예제 #1
    def test_expand_no_observable(self):
        """Check that an exception is raised if the measurement to
        be expanded has no observable"""
        m = MeasurementProcess(Probability, wires=qml.wires.Wires([0, 1]))

        with pytest.raises(NotImplementedError, match="Cannot expand"):
예제 #2
    def test_repr(self):
        """Test the string representation of a MeasurementProcess."""
        m = MeasurementProcess(Expectation, obs=qml.PauliZ(wires='a') @ qml.PauliZ(wires='b'))
        expected = "expval(PauliZ(wires=['a']) @ PauliZ(wires=['b']))"
        assert str(m) == expected

        m = MeasurementProcess(Probability, obs=qml.PauliZ(wires='a'))
        expected = "probs(PauliZ(wires=['a']))"
        assert str(m) == expected
예제 #3
 def test_observable_with_no_eigvals(self):
     """An observable with no eigenvalues defined should cause
     the eigvals property on the associated measurement process
     to be None"""
     obs = qml.NumberOperator(wires=0)
     m = MeasurementProcess(Expectation, obs=obs)
     assert m.eigvals is None
예제 #4
    def test_error_obs_and_eigvals(self):
        """Test that providing both eigenvalues and an observable
        results in an error"""
        obs = qml.Hermitian(np.diag([1, 2, 3]), wires=[0, 1, 2])

        with pytest.raises(ValueError, match="Cannot set the eigenvalues"):
            MeasurementProcess(Expectation, obs=obs, eigvals=[0, 1])
예제 #5
    def test_wires_match_observable(self):
        """Test that the wires of the measurement process
        match an internal observable"""
        obs = qml.Hermitian(np.diag([1, 2, 3]), wires=["a", "b", "c"])
        m = MeasurementProcess(Expectation, obs=obs)

        assert np.all(m.wires == obs.wires)
예제 #6
    def test_expand_hermitian(self, tol):
        """Test the expansion of an hermitian observable"""
        H = np.array([[1, 2], [2, 4]])
        obs = qml.Hermitian(H, wires=['a'])

        m = MeasurementProcess(Expectation, obs=obs)
        tape = m.expand()

        assert len(tape.operations) == 1

        assert tape.operations[0].name == "QubitUnitary"
        assert tape.operations[0].wires.tolist() == ['a']
        assert np.allclose(tape.operations[0].parameters[0], np.array([[-2, 1], [1, 2]]) / np.sqrt(5), atol=tol, rtol=0)

        assert len(tape.measurements) == 1
        assert tape.measurements[0].return_type is Expectation
        assert tape.measurements[0].wires.tolist() == ['a']
        assert np.all(tape.measurements[0].eigvals == np.array([0, 5]))
예제 #7
    def test_eigvals_match_observable(self):
        """Test that the eigenvalues of the measurement process
        match an internal observable"""
        obs = qml.Hermitian(np.diag([1, 2, 3]), wires=[0, 1, 2])
        m = MeasurementProcess(Expectation, obs=obs)

        assert np.all(m.eigvals == np.array([1, 2, 3]))

        # changing the observable data should be reflected
        obs.data = [np.diag([5, 6, 7])]
        assert np.all(m.eigvals == np.array([5, 6, 7]))
예제 #8
    def test_expand_pauli(self):
        """Test the expansion of a Pauli observable"""
        obs = qml.PauliX(0) @ qml.PauliY(1)
        m = MeasurementProcess(Expectation, obs=obs)
        tape = m.expand()

        assert len(tape.operations) == 4

        assert tape.operations[0].name == "Hadamard"
        assert tape.operations[0].wires.tolist() == [0]

        assert tape.operations[1].name == "PauliZ"
        assert tape.operations[1].wires.tolist() == [1]
        assert tape.operations[2].name == "S"
        assert tape.operations[2].wires.tolist() == [1]
        assert tape.operations[3].name == "Hadamard"
        assert tape.operations[3].wires.tolist() == [1]

        assert len(tape.measurements) == 1
        assert tape.measurements[0].return_type is Expectation
        assert tape.measurements[0].wires.tolist() == [0, 1]
        assert np.all(tape.measurements[0].eigvals == np.array([1, -1, -1, 1]))
예제 #9
    def parameter_shift_var(self, idx, params, **options):
        r"""Partial derivative using the first-order or second-order parameter-shift rule of a tape
        consisting of a mixture of expectation values and variances of observables.

