class SerialDevice(): process = None def __init__(self, port, prompt): self.port = port self.prompt = prompt def open(self): self.process = PopenSpawn( f'{sys.executable} -m pexpect_serial_terminal -p {self.port}') self.process.logfile_read = open("serial_log.txt", "ab+") self.process.sendline('') i = self.process.expect([r'.+ login:'******'ubuntu') self.process.expect('Password:'******'ubuntu') self.process.expect(self.prompt) elif i == 2: self.close() raise ValueError('cannot log in serial device!') def close(self): self.process.write('\x03') self.process.wait() def run(self, command, timeout=3): self.process.sendline(command) self.process.expect(self.prompt, timeout=timeout) output = self.process.before.decode('utf-8') print('\n<serial output>\ncommand:', output) return output
def genarate_key(key_name='debug.keystore', alias='release'): """使用keytool生成随机证书 Returns: type: 无 """ cmd = ('keytool -genkeypair -keystore {} ' '-alias {} -validity 3000').format(key_name, alias) child = PopenSpawn(cmd) result = child.expect('Enter keystore password:'******'Enter keystore password:'******'Re-enter new password:'******'Re-enter new password:'******']:') # print('What is your first and last name?\r\n [Unknown]:') child.sendline(random_str()) child.expect(']:') # print('What is the name of your organizational unit?\r\n [Unknown]:') child.sendline(random_str()) child.expect(']:') # print('What is the name of your organization?\r\n [Unknown]:') child.sendline(random_str()) child.expect(']:') # print('What is the name of your City or Locality?\r\n [Unknown]:') child.sendline(random_str()) child.expect(']:') # print('What is the name of your State or Province?\r\n [Unknown]:') child.sendline(random_str()) child.expect(']:') # print('What is the two-letter country code for this unit?\r\n [Unknown]:') child.sendline(random_str()) child.expect(']:') print(child.before[5:-15].decode(), end=' ') child.sendline('yes') child.expect('Enter key password for') # print('Enter key password for <release>\r\n\t(RETURN if same as keystore password):') child.sendline(PWD) child.expect('password:'******'Re - enter new password:') child.sendline(PWD) child.wait() # print(PWD) return (key_name, alias)
def getIPv6Neighbors(interface=None): # Get Interfaces if interface is None, otherwise program Interface from input NICs = [] if interface is None: NICs = getNICInterfaces() else: NICs.append(str(interface)) # Send link-local ping to each NIC print('Discovering IPv6 devices on the following interfaces:') print(NICs) # Set and start ping threads hosts = [] if 'win' in sys.platform: for NIC in NICs: host = 'ff02::1%' + NIC hosts.append((host, )) pool = multiprocessing.Pool(processes=10) pool.starmap(ping, hosts) pool.close() pool.join() # Get IPv6 Neighbors for each NIC IPv6Devices = [] for NIC in NICs: print('Getting IPv6 Neighbors for NIC#' + NIC) # Get output from netsh command session = PopenSpawn('netsh interface ipv6 show neighbors ' + NIC) output = # Split output by newlines splitline = output.splitlines() # Remove lines without ... # splitline = [x for x in splitline if b'fe80::' in x] # Create IPv6 Regular Expression for line in splitline: # Get IPv6 Device from line IPv6Device = line[:44].rstrip().decode("utf-8") + '%' + NIC print(IPv6Device) IPv6Devices.append(IPv6Device) # Assume everything else is linux platform else: IPv6Devices = [] for NIC in NICs: session = pexpect.spawn('ping6 -c 2 ff02::1%' + str(NIC)) session.wait() output = output = output.decode('utf-8') output = output.splitlines() for line in output: if line.startswith("64 bytes from fe80:"): IPv6Devices.append(line.split()[3][:-1] + '%' + str(NIC)) #return IPv6Devices return [ 'fe80::dac4:97ff:feb6:b262%27', 'fe80::dac4:97ff:feb5:ccc7%27', 'fe80::dac4:97ff:feb6:b276%27' ]
def apksigner(jar_path, key_path, alias): """使用apksigner签名 Returns: type: None """ cmd = ('apksigner sign --ks {} ' '--ks-key-alias {} {}').format(key_path, alias, jar_path) child = PopenSpawn(cmd) result = child.expect('Keystore password for signer #1:') child.sendline(PWD) child.wait() os.remove(key_path)
def main(): parser = GooeyParser(description='Package your Gooey applications into standalone executables') parser.add_argument( "program_name", metavar='Program Name', help='Destination name for the packaged executable' ) parser.add_argument( "source_path", metavar="Program Source", help='The main source file of your program', widget="FileChooser" ) parser.add_argument( "output_dir", metavar="Output Directory", help='Location to store the generated files', widget="DirChooser" ) args = parser.parse_args() if not os.path.exists(args.source_path): raise IOError('{} does not appear to be a valid file path'.format(args.source_path)) if not os.path.exists(args.output_dir): raise IOError('{} does not appear to be a valid directory'.format(args.output_dir)) with open(os.path.join(local_path(), 'build_template'), 'r') as f: spec_details =, source_path=args.source_path) fileno, path = tempfile.mkstemp(prefix='gooeybuild', suffix='.spec') with open(path, 'w') as f: f.write(spec_details) cmd = 'pyinstaller "{0}" --distpath="{1}"'.format(path, args.output_dir) print cmd from pexpect.popen_spawn import PopenSpawn child = PopenSpawn(cmd) child.logfile = sys.stdout child.wait() print dedent(''' ___ _ _ ______ _ / _ \| | | | _ \ | | / /_\ \ | | | | | |___ _ __ ___| | | _ | | | | | | / _ \| '_ \ / _ \ | | | | | | | | |/ / (_) | | | | __/_| \_| |_/_|_| |___/ \___/|_| |_|\___(_) ''') print 'Wrote Executable file to {}'.format(args.output_dir)
def jarsigner(jar_path, key_path, alias): """使用jarsigner签名 Args: flag (bool): 是否兼容Android 4.2以下 Returns: type: None """ # 不支持Android 4.2 以下 cmd = 'jarsigner -keystore {} {} {}'.format(key_path, jar_path, alias) child = PopenSpawn(cmd) result = child.expect('Enter Passphrase for keystore:') child.sendline(PWD) child.wait() os.remove(key_path)
class MMGenPexpect(object): NL = '\r\n' if g.platform == 'linux' and opt.popen_spawn: import atexit atexit.register(lambda: os.system('stty sane')) NL = '\n' def __init__(self,name,mmgen_cmd,cmd_args,desc,no_output=False,passthru_args=[],msg_only=False,no_msg=False): cmd_args = ['--{}{}'.format(k.replace('_','-'), '='+getattr(opt,k) if getattr(opt,k) != True else '' ) for k in passthru_args if getattr(opt,k)] \ + ['--data-dir='+data_dir] + cmd_args if g.platform == 'win': cmd,args = 'python',[mmgen_cmd]+cmd_args else: cmd,args = mmgen_cmd,cmd_args for i in args: if type(i) not in (str,unicode): m1 = 'Error: missing input files in cmd line?:' m2 = '\nName: {}\nCmd: {}\nCmd args: {}' die(2,(m1+m2).format(name,cmd,args)) if opt.popen_spawn: args = [u'{q}{}{q}'.format(a,q="'" if ' ' in a else '') for a in args] cmd_str = u'{} {}'.format(cmd,u' '.join(args)).replace('\\','/') if opt.coverage: fs = 'python -m trace --count --coverdir={} --file={} {c}' cmd_str = fs.format(*init_coverage(),c=cmd_str) if opt.log: log_fd.write(cmd_str+'\n') if not no_msg: if opt.verbose or opt.print_cmdline or opt.exact_output: clr1,clr2,eol = ((green,cyan,'\n'),(nocolor,nocolor,' '))[bool(opt.print_cmdline)] sys.stderr.write(green('Testing: {}\n'.format(desc))) if not msg_only: sys.stderr.write(clr1(u'Executing {}{}'.format(clr2(cmd_str),eol))) else: m = 'Testing {}: '.format(desc) msg_r(m) if msg_only: return if opt.direct_exec: msg('') from subprocess import call,check_output f = (call,check_output)[bool(no_output)] ret = f([cmd] + args) if f == call and ret != 0: die(1,red('ERROR: process returned a non-zero exit status ({})'.format(ret))) else: if opt.traceback: cmd,args = g.traceback_cmd,[cmd]+args cmd_str = g.traceback_cmd + ' ' + cmd_str # Msg('\ncmd_str: {}'.format(cmd_str)) if opt.popen_spawn: self.p = PopenSpawn(cmd_str.encode('utf8')) else: self.p = pexpect.spawn(cmd,args) if opt.exact_output: self.p.logfile = sys.stdout def ok(self,exit_val=0): ret = self.p.wait() # Msg('expect: {} got: {}'.format(exit_val,ret)) if ret != exit_val and not opt.coverage: die(1,red(' spawned program exited with value {}'.format(ret))) if opt.profile: return if opt.verbose or opt.exact_output: sys.stderr.write(green('OK\n')) else: msg(' OK') def cmp_or_die(self,s,t,skip_ok=False,exit_val=0): ret = self.p.wait() if ret != exit_val: rdie(1,' spawned program exited with value {}'.format(ret)) if s == t: if not skip_ok: ok() else: fs = 'ERROR: recoded data:\n{}\ndiffers from original data:\n{}' rdie(3,fs.format(repr(t),repr(s))) def license(self): if 'MMGEN_NO_LICENSE' in os.environ: return p = "'w' for conditions and warranty info, or 'c' to continue: " my_expect(self.p,p,'c') def label(self,label='Test Label'): p = 'Enter a wallet label, or hit ENTER for no label: ' my_expect(self.p,p,label+'\n') def usr_rand_out(self,saved=False): fs = 'Generating encryption key from OS random data plus {}user-supplied entropy' my_expect(self.p,fs.format(('','saved ')[saved])) def usr_rand(self,num_chars): if opt.usr_random: self.interactive() my_send(self.p,'\n') else: rand_chars = list(getrandstr(num_chars,no_space=True)) my_expect(self.p,'symbols left: ','x') try: vmsg_r('SEND ') while self.p.expect('left: ',0.1) == 0: ch = rand_chars.pop(0) msg_r(yellow(ch)+' ' if opt.verbose else '+') self.p.send(ch) except: vmsg('EOT') my_expect(self.p,'ENTER to continue: ','\n') def passphrase_new(self,desc,passphrase): my_expect(self.p,'Enter passphrase for {}: '.format(desc),passphrase+'\n') my_expect(self.p,'Repeat passphrase: ',passphrase+'\n') def passphrase(self,desc,passphrase,pwtype=''): if pwtype: pwtype += ' ' my_expect(self.p, 'Enter {}passphrase for {}.