예제 #1
def missing_data(request):
    # What data are we missing?

    # What data are we missing about current legislators?

    # Load the pronunciation guide.
    import os.path
    if not hasattr(settings, 'PRONUNCIATION_DATABASE_PATH'):
        pronunciation_guide = None
        import rtyaml
        pronunciation_guide = {
            p["id"]["govtrack"]: p
            for p in rtyaml.load(open(settings.PRONUNCIATION_DATABASE_PATH))

    from person.models import Person
    from person.analysis import load_scorecards_for
    people = {}

    def add_person(p):
        return people.setdefault(p.id, {
            "id": p.id,
            "name": p.sortname,
            "link": p.get_absolute_url(),

    for p in Person.objects.filter(roles__current=True):
        if not p.has_photo():
            add_person(p).update({"photo": "✘"})
        if not p.birthday:
            add_person(p).update({"birthday": "✘"})
        if not p.twitterid:
            add_person(p).update({"twitter": "✘"})
        if pronunciation_guide:
            if p.id not in pronunciation_guide:
                add_person(p).update({"pronunciation": "✘"})
            # Check that the name in the guide matches the name we display.
            elif pronunciation_guide[
                    p.id]['name'] != p.firstname + " // " + p.lastname:
                add_person(p).update({"pronunciation": "mismatch"})
        if not load_scorecards_for(p):
            # new legislators won't have scorecards for a while
            add_person(p).update({"scorecards": "✘"})
    people = sorted(people.values(), key=lambda p: p['name'])

    return {
        "people": people,
예제 #2
def missing_data(request):
    # What data are we missing?

    # What data are we missing about current legislators?

    # Load the pronunciation guide.
    import os.path
    if not hasattr(settings, 'PRONUNCIATION_DATABASE_PATH'):
        pronunciation_guide = None
        import rtyaml
        pronunciation_guide = { p["id"]["govtrack"]: p for p in rtyaml.load(open(settings.PRONUNCIATION_DATABASE_PATH)) }

    from person.models import Person
    from person.analysis import load_scorecards_for
    people = { }
    def add_person(p):
        return people.setdefault(p.id, {
            "id": p.id,
            "name": p.sortname,
            "link": p.get_absolute_url(),
    for p in Person.objects.filter(roles__current=True):
        if not p.has_photo():
            add_person(p).update({ "photo": "✘" })
        if not p.birthday:
            add_person(p).update({ "birthday": "✘" })
        if not p.twitterid:
            add_person(p).update({ "twitter": "✘" })
        if pronunciation_guide:
            if p.id not in pronunciation_guide:
                add_person(p).update({ "pronunciation": "✘" })
            # Check that the name in the guide matches the name we display.
            elif pronunciation_guide[p.id]['name'] != p.firstname + " // " + p.lastname:
                add_person(p).update({ "pronunciation": "mismatch" })
        if not load_scorecards_for(p):
            # new legislators won't have scorecards for a while
            add_person(p).update({ "scorecards": "✘" })
    people = sorted(people.values(), key=lambda p : p['name'])

    return {
        "people": people,