        Expectation values may be of first- or second-order observables,
        but variances can only be taken of first-order variables.

        .. warning::

            This method can only be executed on devices that support the
            :class:`~.PolyXP` observable.

            idx (int): trainable parameter index to differentiate with respect to
            params (list[Any]): the quantum tape operation parameters

        Keyword Args:
            force_order2 (bool): iff True, use the order-2 method even if not necessary
            device (.Device): A PennyLane device that can execute quantum operations and return
                measurement statistics. This keyword argument is required, as the device labels
                may be needed to generate the quantum tapes for computing the gradient.

            array[float]: 1-dimensional array of length determined by the tape output
            measurement statistics
        # pylint: disable=protected-access
        device = options["device"]

        if "PolyXP" not in device.observables:
            # If the device does not support PolyXP, must fallback
            # to numeric differentiation.
                f"The device {device.short_name} does not support "
                "the PolyXP observable. The analytic parameter-shift cannot be used for "
                "second-order observables; falling back to finite-differences.",

            return self.numeric_pd(idx, params, **options)

        tapes = []

        # Get <A>, the expectation value of the tape with unshifted parameters.
        evA_tape = self.copy()

        # Temporarily convert all variance measurements on the tape into expectation values
        for i in self.var_idx:
            obs = evA_tape._measurements[i].obs
            evA_tape._measurements[i] = MeasurementProcess(
                qml.operation.Expectation, obs=obs)

        # evaluate the analytic derivative of <A>
        pdA_tapes, pdA_fn = evA_tape.parameter_shift_first_order(
            idx, params, **options)

        pdA2_tape = self.copy()

        for i in self.var_idx:
            # We need to calculate d<A^2>/dp; to do so, we replace the
            # observables A in the queue with A^2.
            obs = pdA2_tape._measurements[i].obs

            # CV first order observable
            # get the heisenberg representation
            # This will be a real 1D vector representing the
            # first order observable in the basis [I, x, p]
            A = obs._heisenberg_rep(obs.parameters)  # pylint: disable=protected-access

            # take the outer product of the heisenberg representation
            # with itself, to get a square symmetric matrix representing
            # the square of the observable
            obs = qml.PolyXP(np.outer(A, A), wires=obs.wires, do_queue=False)
            pdA2_tape._measurements[i] = MeasurementProcess(
                qml.operation.Expectation, obs=obs)

        # Here, we calculate the analytic derivatives of the <A^2> observables.
        pdA2_tapes, pdA2_fn = pdA2_tape.parameter_shift_second_order(
            idx, params, **options)

        # Make sure that the expectation value of the tape with unshifted parameters
        # is only calculated once, if `self._append_evA_tape` is True.
        if self._append_evA_tape:

            # Now that the <A> tape has been appended, we want to avoid
            # appending it for subsequent parameters, as the result can simply
            # be re-used.
            self._append_evA_tape = False

        def processing_fn(results):
            """Computes the gradient of the parameter at index ``idx`` via the
            second order CV parameter-shift method for a circuit containing a mixture
            of expectation values and variances.

                results (list[real]): evaluated quantum tapes

                array[float]: 1-dimensional array of length determined by the tape output
                measurement statistics
            pdA = pdA_fn(results[0:2])
            pdA2 = pdA2_fn(results[2:4])

            # Check if the expectation value of the tape with unshifted parameters
            # has already been calculated.
            if self._evA_result is None:
                # The expectation value hasn't been previously calculated;
                # it will be the last element of the `results` argument.
                self._evA_result = np.array(results[-1])

