def MLP3_test(x, opt, select, labels_id, dropout_rate, perturbation_params, perturbation_type): # x is an input, opt is the experiment # select gives selected neurons where 1 indicates being selected, indexed as [layer][node] # labels_id=categories # dropout rate=dropout rate # perturbation_params=array of keep/drop probs indexed [type][layer] # perturbation_type is an int in range(5) giving perturbation type: # 0=weight noise, 1=weight ko, 2=act ko, 3=act noise, 4=targeted act ko parameters = [] num_neurons_before_fc = int(x.get_shape()[1]) flattened = tf.reshape(x, [-1, num_neurons_before_fc]) # fc1 with tf.name_scope('fc1') as scope: W = tf.Variable(tf.truncated_normal( [num_neurons_before_fc, int(32 * opt.dnn.neuron_multiplier[0])], dtype=tf.float32, stddev=1e-3), name='weights') b = tf.Variable(0.1 * tf.ones([int(32 * opt.dnn.neuron_multiplier[0])]), name='bias') # weight perturbation if perturbation_type == 0: W = pt.weight_knockout(W, perturbation_params[1][0]) if perturbation_type == 1: W = pt.weight_noise(W, perturbation_params[0][0]) parameters += [W, b] fc1_predrop = tf.nn.relu( tf.nn.bias_add(tf.matmul(flattened, W), b, name=scope)) # if perturbation_type == 2: # fc3_predrop = pt.activation_knockout(fc3_predrop, perturbation_params[2][2]) if perturbation_type == 3: fc1_predrop = pt.activation_noise(fc1_predrop, perturbation_params[3][0], opt.hyper.batch_size) elif perturbation_type in [2, 4]: ss = tf.reshape(tf.tile(select[0], [opt.hyper.batch_size]), [-1, int(fc1_predrop.get_shape()[1])]) fc1_predrop = pt.activation_knockout_mask( fc1_predrop, perturbation_params[4][0], ss) dropout1 = tf.nn.dropout(fc1_predrop, dropout_rate) # fc2 with tf.name_scope('fc2') as scope: W = tf.Variable(tf.truncated_normal([ int(32 * opt.dnn.neuron_multiplier[0]), int(32 * opt.dnn.neuron_multiplier[1]) ], dtype=tf.float32, stddev=1e-3), name='weights') b = tf.Variable(0.1 * tf.ones([int(32 * opt.dnn.neuron_multiplier[1])]), name='bias') # weight perturbation if perturbation_type == 0: W = pt.weight_knockout(W, perturbation_params[1][1]) if perturbation_type == 1: W = pt.weight_noise(W, perturbation_params[0][1]) parameters += [W, b] fc2_predrop = tf.nn.relu( tf.nn.bias_add(tf.matmul(dropout1, W), b, name=scope)) if perturbation_type == 3: fc2_predrop = pt.activation_noise(fc2_predrop, perturbation_params[3][1], opt.hyper.batch_size) elif perturbation_type in [2, 4]: ss = tf.reshape(tf.tile(select[1], [opt.hyper.batch_size]), [-1, int(fc2_predrop.get_shape()[1])]) fc2_predrop = pt.activation_knockout_mask( fc2_predrop, perturbation_params[4][1], ss) dropout2 = tf.nn.dropout(fc2_predrop, dropout_rate) # fc3 with tf.name_scope('fc2') as scope: W = tf.Variable(tf.truncated_normal([ int(32 * opt.dnn.neuron_multiplier[1]), int(32 * opt.dnn.neuron_multiplier[2]) ], dtype=tf.float32, stddev=1e-3), name='weights') b = tf.Variable(0.1 * tf.ones([int(32 * opt.dnn.neuron_multiplier[2])]), name='bias') # weight perturbation if perturbation_type == 0: W = pt.weight_knockout(W, perturbation_params[1][2]) if perturbation_type == 1: W = pt.weight_noise(W, perturbation_params[0][2]) parameters += [W, b] fc3_predrop = tf.nn.relu( tf.nn.bias_add(tf.matmul(dropout2, W), b, name=scope)) # if perturbation_type == 2: # fc3_predrop = pt.activation_knockout(fc3_predrop, perturbation_params[2][2]) if perturbation_type == 3: fc3_predrop = pt.activation_noise(fc3_predrop, perturbation_params[3][2], opt.hyper.batch_size) elif perturbation_type in [2, 4]: ss = tf.reshape(tf.tile(select[0], [opt.hyper.batch_size]), [-1, int(fc3_predrop.get_shape()[1])]) fc3_predrop = pt.activation_knockout_mask( fc3_predrop, perturbation_params[4][2], ss) dropout3 = tf.nn.dropout(fc3_predrop, dropout_rate) # fc8 with tf.name_scope('fc_out') as scope: W = tf.Variable(tf.truncated_normal( [int(32 * opt.dnn.neuron_multiplier[2]), len(labels_id)], dtype=tf.float32, stddev=1e-2), name='weights') b = tf.Variable(tf.zeros([len(labels_id)]), name='bias') # weight perturbation if perturbation_type == 0: W = pt.weight_knockout(W, perturbation_params[1][3]) if perturbation_type == 1: W = pt.weight_noise(W, perturbation_params[0][3]) parameters += [W, b] summ.variable_summaries(W, b, opt) fc8 = tf.nn.bias_add(tf.matmul(dropout3, W), b, name=scope) summ.activation_summaries(fc8, opt) return fc8, parameters
