예제 #1
def handle_review(request):
    Handle the request when a new review is submitted

    ghrequest = models.GHRequest(request, request.headers["X-GitHub-Event"])

    if not ghrequest.review_body:
        return utils.Response(ghrequest)

    # Get the .pep8speaks.yml config file from the repository
    config = helpers.get_config(ghrequest.repository, ghrequest.base_branch)

    condition1 = ghrequest.action == "submitted"
    # Mainly the summary of the review matters
    ## pep8speaks must be mentioned
    condition2 = "@pep8speaks" in ghrequest.review_body
    ## Check if asked to pep8ify
    condition3 = "pep8ify" in ghrequest.review_body

    ## If pep8ify is not there, all other reviews with body summary
    ## having the mention of pep8speaks, will result in commenting
    ## with autpep8 diff gist.
    conditions_matched = condition1 and condition2 and condition3

    if conditions_matched:
        return _pep8ify(ghrequest, config)
        conditions_matched = condition1 and condition2
        if conditions_matched:
            return _create_diff(ghrequest, config)
            return utils.Response(ghrequest)
예제 #2
def _create_diff(ghrequest, config):
    # Dictionary with filename matched with a string of diff
    ghrequest.diff = {}

    # Process the files and prepare the diff for the gist
    helpers.autopep8(ghrequest, config)

    # Create the gist

    comment = "Here you go with [the gist]({}) !\n\n" + \
              "> You can ask me to create a PR against this branch " + \
              "with those fixes. Simply comment " + \
              "`@pep8speaks pep8ify`.\n\n"
    if ghrequest.reviewer == ghrequest.author:  # Both are the same person
        comment += "@{} "
        comment = comment.format(ghrequest.gist_url, ghrequest.reviewer)
        comment += "@{} @{} "
        comment = comment.format(ghrequest.gist_url, ghrequest.reviewer,

    query = "/repos/{}/issues/{}/comments"
    query = query.format(ghrequest.repository, str(ghrequest.pr_number))
    response = utils.query_request(query,
                                   json={"body": comment})
    ghrequest.comment_response = response.json()

    if ghrequest.error:
        return utils.Response(ghrequest, status=400)

    return utils.Response(ghrequest)
예제 #3
def handle_issue_comment(request):
    ghrequest = models.GHRequest(request, request.headers["X-GitHub-Event"])

    if not ghrequest.OK:
        return utils.Response(ghrequest)

    # Get the .pep8speaks.yml config file from the repository
    config = helpers.get_config(ghrequest.repository, ghrequest.base_branch,

    splitted_comment = ghrequest.comment.lower().split()

    # If diff is required
    params1 = ["@pep8speaks", "suggest", "diff"]
    condition1 = all(p in splitted_comment for p in params1)
    # If asked to pep8ify
    params2 = ["@pep8speaks", "pep8ify"]
    condition2 = all(p in splitted_comment for p in params2)

    if condition1:
        return _create_diff(ghrequest, config)
    elif condition2:
        return _pep8ify(ghrequest, config)

    return utils.Response(ghrequest)
예제 #4
def handle_integration_installation(request):
    Follow the user from the account of @pep8speaks on GitHub
    user = request.json["sender"]["login"]
    response_object = {"message": "Followed @{}".format(user)}
    return utils.Response(response_object)
예제 #5
def handle_integration_installation(request):
    Follow the user from the account of @pep8speaks on GitHub
    user = request.json["sender"]["login"]
    query_response = helpers.follow_user(user).content.decode("utf-8")
    response_object = {
        "message": f"Followed @{user}",
        "query_response": query_response
    return utils.Response(response_object)
예제 #6
def handle_pull_request(request):
    ghrequest = models.GHRequest(request, request.headers["X-GitHub-Event"])

    if not ghrequest.OK:
        return utils.Response(ghrequest)

    # If the PR contains at least one Python file
    pythonic_pr = helpers.check_pythonic_pr(ghrequest.repository,

    if not pythonic_pr:
        return utils.Response(ghrequest)