            # return d(var(A))/dp = d<A^2>/dp -2 * <A> * d<A>/dp for the variances,
            # d<A>/dp for plain expectations
            return np.where(self.var_mask, pdA2 - 2 * self._evA_result * pdA,

        return tapes, processing_fn
예제 #10
    def parameter_shift_second_order(self, idx, params, **options):
        """Generate the tapes and postprocessing methods required to compute the gradient of a
        parameter using the second order CV parameter-shift method.

            idx (int): trainable parameter index to differentiate with respect to
            params (list[Any]): the quantum tape operation parameters

        Keyword Args:
            dev_wires (.Wires): wires on the device the parameter-shift method is computed on

            tuple[list[QuantumTape], function]: A tuple containing the list of generated tapes,
            in addition to a post-processing function to be applied to the evaluated

        t_idx = list(self.trainable_params)[idx]
        op = self._par_info[t_idx]["op"]
        p_idx = self._par_info[t_idx]["p_idx"]

        dev_wires = options["dev_wires"]

        recipe = op.grad_recipe[p_idx]
        c, s = (0.5, np.pi / 2) if recipe is None else recipe

        shift = np.zeros_like(params)
        shift[idx] = s

        # evaluate transformed observables at the original parameter point
        # first build the Heisenberg picture transformation matrix Z
        self.set_parameters(params + shift)
        Z2 = op.heisenberg_tr(dev_wires)

        self.set_parameters(params - shift)
        Z1 = op.heisenberg_tr(dev_wires)

        # derivative of the operation
        Z = (Z2 - Z1) * c

        Z0 = op.heisenberg_tr(dev_wires, inverse=True)
        Z = Z @ Z0

        # conjugate Z with all the descendant operations
        B = np.eye(1 + 2 * len(dev_wires))
        B_inv = B.copy()

        succ = self.graph.descendants_in_order((op, ))
        operation_descendents = itertools.filterfalse(
            qml.circuit_graph._is_observable, succ)
        observable_descendents = filter(qml.circuit_graph._is_observable, succ)

        for BB in operation_descendents:
            if not BB.supports_heisenberg:
                # if the descendant gate is non-Gaussian in parameter-shift differentiation
                # mode, then there must be no observable following it.

            B = BB.heisenberg_tr(dev_wires) @ B
            B_inv = B_inv @ BB.heisenberg_tr(dev_wires, inverse=True)

        Z = B @ Z @ B_inv  # conjugation

        tape = self.copy(copy_operations=True, tape_cls=QuantumTape)

        # change the observable
        # TODO: if the transformation produces only a constant term,
        # `_transform_observable` has only a single non-zero element in the
        # 0th position, then there is no need to execute the device---the constant term
        # represents the gradient.

        # transform the descendant observables into their derivatives using Z
        transformed_obs_idx = []
        for obs in observable_descendents:
            # get the index of the descendent observable
            idx = self.observables.index(obs)
            tape._measurements[idx] = MeasurementProcess(
                self._transform_observable(obs, Z, dev_wires))

        tapes = [tape]

        def processing_fn(results):
            """Computes the gradient of the parameter at index idx via the
            second order CV parameter-shift method.

                results (list[real]): evaluated quantum tapes

                array[float]: 1-dimensional array of length determined by the tape output
                measurement statistics
            res = results[0]
            grad = np.zeros_like(res)
            grad[transformed_obs_idx] = res
            return grad

        return tapes, processing_fn
예제 #11
    def parameter_shift_var(self, idx, params, **options):
        """Generate the tapes and postprocessing methods required to compute the gradient of a
        parameter and its variance using the parameter-shift method.

            idx (int): trainable parameter index to differentiate with respect to
            params (list[Any]): the quantum tape operation parameters

        Keyword Args:
            shift=pi/2 (float): the size of the shift for two-term parameter-shift gradient computations

            tuple[list[QuantumTape], function]: A tuple containing the list of generated tapes,
            in addition to a post-processing function to be applied to the evaluated
        tapes = []

