예제 #1
    def test_undefined_stereo(self):
        It checks the behaviour when ignoring the stereochemistry
        in the Molecule initialization.
        from openff.toolkit.utils.toolkits import UndefinedStereochemistryError
        from peleffy.forcefield import OpenForceField

        # This should crash due to an undefined stereochemistry error
        with pytest.raises(UndefinedStereochemistryError):
            mol = Molecule(smiles='CN(C)CCC=C1c2ccccc2CCc3c1cccc3',

        # This now should work
        mol = Molecule(smiles='CN(C)CCC=C1c2ccccc2CCc3c1cccc3',

        # And we can parameterize it
        ff = OpenForceField('openff_unconstrained-1.2.1.offxml')
        ff.parameterize(mol, charge_method='gasteiger')

        # Save it
        with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as tmpdir:
            with temporary_cd(tmpdir):
예제 #2
    def test_writer_OFF(self):
        It tests the writer attribute of the Impact class using OFF
        to parameterize.

        TEMPLATE_METZ = get_data_file_path('tests/metz')
        TEMPLATE_MATZ = get_data_file_path('tests/malz')
        TEMPLATE_ETLZ = get_data_file_path('tests/etlz')

        with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as tmpdir:
            with temporary_cd(tmpdir):
                # Generates the template for methane
                pdb_path = get_data_file_path('ligands/methane.pdb')
                molecule = Molecule(pdb_path)
                openff = OpenForceField(self.OPENFF_FORCEFIELD)
                parameters = openff.parameterize(molecule)
                topology = Topology(molecule, parameters)

                # Generates the impact template for methane
                impact = Impact(topology)

                # Compare the reference template and the generated template
                compare_files(file1=TEMPLATE_METZ, file2='metz')

                # Generates the template for malonate
                pdb_path = get_data_file_path('ligands/malonate.pdb')
                molecule = Molecule(pdb_path)
                openff = OpenForceField(self.OPENFF_FORCEFIELD)
                parameters = openff.parameterize(molecule)
                topology = Topology(molecule, parameters)

                # Generates the impact template for malonate
                impact = Impact(topology)

                # Compare the reference template and the generated template
                compare_files(file1=TEMPLATE_MATZ, file2='malz')

                # Generates the template for ethylene
                pdb_path = get_data_file_path('ligands/ethylene.pdb')
                molecule = Molecule(
                    pdb_path, tag='ETL'
                )  # Note that in this case we are assigning a tag to the molecule which will be used in the Impact template
                openff = OpenForceField(self.OPENFF_FORCEFIELD)
                parameters = openff.parameterize(molecule)
                topology = Topology(molecule, parameters)

                # Generates the impact template for ethylene
                impact = Impact(topology)

                # Compare the reference template and the generated template
                compare_files(file1=TEMPLATE_ETLZ, file2='etlz')
예제 #3
    def test_get_all_childs_of_atom(self):
        It tests the _get_all_childs_of_atom method used in the building
        process of the Impact template.

        LIGAND_PATH = get_data_file_path('ligands/malonate.pdb')
        FORCEFIELD_NAME = 'openff_unconstrained-1.2.1.offxml'

        molecule = Molecule(LIGAND_PATH)

        openff = OpenForceField(FORCEFIELD_NAME)

        parameters = openff.parameterize(molecule, charge_method='dummy')

        topology = Topology(molecule, parameters)

        impact = Impact(topology)

        absolute_parent = impact._get_absolute_parent_atom()

        childs = impact._get_all_childs_of_atom(absolute_parent, 'side chain')

        assert [a.PDB_name for a in childs] == \
            ['_C1_', '_C3_'], \
            'Unexpected side-chain-child atoms: {}'.format(childs)

        childs = impact._get_all_childs_of_atom(absolute_parent, 'core')

        assert [a.PDB_name for a in childs] == \
            ['_H1_', '_H2_'], \
            'Unexpected core-child atoms: {}'.format(childs)
예제 #4
    def _initialize_from_topology(self):
        Initializes a SolventWrapper object using a peleffy's
        molecular Topology.
        logger = Logger()
        logger.info(' - Generating solvent parameters')

        from peleffy.utils.toolkits import OpenForceFieldToolkitWrapper

        off_toolkit = OpenForceFieldToolkitWrapper()
        GBSA_handler = off_toolkit.get_parameter_handler_from_forcefield(
            'GBSA', self._ff_file)

        self._solvent_dielectric = GBSA_handler.solvent_dielectric
        self._solute_dielectric = GBSA_handler.solute_dielectric
        self._surface_area_penalty = GBSA_handler.surface_area_penalty
        self._solvent_radius = GBSA_handler.solvent_radius

        from peleffy.forcefield import OpenForceField

        forcefield = OpenForceField(self._ff_file)

        for idx, topology in enumerate(self.topologies):
            parameters = forcefield.parameterize(topology.molecule,
            self._radii[idx] = parameters['GBSA_radii']
            self._scales[idx] = parameters['GBSA_scales']
예제 #5
    def test_single_topology(self):
        It tests the class that generates a OpenFFCompatibleSolvent object for
        a single topology.
        from .utils import compare_dicts
        import json

