJ() e, g = lj.getEnergyGradient(atomistic.reshape(-1)) grb = self.topology.transform_gradient(x0, g); print "transformed gradient" print grb print "rbpotential" rbpot = RBPotentialWrapper(self.topology, lj); print rbpot.getEnergy(x0);
class TestOTPExplicit(unittest.TestCase): def make_otp(self): """this constructs a single OTP molecule""" otp = RigidFragment() otp.add_atom("O", np.array([0.0, -2./3 * np.sin( 7.*pi/24.), 0.0]), 1.) otp.add_atom("O", np.array([cos( 7.*pi/24.), 1./3. * sin( 7.* pi/24.), 0.0]), 1.) otp.add_atom("O", np.array([-cos( 7.* pi/24.), 1./3. * sin( 7.*pi/24), 0.0]), 1.) otp.finalize_setup() return otp def setUp(self): nrigid = 3 self.topology = RBTopology() self.topology.add_sites([self.make_otp() for i in xrange(nrigid)]) self.topology.finalize_setup() cartesian_potential = LJ() self.pot = RBPotentialWrapper(self.topology, cartesian_potential) self.x0 = _x03 self.x0 = np.array(self.x0) self.e0 = -17.3387670023 assert nrigid * 6 == self.x0.size self.x0atomistic = _x03_atomistic self.nrigid = nrigid def test_energy(self): e = self.pot.getEnergy(self.x0) self.assertAlmostEqual(e, self.e0, delta=1e-4) def test_energy_gradient(self): e = self.pot.getEnergy(self.x0) gnum = self.pot.NumericalDerivative(self.x0) e2, g = self.pot.getEnergyGradient(self.x0) self.assertAlmostEqual(e, e2, delta=1e-4) for i in xrange(g.size): self.assertAlmostEqual(g[i], gnum[i], 2) def test_to_atomistic(self): xatom = self.topology.to_atomistic(self.x0).flatten() for i in xrange(xatom.size): self.assertAlmostEqual(xatom[i], self.x0atomistic[i], 2) def test_site_to_atomistic(self): rf = self.make_otp() p = np.array([1., 2, 3]) p /= np.linalg.norm(p) com = np.array([4., 5, 6]) print "otp to atomistic" print rf.to_atomistic(com, p) print "otp transform grad" g = np.array(range(9), dtype=float).reshape([-1,3]) print g.reshape(-1) print rf.transform_grad(p, g) def test_to_atomistic2(self): x0 = np.array(range(self.nrigid * 6), dtype=float) x2 = x0.reshape([-1,3]) for p in x2[self.nrigid:,:]: p /= np.linalg.norm(p) atomistic = self.topology.to_atomistic(x0).flatten() from pele.potentials import LJ lj = LJ() e, g = lj.getEnergyGradient(atomistic.reshape(-1)) grb = self.topology.transform_gradient(x0, g) rbpot = RBPotentialWrapper(self.topology, lj) print rbpot.getEnergy(x0)