예제 #1
    def strftime(self, fmt, locale=None):
        if locale is None or locale not in ["fa", "en"]:
            locale = self._locale

        datetime = self.to_gregorian()

        format_time = {
            "%H": "%02d" % self._hour,
            "%02d" % (self._hour if self._hour <= 12 else self._hour - 12),
            "%p": "AM" if self._hour < 12 else "PM",
            "%M": "%02d" % self._minute,
            "%S": "%02d" % self._second,
            "%f": "%06d" % self._microsecond,
            "%z": datetime.strftime("%z"),
            "%Z": ("" if not self._tzinfo else self._tzinfo.tzname(self)),
            "%X": "%02d:%02d:%02d" % (self._hour, self._minute, self._second),

        if "%c" in fmt:
            fmt = utils.replace(fmt, {"%c": "%A %d %B %Y %X"})

        result = utils.replace(fmt, format_time)

        result = super().strftime(result, locale)

        return result
예제 #2
    def strftime(self, fmt):
        datetime = self.to_gregorian()

        format_time = {
            "%H": "%02d" % self._hour,
            "%I": "%02d" % (self._hour if self._hour <= 12 else self._hour - 12),

            "%p": "AM" if self._hour < 12 else "PM",

            "%M": "%02d" % self._minute,

            "%S": "%02d" % self._second,

            "%f": "%06d" % self._microsecond,

            "%z": datetime.strftime("%z"),
            "%Z": ("" if not self._tzinfo else self._tzinfo.tzname(self)),

            "%X": "%02d:%02d:%02d" % (self._hour, self._minute, self._second),

        if "%c" in fmt:
            fmt = utils.replace(fmt, {"%c": self.strftime("%A %d %B %Y %X")})

        result = utils.replace(fmt, format_time)

        result = super(JalaliDateTime, self).strftime(result, "en")

        return result
예제 #3
 def test_replace(self):
         utils.replace("Persian Tools", {
             "Persian": "Parsi",
             " ": "_"
         utils.replace("آب بی فلسفه می‌خوردم", {
             "آب": "آآآب",
             " ": "_"
             "ای بس که نباشیم و جهان خواهد بود",
                 "ای": "اایی",
                 "خواهد": "خخووااههدد"
         "اایی بس که نباشیم و جهان خخووااههدد بود",
예제 #4
def ar_to_fa(string):
    """Convert Arabic digits to Persian

        >>> from persiantools import digits
        >>> converted = digits.ar_to_fa("٠١٢٣٤٥٦٧٨٩")

        :param string: A string, will be converted
        :rtype: str
    digits_map = {
        "٠": "۰",
        "١": "۱",
        "٢": "۲",
        "٣": "۳",
        "٤": "۴",
        "٥": "۵",
        "٦": "۶",
        "٧": "۷",
        "٨": "۸",
        "٩": "۹",

    if PY2:
        if isinstance(string, unicode):
            digits_map = {
                unicode(a, "utf8"): unicode(f, "utf8")
                for a, f in digits_map.iteritems()

    return utils.replace(string, digits_map)
예제 #5
def fa_to_en(string):
    """Convert Persian digits to EN

        >>> from persiantools import digits
        >>> converted = digits.fa_to_en("۰۱۲۳۴۵۶۷۸۹")

        :param string: A string, will be converted
        :rtype: str
    digits_map = {
        "۰": "0",
        "۱": "1",
        "۲": "2",
        "۳": "3",
        "۴": "4",
        "۵": "5",
        "۶": "6",
        "۷": "7",
        "۸": "8",
        "۹": "9",

    if PY2:
        if isinstance(string, unicode):
            digits_map = {
                unicode(f, "utf8"): unicode(e, "utf8")
                for f, e in digits_map.iteritems()

    return utils.replace(string, digits_map)
예제 #6
def en_to_fa(string):
    """Convert EN digits to Persian

        >>> from persiantools import digits
        >>> converted = digits.en_to_fa("0123456789")

        :param string:  A string, will be converted
        :rtype: str
    digits_map = {
        "0": "۰",
        "1": "۱",
        "2": "۲",
        "3": "۳",
        "4": "۴",
        "5": "۵",
        "6": "۶",
        "7": "۷",
        "8": "۸",
        "9": "۹",

    if PY2:
        if isinstance(string, unicode):
            digits_map = {
                unicode(e, "utf8"): unicode(f, "utf8")
                for e, f in digits_map.iteritems()

    return utils.replace(string, digits_map)
def ar_to_fa(string):
    """Convert Arabic characters to Persian

            from persiantools import characters
            converted = characters.ar_to_fa("السلام عليكم")