        TEMPLATE_PARAMS_MAL = get_data_file_path('tests/ligandParams_MAL.txt')

        # Loads the  molecule
        molecule = Molecule(path=get_data_file_path('ligands/malonate.pdb'),

        # Sets forcefield and parameterizes it
        ff = OpenForceField('openff_unconstrained-1.2.1.offxml')
        parameters = ff.parameterize(molecule, charge_method='gasteiger')

        # Initializes topology
        topology = Topology(molecule, parameters)

        # Initializes solvent and gets parameters file
        solvent = OBC2(topology)
        solvent_dict = solvent.to_dict()

        # Loads reference dict from template
        with open(TEMPLATE_PARAMS_MAL, 'r') as f:
            reference_dict = json.load(f)

        # Compare the output parameters dict with the reference parameters
        compare_dicts(reference_dict, solvent_dict)
예제 #6
    def test_parameterizer(self):
        """It checks the parameterized method."""

        from peleffy.topology import Molecule
        from peleffy.forcefield import OpenForceField
        from peleffy.utils import (get_data_file_path,
        from .utils import compare_dicts
        import json

        # Load molecule 1
        molecule = Molecule(get_data_file_path('ligands/methane.pdb'))
        openff = OpenForceField(self.FORCE_FIELD_NAME)

        # Obtain force field parameters
        parameters = openff.parameterize(molecule)

        writable_parameters = convert_all_quantities_to_string(parameters)

        reference_file = get_data_file_path(

        with open(reference_file) as f:
            compare_dicts(writable_parameters, json.load(f))

        # Load molecule
        molecule = Molecule(get_data_file_path('ligands/ethylene.pdb'))
        openff = OpenForceField(self.FORCE_FIELD_NAME)

        # Obtain force field parameters
        parameters = openff.parameterize(molecule)

        writable_parameters = convert_all_quantities_to_string(parameters)

        reference_file = get_data_file_path(

        with open(reference_file) as f:
            compare_dicts(writable_parameters, json.load(f))
예제 #7
    def test_multiple_topologies(self):
        It tests the class that generates a OpenFFCompatibleSolvent object for
        multiple topologies.
        from .utils import compare_dicts, merge_dicts

        # Path to multiple non standard residues
        pdb_path_MAL = get_data_file_path('ligands/malonate.pdb')
        pdb_path_MET = get_data_file_path('ligands/methane.pdb')

        # Force Field to parameterize the molecules
        ff = OpenForceField('openff_unconstrained-1.2.1.offxml')

        # Topology of malonate
        mol_MAL = Molecule(path=pdb_path_MAL, tag='MAL')
        parameters_MAL = ff.parameterize(mol_MAL, charge_method='gasteiger')
        topology_MAL = Topology(mol_MAL, parameters_MAL)

        # Topology of methane
        mol_MET = Molecule(path=pdb_path_MET, tag='MET')
        parameters_MET = ff.parameterize(mol_MET, charge_method='gasteiger')
        topology_MET = Topology(mol_MET, parameters_MET)

        # List containing both topologies
        topologies = [topology_MAL, topology_MET]

        # Generate the Solvent parameters dictionaries
        solvent_MAL_dict = OBC2(topology_MAL).to_dict()
        solvent_MET_dict = OBC2(topology_MET).to_dict()
        solvent_dict = OBC2(topologies).to_dict()

        # Check that merging both single topology dicitionaries we obtain the
        # same dictionary that using multiple topologies
예제 #8
    def test_add_topological_elements(self):
        It tests the addition of topological elements to an empty

        from peleffy.topology import Molecule
        from peleffy.forcefield import OpenForceField
        from peleffy.forcefield.parameters import BaseParameterWrapper
        from peleffy.topology import Topology
        from peleffy.utils import get_data_file_path

        # Define molecule1 and its topology
        pdb_path = get_data_file_path('ligands/ethylene.pdb')
        molecule1 = Molecule(pdb_path)
        openff = OpenForceField('openff_unconstrained-1.2.1.offxml')
        parameters1 = openff.parameterize(molecule1)
        topology1 = Topology(molecule1, parameters1)