        # Get <A>, the expectation value of the tape with unshifted parameters.
        evA_tape = self.copy()

        # Convert all variance measurements on the tape into expectation values
        for i in self.var_idx:
            obs = evA_tape._measurements[i].obs
            evA_tape._measurements[i] = MeasurementProcess(
                qml.operation.Expectation, obs=obs)

        # evaluate the analytic derivative of <A>
        pdA_tapes, pdA_fn = evA_tape.parameter_shift(idx, params, **options)

        # For involutory observables (A^2 = I) we have d<A^2>/dp = 0.
        # Currently, the only observable we have in PL that may be non-involutory is qml.Hermitian
        involutory = [
            i for i in self.var_idx if self.observables[i].name != "Hermitian"

        # If there are non-involutory observables A present, we must compute d<A^2>/dp.
        non_involutory = set(self.var_idx) - set(involutory)

        if non_involutory:
            pdA2_tape = self.copy()

            for i in non_involutory:
                # We need to calculate d<A^2>/dp; to do so, we replace the
                # involutory observables A in the queue with A^2.
                obs = pdA2_tape._measurements[i].obs
                A = obs.matrix

                obs = qml.Hermitian(A @ A, wires=obs.wires, do_queue=False)
                pdA2_tape._measurements[i] = MeasurementProcess(
                    qml.operation.Expectation, obs=obs)

            # Non-involutory observables are present; the partial derivative of <A^2>
            # may be non-zero. Here, we calculate the analytic derivatives of the <A^2>
            # observables.
            pdA2_tapes, pdA2_fn = pdA2_tape.parameter_shift(
                idx, params, **options)

        # Make sure that the expectation value of the tape with unshifted parameters
        # is only calculated once, if `self._append_evA_tape` is True.
        if self._append_evA_tape:

            # Now that the <A> tape has been appended, we want to avoid
            # appending it for subsequent parameters, as the result can simply
            # be re-used.
            self._append_evA_tape = False

        def processing_fn(results):
            """Computes the gradient of the parameter at index ``idx`` via the
            parameter-shift method for a circuit containing a mixture
            of expectation values and variances.

                results (list[real]): evaluated quantum tapes

                array[float]: 1-dimensional array of length determined by the tape output
                measurement statistics
            pdA = pdA_fn(results[0:2])
            pdA2 = 0

            if non_involutory:
                pdA2 = pdA2_fn(results[2:4])

                if involutory:
                    pdA2[np.array(involutory)] = 0

            # Check if the expectation value of the tape with unshifted parameters
            # has already been calculated.
            if self._evA_result is None:
                # The expectation value hasn't been previously calculated;
                # it will be the last element of the `results` argument.
                self._evA_result = np.array(results[-1])

            # return d(var(A))/dp = d<A^2>/dp -2 * <A> * d<A>/dp for the variances,
            # d<A>/dp for plain expectations
            return np.where(self.var_mask, pdA2 - 2 * self._evA_result * pdA,

        return tapes, processing_fn
예제 #12
    def parameter_shift_var(self, idx, device, params, **options):
        r"""Partial derivative using the parameter-shift rule of a tape consisting of a mixture
        of expectation values and variances of observables.

            idx (int): trainable parameter index to differentiate with respect to
            device (.Device, .QubitDevice): a PennyLane device
                that can execute quantum operations and return measurement statistics
            params (list[Any]): the quantum tape operation parameters

            array[float]: 1-dimensional array of length determined by the tape output
            measurement statistics
        # Temporarily convert all variance measurements on the tape into expectation values
        for i in self.var_idx:
            obs = self._measurements[i].obs
            self._measurements[i] = MeasurementProcess(qml.operation.Expectation, obs=obs)

        # Get <A>, the expectation value of the tape with unshifted parameters. This is only
        # calculated once, if `self._evA` is not None.
        if self._evA is None:
            self._evA = np.asarray(self.execute_device(params, device))