*?: '.format(pwtype,desc), passphrase+'\n',regex=True) def hash_preset(self,desc,preset=''): my_expect(self.p,'Enter hash preset for {}'.format(desc)) my_expect(self.p,'or hit ENTER .*?:',str(preset)+'\n',regex=True) def written_to_file(self,desc,overwrite_unlikely=False,query='Overwrite? ',oo=False): s1 = '{} written to file '.format(desc) s2 = query + "Type uppercase 'YES' to confirm: " ret = my_expect(self.p,([s1,s2],s1)[overwrite_unlikely]) if ret == 1: my_send(self.p,'YES\n') # if oo: outfile = self.expect_getend("Overwriting file '").rstrip("'").decode('utf8') return outfile # else: # ret = my_expect(self.p,s1) self.expect(self.NL,nonl=True) outfile = self.p.before.strip().strip("'").decode('utf8') if opt.debug_pexpect: rmsg('Outfile [{}]'.format(outfile)) vmsg(u'{} file: {}'.format(desc,cyan(outfile.replace("'",'')))) return outfile def no_overwrite(self): self.expect("Overwrite? Type uppercase 'YES' to confirm: ",'\n') self.expect('Exiting at user request') def tx_view(self,view=None): repl = { 'terse':'t', 'full':'v' }[view] if view else 'n' my_expect(self.p,r'View .*?transaction.*? \(y\)es, \(N\)o, pager \(v\)iew.*?: ',repl,regex=True) if repl == 't': my_expect(self.p,r'any key to continue: ','\n') def expect_getend(self,s,regex=False): ret = self.expect(s,regex=regex,nonl=True) debug_pexpect_msg(self.p) # end = self.readline().strip() # readline() of partial lines doesn't work with PopenSpawn, so do this instead: self.expect(self.NL,nonl=True,silent=True) debug_pexpect_msg(self.p) end = self.p.before if not g.debug: vmsg(' ==> {}'.format(cyan(end))) return end def interactive(self): return self.p.interact() # interact() not available with popen_spawn def kill(self,signal): return self.p.kill(signal) def logfile(self,arg): self.p.logfile = arg def expect(self,*args,**kwargs): return my_expect(self.p,*args,**kwargs) def send(self,*args,**kwargs): return my_send(self.p,*args,**kwargs) # def readline(self): # return self.p.readline() # def readlines(self): # return [l.rstrip()+'\n' for l in self.p.readlines()] def read(self,n=None): return def close(self): if not opt.popen_spawn: self.p.close()
class SerAPI: def __init__(self, timeout, debug=False): 'Initialize the SerAPI subprocess' self.debug = debug try: self.proc = PopenSpawn('sertop --implicit --omit_loc --print0', encoding='utf-8', timeout=timeout, maxread=10000000) except FileNotFoundError: log( 'Please make sure the "sertop" program is in the PATH.\nYou may have to run "eval $(opam env)".', 'ERROR') sys.exit(1) self.proc.expect_exact( '(Feedback((doc_id 0)(span_id 1)(route 0)(contents Processed)))\0') self.send('Noop') self.states_stack = [] # global printing options self.execute('Unset Printing Notations.') self.execute('Unset Printing Wildcard.') self.execute('Set Printing Coercions.') self.execute('Unset Printing Allow Match Default Clause.') self.execute('Unset Printing Factorizable Match Patterns.') self.execute('Unset Printing Compact Contexts.') self.execute('Set Printing Implicit.') self.execute('Set Printing Depth 999999.') self.execute('Unset Printing Records.') # initialize the state stack self.push() self.ast_cache = {} self.dead = False def set_timeout(self, timeout): self.proc.timeout = timeout def get_timeout(self): return proc.timeout def send(self, cmd): 'Send a command to SerAPI and retrieve the responses' #print(cmd) assert '\n' not in cmd self.proc.sendline(cmd) try: self.proc.expect([ '\(Answer \d+ Ack\)\x00.*\(Answer \d+ Completed\)\x00', '\(Answer \d+ Ack\)\x00.*\(Answer \d+\(CoqExn.*\)\x00' ]) except pexpect.TIMEOUT as ex: print(self.proc.before) raise CoqTimeout raw_responses = self.proc.after #print(raw_responses) ack_num = int('^\(Answer (?P<num>\d+)', raw_responses)['num']) for num in re.findall(r'(?<=\(Answer) \d+', raw_responses): assert int(num) == ack_num responses = [] msg_str = [] for item in raw_responses.split('\x00'): item = item.strip() if item == '': continue if not item.startswith('(Feedback') and not item.startswith( '(Answer'): m ='\(Feedback|\(Answer', item) if m is None: continue item = item[m.span()[0]:] assert item.endswith(')') parsed_item = sexpdata.loads(item, nil=None, true=None) if 'CoqExn' in item: # an error occured in Coq assert parsed_item[2][0] == Symbol('CoqExn') raise CoqExn(sexpdata.dumps(parsed_item[2][4]), sexpdata.dumps(parsed_item[2])) if item.startswith('(Feedback'): # ignore Feedback for now try: msg = parsed_item[1][3][1] if isinstance(msg, list) and msg != [] and msg[0] == Symbol( 'Message'): msg_sexp, _ = self.send( '(Print ((pp_format PpStr)) (CoqPp %s))' % sexpdata.dumps(msg[3])) msg_str.extend( [symbol2str(x[1]) for x in msg_sexp[1][2][1]]) except IndexError: pass continue responses.append(parsed_item) msg_str = '\n'.join(msg_str) return responses, raw_responses def send_add(self, cmd, return_ast): 'Send a (Add () "XXX") command to SerAPI, return the state id and optionally the AST' responses, raw_responses = self.send('(Add () "%s")' % escape(cmd)) state_ids = [ int(sid) for sid in ADDED_STATE_PATTERN.findall(raw_responses) ] state_id = state_ids[-1] if self.states_stack != []: self.states_stack[-1].append(state_id) if return_ast: if cmd not in self.ast_cache: self.ast_cache[cmd] = self.query_ast(cmd) ast = self.ast_cache[cmd] else: ast = None return state_id, ast def query_ast(self, cmd): 'Query the AST of the vernac command just added' responses, _ = self.send('(Parse () "%s")' % escape(cmd)) ast = responses[1][2][1][0] assert ast[0] == Symbol('CoqAst') return ast def query_library(self, lib): responses, _ = self.send('(Query () (LocateLibrary "%s"))' % lib) physical_path = symbol2str(responses[1][2][1][0][3]) return physical_path def query_qualid(self, qualid): responses, _ = self.send('(Query () (Locate "%s"))' % qualid) if responses[1][2][1] == [] and qualid.startswith('SerTop.'): qualid = qualid[len('SerTop.'):] responses, _ = self.send('(Query () (Locate "%s"))' % qualid) assert len(responses[1][2][1]) == 1 short_responses = responses[1][2][1][0][1][0][1] assert short_responses[1][0] == Symbol('DirPath') short_ident = '.'.join( [symbol2str(x[1]) for x in short_responses[1][1][::-1]] + [symbol2str(short_responses[2][1])]) return short_ident def query_env(self, current_file): 'Query the global environment' responses, _ = self.send('(Query () Env)') env = responses[1][2][1][0] # store the constants constants = [] for const in env[1][0][1][0][1]: # identifier qualid = print_mod_path(const[0][1]) + '.' + \ '.'.join([symbol2str(x[1]) for x in const[0][2][1][::-1]] + [symbol2str(const[0][3][1])]) if qualid.startswith('SerTop.'): logical_path = 'SerTop' physical_path = current_file else: logical_path = mod_path_file(const[0][1]) assert qualid.startswith(logical_path) physical_path = os.path.relpath( self.query_library(logical_path)) physical_path += ':' + qualid[len(logical_path) + 1:] short_ident = self.query_qualid(qualid) # term assert const[1][0][1][0] == Symbol('const_body') if const[1][0][1][1][0] == Symbol('Undef'): # delaration opaque = None term = None elif const[1][0][1][1][0] == Symbol( 'Def'): # transparent definition opaque = False term = None else: assert const[1][0][1][1][0] == Symbol( 'OpaqueDef') # opaque definition opaque = True term = None # type assert const[1][0][2][0] == Symbol('const_type') type_sexp = sexpdata.dumps(const[1][0][2][1]) type = self.print_constr(type_sexp) sort = self.query_type(type_sexp, return_str=True) constants.append({ 'physical_path': physical_path, 'short_ident': short_ident, 'qualid': qualid, 'term': term, 'type': type, 'sort': sort, 'opaque': opaque, 'sexp': sexpdata.dumps(const[1][0][2][1]) }) # store the inductives inductives = [] for induct in env[1][0][1][1][1]: # identifier qualid = print_mod_path(induct[0][1]) + '.' + \ '.'.join([symbol2str(x[1]) for x in induct[0][2][1][::-1]] + [symbol2str(induct[0][3][1])]) short_ident = self.query_qualid(qualid) if qualid.startswith('SerTop.'): logical_path = 'SerTop' physical_path = current_file else: logical_path = mod_path_file(induct[0][1]) physical_path = os.path.relpath( self.query_library(logical_path)) assert qualid.startswith(logical_path) physical_path += ':' + qualid[len(logical_path) + 1:] # blocks blocks = [] for blk in induct[1][0][0][1]: blk_qualid = '.'.join( qualid.split('.')