        # Define empty topology2
        molecule2 = Molecule()
        parameters2 = BaseParameterWrapper()
        topology2 = Topology(molecule2, parameters2)

        # Add parameters to topology2
        for atom in topology1.atoms:
        for bond in topology1.bonds:
        for angle in topology1.angles:
        for proper in topology1.propers:
        for improper in topology1.impropers:

        # Verify content of both topologies
        assert topology1.atoms == topology2.atoms, \
            'The atoms of boths topologies should match'
        assert topology1.bonds == topology2.bonds, \
            'The bonds of boths topologies should match'
        assert topology1.angles == topology2.angles, \
            'The angles of boths topologies should match'
        assert topology1.propers == topology2.propers, \
            'The propers of boths topologies should match'
        assert topology1.impropers == topology2.impropers, \
            'The impropers of boths topologies should match'
예제 #9
    def test_multiple_topologies_writer(self):
        It tests the class that generates a OpenFFCompatibleSolvent object for multiple topologies. It compares the outcome of the Solvent writer with
        a reference file.
        from .utils import compare_dicts, parameterize_opls2005
        import json

        TEMPLATE_PARAMS = get_data_file_path('tests/ligandParams.txt')

        with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as tmpdir:
            with temporary_cd(tmpdir):
                path_OXO = get_data_file_path('tests/MRO_oleic/OXO.pdb')
                path_OLC = get_data_file_path('tests/MRO_oleic/OLC.pdb')

                ff = OpenForceField('openff_unconstrained-1.2.1.offxml')
                opls2005 = OPLS2005ForceField()

                # Group OXO
                m_OXO = Molecule(path_OXO)
                ffld_file = get_data_file_path('tests/OXO_ffld_output.txt')
                parameters_OXO = parameterize_opls2005(opls2005, m_OXO,
                topology_OXO = Topology(m_OXO, parameters_OXO)

                # Acid oleic
                m_OLC = Molecule(path_OLC)
                parameters_OLC = ff.parameterize(m_OLC,
                topology_OLC = Topology(m_OLC, parameters_OLC)

                # Multiple topologies
                topologies = [topology_OXO, topology_OLC]
                solvent = OBC2(topologies)

                # Loads reference dict from template
                with open(TEMPLATE_PARAMS, 'r') as f:
                    reference_dict = json.load(f)

                # Loads the generated template into a dict
                with open('OBC_parameters.txt', 'r') as f:
                    solvent_dict = json.load(f)

                # Compare the output parameters dict with the reference parameters
                compare_dicts(reference_dict, solvent_dict)
예제 #10
 def __get_template_and_rot(self, template_path='grw', rot_path='GRW.rot.assign', rot_res=30):
     os.environ['SCHRODINGER'] = self.sch_path
     m = Molecule(self.ligand_pdb, 
                  core_constraints=[' CA ', ' C  ', ' N  '],
     if self.__forcefield == 'OPLS2005':
         ff = OPLS2005ForceField()
     if self.__forcefield == 'OpenForceField': # Not tested yet
         ff = OpenForceField('openff_unconstrained-1.2.0.offxml') 
     parameters = ff.parameterize(m)
     topology = Topology(m, parameters)
     impact = Impact(topology)
     aa_template = self.__create_aa_template_path()  
     cov.correct_template(template_path, aa_template)
     print("Template modified in {}.".format(template_path))
     rotamer_library = RotamerLibrary(m)
     print("Rotamer library stored in {}".format(rot_path))
예제 #11
    def test_get_absolute_parent_atom(self):
        It tests the _get_absolute_parent_atom method used in the building
        process of the Impact template.

        LIGAND_PATH = get_data_file_path('ligands/malonate.pdb')
        FORCEFIELD_NAME = 'openff_unconstrained-1.2.1.offxml'

        molecule = Molecule(LIGAND_PATH)

        openff = OpenForceField(FORCEFIELD_NAME)

        parameters = openff.parameterize(molecule, charge_method='dummy')

        topology = Topology(molecule, parameters)

        impact = Impact(topology)

        absolute_parent = impact._get_absolute_parent_atom()

        assert absolute_parent.PDB_name == '_C2_', \
            'Unexpected absolute parent atom: {}'.format(absolute_parent)
예제 #12
    def test_get_core_atoms(self):
        It tests the _get_core_atoms method used in the building
        process of the Impact template.

