db = system.create_database() pot = system.get_potential() bh = system.get_basinhopping(database=db) bh.run(50) min1 = db.minima()[0] coords = min1.coords print() print("Done with basinghopping, performing frequency analysis") print() #min1 = db.transition_states()[0] # determine point group order of system determine_pgorder = PointGroupOrderCluster(system.get_compare_exact()) pgorder = determine_pgorder(min1.coords) # free energy from symmetry Fpg = old_div(np.log(pgorder), beta) # get the hession e, g, hess = pot.getEnergyGradientHessian(min1.coords) # TODO: go to reduced coordinates here # get the eigenvalues freqs2 = normalmode_frequencies(hess) # analyze eigenvalues n, lnf = logproduct_freq2(freqs2, 6) Ffrq = (n * np.log(beta) + 0.5 * lnf / beta)
open a dialog box to change the parameters """ if checked is None: return if not hasattr(self, "_paramsdlg"): self._paramsdlg = DlgParams(self._params, parent=self) self._paramsdlg.show() if __name__ == "__main__": from OpenGL.GLUT import glutInit import sys glutInit() app = QtGui.QApplication(sys.argv) from pele.systems import LJCluster natoms = 13 system = LJCluster(natoms) system.params.double_ended_connect.local_connect_params.NEBparams.iter_density = 5. x1, e1 = system.get_random_minimized_configuration()[:2] db = system.create_database() match = system.get_compare_exact() min1 = db.addMinimum(e1, x1) com = match.measure.get_com(x1) match.transform.translate(x1, -com) wnd = NormalmodeBrowser(app=app, system=system) wnd.set_coords(x1) wnd.show() sys.exit(app.exec_())
pot = system.get_potential() bh = system.get_basinhopping(database=db) bh.run(50) min1 = db.minima()[0] coords = min1.coords print print "Done with basinghopping, performing frequency analysis" print #min1 = db.transition_states()[0] # determine point group order of system determine_pgorder = PointGroupOrderCluster(system.get_compare_exact()) pgorder = determine_pgorder(min1.coords) # free energy from symmetry Fpg = np.log(pgorder)/beta # get the hession e, g, hess = pot.getEnergyGradientHessian(min1.coords) # TODO: go to reduced coordinates here # get the eigenvalues freqs2 = normalmode_frequencies(hess) # analyze eigenvalues n, lnf = logproduct_freq2(freqs2, 6) Ffrq = (n*np.log(beta) + 0.5*lnf /beta)