def Alexnet_test(x, opt, select, labels_id, dropout_rate, perturbation_params, perturbation_type): # x is an input, opt is the experiment # select gives selected neurons where 1 indicates being selected, indexed as [layer][node] # labels_id=categories # dropout rate=dropout rate # perturbation_params=array of keep/drop probs indexed [type][layer] # perturbation_type is an int in range(5) giving perturbation type: # 0=weight noise, 1=weight ko, 2=act ko, 3=act noise, 4=targeted act ko reuse = False global num_neurons parameters = [] init_type = tf.glorot_normal_initializer if opt.init_type == 1: init_type = tf.glorot_uniform_initializer elif opt.init_type == 2: init_type = tf.keras.initializers.he_normal elif opt.init_type == 3: init_type = tf.keras.initializers.he_uniform elif opt.init_type == 4: init_type = tf.keras.initializers.lecun_normal elif opt.init_type == 5: init_type = tf.keras.initializers.lecun_uniform f_act = tf.nn.relu if opt.act_function == 1: f_act = tf.nn.leaky_relu elif opt.act_function == 2: f_act = tf.nn.elu elif opt.act_function == 3: f_act = tf.nn.selu elif opt.act_function == 4: f_act = tf.nn.sigmoid elif opt.act_function == 5: f_act = tf.nn.tanh with tf.variable_scope('conv1', reuse=reuse) as scope: kernel = tf.get_variable(shape=[ 5, 5, 3, int(num_neurons[0] * opt.dnn.neuron_multiplier[0]) ], initializer=init_type(), name='weights') conv = tf.nn.conv2d(x, kernel, [1, 1, 1, 1], padding='SAME') biases = tf.get_variable(initializer=tf.constant( 0.0, shape=[int(num_neurons[0] * opt.dnn.neuron_multiplier[0])]), name='biases') pre_activation = tf.nn.bias_add(conv, biases) conv1 = f_act(pre_activation, # Activation perturbation # if perturbation_type == 2: # conv1 = pt.activation_knockout(conv1, perturbation_params[2][0]) if perturbation_type == 3: conv1 = pt.activation_noise(conv1, perturbation_params[3][0], opt.hyper.batch_size) elif perturbation_type in [2, 4]: ss = tf.reshape( tf.tile(select[0], [ int([1:3])) * opt.hyper.batch_size ]), [ -1, int(conv1.get_shape()[1]), int(conv1.get_shape()[2]), int(conv1.get_shape()[3]) ]) conv1 = pt.activation_knockout_mask(conv1, perturbation_params[4][0], ss) # ss is the mask parameters += [kernel, biases] summ.variable_summaries(kernel, biases, opt) summ.activation_summaries(conv1, opt) # pool1 with tf.variable_scope('pool1') as scope: pool1 = tf.nn.max_pool(conv1, ksize=[1, 3, 3, 1], strides=[1, 2, 2, 1], padding='SAME', name='pool1') summ.activation_summaries(pool1, opt) # lrn1 with tf.variable_scope('lrn1') as scope: lrn1 = tf.nn.local_response_normalization(pool1, depth_radius=2, alpha=2e-05, beta=0.75, bias=1.) # conv2 with tf.variable_scope('conv2', reuse=reuse) as scope: kernel = tf.get_variable(shape=[ 5, 5, int(num_neurons[0] * opt.dnn.neuron_multiplier[0]), int(num_neurons[1] * opt.dnn.neuron_multiplier[1]) ], initializer=init_type(), name='weights') conv = tf.nn.conv2d(lrn1, kernel, [1, 1, 1, 1], padding='SAME') biases = tf.get_variable(initializer=tf.constant( 0.1, shape=[int(num_neurons[1] * opt.dnn.neuron_multiplier[1])]), name='biases') pre_activation = tf.nn.bias_add(conv, biases) conv2 = f_act(pre_activation, # Activation perturbation # if perturbation_type == 2: # conv2 = pt.activation_knockout(conv2, perturbation_params[2][1]) if perturbation_type == 3: conv2 = pt.activation_noise(conv2, perturbation_params[3][1], opt.hyper.batch_size) elif perturbation_type in [2, 4]: ss = tf.reshape( tf.tile(select[1], [ int([1:3])) * opt.hyper.batch_size ]), [ -1, int(conv2.get_shape()[1]), int(conv2.get_shape()[2]), int(conv2.get_shape()[3]) ]) conv2 = pt.activation_knockout_mask(conv2, perturbation_params[4][1], ss) parameters += [kernel, biases] summ.variable_summaries(kernel, biases, opt) summ.activation_summaries(conv2, opt) # pool2 with tf.variable_scope('pool2') as scope: pool2 = tf.nn.max_pool(conv2, ksize=[1, 3, 3, 1], strides=[1, 2, 2, 1], padding='SAME') summ.activation_summaries(pool2, opt) # lrn2 with tf.variable_scope('lrn2') as scope: lrn2 = tf.nn.local_response_normalization(pool2, depth_radius=2, alpha=2e-05, beta=0.75, bias=1.) # fc3 (6 in Alexnet) with tf.variable_scope('fc3', reuse=reuse) as scope: dim1 = int([1:])) dim2 = int(num_neurons[2] * opt.dnn.neuron_multiplier[2]) flattened = tf.reshape(lrn2, [opt.hyper.batch_size, -1]) weights = tf.get_variable(shape=[dim1, dim2], initializer=init_type(), name='weights') biases = tf.get_variable(initializer=tf.constant(0.1, shape=[dim2]), name='biases') # weight perturbation if perturbation_type == 0: weights = pt.weight_knockout(weights, perturbation_params[1][2]) if perturbation_type == 1: weights = pt.weight_noise(weights, perturbation_params[0][2]) parameters += [weights, biases] summ.variable_summaries(weights, biases, opt) fc3_predrop = f_act(tf.matmul(flattened, weights) + biases, # activation perturbation # if perturbation_type == 2: # fc3_predrop = pt.activation_knockout(fc3_predrop, perturbation_params[2][2]) if perturbation_type == 3: fc3_predrop = pt.activation_noise(fc3_predrop, perturbation_params[3][2], opt.hyper.batch_size) elif perturbation_type in [2, 4]: ss = tf.reshape(tf.tile(select[2], [opt.hyper.batch_size]), [-1, int(fc3_predrop.get_shape()[1])]) fc3_predrop = pt.activation_knockout_mask( fc3_predrop, perturbation_params[4][2], ss) fc3 = tf.nn.dropout(fc3_predrop, dropout_rate) summ.activation_summaries(fc3, opt) # fc4 (fc7 in Alexnet) with tf.variable_scope('fc4', reuse=reuse) as scope: dim3 = int(num_neurons[3] * opt.dnn.neuron_multiplier[3]) weights = tf.get_variable(shape=[dim2, dim3], initializer=init_type(), name='weights') biases = tf.get_variable(initializer=tf.constant( 0.1, shape=[int(num_neurons[3] * opt.dnn.neuron_multiplier[3])]), name='biases') # weight perturbation if perturbation_type == 0: weights = pt.weight_knockout(weights, perturbation_params[1][3]) if perturbation_type == 1: weights = pt.weight_noise(weights, perturbation_params[0][3]) parameters += [weights, biases] summ.variable_summaries(weights, biases, opt) fc4_predrop = f_act(tf.matmul(fc3, weights) + biases, # activation perturbation # if perturbation_type == 2: # fc4_predrop = pt.activation_knockout(fc4_predrop, perturbation_params[2][3]) if perturbation_type == 3: fc4_predrop = pt.activation_noise(fc4_predrop, perturbation_params[3][3], opt.hyper.batch_size) elif perturbation_type in [2, 4]: ss = tf.reshape(tf.tile(select[3], [opt.hyper.batch_size]), [-1, int(fc4_predrop.get_shape()[1])]) fc4_predrop = pt.activation_knockout_mask( fc4_predrop, perturbation_params[4][3], ss) fc4 = tf.nn.dropout(fc4_predrop, dropout_rate) summ.activation_summaries(fc4, opt) # linear softmax (fc8 in Alexnet) # We don't apply softmax--tf.nn.sparse_softmax_cross_entropy_with_logits accepts the unscaled logits # and performs the softmax internally for efficiency with tf.variable_scope('softmax_linear', reuse=reuse) as scope: weights = tf.get_variable(shape=[dim3, len(labels_id)], initializer=init_type(), name='weights') biases = tf.get_variable(initializer=tf.constant( 0.0, shape=[len(labels_id)]), name='biases') # weight perturbation if perturbation_type == 0: weights = pt.weight_knockout(weights, perturbation_params[1][4]) if perturbation_type == 1: weights = pt.weight_noise(weights, perturbation_params[0][4]) parameters += [weights, biases] summ.variable_summaries(weights, biases, opt) fc5 = tf.add(tf.matmul(fc4, weights), biases, summ.activation_summaries(fc5, opt) return fc5, parameters