        LIGAND_PATH = get_data_file_path('ligands/malonate.pdb')
        FORCEFIELD_NAME = 'openff_unconstrained-1.2.1.offxml'

        molecule = Molecule(LIGAND_PATH)

        openff = OpenForceField(FORCEFIELD_NAME)

        parameters = openff.parameterize(molecule, charge_method='dummy')

        topology = Topology(molecule, parameters)

        impact = Impact(topology)

        core_atoms = impact._get_core_atoms()

        assert [a.PDB_name for a in core_atoms] == \
            ['_C2_', '_H1_', '_H2_'], \
            'Unexpected core atoms: {}'.format(core_atoms)
예제 #13
    def test_openff_parameterizer(self):
        It checks the behaviour of the Topology with the OpenFF

        from peleffy.topology import Molecule
        from peleffy.forcefield import OpenForceField
        from peleffy.topology import Topology
        from peleffy.utils import get_data_file_path
        from .utils import check_parameters

        FORCE_FIELD_NAME = 'openff_unconstrained-1.2.1.offxml'

        # Load molecule
        molecule = Molecule(get_data_file_path('ligands/methane.pdb'))
        openff = OpenForceField(FORCE_FIELD_NAME)

        # Obtain force field parameters
        parameters = openff.parameterize(molecule)

        # Generate molecular topology
        topology = Topology(molecule, parameters)

        # Define expected parameters
        expected_nonbonding = [[
            1, 0, 'M', 'OFFT', '_C1_', 0, 3.3996695084235347, 0.1094, -0.1088,
            0, 1.6998347542117673, 0, 0
                                   2, 1, 'M', 'OFFT', '_H1_', 0,
                                   2.649532787749369, 0.0157, 0.0267, 0,
                                   1.3247663938746845, 0, 0
                                   3, 1, 'M', 'OFFT', '_H2_', 0,
                                   2.649532787749369, 0.0157, 0.0267, 0,
                                   1.3247663938746845, 0, 0
                                   4, 1, 'M', 'OFFT', '_H3_', 0,
                                   2.649532787749369, 0.0157, 0.0267, 0,
                                   1.3247663938746845, 0, 0
                                   5, 1, 'M', 'OFFT', '_H4_', 0,
                                   2.649532787749369, 0.0157, 0.0267, 0,
                                   1.3247663938746845, 0, 0

        expected_bonds = [[1, 2, 376.8940758588, 1.094223427522],
                          [1, 3, 376.8940758588, 1.094223427522],
                          [1, 4, 376.8940758588, 1.094223427522],
                          [1, 5, 376.8940758588, 1.094223427522]]

        expected_angles = [[2, 1, 3, 33.78875634641, 110.2468561538],
                           [2, 1, 4, 33.78875634641, 110.2468561538],
                           [2, 1, 5, 33.78875634641, 110.2468561538],
                           [3, 1, 4, 33.78875634641, 110.2468561538],
                           [3, 1, 5, 33.78875634641, 110.2468561538],
                           [4, 1, 5, 33.78875634641, 110.2468561538]]

        # Check it up

        # Load molecule
        molecule = Molecule(get_data_file_path('ligands/ethylene.pdb'))
        openff = OpenForceField(FORCE_FIELD_NAME)

        # Obtain force field parameters
        parameters = openff.parameterize(molecule)

        # Generate molecular topology
        topology = Topology(molecule, parameters)

        # Define expected parameters
        expected_propers = [[3, 1, 2, 5, 5.376019778605, -1, 2, 0.0],
                            [3, 1, 2, 6, 5.376019778605, -1, 2, 0.0],
                            [4, 1, 2, 5, 5.376019778605, -1, 2, 0.0],
                            [4, 1, 2, 6, 5.376019778605, -1, 2, 0.0]]

        expected_impropers = [[1, 2, 5, 6, 1.1, -1, 2],
                              [2, 1, 3, 4, 1.1, -1, 2]]

        # Check it up
예제 #14
    def test_parse_charges_from_mae(self):
        It tests the MAE parser for assigning partial charges from an external
        from peleffy.utils import get_data_file_path, parse_charges_from_mae
        from peleffy.topology import Molecule
        from peleffy.forcefield import OpenForceField

        FORCEFIELD = 'openff_unconstrained-1.2.0.offxml'

        PATH_MAE_MAT = get_data_file_path('tests/MAT.mae')
        PATH_PDB_MAT = get_data_file_path('tests/MAT.pdb')
        PATH_MAE_BHP = get_data_file_path('ligands/BHP.mae')
        PATH_PDB_BHP = get_data_file_path('ligands/BHP.pdb')
        PATH_MAE_ETL = get_data_file_path('ligands/ethylene.mae')
        PATH_PDB_ETL = get_data_file_path('ligands/ethylene.pdb')
        PATH_PDB_MAL = get_data_file_path('ligands/malonate.pdb')

