def __init__(self, map_config: dict = None, random_seed=None): """ Map can be stored and recover to save time when we access the map encountered before """ assert random_seed is None # assert random_seed == map_config[ # self.SEED # ], "Global seed {} should equal to seed in map config {}".format(random_seed, map_config[self.SEED]) super(BaseMap, self).__init__(config=map_config) self.film_size = (get_global_config()["draw_map_resolution"], get_global_config()["draw_map_resolution"]) self.road_network = RoadNetwork() # A flatten representation of blocks, might cause chaos in city-level generation. self.blocks = [] # Generate map and insert blocks self.engine = get_engine() self._generate() assert self.blocks, "The generate methods does not fill blocks!" # a trick to optimize performance self.road_network.after_init() self.spawn_roads = [Road(FirstPGBlock.NODE_2, FirstPGBlock.NODE_3)] self.detach_from_world()
def __init__(self, block_index: int, global_network: RoadNetwork, random_seed, ignore_intersection_checking=False): super(BaseBlock, self).__init__(str(block_index) + self.ID, random_seed, escape_random_seed_assertion=True) # block information assert self.ID is not None, "Each Block must has its unique ID When define Block" assert len(self.ID) == 1, "Block ID must be a character " self.block_index = block_index self.ignore_intersection_checking = ignore_intersection_checking # each block contains its own road network and a global network self._global_network = global_network self.block_network = RoadNetwork() # a bounding box used to improve efficiency x_min, x_max, y_min, y_max self.bounding_box = None # used to spawn npc self._respawn_roads = [] self._block_objects = None if self.render: # render pre-load self.road_texture = self.loader.loadTexture( AssetLoader.file_path("textures", "sci", "color.jpg")) self.road_texture.setMinfilter( SamplerState.FT_linear_mipmap_linear) self.road_texture.setAnisotropicDegree(8) self.road_normal = self.loader.loadTexture( AssetLoader.file_path("textures", "sci", "normal.jpg")) self.ts_color = TextureStage("color") self.ts_normal = TextureStage("normal") self.side_texture = self.loader.loadTexture( AssetLoader.file_path("textures", "sidewalk", "color.png")) self.side_texture.setMinfilter( SamplerState.FT_linear_mipmap_linear) self.side_texture.setAnisotropicDegree(8) self.side_normal = self.loader.loadTexture( AssetLoader.file_path("textures", "sidewalk", "normal.png")) self.sidewalk = self.loader.loadModel( AssetLoader.file_path("models", "box.bam"))
def vis_big(debug: bool = False): test = TestBlock(debug=debug), 400, 2000) initialize_asset_loader(test) set_global_random_seed(4) global_network = RoadNetwork() big = BIG(2, 3.5, global_network, test.render, test.vis_big(big) test.big.block_num = 40 # big.generate(BigGenerateMethod.BLOCK_NUM, 10)
class BaseMap(BaseRunnable): """ Base class for Map generation! """ # only used to save and read maps FILE_SUFFIX = ".json" # define string in json and config SEED = "seed" LANE_WIDTH = "lane_width" LANE_WIDTH_RAND_RANGE = "lane_width_rand_range" LANE_NUM = "lane_num" BLOCK_ID = "id" BLOCK_SEQUENCE = "block_sequence" PRE_BLOCK_SOCKET_INDEX = "pre_block_socket_index" # generate_method GENERATE_CONFIG = "config" GENERATE_TYPE = "type" def __init__(self, map_config: dict = None, random_seed=None): """ Map can be stored and recover to save time when we access the map encountered before """ assert random_seed is None # assert random_seed == map_config[ # self.SEED # ], "Global seed {} should equal to seed in map config {}".format(random_seed, map_config[self.SEED]) super(BaseMap, self).__init__(config=map_config) self.film_size = (get_global_config()["draw_map_resolution"], get_global_config()["draw_map_resolution"]) self.road_network = RoadNetwork() # A flatten representation of blocks, might cause chaos in city-level generation. self.blocks = [] # Generate map and insert blocks self.engine = get_engine() self._generate() assert self.blocks, "The generate methods does not fill blocks!" # a trick to optimize performance self.road_network.after_init() self.spawn_roads = [Road(FirstPGBlock.NODE_2, FirstPGBlock.NODE_3)] self.detach_from_world() def _generate(self): """Key function! Please overwrite it! This func aims at fill the self.road_network adn self.blocks""" raise NotImplementedError( "Please use child class like PGMap to replace Map!") def attach_to_world(self, parent_np=None, physics_world=None): parent_node_path, physics_world = self.engine.worldNP or parent_np, self.engine.physics_world or physics_world for block in self.blocks: block.attach_to_world(parent_node_path, physics_world) def detach_from_world(self, physics_world=None): for block in self.blocks: block.detach_from_world(self.engine.physics_world or physics_world) def save_map(self): """ Save the generated map to map file """ assert self.blocks is not None and len( self.blocks) > 0, "Please generate Map before saving it" map_config = [] for b in self.blocks: assert isinstance( b, PGBlock), "None Set can not be saved to json file" b_config = b.get_config() json_config = b_config.get_serializable_dict() json_config[self.BLOCK_ID] = b.ID json_config[self.PRE_BLOCK_SOCKET_INDEX] = b.pre_block_socket_index map_config.append(json_config) saved_data = copy.deepcopy({self.BLOCK_SEQUENCE: map_config}) return saved_data def read_map(self, map_config: dict): """ Load the map from a dict. Note that we don't provide a restore function in the base class. """ self._config[self.SEED] = map_config[self.SEED] blocks_config = map_config[self.BLOCK_SEQUENCE] for b_id, b in enumerate(blocks_config): blocks_config[b_id] = { k: np.array(v) if isinstance(v, list) else v for k, v in b.items() } # update the property return blocks_config @property def num_blocks(self): return len(self.blocks) def destroy(self): for block in self.blocks: block.destroy() super(BaseMap, self).destroy()