[:-1] + [symbol2str(blk[0][1][1])]) blk_short_ident = self.query_qualid(blk_qualid) # constructors constructors = [] for c_name, c_type in zip(blk[3][1], blk[4][1]): c_name = symbol2str(c_name[1]) c_type = self.print_constr(sexpdata.dumps(c_type)) #if c_type is not None: # c_type = UNBOUND_REL_PATTERN.sub(short_ident, c_type) constructors.append((c_name, c_type)) blocks.append({ 'short_ident': blk_short_ident, 'qualid': blk_qualid, 'constructors': constructors }) inductives.append({ 'physical_path': physical_path, 'blocks': blocks, 'is_record': induct[1][0][1][1] != Symbol('NotRecord'), 'sexp': sexpdata.dumps(induct) }) return constants, inductives def query_goals(self): 'Retrieve a list of open goals' responses, _ = self.send('(Query () Goals)') assert responses[1][2][0] == Symbol('ObjList') if responses[1][2][1] == []: # no goals return [], [], [], [] else: assert len(responses[1][2][1]) == 1 def store_goals(goals_sexp): goals = [] for g in goals_sexp: hypotheses = [] for h in g[2][1]: h_sexp = sexpdata.dumps(h[2]) hypotheses.append({ 'idents': [symbol2str(ident[1]) for ident in h[0][::-1]], 'term': [ None if t == [] else self.print_constr( sexpdata.dumps(t)) for t in h[1] ], 'type': self.print_constr(h_sexp), 'sexp': h_sexp }) type_sexp = sexpdata.dumps(g[1][1]) goals.append({ 'id': int(g[0][1]), 'type': self.print_constr(type_sexp), 'sexp': type_sexp, 'hypotheses': hypotheses[::-1] }) return goals fg_goals = store_goals(responses[1][2][1][0][1][0][1]) bg_goals = store_goals( list( chain.from_iterable( chain.from_iterable(responses[1][2][1][0][1][1][1])))) shelved_goals = store_goals(responses[1][2][1][0][1][2][1]) given_up_goals = store_goals(responses[1][2][1][0][1][3][1]) return fg_goals, bg_goals, shelved_goals, given_up_goals def has_open_goals(self): responses, _ = self.send('(Query () Goals)') assert responses[1][2][0] == Symbol('ObjList') return responses[1][2][1] != [] def print_constr(self, sexp_str): if not hasattr(self, 'constr_cache'): self.constr_cache = {} if sexp_str not in self.constr_cache: try: responses, _ = self.send( '(Print ((pp_format PpStr)) (CoqConstr %s))' % sexp_str) self.constr_cache[sexp_str] = normalize_spaces( symbol2str(responses[1][2][1][0][1])) except CoqExn as ex: if ex.err_msg == 'Not_found': return None else: raise ex except TypeError as ex: self.constr_cache[sexp_str] = normalize_spaces( symbol2str(responses[0][2][1][0][1])) return self.constr_cache[sexp_str] def query_vernac(self, cmd): return self.send('(Query () (Vernac "%s"))' % escape(cmd)) def query_type(self, term_sexp, return_str=False): try: responses, _ = self.send('(Query () (Type %s))' % term_sexp) except CoqExn as ex: if ex.err_msg == 'Not_found': return None else: raise ex assert responses[1][2][1][0][0] == Symbol('CoqConstr') type_sexp = responses[1][2][1][0][1] if return_str: return self.print_constr(sexpdata.dumps(type_sexp)) else: return type_sexp def execute(self, cmd, return_ast=False): 'Execute a vernac command' state_id, ast = self.send_add(cmd, return_ast) responses, _ = self.send('(Exec %d)' % state_id) return responses, sexpdata.dumps(ast) def push(self): 'push a new frame on the state stack (a checkpoint), which can be used to roll back to the current state' self.states_stack.append([]) def cancel(self, states): self.send('(Cancel (%s))' % ' '.join([str(s) for s in states])) def pull(self): 'remove a checkpoint created by push' states = self.states_stack.pop() self.states_stack[-1].extend(states) def pop(self): 'rollback to a checkpoint created by push' self.cancel(self.states_stack.pop()) def clean(self): self.proc.sendeof() self.proc.wait() self.dead = True def shutdown(self): self.proc.kill(signal.SIGKILL) self.dead = True def __enter__(self): return self def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_value, traceback): self.clean()
def launch_wasabi(wallet, launch_path='', destination='', keepalive=True, pwd=''): """ Launch Wasabi daemon. Return pexpect child if successful or return False if Wasabi didn't started. Wasabi daemon's documentation: """ command = '' # If no launch_path provided, assume deb package is installed. if not launch_path: command += 'wassabee mix' # If launch_path is provided, if WalletWasabi.Gui in it, # assume source code. elif 'WalletWasabi.Gui' in launch_path: command += 'dotnet run --mix' # If launch_path is provided, if WalletWasabi.Gui not in it, # assume targz. else: command += './wassabee mix' command += ' --wallet:{}'.format(wallet) if destination: command += ' --destination:{}'.format(destination) if keepalive: command += ' --keepalive' print('Starting Wasabi') if launch_path: try: wasabi_proc = PopenSpawn(command, cwd=launch_path) except FileNotFoundError as e: raise FileNotFoundError( str(e) + ', check that your ' + '"launch_path" setting is correct') else: wasabi_proc = PopenSpawn(command) index = wasabi_proc.expect_exact( ['Password:'******'selected wallet does not exist', TIMEOUT, EOF], timeout=30) if index == 0: wasabi_proc.sendline(pwd) elif index == 1: raise MyExceptions.WalletMissing(name + '.json wallet does not exist') elif index == 2: raise MyExceptions.ProcessTimeout('Wasabi process TIMEOUT') elif index == 3: raise EOFError('Pexpect EOF') index = wasabi_proc.expect_exact( ['Correct password', 'Wrong password', TIMEOUT, EOF], timeout=30) if index == 0: print('Wasabi daemon started') elif index == 1: wasabi_proc.kill(SIGTERM) wasabi_proc.wait() raise MyExceptions.WrongPassword('Wrong password') elif index == 2: raise MyExceptions.ProcessTimeout('Wasabi process TIMEOUT') elif index == 3: raise EOFError('Pexpect EOF') index = wasabi_proc.expect_exact(['Starting Wallet', TIMEOUT, EOF], timeout=30) if index == 0: print('Wallet starting') elif index == 1: raise MyExceptions.ProcessTimeout('Wasabi process TIMEOUT') elif index == 2: raise EOFError('Pexpect EOF') if is_wasabi_running(): print('Wasabi started') return wasabi_proc else: return False
class MMGenPexpect(object): NL = '\r\n' if g.platform == 'linux' and opt.popen_spawn: import atexit atexit.register(lambda: os.system('stty sane')) NL = '\n' data_dir = os.path.join('test', 'data_dir') add_spawn_args = ' '.join([ '{} {}'.format('--' + k.replace('_', '-'), getattr(opt, k) if getattr(opt, k) != True else '') for k in ('testnet', 'rpc_host', 'rpc_port', 'regtest', 'coin') if getattr(opt, k) ]).split() add_spawn_args += ['--data-dir', data_dir] def __init__(self, name, mmgen_cmd, cmd_args, desc, no_output=False): cmd_args = self.add_spawn_args + cmd_args cmd = (('./', '')[bool(opt.system)] + mmgen_cmd, 'python')[g.platform == 'win'] args = (cmd_args, [mmgen_cmd] + cmd_args)[g.platform == 'win'] for i in args: if type(i) not in (str, unicode): m1 = 'Error: missing input files in cmd line?:' m2 = '\nName: {}\nCmd: {}\nCmd args: {}' die(2, (m1 + m2).format(name, cmd, args)) if opt.popen_spawn: args = [("'" + a + "'" if ' ' in a else a) for a in args] cmd_str = '{} {}'.format(cmd, ' '.join(args)) if opt.popen_spawn: cmd_str = cmd_str.replace('\\', '/') if opt.log: log_fd.write(cmd_str + '\n') if opt.verbose or opt.print_cmdline or opt.exact_output: clr1, clr2, eol = ((green, cyan, '\n'), (nocolor, nocolor, ' '))[bool(opt.print_cmdline)] sys.stderr.write(green('Testing: {}\n'.format(desc))) sys.stderr.write(clr1('Executing {}{}'.format(clr2(cmd_str), eol))) else: m = 'Testing %s: ' % desc msg_r(m) if mmgen_cmd == '': return if opt.direct_exec: msg('') from subprocess import call, check_output f = (call, check_output)[bool(no_output)] ret = f([cmd] + args) if f == call and ret != 0: m = 'ERROR: process returned a non-zero exit status (%s)' die(1, red(m % ret)) else: if opt.traceback: cmd, args = g.traceback_cmd, [cmd] + args cmd_str = g.traceback_cmd + ' ' + cmd_str if opt.popen_spawn: self.p = PopenSpawn(cmd_str) else: self.p = pexpect.spawn(cmd, args) if opt.exact_output: self.p.logfile = sys.stdout def ok(self, exit_val=0): ret = self.p.wait() if ret != exit_val: die( 1, red(' spawned program exited with value {}'.format( ret))) if opt.profile: return if opt.verbose or opt.exact_output: sys.stderr.write(green('OK\n')) else: msg(' OK') def cmp_or_die(self, s, t, skip_ok=False, exit_val=0): ret = self.p.wait() if ret != exit_val: die( 1, red(' spawned program exited with value {}'.format( ret))) if s == t: if not skip_ok: ok() else: sys.stderr.write( red('ERROR: recoded data:\n%s\ndiffers from original data:\n%s\n' % (repr(t), repr(s)))) sys.exit(3) def license(self): if 'MMGEN_NO_LICENSE' in os.environ: return p = "'w' for conditions and warranty info, or 'c' to continue: " my_expect(self.p, p, 'c') def label(self, label='Test Label'): p = 'Enter a wallet label, or hit ENTER for no label: ' my_expect(self.p, p, label + '\n') def usr_rand_out(self, saved=False): m = '%suser-supplied entropy' % (('', 'saved ')[saved]) my_expect(self.p, 'Generating encryption key from OS random data plus ' + m) def usr_rand(self, num_chars): if opt.usr_random: self.interactive() my_send(self.p, '\n') else: rand_chars = list(getrandstr(num_chars, no_space=True)) my_expect(self.p, 'symbols left: ', 'x') try: vmsg_r('SEND ') while self.p.expect('left: ', 0.1) == 0: ch = rand_chars.pop(0) msg_r(yellow(ch) + ' ' if opt.verbose else '+') self.p.send(ch) except: vmsg('EOT') my_expect(self.p, 'ENTER to continue: ', '\n') def passphrase_new(self, desc, passphrase): my_expect(self.p, ('Enter passphrase for %s: ' % desc), passphrase + '\n') my_expect(self.p, 'Repeat passphrase: ', passphrase + '\n') def passphrase(self, desc, passphrase, pwtype=''): if pwtype: pwtype += ' ' my_expect(self.p, ('Enter %spassphrase for %s.