    # Get the config from .pep8speaks.yml file of the repository
    config = helpers.get_config(ghrequest.repository, ghrequest.base_branch,

    # Personalising the messages obtained from the config file
    # Replace {name} with name of the author
    if "message" in config:
        for act in ['opened', 'updated']:
            # can be either "opened" or "updated"
            for pos in config["message"][act]:
                # can be either "header" or "footer"
                msg = config["message"][act][pos]
                new_msg = msg.replace("{name}", ghrequest.author)
                config["message"][act][pos] = new_msg

    # Updates ghrequest with the results
    # This function runs pycodestyle
    helpers.run_pycodestyle(ghrequest, config)

    # Construct the comment
    header, body, footer, ERROR = helpers.prepare_comment(ghrequest, config)

    # If there is nothing in the comment body, no need to make the comment
    # But in case of PR update, make sure to update the comment with no issues.
    if len(body) == 0:
        return utils.Response(ghrequest)

    # Simply do not comment no-error messages when a PR is opened
    if not ERROR and ghrequest.action == "opened":
        return utils.Response(ghrequest)

    # Concatenate comment parts
    comment = header + body + footer

    # Do not make duplicate comment made on the PR by the bot
    # Check if asked to keep quiet
    if not helpers.comment_permission_check(ghrequest):
        return utils.Response(ghrequest)

    # NOW, Interact with the PR and make/update the comment
    helpers.create_or_update_comment(ghrequest, comment,

    return utils.Response(ghrequest)
예제 #7
def handle_integration_installation_repo(request):
    Update the database of repositories the integration is working upon.
    repositories = request.json["repositories_added"],

    for repo in repositories:

    response_object = {
        "Added the following repositories : {}".format(str(repositories))
    return utils.Response(response_object)
예제 #8
def _pep8ify(ghrequest, config):
    ghrequest.target_repo_fullname = ghrequest.pull_request["head"]["repo"]["full_name"]
    ghrequest.target_repo_branch = ghrequest.pull_request["head"]["ref"]
    ghrequest.results = {}

    # Check if the fork of the target repo exists
    # If yes, then delete it
    # Fork the target repository
    # Update the fork description. This helps in fast deleting it
    # Create a new branch for the PR
    # Fix the errors in the files
    helpers.autopep8ify(ghrequest, config)
    # Commit each change onto the branch
    # Create a PR from the branch to the target repository
    created = helpers.create_pr(ghrequest)
    if not created:
        return utils.Response(ghrequest)

    comment = (
        f"Here you go with [the Pull Request]({ghrequest.pr_url}) ! The fixes are "
        f"suggested by [autopep8](https://github.com/hhatto/autopep8).\n\n"
    if ghrequest.reviewer:
        comment += f" @{ghrequest.reviewer}"
    if ghrequest.reviewer != ghrequest.author:  # Both are not the same person
        comment += f" @{ghrequest.author}"

    query = f"/repos/{ghrequest.repository}/issues/{str(ghrequest.pr_number)}/comments"
    response = utils.query_request(query, method='POST', json={"body": comment})
    ghrequest.comment_response = response.json()

    return utils.Response(ghrequest)
예제 #9
def handle_integration_installation_repo(request):
    Update the database of repositories the integration is working upon.
    repositories = request.json["repositories_added"]

    responses = []
    for repo in repositories:

    responses_str = "\n".join(responses)

    response_object = {
        "message": f"Starred the following repositories : {str(repositories)}",
        "responses": responses_str

    return utils.Response(response_object)
예제 #10
def handle_installation(request):
    Do nothing. It's handled by handle_integration_installation
    return utils.Response()
예제 #11
def handle_unsupported_requests(request):
    response_object = {
        "unsupported github event": request.headers["X-GitHub-Event"],
    return utils.Response(response_object, 400)
예제 #12
def handle_ping(request):
    Do nothing
    return utils.Response()
예제 #13
def handle_review_comment(request):
    # Figure out what does "position" mean in the response
    return utils.Response()
예제 #14
def handle_unauthorized_requests():
    response_object = {"message": "Unauthorized request"}
    return utils.Response(response_object, 401)