예제 #1
def post_compute(variables = ['b2m'], datadir = 'data'):
    Compute diagnostic variables from the VAR files.

    call signature::
      post_compute(variables = ['urms'], datadir = 'data')
    Read the VAR files and compute the diagnostic variables.
    Write the result in 'post_evaluation.dat'.
    Keyword arguments:
        The diagnostic variables to be computed.
        Data directory.

    # open the destination file for writing
    fd = open(datadir + '/post_evaluation.dat', 'w')
    # write the header
    for variable in variables:
    # read the list of all VAR files
    var_list_file = open('data/proc0/varN.list')
    var_list = var_list_file.readlines()
    if (len(variables[0]) == 1):        
        variables = [variables]
    # check if bb needs to be computed
    bb_flag = False
    # array containing the variables which depend on bb
    b_dep = ['ab_int', 'jb_int', 'b1m', 'b2m', 'bm2', 'abm', 'abrms', 'jbm', 'brms', 'gffz']
    if (len(set(variables + b_dep)) < len(variables + b_dep)):
        bb_flag = True
    # check if jj needs to be computed
    jj_flag = False
    # array containing the variables which depend on jj
    j_dep = ['jb_int', 'j2m', 'jm2', 'jbm', 'jrms']
    if (len(set(variables + j_dep)) < len(variables + j_dep)):
        jj_flag = True
    for var_file in var_list:
        # read the var file
        var = pc.read_var(varfile = var_file[:-1], datadir = datadir, quiet = True)
        # the output string which will be written in the destination file
        out_string = '{0:1.9e}  '.format(np.float64(var.t))
        aa = var.aa[:,var.n1:var.n2,var.m1:var.m2,var.l1:var.l2]
        if bb_flag:
            bb = pc.curl(var.aa, var.dx, var.dy, var.dz, var.x, var.y, var.z)
            bb = bb[:,var.n1:var.n2,var.m1:var.m2,var.l1:var.l2]
        if jj_flag:
            jj = pc.curl2(var.aa, var.dx, var.dy, var.dz, var.x, var.y, var.z)
            jj = jj[:,var.n1:var.n2,var.m1:var.m2,var.l1:var.l2]
        for variable in variables:
            if variable == 'b2m':
                b2m = (pc.dot2(bb)).mean()
                out_string += '{0:1.9e}  '.format(np.float64(b2m))
            elif variable == 'j2m':
                j2m = (pc.dot2(jj)).mean()
                out_string += '{0:1.9e}  '.format(np.float64(j2m))
            elif variable == 'abm':
                abm = (pc.dot(var.aa, bb)).mean()
                out_string += '{0:1.9e}  '.format(np.float64(abm))
            # generalized flux function (see Yeates, Hornig 2011)
            elif variable == 'gffz':
                gffz = np.sum(pc.dot(aa, bb)*np.sqrt(pc.dot2(bb)) / \
                       ((bb[2,:,:,:]) * np.mean(np.mean(np.sqrt(pc.dot2(bb)), axis = 2), axis = 1)))
                out_string += '{0:1.9e}  '.format(np.float64(gffz))
예제 #2
def post_compute(variables = ['b2m'], datadir = 'data'):
    Compute diagnostic variables from the VAR files.

    call signature::
      post_compute(variables = ['urms'], datadir = 'data')
    Read the VAR files and compute the diagnostic variables.
    Write the result in 'post_evaluation.dat'.
    Keyword arguments:
        The diagnostic variables to be computed.
        Data directory.

    # open the destination file for writing
    fd = open(datadir + '/post_evaluation.dat', 'w')
    # write the header
    for variable in variables:
    # read the list of all VAR files
    var_list_file = open('data/proc0/varN.list')
    var_list = var_list_file.readlines()
    if (len(variables[0]) == 1):        
        variables = [variables]
    # check if bb needs to be computed
    bb_flag = False
    # array containing the variables which depend on bb
    b_dep = ['ab_int', 'jb_int', 'b1m', 'b2m', 'bm2', 'abm', 'abrms', 'jbm', 'brms', 'gffz']
    if (len(set(variables + b_dep)) < len(variables + b_dep)):
        bb_flag = True
    # check if jj needs to be computed
    jj_flag = False
    # array containing the variables which depend on jj
    j_dep = ['jb_int', 'j2m', 'jm2', 'jbm', 'jrms']
    if (len(set(variables + j_dep)) < len(variables + j_dep)):
        jj_flag = True
    for var_file in var_list:
        # read the var file
        var = pc.read_var(varfile = var_file[:-1], datadir = datadir, quiet = True)
        # the output string which will be written in the destination file
        out_string = '{0:1.9e}  '.format(np.float64(var.t))
        aa = var.aa[:,var.n1:var.n2,var.m1:var.m2,var.l1:var.l2]
        if bb_flag:
            bb = pc.curl(var.aa, var.dx, var.dy, var.dz)
            bb = bb[:,var.n1:var.n2,var.m1:var.m2,var.l1:var.l2]
        if jj_flag:
            jj = pc.curl2(var.aa, var.dx, var.dy, var.dz)
            jj = jj[:,var.n1:var.n2,var.m1:var.m2,var.l1:var.l2]
        for variable in variables:
            if variable == 'b2m':
                b2m = (pc.dot2(bb)).mean()
                out_string += '{0:1.9e}  '.format(np.float64(b2m))
            elif variable == 'j2m':
                j2m = (pc.dot2(jj)).mean()
                out_string += '{0:1.9e}  '.format(np.float64(j2m))
            elif variable == 'abm':
                abm = (pc.dot(var.aa, bb)).mean()
                out_string += '{0:1.9e}  '.format(np.float64(abm))
            # generalized flux function (see Yeates, Hornig 2011)
            elif variable == 'gffz':
                gffz = np.sum(pc.dot(aa, bb)*np.sqrt(pc.dot2(bb)) / \
                       ((bb[2,:,:,:]) * np.mean(np.mean(np.sqrt(pc.dot2(bb)), axis = 2), axis = 1)))
                out_string += '{0:1.9e}  '.format(np.float64(gffz))