        # evaluate the analytic derivative of <A>
        pdA = self.parameter_shift(idx, device, params, **options)

        # For involutory observables (A^2 = I) we have d<A^2>/dp = 0.
        # Currently, the only observable we have in PL that may be non-involutory is qml.Hermitian
        involutory = [i for i in self.var_idx if self.observables[i].name != "Hermitian"]

        # If there are non-involutory observables A present, we must compute d<A^2>/dp.
        non_involutory = set(self.var_idx) - set(involutory)

        for i in non_involutory:
            # We need to calculate d<A^2>/dp; to do so, we replace the
            # involutory observables A in the queue with A^2.
            obs = self._measurements[i].obs
            A = obs.matrix

            obs = qml.Hermitian(A @ A, wires=obs.wires, do_queue=False)
            self._measurements[i] = MeasurementProcess(qml.operation.Expectation, obs=obs)

        pdA2 = 0

        if non_involutory:
            # Non-involutory observables are present; the partial derivative of <A^2>
            # may be non-zero. Here, we calculate the analytic derivatives of the <A^2>
            # observables.
            pdA2 = self.parameter_shift(idx, device, params, **options)

            if involutory:
                # We need to explicitly specify that the gradient of
                # the involutory observables is 0, since we saved on processing
                # by not replacing these observables with their square.
                pdA2[np.array(involutory)] = 0

        # restore the original observables
        self._measurements = self._original_measurements.copy()

        # return d(var(A))/dp = d<A^2>/dp -2 * <A> * d<A>/dp for the variances,
        # d<A>/dp for plain expectations
        return np.where(self.var_mask, pdA2 - 2 * self._evA * pdA, pdA)
예제 #13
    def parameter_shift_var(self, idx, device, params, **options):
        r"""Partial derivative using the first-order or second-order parameter-shift rule of a tape
        consisting of a mixture of expectation values and variances of observables.

        Expectation values may be of first- or second-order observables,
        but variances can only be taken of first-order variables.

        .. warning::

            This method can only be executed on devices that support the
            :class:`~.PolyXP` observable.

            idx (int): trainable parameter index to differentiate with respect to
            device (.Device): a PennyLane device that can execute quantum operations and return
                measurement statistics
            params (list[Any]): the quantum tape operation parameters

        Keyword Args:
            force_order2 (bool): iff True, use the order-2 method even if not necessary

            array[float]: 1-dimensional array of length determined by the tape output
            measurement statistics
        # pylint: disable=protected-access

        if "PolyXP" not in device.observables:
            # If the device does not support PolyXP, must fallback
            # to numeric differentiation.
                f"The device {device.short_name} does not support "
                "the PolyXP observable. The analytic parameter-shift cannot be used for "
                "second-order observables; falling back to finite-differences.",
            return self.numeric_pd(idx, device, params, **options)

        temp_tape = self.copy()

        # Temporarily convert all variance measurements on the tape into expectation values
        for i in self.var_idx:
            obs = self._measurements[i].obs
            temp_tape._measurements[i] = MeasurementProcess(qml.operation.Expectation, obs=obs)

        # Get <A>, the expectation value of the tape with unshifted parameters. This is only
        # calculated once, if `self._evA` is not None.
        if self._evA is None:
            self._evA = np.asarray(temp_tape.execute_device(params, device))

        # evaluate the analytic derivative of <A>
        pdA = temp_tape.parameter_shift_first_order(idx, device, params, **options)

        for i in self.var_idx:
            # We need to calculate d<A^2>/dp; to do so, we replace the
            # observables A in the queue with A^2.
            obs = self._measurements[i].obs

            # CV first order observable
            # get the heisenberg representation
            # This will be a real 1D vector representing the
            # first order observable in the basis [I, x, p]
            A = obs._heisenberg_rep(obs.parameters)  # pylint: disable=protected-access

            # take the outer product of the heisenberg representation
            # with itself, to get a square symmetric matrix representing
            # the square of the observable
            obs = qml.PolyXP(np.outer(A, A), wires=obs.wires, do_queue=False)
            temp_tape._measurements[i] = MeasurementProcess(qml.operation.Expectation, obs=obs)