*?: ' % (pwtype, desc)), passphrase + '\n', regex=True) def hash_preset(self, desc, preset=''): my_expect(self.p, ('Enter hash preset for %s' % desc)) my_expect(self.p, ('or hit ENTER .*?:'), str(preset) + '\n', regex=True) def written_to_file(self, desc, overwrite_unlikely=False, query='Overwrite? ', oo=False): s1 = '%s written to file ' % desc s2 = query + "Type uppercase 'YES' to confirm: " ret = my_expect(self.p, ([s1, s2], s1)[overwrite_unlikely]) if ret == 1: my_send(self.p, 'YES\n') # if oo: outfile = self.expect_getend("Overwriting file '").rstrip("'") return outfile # else: # ret = my_expect(self.p,s1) self.expect(self.NL, nonl=True) outfile = self.p.before.strip().strip("'") if opt.debug_pexpect: msgred('Outfile [%s]' % outfile) vmsg('%s file: %s' % (desc, cyan(outfile.replace("'", '')))) return outfile def no_overwrite(self): self.expect("Overwrite? Type uppercase 'YES' to confirm: ", '\n') self.expect('Exiting at user request') def tx_view(self): my_expect( self.p, r'View .*?transaction.*? \(y\)es, \(N\)o, pager \(v\)iew.*?: ', '\n', regex=True) def expect_getend(self, s, regex=False): ret = self.expect(s, regex=regex, nonl=True) debug_pexpect_msg(self.p) # end = self.readline().strip() # readline() of partial lines doesn't work with PopenSpawn, so do this instead: self.expect(self.NL, nonl=True, silent=True) debug_pexpect_msg(self.p) end = self.p.before vmsg(' ==> %s' % cyan(end)) return end def interactive(self): return self.p.interact() # interact() not available with popen_spawn def logfile(self, arg): self.p.logfile = arg def expect(self, *args, **kwargs): return my_expect(self.p, *args, **kwargs) def send(self, *args, **kwargs): return my_send(self.p, *args, **kwargs) # def readline(self): # return self.p.readline() # def readlines(self): # return [l.rstrip()+'\n' for l in self.p.readlines()] def read(self, n=None): return def close(self): if not opt.popen_spawn: self.p.close()
class MMGenPexpect(object): def __init__(self,args,no_output=False): if opt.direct_exec: msg('') from subprocess import call,check_output f = (call,check_output)[bool(no_output)] ret = f([args[0]] + args[1:]) if f == call and ret != 0: die(1,red('ERROR: process returned a non-zero exit status ({})'.format(ret))) else: if opt.pexpect_spawn: self.p = pexpect.spawn(args[0],args[1:],encoding='utf8') self.p.delaybeforesend = 0 else: self.p = PopenSpawn(args,encoding='utf8') # self.p.delaybeforesend = 0 # TODO: try this here too if opt.exact_output: self.p.logfile = sys.stdout self.req_exit_val = 0 self.skip_ok = False self.timeout = int(opt.pexpect_timeout or 0) or (60,5)[bool(opt.debug_pexpect)] self.sent_value = None def do_decrypt_ka_data(self,hp,pw,desc='key-address data',check=True,have_yes_opt=False): # self.hash_preset(desc,hp) self.passphrase(desc,pw) if not have_yes_opt: self.expect('Check key-to-address validity? (y/N): ',('n','y')[check]) def view_tx(self,view): self.expect('View.* transaction.*\? .*: ',view,regex=True) if view not in 'n\n': self.expect('to continue: ','\n') def do_comment(self,add_comment,has_label=False): p = ('Add a comment to transaction','Edit transaction comment')[has_label] self.expect('{}? (y/N): '.format(p),('n','y')[bool(add_comment)]) if add_comment: self.expect('Comment: ',add_comment+'\n') def ok(self): ret = self.p.wait() if ret != self.req_exit_val and not opt.coverage: die(1,red(' spawned program exited with value {}'.format(ret))) if opt.profile: return if not self.skip_ok: sys.stderr.write(green('OK\n') if opt.exact_output or opt.verbose else (' OK\n')) return self def license(self): if 'MMGEN_NO_LICENSE' in os.environ: return self.expect("'w' for conditions and warranty info, or 'c' to continue: ",'c') def label(self,label='Test Label (UTF-8) α'): self.expect('Enter a wallet label, or hit ENTER for no label: ',label+'\n') def usr_rand_out(self,saved=False): fs = 'Generating encryption key from OS random data plus {}user-supplied entropy' self.expect(fs.format(('','saved ')[saved])) def usr_rand(self,num_chars): if opt.usr_random: self.interactive() self.send('\n') else: rand_chars = list(getrandstr(num_chars,no_space=True)) vmsg_r('SEND ') while rand_chars: ch = rand_chars.pop(0) msg_r(yellow(ch)+' ' if opt.verbose else '+') ret = self.expect('left: ',ch,delay=0.005) self.expect('ENTER to continue: ','\n') def passphrase_new(self,desc,passphrase): self.expect('Enter passphrase for {}: '.format(desc),passphrase+'\n') self.expect('Repeat passphrase: ',passphrase+'\n') def passphrase(self,desc,passphrase,pwtype=''): if pwtype: pwtype += ' ' self.expect('Enter {}passphrase for {}.*?: '.format(pwtype,desc),passphrase+'\n',regex=True) def hash_preset(self,desc,preset=''): self.expect('Enter hash preset for {}'.format(desc)) self.expect('or hit ENTER .*?:',str(preset)+'\n',regex=True) def written_to_file(self,desc,overwrite_unlikely=False,query='Overwrite? ',oo=False): s1 = '{} written to file '.format(desc) s2 = query + "Type uppercase 'YES' to confirm: " ret = self.expect(([s1,s2],s1)[overwrite_unlikely]) if ret == 1: self.send('YES\n') return self.expect_getend("Overwriting file '").rstrip("'") self.expect(NL,nonl=True) outfile = self.p.before.strip().strip("'") if opt.debug_pexpect: rmsg('Outfile [{}]'.format(outfile)) vmsg('{} file: {}'.format(desc,cyan(outfile.replace("'",'')))) return outfile def no_overwrite(self): self.expect("Overwrite? Type uppercase 'YES' to confirm: ",'\n') self.expect('Exiting at user request') def expect_getend(self,s,regex=False): ret = self.expect(s,regex=regex,nonl=True) debug_pexpect_msg(self.p) # readline() of partial lines doesn't work with PopenSpawn, so do this instead: self.expect(NL,nonl=True,silent=True) debug_pexpect_msg(self.p) end = self.p.before.rstrip() if not g.debug: vmsg(' ==> {}'.format(cyan(end))) return end def interactive(self): return self.p.interact() # interact() not available with popen_spawn def kill(self,signal): return self.p.kill(signal) def expect(self,s,t='',delay=None,regex=False,nonl=False,silent=False): delay = delay or (0,0.3)[bool(opt.buf_keypress)] if not silent: if opt.verbose: msg_r('EXPECT ' + yellow(str(s))) elif not opt.exact_output: msg_r('+') try: if s == '': ret = 0 else: f = (self.p.expect_exact,self.p.expect)[bool(regex)] ret = f(s,self.timeout) except pexpect.TIMEOUT: if opt.debug_pexpect: raise m1 = red('\nERROR. Expect {!r} timed out. Exiting\n'.format(s)) m2 = 'before: [{}]\n'.format(self.p.before) m3 = 'sent value: [{}]'.format(self.sent_value) if self.sent_value != None else '' rdie(1,m1+m2+m3) debug_pexpect_msg(self.p) if opt.verbose and type(s) != str: msg_r(' ==> {} '.format(ret)) if ret == -1: rdie(1,'Error. Expect returned {}'.format(ret)) else: if t == '': if not nonl and not silent: vmsg('') else: self.send(t,delay,s) return ret def send(self,t,delay=None,s=False): self.sent_value = None delay = delay or (0,0.3)[bool(opt.buf_keypress)] if delay: time.sleep(delay) ret = self.p.send(t) # returns num bytes written if ret: self.sent_value = t if delay: time.sleep(delay) if opt.verbose: ls = (' ','')[bool(opt.debug or not s)] es = (' ','')[bool(s)] msg('{}SEND {}{}'.format(ls,es,yellow("'{}'".format(t.replace('\n',r'\n'))))) return ret def read(self,n=-1): return def close(self): if opt.pexpect_spawn: self.p.close()