        CHARGES_REFERENCE_BHP = [[-0.35703, 'O1'],
                                 [-0.59535, 'O2'],
                                 [-0.50292, 'O3'],
                                 [-0.25243, 'C1'],
                                 [0.30438, 'C2'],
                                 [0.22092, 'C3'],
                                 [0.54336, 'C4'],
                                 [-0.20569, 'C5'],
                                 [-0.20192, 'C6'],
                                 [0.16631, 'C7'],
                                 [0.02422, 'C8'],
                                 [-0.09115, 'C9'],
                                 [-0.09904, 'C10'],
                                 [-0.15673, 'C11'],
                                 [-0.13245, 'C12'],
                                 [-0.17806, 'C13'],
                                 [-0.12489, 'C14'],
                                 [-0.09307, 'C15'],
                                 [-0.08973, 'C16'],
                                 [0.05397, 'H1'],
                                 [0.07338, 'H2'],
                                 [0.04514, 'H3'],
                                 [0.12979, 'H4'],
                                 [0.11025, 'H5'],
                                 [0.04054, 'H6'],
                                 [0.04581, 'H7'],
                                 [0.11444, 'H8'],
                                 [0.11761, 'H9'],
                                 [0.37274, 'H10'],
                                 [0.11825, 'H11'],
                                 [0.12584, 'H12'],
                                 [0.1381, 'H13'],
                                 [0.11696, 'H14'],
                                 [0.11148, 'H15'],
                                 [0.10697, 'H16']]

        CHARGES_REFERENCE_MAT = [[-0.18938, 'F1'],
                                 [-0.21715, 'F2'],
                                 [-0.21234, 'F3'],
                                 [-0.39736, 'O1'],
                                 [-0.58890, 'O2'],
                                 [-1.00825, 'N1'],
                                 [0.72066, 'C1'],
                                 [-0.06281, 'C2'],
                                 [-0.67474, 'C3'],
                                 [0.10391, 'C4'],
                                 [0.16293, 'C5'],
                                 [-0.61076, 'C6'],
                                 [0.78183, 'C7'],
                                 [0.27041, 'C8'],
                                 [-0.48769, 'C9'],
                                 [0.15704, 'C10'],
                                 [-0.02646, 'H1'],
                                 [-0.08394, 'H2'],
                                 [-0.01308, 'H3'],
                                 [0.14006, 'H4'],
                                 [0.12960, 'H5'],
                                 [0.31245, 'H6'],
                                 [0.30268, 'H7'],
                                 [0.17026, 'H8'],
                                 [0.15782, 'H9'],
                                 [0.03175, 'C11'],
                                 [0.03894, 'H10'],
                                 [0.07509, 'H11'],
                                 [0.01743, 'H12']]

        # Check up correct charges for malonate
        m = Molecule(PATH_PDB_MAT)
        openff = OpenForceField(FORCEFIELD)
        parameters = openff.parameterize(m, charge_method='dummy')
        parameters = parse_charges_from_mae(PATH_MAE_MAT, parameters)

        for charge, atom_name in zip(parameters['charges'],
            assert [charge._value, atom_name.replace('_', '')] in \
                CHARGES_REFERENCE_MAT, \
                'Incorrect charge value for {}.'.format(atom_name)

        # Check up correct charges for BHP
        m = Molecule(PATH_PDB_BHP)
        openff = OpenForceField(FORCEFIELD)
        parameters = openff.parameterize(m, charge_method='dummy')
        parameters = parse_charges_from_mae(PATH_MAE_BHP, parameters)

        for charge, atom_name in zip(parameters['charges'],
            assert [charge._value, atom_name.replace('_', '')] in \
                CHARGES_REFERENCE_BHP, \
                'Incorrect charge value for {}.'.format(atom_name)

        # Error: MAE file without charges information
        m = Molecule(PATH_PDB_ETL)
        openff = OpenForceField(FORCEFIELD)
        parameters = openff.parameterize(m, charge_method='dummy')
        with pytest.raises(ValueError):
            _ = parse_charges_from_mae(PATH_MAE_ETL, parameters)

        # Error: Inconsistency between Moelcule atom names and MAE atom names
        m = Molecule(PATH_PDB_MAL)
        openff = OpenForceField(FORCEFIELD)
        parameters = openff.parameterize(m, charge_method='dummy')
        with pytest.raises(ValueError):
            _ = parse_charges_from_mae(PATH_PDB_BHP, parameters)