        # Here, we calculate the analytic derivatives of the <A^2> observables.
        pdA2 = temp_tape.parameter_shift_second_order(idx, device, params, **options)

        # return d(var(A))/dp = d<A^2>/dp -2 * <A> * d<A>/dp for the variances,
        # d<A>/dp for plain expectations
        return np.where(self.var_mask, pdA2 - 2 * self._evA * pdA, pdA)
예제 #14
    def parameter_shift_second_order(self, idx, device, params, **options):
        r"""Partial derivative using the second-order CV parameter-shift rule of a
        tape consisting of *only* expectation values of observables.

        This method supports the gradient of expectation values of first-
        and second-order observables.

        .. warning::

            This method can only be executed on devices that support the
            :class:`~.PolyXP` observable.

            idx (int): trainable parameter index to differentiate with respect to
            device (.Device): a PennyLane device that can execute quantum operations and return
                measurement statistics
            params (list[Any]): the quantum tape operation parameters

            array[float]: 1-dimensional array of length determined by the tape output
            measurement statistics
        # pylint: disable=protected-access

        if "PolyXP" not in device.observables:
            # If the device does not support PolyXP, must fallback
            # to numeric differentiation.
                f"The device {device.short_name} does not support "
                "the PolyXP observable. The analytic parameter-shift cannot be used for "
                "second-order observables; falling back to finite-differences.",
            return self.numeric_pd(idx, device, params, **options)

        t_idx = list(self.trainable_params)[idx]
        op = self._par_info[t_idx]["op"]
        p_idx = self._par_info[t_idx]["p_idx"]

        recipe = op.grad_recipe[p_idx]
        c, s = (0.5, np.pi / 2) if recipe is None else recipe

        shift = np.zeros_like(params)
        shift[idx] = s

        # evaluate transformed observables at the original parameter point
        # first build the Heisenberg picture transformation matrix Z
        self.set_parameters(params + shift)
        Z2 = op.heisenberg_tr(device.wires)

        self.set_parameters(params - shift)
        Z1 = op.heisenberg_tr(device.wires)

        # derivative of the operation
        Z = (Z2 - Z1) * c

        Z0 = op.heisenberg_tr(device.wires, inverse=True)
        Z = Z @ Z0

        # conjugate Z with all the descendant operations
        B = np.eye(1 + 2 * device.num_wires)
        B_inv = B.copy()

        succ = self.graph.descendants_in_order((op,))
        operation_descendents = itertools.filterfalse(qml.circuit_graph._is_observable, succ)
        observable_descendents = filter(qml.circuit_graph._is_observable, succ)

        for BB in operation_descendents:
            if not BB.supports_heisenberg:
                # if the descendant gate is non-Gaussian in parameter-shift differentiation
                # mode, then there must be no observable following it.

            B = BB.heisenberg_tr(device.wires) @ B
            B_inv = B_inv @ BB.heisenberg_tr(device.wires, inverse=True)

        Z = B @ Z @ B_inv  # conjugation

        # transform the descendant observables into their derivatives using Z
        transformed_obs_idx = []

        for obs in observable_descendents:
            # get the index of the descendent observable
            idx = self.observables.index(obs)

            # Transform the observable.
            # TODO: if the transformation produces only a constant term,
            # `_transform_observable` has only a single non-zero element in the
            # 0th position) then  there is no need to execute the device---the constant term
            # represents the gradient.
            self._measurements[idx] = MeasurementProcess(
                qml.operation.Expectation, self._transform_observable(obs, Z, device.wires)

        # Measure the transformed observables.
        # The other observables are not descendents of this operation,
        # hence their partial derivatives are zero.
        res = np.array(self.execute_device(params, device))
        grad = np.zeros_like(res)
        grad[transformed_obs_idx] = res

        # restore the original measurements
        self._measurements = self._original_measurements.copy()

        return grad