def afterAttack(self, att, vic, vicCast, dp, targetCount): CustomPerform.afterAttack(self, att, vic, vicCast, dp, targetCount) if dp <= 0: return bout = self.calBout(att, vic, self.buffId) buffObj = buff.addOrReplace(vic, self.buffId, bout, att) if buffObj: ratioFirst, ratio = self.configInfo["伤害率"] hpFirst = int(dp * ratioFirst / 100) hp = int(dp * ratio / 100) buffObj.config(hpFirst, hp)
def afterAttack(self, att, vic, vicCast, dp, targetCount): CustomPerform.afterAttack(self, att, vic, vicCast, dp, targetCount) if dp <= 0: return if vic.isDead(): return if vic.hp * 100 / vic.hpMax > self.configInfo["目标生命比"]: return if rand(100) >= self.transCode(self.configInfo["概率"], att, vic): return bout = self.calBout(att, vic, self.buffId) buff.addOrReplace(vic, self.buffId, bout, att)
def afterAttack(self, att, vic, vicCast, dp, targetCount): CustomPerform.afterAttack(self, att, vic, vicCast, dp, targetCount) if dp > 0 and vic.isDead() and vic.inWar(): bout = self.calBout(att, vic, self.buffId) buff.addOrReplace(vic, self.buffId, bout, att)
def afterAttack(self, att, vic, vicCast, dp, targetCount): CustomPerform.afterAttack(self, att, vic, vicCast, dp, targetCount) if dp > 0: vic.addFuWen(self.configInfo["目标符能"])
def afterAttack(self, att, vic, vicCast, dp, targetCount): CustomPerform.afterAttack(self, att, vic, vicCast, dp, targetCount) if dp > 0 and vic.inWar(): mp = self.transCode("SLV*1+30", att, vic) vic.addMP(-mp, att)