class MMGenPexpect(object): def __init__(self, args, no_output=False): if opt.direct_exec: msg('') from subprocess import call, check_output f = (call, check_output)[bool(no_output)] ret = f([args[0]] + args[1:]) if f == call and ret != 0: die( 1, red('ERROR: process returned a non-zero exit status ({})'. format(ret))) else: if opt.pexpect_spawn: self.p = pexpect.spawn(args[0], args[1:], encoding='utf8') self.p.delaybeforesend = 0 else: self.p = PopenSpawn(args, encoding='utf8') # self.p.delaybeforesend = 0 # TODO: try this here too if opt.exact_output: self.p.logfile = sys.stdout self.req_exit_val = 0 self.skip_ok = False self.timeout = int(opt.pexpect_timeout or 0) or (60, 5)[bool( opt.debug_pexpect)] self.sent_value = None def do_decrypt_ka_data(self, hp, pw, desc='key-address data', check=True, have_yes_opt=False): # self.hash_preset(desc,hp) self.passphrase(desc, pw) if not have_yes_opt: self.expect('Check key-to-address validity? (y/N): ', ('n', 'y')[check]) def view_tx(self, view): self.expect('View.* transaction.*\? .*: ', view, regex=True) if view not in 'n\n': self.expect('to continue: ', '\n') def do_comment(self, add_comment, has_label=False): p = ('Add a comment to transaction', 'Edit transaction comment')[has_label] self.expect('{}? (y/N): '.format(p), ('n', 'y')[bool(add_comment)]) if add_comment: self.expect('Comment: ', add_comment + '\n') def ok(self): ret = self.p.wait() if ret != self.req_exit_val and not opt.coverage: die( 1, red(' spawned program exited with value {}'.format( ret))) if opt.profile: return if not self.skip_ok: sys.stderr.write( green('OK\n') if opt.exact_output or opt.verbose else ( ' OK\n')) return self def license(self): if 'MMGEN_NO_LICENSE' in os.environ: return self.expect( "'w' for conditions and warranty info, or 'c' to continue: ", 'c') def label(self, label='Test Label (UTF-8) α'): self.expect('Enter a wallet label, or hit ENTER for no label: ', label + '\n') def usr_rand_out(self, saved=False): fs = 'Generating encryption key from OS random data plus {}user-supplied entropy' self.expect(fs.format(('', 'saved ')[saved])) def usr_rand(self, num_chars): if opt.usr_random: self.interactive() self.send('\n') else: rand_chars = list(getrandstr(num_chars, no_space=True)) vmsg_r('SEND ') while rand_chars: ch = rand_chars.pop(0) msg_r(yellow(ch) + ' ' if opt.verbose else '+') ret = self.expect('left: ', ch, delay=0.005) self.expect('ENTER to continue: ', '\n') def passphrase_new(self, desc, passphrase): self.expect('Enter passphrase for {}: '.format(desc), passphrase + '\n') self.expect('Repeat passphrase: ', passphrase + '\n') def passphrase(self, desc, passphrase, pwtype=''): if pwtype: pwtype += ' ' self.expect('Enter {}passphrase for {}.*?: '.format(pwtype, desc), passphrase + '\n', regex=True) def hash_preset(self, desc, preset=''): self.expect('Enter hash preset for {}'.format(desc)) self.expect('or hit ENTER .*?:', str(preset) + '\n', regex=True) def written_to_file(self, desc, overwrite_unlikely=False, query='Overwrite? ', oo=False): s1 = '{} written to file '.format(desc) s2 = query + "Type uppercase 'YES' to confirm: " ret = self.expect(([s1, s2], s1)[overwrite_unlikely]) if ret == 1: self.send('YES\n') return self.expect_getend("Overwriting file '").rstrip("'") self.expect(NL, nonl=True) outfile = self.p.before.strip().strip("'") if opt.debug_pexpect: rmsg('Outfile [{}]'.format(outfile)) vmsg('{} file: {}'.format(desc, cyan(outfile.replace("'", '')))) return outfile def no_overwrite(self): self.expect("Overwrite? Type uppercase 'YES' to confirm: ", '\n') self.expect('Exiting at user request') def expect_getend(self, s, regex=False): ret = self.expect(s, regex=regex, nonl=True) debug_pexpect_msg(self.p) # readline() of partial lines doesn't work with PopenSpawn, so do this instead: self.expect(NL, nonl=True, silent=True) debug_pexpect_msg(self.p) end = self.p.before.rstrip() if not g.debug: vmsg(' ==> {}'.format(cyan(end))) return end def interactive(self): return self.p.interact() # interact() not available with popen_spawn def kill(self, signal): return self.p.kill(signal) def expect(self, s, t='', delay=None, regex=False, nonl=False, silent=False): delay = delay or (0, 0.3)[bool(opt.buf_keypress)] if not silent: if opt.verbose: msg_r('EXPECT ' + yellow(str(s))) elif not opt.exact_output: msg_r('+') try: if s == '': ret = 0 else: f = (self.p.expect_exact, self.p.expect)[bool(regex)] ret = f(s, self.timeout) except pexpect.TIMEOUT: if opt.debug_pexpect: raise m1 = red('\nERROR. Expect {!r} timed out. Exiting\n'.format(s)) m2 = 'before: [{}]\n'.format(self.p.before) m3 = 'sent value: [{}]'.format( self.sent_value) if self.sent_value != None else '' rdie(1, m1 + m2 + m3) debug_pexpect_msg(self.p) if opt.verbose and type(s) != str: msg_r(' ==> {} '.format(ret)) if ret == -1: rdie(1, 'Error. Expect returned {}'.format(ret)) else: if t == '': if not nonl and not silent: vmsg('') else: self.send(t, delay, s) return ret def send(self, t, delay=None, s=False): self.sent_value = None delay = delay or (0, 0.3)[bool(opt.buf_keypress)] if delay: time.sleep(delay) ret = self.p.send(t) # returns num bytes written if ret: self.sent_value = t if delay: time.sleep(delay) if opt.verbose: ls = (' ', '')[bool(opt.debug or not s)] es = (' ', '')[bool(s)] msg('{}SEND {}{}'.format( ls, es, yellow("'{}'".format(t.replace('\n', r'\n'))))) return ret def read(self, n=-1): return def close(self): if opt.pexpect_spawn: self.p.close()
class MMGenPexpect(object): NL = '\r\n' if g.platform == 'linux' and opt.popen_spawn: import atexit atexit.register(lambda: os.system('stty sane')) NL = '\n' def __init__(self,name,mmgen_cmd,cmd_args,desc,no_output=False,passthru_args=[],msg_only=False): cmd_args = ['--{}{}'.format(k.replace('_','-'), '='+getattr(opt,k) if getattr(opt,k) != True else '' ) for k in passthru_args if getattr(opt,k)] \ + ['--data-dir='+os.path.join('test','data_dir')] + cmd_args if g.platform == 'win': cmd,args = 'python',[mmgen_cmd]+cmd_args else: cmd,args = mmgen_cmd,cmd_args for i in args: if type(i) not in (str,unicode): m1 = 'Error: missing input files in cmd line?:' m2 = '\nName: {}\nCmd: {}\nCmd args: {}' die(2,(m1+m2).format(name,cmd,args)) if opt.popen_spawn: args = [(a,"'{}'".format(a))[' ' in a] for a in args] cmd_str = '{} {}'.format(cmd,' '.join(args)).replace('\\','/') if opt.log: log_fd.write(cmd_str+'\n') if opt.verbose or opt.print_cmdline or opt.exact_output: clr1,clr2,eol = ((green,cyan,'\n'),(nocolor,nocolor,' '))[bool(opt.print_cmdline)] sys.stderr.write(green('Testing: {}\n'.format(desc))) if not msg_only: sys.stderr.write(clr1('Executing {}{}'.format(clr2(cmd_str),eol))) else: m = 'Testing %s: ' % desc msg_r(m) if msg_only: return if opt.direct_exec: msg('') from subprocess import call,check_output f = (call,check_output)[bool(no_output)] ret = f([cmd] + args) if f == call and ret != 0: m = 'ERROR: process returned a non-zero exit status (%s)' die(1,red(m % ret)) else: if opt.traceback: cmd,args = g.traceback_cmd,[cmd]+args cmd_str = g.traceback_cmd + ' ' + cmd_str # Msg('\ncmd_str: {}'.format(cmd_str)) if opt.popen_spawn: self.p = PopenSpawn(cmd_str) else: self.p = pexpect.spawn(cmd,args) if opt.exact_output: self.p.logfile = sys.stdout def ok(self,exit_val=0): ret = self.p.wait() # Msg('expect: {} got: {}'.format(exit_val,ret)) if ret != exit_val: die(1,red(' spawned program exited with value {}'.format(ret))) if opt.profile: return if opt.verbose or opt.exact_output: sys.stderr.write(green('OK\n')) else: msg(' OK') def cmp_or_die(self,s,t,skip_ok=False,exit_val=0): ret = self.p.wait() if ret != exit_val: die(1,red(' spawned program exited with value {}'.format(ret))) if s == t: if not skip_ok: ok() else: sys.stderr.write(red( 'ERROR: recoded data:\n%s\ndiffers from original data:\n%s\n' % (repr(t),repr(s)))) sys.exit(3) def license(self): if 'MMGEN_NO_LICENSE' in os.environ: return p = "'w' for conditions and warranty info, or 'c' to continue: " my_expect(self.p,p,'c') def label(self,label='Test Label'): p = 'Enter a wallet label, or hit ENTER for no label: ' my_expect(self.p,p,label+'\n') def usr_rand_out(self,saved=False): m = '%suser-supplied entropy' % (('','saved ')[saved]) my_expect(self.p,'Generating encryption key from OS random data plus ' + m) def usr_rand(self,num_chars): if opt.usr_random: self.interactive() my_send(self.p,'\n') else: rand_chars = list(getrandstr(num_chars,no_space=True)) my_expect(self.p,'symbols left: ','x') try: vmsg_r('SEND ') while self.p.expect('left: ',0.1) == 0: ch = rand_chars.pop(0) msg_r(yellow(ch)+' ' if opt.verbose else '+') self.p.send(ch) except: vmsg('EOT') my_expect(self.p,'ENTER to continue: ','\n') def passphrase_new(self,desc,passphrase): my_expect(self.p,('Enter passphrase for %s: ' % desc), passphrase+'\n') my_expect(self.p,'Repeat passphrase: ', passphrase+'\n') def passphrase(self,desc,passphrase,pwtype=''): if pwtype: pwtype += ' ' my_expect(self.p,('Enter %spassphrase for %s.*?: ' % (pwtype,desc)), passphrase+'\n',regex=True) def hash_preset(self,desc,preset=''): my_expect(self.p,('Enter hash preset for %s' % desc)) my_expect(self.p,('or hit ENTER .*?:'), str(preset)+'\n',regex=True) def written_to_file(self,desc,overwrite_unlikely=False,query='Overwrite? ',oo=False): s1 = '%s written to file ' % desc s2 = query + "Type uppercase 'YES' to confirm: " ret = my_expect(self.p,([s1,s2],s1)[overwrite_unlikely]) if ret == 1: my_send(self.p,'YES\n') # if oo: outfile = self.expect_getend("Overwriting file '").rstrip("'") return outfile # else: # ret = my_expect(self.p,s1) self.expect(self.NL,nonl=True) outfile = self.p.before.strip().strip("'") if opt.debug_pexpect: msgred('Outfile [%s]' % outfile) vmsg('%s file: %s' % (desc,cyan(outfile.replace("'",'')))) return outfile def no_overwrite(self): self.expect("Overwrite? Type uppercase 'YES' to confirm: ",'\n') self.expect('Exiting at user request') def tx_view(self): my_expect(self.p,r'View .*?transaction.*? \(y\)es, \(N\)o, pager \(v\)iew.*?: ','\n',regex=True) def expect_getend(self,s,regex=False): ret = self.expect(s,regex=regex,nonl=True) debug_pexpect_msg(self.p) # end = self.readline().strip() # readline() of partial lines doesn't work with PopenSpawn, so do this instead: self.expect(self.NL,nonl=True,silent=True) debug_pexpect_msg(self.p) end = self.p.before vmsg(' ==> %s' % cyan(end)) return end def interactive(self): return self.p.interact() # interact() not available with popen_spawn def kill(self,signal): return self.p.kill(signal) def logfile(self,arg): self.p.logfile = arg def expect(self,*args,**kwargs): return my_expect(self.p,*args,**kwargs) def send(self,*args,**kwargs): return my_send(self.p,*args,**kwargs) # def readline(self): # return self.p.readline() # def readlines(self): # return [l.rstrip()+'\n' for l in self.p.readlines()] def read(self,n=None): return def close(self): if not opt.popen_spawn: self.p.close()