        :param string: A string, will be converted
        :rtype: str
    characters_map = {
        "دِ": "د",
        "بِ": "ب",
        "زِ": "ز",
        "ذِ": "ذ",
        "شِ": "ش",
        "سِ": "س",
        "ى": "ی",
        "ي": "ی",
        "ك": "ک",

    if PY2:
        if isinstance(string, unicode):
            characters_map = {
                unicode(a, "utf8"): unicode(f, "utf8") for a, f in characters_map.iteritems()

    return utils.replace(string, characters_map)
예제 #8
def fa_to_ar(string):
    """Convert Persian digits to Arabic

        >>> from persiantools import digits
        >>> converted = digits.fa_to_ar("۰۱۲۳۴۵۶۷۸۹")

        :param string: A string, will be converted
        :rtype: str
    digits_map = {
        "۰": "٠",
        "۱": "١",
        "۲": "٢",
        "۳": "٣",
        "۴": "٤",
        "۵": "٥",
        "۶": "٦",
        "۷": "٧",
        "۸": "٨",
        "۹": "٩",

    if PY2:
        if isinstance(string, unicode):
            digits_map = {
                unicode(f, "utf8"): unicode(a, "utf8")
                for f, a in digits_map.iteritems()

    return utils.replace(string, digits_map)
    def strftime(self, fmt, locale=None):
        if locale is None or locale not in ["fa", "en"]:
            locale = self._locale

        month_names = MONTH_NAMES_EN if locale == "en" else MONTH_NAMES_FA
        month_names_abbr = MONTH_NAMES_ABBR_EN if locale == "en" else MONTH_NAMES_ABBR_FA
        day_names = WEEKDAY_NAMES_EN if locale == "en" else WEEKDAY_NAMES_FA
        day_names_abbr = WEEKDAY_NAMES_ABBR_EN if locale == "en" else WEEKDAY_NAMES_ABBR_FA
        am = "AM" if locale == "en" else "ق.ظ"

        format_time = {
            "%a": day_names_abbr[self.weekday()],
            "%A": day_names[self.weekday()],
            "%w": str(self.weekday()),
            "%d": "%02d" % self._day,
            "%b": month_names_abbr[self._month],
            "%B": month_names[self._month],
            "%m": "%02d" % self._month,
            "%y": "%02d" % (self._year % 100),
            "%Y": "%04d" % self._year,
            "%H": "00",
            "%I": "00",
            "%p": am,
            "%M": "00",
            "%S": "00",
            "%f": "000000",
            "%z": "",
            "%Z": "",
            "%j": "%03d" % (self.days_before_month(self._month) + self._day),
            "%U": "%02d" % self.week_of_year(),
            "%W": "%02d" % self.week_of_year(),
            "%X": "00:00:00",
            "%%": "%",

        if "%c" in fmt:
            fmt = utils.replace(fmt, {"%c": self.strftime("%A %d %B %Y")})

        if "%x" in fmt:
            fmt = utils.replace(fmt, {"%x": self.strftime("%y/%m/%d")})

        result = utils.replace(fmt, format_time)

        if locale == "fa":
            result = digits.en_to_fa(result)

        return result
예제 #10
def fa_to_ar(string: str) -> str:
    """Convert Persian digits to Arabic

    >>> from persiantools import digits
    >>> converted = digits.fa_to_ar("۰۱۲۳۴۵۶۷۸۹")

    :param string: A string, will be converted
    :rtype: str
    return utils.replace(string, FA_TO_AR_MAP)
예제 #11
def en_to_fa(string: str) -> str:
    """Convert EN digits to Persian

    >>> from persiantools import digits
    >>> converted = digits.en_to_fa("0123456789")

    :param string:  A string, will be converted
    :rtype: str
    return utils.replace(string, EN_TO_FA_MAP)
예제 #12
def ar_to_fa(string: str) -> str:
    """Convert Arabic digits to Persian

    >>> from persiantools import digits
    >>> converted = digits.ar_to_fa("٠١٢٣٤٥٦٧٨٩")

    :param string: A string, will be converted
    :rtype: str
    return utils.replace(string, AR_TO_FA_MAP)
def fa_to_ar(string: str) -> str:
    """Convert Persian characters to Arabic

        from persiantools import characters
        converted = characters.ar_to_fa("ای چرخ فلک خرابی از کینه تست")

