def __init__(self, _name, _description): try: #Initialize empty dictionary for physical devices self.dictPhysicalDevices = {} self.dictVirtualSwitches = {} self._dictRuleProxies = {} self.arrConditionalItems = [] self.description = _description BaseCore.__init__(self, _name) # Create Housekeeping Cron Job #ruleCronMaintain = CronRuleFactory("IntelliSwitch - {} (Maintenance)".format(_name), _description, self) #ruleCronMaintain.AddCronTrigger(EVERY_MINUTE) #self._ruleCronMaintain = ruleCronMaintain # TODO:: Fix Startup Rule - Considder if it is really needed self._ruleCronMaintain = None self._ruleStartup = None #StartupRuleFactory(_name, _description, self) #self._dictRuleProxies = {} except: LogException()
def __init__(self, name, description, arrTriggerItems, arrOutputItems, arrConditions): try: self.requestedTriggeredState = False self.actualTriggeredState = False BaseCore.__init__(self, name) self._description = description self._configValid = True self._mgr = None self._proxyHandler = None self._conditionMgr = ConditionManager() self._arrRequiredService = [] self._arrVirtualTriggers = {} self._arrVirtualSwitches = {} self._arrOutputItems = arrOutputItems self._arrTriggerItems = arrTriggerItems self._conditionMgr.Add(arrConditions) getLogger().debug(( "Created new rule '{}' - Triggers='{}', Outputs='{}', Conditions='{}'" ).format(name, self._arrTriggerItems, self._arrOutputItems, arrConditions)) except: LogException()
def __init__(self, begin, end): try: self._begin = begin self._end = end BaseCore.__init__(self, "") except: LogException()
def __init__(self, itemName, stateActivated, stateDeactivated, activateDelay, deactivateDelay): try: BaseCore.__init__(self, itemName) self._stateActivated = stateActivated self._stateDeactivated = stateDeactivated self.delayActivate = activateDelay self.delayDeactivate = deactivateDelay except: LogException()
def __init__(self, name): try: self._state = None self.usageCount = 0 self.callbacks = {} #Create Synchronization object self.lock = threading.Lock() BaseCore.__init__(self, name) except: LogException()
def __init__(self, name, physicalDevice, eventCallback): try: BaseCore.__init__(self, name) #Initialization self._activated = False self._physicalDevice = None self._eventCallback = eventCallback #Validation if (physicalDevice is not None): if (isinstance(physicalDevice, PhysicalDevice)==False): getLogger().error("Instance of PhysicalDevice not instance of class 'PhysicalDevice'. Actual instance is '" + getClassName(physicalDevice) + "'") #TODO:: Raise Exception self._physicalDevice = physicalDevice except: LogException()
def __init__(self): try: BaseCore.__init__(self, "") self.conditions = [] except: LogException()
def __init__(self): BaseCore.__init__(self, "") self.event = ""
def __init__(self, name=""): try: BaseCore.__init__(self, name) except: LogException()