class WeatherSimulation(threading.Thread): def __init__(self, id, path, options, weather, redo=False, deactivate_window_mode=True, bin_folder=os.path.join( os.getcwd(), "3rdparty", "weather-particle-simulator", "{}_{}".format(bin_platform, bin_bitness))): threading.Thread.__init__(self) = id self.simtime = 0. # Time (s) self.simdur = 0. # Duration (s) self.options = options if "preset" in self.options: self.preset = self.options["preset"] else: self.preset = None self.path = path = weather self.deactivate_window_mode = deactivate_window_mode self.redo = redo self.bin_folder = bin_folder self.output_dir = os.path.join(self.path, weather["weather"], "{}mm".format(weather["fallrate"])) print("Create thread", self.output_dir) self.assert_validity() def assert_validity(self): if self.preset is not None: assert self.preset[0] != "kitti" or self.preset[1] in [ "0000", "0032", "0056", "0071", "0117" ], "Kitti preset is invalid" assert self.preset[0] != "cityscapes" or self.preset[1] in [ "0000" ], "Cityscapes preset is invalid" def _print(self, *argv): print("\r #{} ".format(, end='') print.__call__(*argv) def interact(self, wait_for, send_str): # print('wait for: {}'.format(wait_for)) self.child.expect(wait_for) # print('send: {}'.format(send_str)) self.child.sendline(send_str.encode('ascii')) def interact_step_menu(self, menu): self.interact('Steps: What do you want to do \?', menu) def set_sim_steps_times(self, start, dur, last): self.interact_step_menu('2') self.interact('Enter new duration', '{}'.format(start)) self.interact_step_menu('3') self.interact('Enter new duration', '{}'.format(dur)) self.interact_step_menu('4') self.interact('Enter new duration', '{}'.format(last)) def set_sim_steps_camera_focal(self, values): self.interact_step_menu('12') self.interact('What do you want to do \?', '{}'.format(3)) self.interact('Separator', '{}'.format(";")) self.interact('Enter all steps values', '{}'.format(";".join(["{}".format(v) for v in values]))) self.interact('Continue \?', '{}'.format("y")) def set_sim_steps_camera_exposure(self, values): self.interact_step_menu('13') self.interact('What do you want to do \?', '{}'.format(3)) self.interact('Separator', '{}'.format(";")) self.interact('Enter all steps values', '{}'.format(";".join(["{}".format(v) for v in values]))) self.interact('Continue \?', '{}'.format("y")) def set_sim_steps_camera_motion(self, values): self.interact_step_menu('18') self.interact('What do you want to do \?', '{}'.format(3)) self.interact('Separator', '{}'.format(";")) self.interact('Enter all steps values', '{}'.format(";".join(["{}".format(v) for v in values]))) self.interact('Continue \?', '{}'.format("y")) def set_sim_steps_rain_fallrate(self, values): self.interact_step_menu('41') self.interact('What do you want to do \?', '{}'.format(3)) self.interact('Separator', '{}'.format(";")) self.interact('Enter all steps values', '{}'.format(";".join(["{}".format(v) for v in values]))) self.interact('Continue \?', '{}'.format("y")) def interact_main_menu(self, menu): self.interact('What do you want to do \?', menu) def set_sim_Duration(self, val): self.interact_main_menu('6') self.interact('Enter new duration', '{}'.format(val)) def set_sim_Hz(self, val): self.interact_main_menu('7') self.interact('Enter new frequency', '{}'.format(val)) def set_sim_ParticlesDetectionLatencyFrames(self, val): self.interact_main_menu('61') self.interact('Enter new particles detection latency', '{}'.format(val)) def set_sim_ParticlesDetectionErrorMargin(self, val): self.interact_main_menu('62') self.interact('Enter new particles detection error', '{}'.format(val)) def set_sim_Camera0_Hz(self, val): self.interact_main_menu('10') self.interact('Enter new frequency', '{}'.format(val)) def set_sim_Camera0_ViewMatrixIC(self, pos, lookat, up): self.interact_main_menu('15') self.interact('Enter new IC pos x', '{}'.format(pos[0])) self.interact('Enter new IC pos y', '{}'.format(pos[1])) self.interact('Enter new IC pos z', '{}'.format(pos[2])) self.interact('Enter new IC lookat x', '{}'.format(lookat[0])) self.interact('Enter new IC lookat y', '{}'.format(lookat[1])) self.interact('Enter new IC lookat z', '{}'.format(lookat[2])) self.interact('Enter new IC up x', '{}'.format(up[0])) self.interact('Enter new IC up y', '{}'.format(up[1])) self.interact('Enter new IC up z', '{}'.format(up[2])) def set_sim_Camera0_CcdSpecs(self, width, height, pixsize): self.interact_main_menu('11') self.interact('Camera 0 CCD pxl size', '{}'.format(pixsize)) self.interact('Camera 0 CCD width', '{}'.format(width)) self.interact('Camera 0 CCD height', '{}'.format(height)) def set_sim_Camera0_Focal(self, val): self.interact_main_menu('12') self.interact('Enter new focal', '{}'.format(val)) def set_sim_Camera0_Resolution(self, width, height): self.interact_main_menu('14') self.interact('Camera 0 Resolution WIDTH', '{}'.format(width)) self.interact('Camera 0 Resolution HEIGHT', '{}'.format(height)) def set_sim_Camera0_ExposureTime(self, val): self.interact_main_menu('13') self.interact('Enter new exposure time', '{}'.format(val)) def set_sim_Camera0_VisibilityMappingAuto(self): self.interact_main_menu('17') self.interact('Enter new visibility mapping MIN', '{}'.format(0)) self.interact('Enter new visibility mapping MAX', '{}'.format(0)) def set_sim_Camera0_MotionSpeedIC(self, val): self.interact_main_menu('18') self.interact('Enter new initial motion speed', '{}'.format(val)) def set_sim_Projector0_Hz(self, val): self.interact_main_menu('21') assert (val == "AHL_HZ_MAX") # No need to do anything def set_sim_Projector0_Res(self, width, height): self.interact_main_menu('22') # No need to do anything def set_sim_Projector0_MinPixelOverlay(self, val): self.interact_main_menu('24') self.interact('Enter new minimum pixel overlay', '{}'.format(val)) def set_sim_Projector0_DbgSaveLightmap(self, val): while True: self.interact_main_menu('28') obs = self.child.expect([ "Projector 0 save light maps \(OFF\)", "Projector 0 save light maps \(ON\)" ]) if (val and obs == 1) or (not val and obs == 0): break def set_sim_Stats_Active(self, val): while True: self.interact_main_menu('70') obs = self.child.expect([ "Output simulation stats \(OFF\)", "Output simulation stats \(ON\)" ]) if (val and obs == 1) or (not val and obs == 0): break def set_sim_Stats_StatsLevel(self, val): while True: self.interact_main_menu('72') obs = self.child.expect( ["Stats level \(HIERARCHY\)", "Stats level \(NO HIERARCHY\)"]) if (val == "HIERARCHY" and obs == 0) or (val == "NO HIERARCHY" and obs == 1): break def set_sim_Stats_StartTime(self, val): self.interact_main_menu('71') self.interact('Enter start time', '{}'.format(val)) def apply_options(self): # Series of hacks to avoid warning due to incompatible parameters self.set_sim_Camera0_CcdSpecs(99999, 99999, 1.0) # Apply settings self.set_sim_Duration(stats_start_time * 1000 + self.options["sim_duration"] * 1000) self.set_sim_Hz(str(self.options["sim_hz"])) self.set_sim_ParticlesDetectionLatencyFrames(0) self.set_sim_ParticlesDetectionErrorMargin(0) # Camera parameters self.set_sim_Camera0_Hz(self.options["cam_hz"]) self.set_sim_Camera0_ViewMatrixIC(self.options["cam_pos"], self.options["cam_lookat"], self.options["cam_up"]) self.set_sim_Camera0_Resolution( self.options["cam_WH"][0], self.options["cam_WH"][1]) # Order matters self.set_sim_Camera0_CcdSpecs( self.options["cam_CCD_WH"][0], self.options["cam_CCD_WH"][1], self.options["cam_CCD_pixsize"]) # Order matters self.set_sim_Camera0_Focal(self.options["cam_focal"]) self.set_sim_Camera0_ExposureTime(self.options["cam_exposure"]) self.set_sim_Camera0_VisibilityMappingAuto() # self.set_sim_Camera0_motionSpeedIC = 30 # Projector parameters self.set_sim_Projector0_Hz("AHL_HZ_MAX") self.set_sim_Projector0_Res(self.options["cam_WH"][0], self.options["cam_WH"][1]) self.set_sim_Projector0_MinPixelOverlay(50) self.set_sim_Projector0_DbgSaveLightmap(True) # Debug # parameters # self.set_sim_Render()->Active(false) # self.set_sim_Render()->Hz(200) # self.set_sim_Render()->DbgCameraManip(true) # self.set_sim_Render()->DbgCameraManipViewMatrix(self.set_sim_Camera0_Pos(), self.set_sim_Camera0_Lookat(), self.set_sim_Camera( # 0)->Up()) self.set_sim_Stats_Active(True) self.set_sim_Stats_StartTime("{}".format(stats_start_time * 1000)) self.set_sim_Stats_StatsLevel("HIERARCHY") def run(self): weather = os.makedirs(self.output_dir, exist_ok=True) if not self.redo: files = os.listdir(self.output_dir) results_computed = np.any(["camera0.xml" in f for f in files]) if results_computed: self._print("Simulation file exits {}, next!".format( self.output_dir)) return # Save options as json dumps try: fp = open(os.path.join(self.output_dir, "sim_options.json"), 'w') options_ = { k: v.tolist() if isinstance(v, np.ndarray) else v for k, v in self.options.items() } # Convert to native types if "sim_steps" in options_: options_["sim_steps"] = { k: v.tolist() if isinstance(v, np.ndarray) else v for k, v in options_["sim_steps"].items() } json.dump(options_, fp) fp.close() except Exception as e: print(e) print("Failed saving JSON {}... Not crucial, continuing") log_path = os.path.join(self.output_dir, 'automate_log.txt') log_fp = open(log_path, 'a+') # self._print(self.output_dir) self.child = PopenSpawn(os.path.join(self.bin_folder, 'AHLSimulation'), cwd=self.output_dir, logfile=logwriter(log_fp)) try: self._print("In main menu") self.interact_main_menu('9') self.interact('Set the seed for random generator', '0') if self.preset is None: self._print("Apply options:", self.options) self.apply_options() else: self._print("Apply preset (ignoring options):", self.preset[:2]) if self.preset[0] in sequence_code: self.interact_main_menu('99') time.sleep(0.5) self._print("Setting system") self.child.expect('Which system to run ?') seq_code = sequence_code[self.preset[0]] + self.preset[1] self._print(' System code: ', seq_code) self.child.sendline(seq_code.encode('ascii')) elif "nuscenes" in self.preset[0].lower(): self.interact_main_menu('99') time.sleep(0.5) self._print("Setting system") self.child.expect('Which system to run ?') if "2Hz" in self.preset[0]: seq_code = '1000' else: seq_code = '100' self._print(' System code: ', seq_code) self.child.sendline(seq_code.encode('ascii')) else: raise NotImplementedError( "No settings for this set {}".format(self.preset[0])) # Deactivate windows AND save light map option if self.deactivate_window_mode: self._print("In main menu") self.interact_main_menu('28') time.sleep(0.5) self._print(" Save light map") # Deactivate rain particles self._print("Deactivating rain particles") self.interact_main_menu('410') self.child.expect('410. Rain \(OFF\)') if weather["weather"] == "rain": self._print("Activating rain particles") # Activate rain particles self.interact_main_menu('410') self.child.expect('410. Rain \(ON\)') self._print("Setting rain fallrate") # Set rain fallrate self.interact_main_menu('414') self.child.expect('Enter new Rain fall rate') code = str(weather["fallrate"]) self.child.sendline(code.encode('ascii')) self._print("In main menu") _steps_menu = False if self.preset is None: assert self.options["sim_mode"] in ["normal", "steps"] # Actions in main menu if self.options["sim_mode"] == "steps": assert ( "sim_steps" in self.options and type(self.options["sim_steps"]) == dict and len(self.options["sim_steps"].keys()) != 0 ), "[ERROR]: sim_steps must be provided and be a non-empty dictionary." assert np.all( [ type(v) == list or type(v) == np.ndarray for k, v in self.options["sim_steps"].items() ] ), "[ERROR]: values in sim_steps should all be list/arrays" # Apply initial cam speed if "cam_motion" in self.options["sim_steps"]: speedIC = self.options["sim_steps"]["cam_motion"][0] self.set_sim_Camera0_MotionSpeedIC(speedIC) # Actions in step menu if self.options["sim_mode"] == "steps": # Enter step menu self.interact_main_menu('102') _steps_menu = True # Set step durations step_dur = 1. / self.options["cam_hz"] self.set_sim_steps_times(stats_start_time * 1000, step_dur * 1000, step_dur * 1000) # Attempt to compute the total simulation time max_steps = max( [len(v) for k, v in self.options["sim_steps"].items()]) self.simdur = stats_start_time + (1 + max_steps) * step_dur if "cam_motion" in self.options["sim_steps"]: self._print(" Apply {} steps cam motion: {}".format( len(self.options["sim_steps"]["cam_motion"]), ";".join([ "{}".format(v) for v in self.options["sim_steps"]["cam_motion"] ]))) self.set_sim_steps_camera_motion( self.options["sim_steps"]["cam_motion"]) if "cam_focal" in self.options["sim_steps"]: self._print(" Apply {} steps cam focal: {}".format( len(self.options["sim_steps"]["cam_focal"]), ";".join([ "{}".format(v) for v in self.options["sim_steps"]["cam_focal"] ]))) self.set_sim_steps_camera_focal( self.options["sim_steps"]["cam_focal"]) if "cam_exposure" in self.options["sim_steps"]: self._print(" Apply {} steps cam exposure: {}".format( len(self.options["sim_steps"]["cam_exposure"]), ";".join([ "{}".format(v) for v in self.options["sim_steps"]["cam_exposure"] ]))) self.set_sim_steps_camera_exposure( self.options["sim_steps"]["cam_exposure"]) if "rain_fallrate" in self.options["sim_steps"]: self._print(" Apply {} steps rain fallrate: {}".format( len(self.options["sim_steps"]["rain_fallrate"]), ";".join([ "{}".format(v) for v in self.options["sim_steps"]["rain_fallrate"] ]))) self.set_sim_steps_rain_fallrate( self.options["sim_steps"]["rain_fallrate"]) if self.options["sim_mode"] == "normal": self.simdur = stats_start_time + self.options[ "sim_duration"] else: # Enter step menu self.interact_main_menu('102') _steps_menu = True # self._print("Going to step menu") # self.interact_main_menu('102') # if "nuscenes" in preset[0].lower(): # self.child.expect('Steps: What do you want to do \?') # self._print("In Step menu") # self.child.sendline('18'.encode('ascii')) # self._print("Camera 0 motion speed choices") # self.child.expect("What do you want to do") # self.child.sendline('3'.encode('ascii')) # self._print(" Camera 0 motion speed choices (3 -> all at once)") # # speed = np.linalg.norm(np.array(preset[3]), axis=1) / 1000 * 3600 / (np.array(preset[4]) * 1e-6) # self.child.expect("Separator") # self.child.sendline(';'.encode('ascii')) # self.child.expect("Enter all steps values") # self._print(" Camera 0 motion speeds (min, max): ({}, {})".format(np.min(speed), np.max(speed))) # self.child.sendline(';'.join([str(s) for s in speed.tolist()]).encode('ascii')) # self.child.expect("Continue") # self.child.sendline('y'.encode('ascii')) if _steps_menu: self._print("In Step menu") self._print("Starting simulation") self.interact_step_menu('1') index = None while index != 1: index = self.child.expect([ '[0-9]+:[0-9]+:[0-9]+\.[0-9]* +\(p#[0-9]*\)', '\[Simulation stopped\]' ], timeout=None) if index == 0: self.simtime += 0.5 # Each time a time is displayed the simulation advanced of 0.5 seconds self._print("Simulation stopped") time.sleep(5.) # Wait for the "Press any key to continue" self.child.sendline(b'\n') if _steps_menu: self.child.expect('Steps: What do you want to do \?') self._print("In Step menu") self._print("Going to main menu") self.child.sendline('0'.encode('ascii')) _steps_menu = False self._print("In main menu") self._print("Stopping process") self.child.expect('What do you want to do \?') self.child.sendline('0'.encode('ascii')) self.child.expect('Press any key to continue . . .') self.child.sendline(b'\n') self.child.expect('Press any key to continue . . .') self.child.sendline(b'\n') except ExceptionPexpect as e: self._print( "ERROR occured. Check the content of the log file to solve: {}" .format(log_path)) self._print(e) self._print( "If starting python from an IDE, check LD_LIBRARY_PATH environment is accessible (" ) self.child.kill(signal.SIGINT) exit() except Exception as e: # Might happens at the end of the simulation, if the process closes slightly before last key strike self._print(e) pass # Kill process in case it's not dead (cruel world) try: self.child.wait() self.child.kill(signal.SIGINT) except Exception: pass log_fp.close()