    :param string: A string, will be converted
    :rtype: str
    characters_map = {"ی": "ي", "ک": "ك"}

    return utils.replace(string, characters_map)
    def strftime(self, fmt):
        datetime = self.to_gregorian()

        format_time = {
            "%H": "%02d" % self._hour,
            "%02d" % (self._hour if self._hour <= 12 else self._hour - 12),
            "%p": "AM" if self._hour < 12 else "PM",
            "%M": "%02d" % self._minute,
            "%S": "%02d" % self._second,
            "%f": "%06d" % self._microsecond,
            "%z": datetime.strftime("%z"),
            "%Z": ("" if not self._tzinfo else self._tzinfo.tzname(self)),
            "%X": "%02d:%02d:%02d" % (self._hour, self._minute, self._second),

        if "%c" in fmt:
            fmt = utils.replace(fmt, {"%c": self.strftime("%A %d %B %Y %X")})

        result = utils.replace(fmt, format_time)

        result = super(JalaliDateTime, self).strftime(result, "en")

        return result
예제 #15
def fa_to_ar(string):
    """Convert Persian characters to Arabic

            from persiantools import characters
            converted = characters.ar_to_fa("ای چرخ فلک خرابی از کینه تست")

        :param string: A string, will be converted
        :rtype: str
    dic = {
        'ی': 'ي',
        'ک': 'ك'

    return utils.replace(string, dic)
예제 #16
def ar_to_fa(string):
    """Convert Arabic characters to Persian

            from persiantools import characters
            converted = characters.ar_to_fa("السلام عليكم")

        :param string: A string, will be converted
        :rtype: str
    dic = {
        'ي': 'ی',
        'ك': 'ک'

    return utils.replace(string, dic)
def fa_to_ar(string):
    """Convert Persian characters to Arabic

            from persiantools import characters
            converted = characters.ar_to_fa("ای چرخ فلک خرابی از کینه تست")

        :param string: A string, will be converted
        :rtype: str
    characters_map = {"ی": "ي", "ک": "ك"}

    if PY2:
        if isinstance(string, unicode):
            characters_map = {
                unicode(f, "utf8"): unicode(a, "utf8") for f, a in characters_map.iteritems()

    return utils.replace(string, characters_map)
def ar_to_fa(string: str) -> str:
    """Convert Arabic characters to Persian

        from persiantools import characters
        converted = characters.ar_to_fa("السلام عليكم")

    :param string: A string, will be converted
    :rtype: str
    characters_map = {
        "دِ": "د",
        "بِ": "ب",
        "زِ": "ز",
        "ذِ": "ذ",
        "شِ": "ش",
        "سِ": "س",
        "ى": "ی",
        "ي": "ی",
        "ك": "ک",

    return utils.replace(string, characters_map)
예제 #19
def fa_to_ar(string: str) -> str:
    """Convert Persian digits to Arabic

    >>> from persiantools import digits
    >>> converted = digits.fa_to_ar("۰۱۲۳۴۵۶۷۸۹")

    :param string: A string, will be converted
    :rtype: str
    digits_map = {
        "۰": "٠",
        "۱": "١",
        "۲": "٢",
        "۳": "٣",
        "۴": "٤",
        "۵": "٥",
        "۶": "٦",
        "۷": "٧",
        "۸": "٨",
        "۹": "٩",

    return utils.replace(string, digits_map)
예제 #20
def fa_to_en(string: str) -> str:
    """Convert Persian digits to EN

    >>> from persiantools import digits
    >>> converted = digits.fa_to_en("۰۱۲۳۴۵۶۷۸۹")

    :param string: A string, will be converted
    :rtype: str
    digits_map = {
        "۰": "0",
        "۱": "1",
        "۲": "2",
        "۳": "3",
        "۴": "4",
        "۵": "5",
        "۶": "6",
        "۷": "7",
        "۸": "8",
        "۹": "9",

    return utils.replace(string, digits_map)
예제 #21
def ar_to_fa(string: str) -> str:
    """Convert Arabic digits to Persian

    >>> from persiantools import digits
    >>> converted = digits.ar_to_fa("٠١٢٣٤٥٦٧٨٩")

    :param string: A string, will be converted
    :rtype: str
    digits_map = {
        "٠": "۰",
        "١": "۱",
        "٢": "۲",
        "٣": "۳",
        "٤": "۴",
        "٥": "۵",
        "٦": "۶",
        "٧": "۷",
        "٨": "۸",
        "٩": "۹",

    return utils.replace(string, digits_map)
예제 #22
def fa_to_ar(string):
    """Convert Persian digits to Arabic

        >>> from persiantools import digits
        >>> converted = digits.fa_to_ar("۰۱۲۳۴۵۶۷۸۹")