class SerAPI: def __init__(self, timeout, debug=False): "Initialize the SerAPI subprocess" self.debug = debug try: self.proc = PopenSpawn( "sertop --implicit --omit_loc --print0", encoding="utf-8", timeout=timeout, maxread=10000000, ) except FileNotFoundError: log( 'Please make sure the "sertop" program is in the PATH.\nYou may have to run "eval $(opam env)".', "ERROR", ) sys.exit(1) self.proc.expect_exact( "(Feedback((doc_id 0)(span_id 1)(route 0)(contents Processed)))\0") self.send("Noop") self.states_stack = [] # global printing options self.execute("Unset Printing Notations.") self.execute("Unset Printing Wildcard.") self.execute("Set Printing Coercions.") self.execute("Unset Printing Allow Match Default Clause.") self.execute("Unset Printing Factorizable Match Patterns.") self.execute("Unset Printing Compact Contexts.") self.execute("Set Printing Implicit.") self.execute("Set Printing Depth 999999.") self.execute("Unset Printing Records.") # initialize the state stack self.push() self.ast_cache = {} self.dead = False def set_timeout(self, timeout): self.proc.timeout = timeout def get_timeout(self): return proc.timeout def send(self, cmd): "Send a command to SerAPI and retrieve the responses" # print(cmd) assert "\n" not in cmd self.proc.sendline(cmd) try: self.proc.expect([ "\(Answer \d+ Ack\)\x00.*\(Answer \d+ Completed\)\x00", "\(Answer \d+ Ack\)\x00.*\(Answer \d+\(CoqExn.*\)\x00", ]) except pexpect.TIMEOUT as ex: print(self.proc.before) raise CoqTimeout raw_responses = self.proc.after # print(raw_responses) ack_num = int("^\(Answer (?P<num>\d+)", raw_responses)["num"]) for num in re.findall(r"(?<=\(Answer) \d+", raw_responses): assert int(num) == ack_num responses = [] msg_str = [] for item in raw_responses.split("\x00"): item = item.strip() if item == "": continue if not item.startswith("(Feedback") and not item.startswith( "(Answer"): m ="\(Feedback|\(Answer", item) if m is None: continue item = item[m.span()[0]:] assert item.endswith(")") parsed_item = sexpdata.loads(item, nil=None, true=None) if "CoqExn" in item: # an error occured in Coq assert parsed_item[2][0] == Symbol("CoqExn") raise CoqExn(sexpdata.dumps(parsed_item[2][4]), sexpdata.dumps(parsed_item[2])) if item.startswith("(Feedback"): # ignore Feedback for now try: msg = parsed_item[1][3][1] if (isinstance(msg, list) and msg != [] and msg[0] == Symbol("Message")): msg_sexp, _ = self.send( "(Print ((pp_format PpStr)) (CoqPp %s))" % sexpdata.dumps(msg[3])) msg_str.extend( [symbol2str(x[1]) for x in msg_sexp[1][2][1]]) except IndexError: pass continue responses.append(parsed_item) msg_str = "\n".join(msg_str) return responses, raw_responses def send_add(self, cmd, return_ast): 'Send a (Add () "XXX") command to SerAPI, return the state id and optionally the AST' responses, raw_responses = self.send('(Add () "%s")' % escape(cmd)) state_ids = [ int(sid) for sid in ADDED_STATE_PATTERN.findall(raw_responses) ] state_id = state_ids[-1] if self.states_stack != []: self.states_stack[-1].append(state_id) if return_ast: if cmd not in self.ast_cache: self.ast_cache[cmd] = self.query_ast(cmd) ast = self.ast_cache[cmd] else: ast = None return state_id, ast def query_ast(self, cmd): "Query the AST of the vernac command just added" responses, _ = self.send('(Parse () "%s")' % escape(cmd)) ast = responses[1][2][1][0] assert ast[0] == Symbol("CoqAst") return ast def query_library(self, lib): responses, _ = self.send('(Query () (LocateLibrary "%s"))' % lib) physical_path = symbol2str(responses[1][2][1][0][3]) return physical_path def query_qualid(self, qualid): responses, _ = self.send('(Query () (Locate "%s"))' % qualid) if responses[1][2][1] == [] and qualid.startswith("SerTop."): qualid = qualid[len("SerTop."):] responses, _ = self.send('(Query () (Locate "%s"))' % qualid) assert len(responses[1][2][1]) == 1 short_responses = responses[1][2][1][0][1][0][1] assert short_responses[1][0] == Symbol("DirPath") short_ident = ".".join( [symbol2str(x[1]) for x in short_responses[1][1][::-1]] + [symbol2str(short_responses[2][1])]) return short_ident def query_env(self, current_file): "Query the global environment" responses, _ = self.send("(Query () Env)") env = responses[1][2][1][0] # store the constants constants = [] for const in env[1][0][1][0][1]: # identifier qualid = ( print_mod_path(const[0][1]) + "." + ".".join([symbol2str(x[1]) for x in const[0][2][1][::-1]] + [symbol2str(const[0][3][1])])) if qualid.startswith("SerTop."): logical_path = "SerTop" physical_path = current_file else: logical_path = mod_path_file(const[0][1]) assert qualid.startswith(logical_path) physical_path = os.path.relpath( self.query_library(logical_path)) physical_path += ":" + qualid[len(logical_path) + 1:] short_ident = self.query_qualid(qualid) # term assert const[1][0][1][0] == Symbol("const_body") if const[1][0][1][1][0] == Symbol("Undef"): # delaration opaque = None term = None elif const[1][0][1][1][0] == Symbol( "Def"): # transparent definition opaque = False term = None else: assert const[1][0][1][1][0] == Symbol( "OpaqueDef") # opaque definition opaque = True term = None # type assert const[1][0][2][0] == Symbol("const_type") type_sexp = sexpdata.dumps(const[1][0][2][1]) type = self.print_constr(type_sexp) sort = self.query_type(type_sexp, return_str=True) constants.append({ "physical_path": physical_path, "short_ident": short_ident, "qualid": qualid, "term": term, "type": type, "sort": sort, "opaque": opaque, "sexp": sexpdata.dumps(const[1][0][2][1]), }) # store the inductives inductives = [] for induct in env[1][0][1][1][1]: # identifier qualid = ( print_mod_path(induct[0][1]) + "." + ".".join([symbol2str(x[1]) for x in induct[0][2][1][::-1]] + [symbol2str(induct[0][3][1])])) short_ident = self.query_qualid(qualid) if qualid.startswith("SerTop."): logical_path = "SerTop" physical_path = current_file else: logical_path = mod_path_file(induct[0][1]) physical_path = os.path.relpath( self.query_library(logical_path)) assert qualid.startswith(logical_path) physical_path += ":" + qualid[len(logical_path) + 1:] # blocks blocks = [] for blk in induct[1][0][0][1]: blk_qualid = ".".join( qualid.split(".")[:-1] + [symbol2str(blk[0][1][1])]) blk_short_ident = self.query_qualid(blk_qualid) # constructors constructors = [] for c_name, c_type in zip(blk[3][1], blk[4][1]): c_name = symbol2str(c_name[1]) c_type = self.print_constr(sexpdata.dumps(c_type)) # if c_type is not None: # c_type = UNBOUND_REL_PATTERN.sub(short_ident, c_type) constructors.append((c_name, c_type)) blocks.append({ "short_ident": blk_short_ident, "qualid": blk_qualid, "constructors": constructors, }) inductives.append({ "physical_path": physical_path, "blocks": blocks, "is_record": induct[1][0][1][1] != Symbol("NotRecord"), "sexp": sexpdata.dumps(induct), }) return constants, inductives def query_goals(self): "Retrieve a list of open goals" responses, _ = self.send("(Query () Goals)") assert responses[1][2][0] == Symbol("ObjList") if responses[1][2][1] == []: # no goals return [], [], [], [] else: assert len(responses[1][2][1]) == 1 def store_goals(goals_sexp): goals = [] for g in goals_sexp: hypotheses = [] for h in g[2][1]: h_sexp = sexpdata.dumps(h[2]) hypotheses.append({ "idents": [symbol2str(ident[1]) for ident in h[0][::-1]], "term": [ None if t == [] else self.print_constr( sexpdata.dumps(t)) for t in h[1] ], "type": self.print_constr(h_sexp), "sexp": h_sexp, }) type_sexp = sexpdata.dumps(g[1][1]) goals.append({ "id": int(g[0][1]), "type": self.print_constr(type_sexp), "sexp": type_sexp, "hypotheses": hypotheses[::-1], }) return goals fg_goals = store_goals(responses[1][2][1][0][1][0][1]) bg_goals = store_goals( list( chain.from_iterable( chain.from_iterable(responses[1][2][1][0][1][1][1])))) shelved_goals = store_goals(responses[1][2][1][0][1][2][1]) given_up_goals = store_goals(responses[1][2][1][0][1][3][1]) return fg_goals, bg_goals, shelved_goals, given_up_goals def has_open_goals(self): responses, _ = self.send("(Query () Goals)") assert responses[1][2][0] == Symbol("ObjList") return responses[1][2][1] != [] def print_constr(self, sexp_str): if not hasattr(self, "constr_cache"): self.constr_cache = {} if sexp_str not in self.constr_cache: try: responses, _ = self.send( "(Print ((pp_format PpStr)) (CoqConstr %s))" % sexp_str) self.constr_cache[sexp_str] = normalize_spaces( symbol2str(responses[1][2][1][0][1])) except CoqExn as ex: if ex.err_msg == "Not_found": return None else: raise ex except TypeError as ex: self.constr_cache[sexp_str] = normalize_spaces( symbol2str(responses[0][2][1][0][1])) return self.constr_cache[sexp_str] def query_vernac(self, cmd): return self.send('(Query () (Vernac "%s"))' % escape(cmd)) def query_type(self, term_sexp, return_str=False): try: responses, _ = self.send("(Query () (Type %s))" % term_sexp) except CoqExn as ex: if ex.err_msg == "Not_found": return None else: raise ex assert responses[1][2][1][0][0] == Symbol("CoqConstr") type_sexp = responses[1][2][1][0][1] if return_str: return self.print_constr(sexpdata.dumps(type_sexp)) else: return type_sexp def execute(self, cmd, return_ast=False): "Execute a vernac command" state_id, ast = self.send_add(cmd, return_ast) responses, _ = self.send("(Exec %d)" % state_id) return responses, sexpdata.dumps(ast) def push(self): "push a new frame on the state stack (a checkpoint), which can be used to roll back to the current state" self.states_stack.append([]) def cancel(self, states): self.send("(Cancel (%s))" % " ".join([str(s) for s in states])) def pull(self): "remove a checkpoint created by push" states = self.states_stack.pop() self.states_stack[-1].extend(states) return len(states) def pop(self): "rollback to a checkpoint created by push" self.cancel(self.states_stack.pop()) def pop_n(self, cnt): states = [] for i in range(cnt): states.append(self.states_stack[-1].pop()) self.cancel(states) def clean(self): self.proc.sendeof() self.proc.wait() self.dead = True def shutdown(self): self.proc.kill(signal.SIGKILL) self.dead = True def __enter__(self): return self def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_value, traceback): self.clean()