        :param string: A string, will be converted
        :rtype: str
    dic = {
        '۰': '٠',
        '۱': '١',
        '۲': '٢',
        '۳': '٣',
        '۴': '٤',
        '۵': '٥',
        '۶': '٦',
        '۷': '٧',
        '۸': '٨',
        '۹': '٩'

    return utils.replace(string, dic)
예제 #23
def en_to_fa(string: str) -> str:
    """Convert EN digits to Persian

    >>> from persiantools import digits
    >>> converted = digits.en_to_fa("0123456789")

    :param string:  A string, will be converted
    :rtype: str
    digits_map = {
        "0": "۰",
        "1": "۱",
        "2": "۲",
        "3": "۳",
        "4": "۴",
        "5": "۵",
        "6": "۶",
        "7": "۷",
        "8": "۸",
        "9": "۹",

    return utils.replace(string, digits_map)
예제 #24
def fa_to_en(string):
    """Convert Persian digits to EN

        >>> from persiantools import digits
        >>> converted = digits.fa_to_en("۰۱۲۳۴۵۶۷۸۹")

        :param string: A string, will be converted
        :rtype: str
    dic = {
        '۰': '0',
        '۱': '1',
        '۲': '2',
        '۳': '3',
        '۴': '4',
        '۵': '5',
        '۶': '6',
        '۷': '7',
        '۸': '8',
        '۹': '9'

    return utils.replace(string, dic)
예제 #25
def en_to_fa(string):
    """Convert EN digits to Persian

        >>> from persiantools import digits
        >>> converted = digits.en_to_fa("0123456789")

        :param string:  A string, will be converted
        :rtype: str
    dic = {
        '0': '۰',
        '1': '۱',
        '2': '۲',
        '3': '۳',
        '4': '۴',
        '5': '۵',
        '6': '۶',
        '7': '۷',
        '8': '۸',
        '9': '۹'

    return utils.replace(string, dic)
예제 #26
def ar_to_fa(string):
    """Convert Arabic digits to Persian

        >>> from persiantools import digits
        >>> converted = digits.ar_to_fa("٠١٢٣٤٥٦٧٨٩")

        :param string: A string, will be converted
        :rtype: str
    dic = {
        '٠': '۰',
        '١': '۱',
        '٢': '۲',
        '٣': '۳',
        '٤': '۴',
        '٥': '۵',
        '٦': '۶',
        '٧': '۷',
        '٨': '۸',
        '٩': '۹'

    return utils.replace(string, dic)
예제 #27
    def strftime(self, fmt, locale=None):
        if locale is None or locale not in ["fa", "en"]:
            locale = self._locale

        month_names = MONTH_NAMES_EN if locale == "en" else MONTH_NAMES_FA
        month_names_abbr = MONTH_NAMES_ABBR_EN if locale == "en" \
            else MONTH_NAMES_ABBR_FA
        day_names = WEEKDAY_NAMES_EN if locale == "en" \
            else WEEKDAY_NAMES_FA
        day_names_abbr = WEEKDAY_NAMES_ABBR_EN if locale == "en" \
            else WEEKDAY_NAMES_ABBR_FA
        am = "AM" if locale == "en" else "ق.ظ"

        format_time = {
            "%a": day_names_abbr[self.weekday()],
            "%A": day_names[self.weekday()],

            "%w": str(self.weekday()),

            "%d": "%02d" % self._day,

            "%b": month_names_abbr[self._month],
            "%B": month_names[self._month],

            "%m": "%02d" % self._month,

            "%y": "%02d" % (self._year % 100),
            "%Y": "%04d" % self._year,

            "%H": "00",
            "%I": "00",

            "%p": am,

            "%M": "00",

            "%S": "00",

            "%f": "000000",

            "%z": "",
            "%Z": "",

            "%j": "%03d" % (self.days_before_month(self._month) + self._day),

            "%U": "%02d" % self.week_of_year(),
            "%W": "%02d" % self.week_of_year(),

            "%X": "00:00:00",

            "%%": "%",

        if "%c" in fmt:
            fmt = utils.replace(fmt, {"%c": self.strftime("%A %d %B %Y")})

        if "%x" in fmt:
            fmt = utils.replace(fmt, {"%x": self.strftime("%y/%m/%d")})

        result = utils.replace(fmt, format_time)

        if locale == "fa":
            result = digits.en_to_fa(result)

        return result
예제 #28
 def test_replace(self):
     self.assertEqual(utils.replace("Persian Tools", {"Persian": "Parsi", " ": "_"}), "Parsi_Tools")
     self.assertEqual(utils.replace("آب بی فلسفه می‌خوردم", {"آب": "آآآب", " ": "_"}), "آآآب_بی_فلسفه_می‌خوردم")