from pgdrive.component.blocks.first_block import FirstPGBlock from pgdrive.component.blocks.std_intersection import StdInterSection from pgdrive.component.blocks.std_t_intersection import StdTInterSection from pgdrive.component.road.road_network import RoadNetwork from pgdrive.tests.vis_block.vis_block_base import TestBlock if __name__ == "__main__": test = TestBlock() from pgdrive.engine.asset_loader import initialize_asset_loader initialize_asset_loader(test) global_network = RoadNetwork() first = FirstPGBlock(global_network, 3.0, 1, test.render,, 1) intersection = StdInterSection(3, first.get_socket(0), global_network, 1) print(intersection.construct_block(test.render, id = 4 for socket_idx in range(intersection.SOCKET_NUM): block = StdTInterSection(id, intersection.get_socket(socket_idx), global_network, id) block.construct_block(test.render, id += 1 test.show_bounding_box(global_network)
class BaseBlock(BaseObject, DrivableAreaProperty): """ Block is a driving area consisting of several roads Note: overriding the _sample() function to fill block_network/respawn_roads in subclass Call Block.construct_block() to add it to world """ ID = "B" def __init__(self, block_index: int, global_network: RoadNetwork, random_seed, ignore_intersection_checking=False): super(BaseBlock, self).__init__(str(block_index) + self.ID, random_seed, escape_random_seed_assertion=True) # block information assert self.ID is not None, "Each Block must has its unique ID When define Block" assert len(self.ID) == 1, "Block ID must be a character " self.block_index = block_index self.ignore_intersection_checking = ignore_intersection_checking # each block contains its own road network and a global network self._global_network = global_network self.block_network = RoadNetwork() # a bounding box used to improve efficiency x_min, x_max, y_min, y_max self.bounding_box = None # used to spawn npc self._respawn_roads = [] self._block_objects = None if self.render: # render pre-load self.road_texture = self.loader.loadTexture( AssetLoader.file_path("textures", "sci", "color.jpg")) self.road_texture.setMinfilter( SamplerState.FT_linear_mipmap_linear) self.road_texture.setAnisotropicDegree(8) self.road_normal = self.loader.loadTexture( AssetLoader.file_path("textures", "sci", "normal.jpg")) self.ts_color = TextureStage("color") self.ts_normal = TextureStage("normal") self.side_texture = self.loader.loadTexture( AssetLoader.file_path("textures", "sidewalk", "color.png")) self.side_texture.setMinfilter( SamplerState.FT_linear_mipmap_linear) self.side_texture.setAnisotropicDegree(8) self.side_normal = self.loader.loadTexture( AssetLoader.file_path("textures", "sidewalk", "normal.png")) self.sidewalk = self.loader.loadModel( AssetLoader.file_path("models", "box.bam")) def _sample_topology(self) -> bool: """ Sample a new topology to fill self.block_network """ raise NotImplementedError def construct_block(self, root_render_np: NodePath, physics_world: PhysicsWorld, extra_config: Dict = None, no_same_node=True) -> bool: """ Randomly Construct a block, if overlap return False """ self.sample_parameters() self.origin = NodePath( self._block_objects = [] if extra_config: assert set(extra_config.keys()).issubset(self.PARAMETER_SPACE.parameters), \ "Make sure the parameters' name are as same as what defined in" raw_config = self.get_config() raw_config.update(extra_config) self.update_config(raw_config) self._clear_topology() success = self._sample_topology() self._global_network.add(self.block_network, no_same_node) self._create_in_world() self.attach_to_world(root_render_np, physics_world) return success def destruct_block(self, physics_world: PhysicsWorld): self._clear_topology() self.detach_from_world(physics_world) self.origin.removeNode() self.dynamic_nodes.clear() self.static_nodes.clear() for obj in self._block_objects: obj.destroy() self._block_objects = None def construct_from_config(self, config: Dict, root_render_np: NodePath, physics_world: PhysicsWorld): success = self.construct_block(root_render_np, physics_world, config) return success def get_respawn_roads(self): return self._respawn_roads def get_respawn_lanes(self): """ return a 2-dim array [[]] to keep the lane index """ ret = [] for road in self._respawn_roads: lanes = road.get_lanes(self.block_network) ret.append(lanes) return ret def get_intermediate_spawn_lanes(self): """Return all lanes that can be used to generate spawn intermediate vehicles.""" raise NotImplementedError() def _add_one_respawn_road(self, respawn_road: Road): assert isinstance(respawn_road, Road), "Spawn roads list only accept Road Type" self._respawn_roads.append(respawn_road) def _clear_topology(self): self._global_network -= self.block_network self.block_network.graph.clear() self.PART_IDX = 0 self.ROAD_IDX = 0 self._respawn_roads.clear() """------------------------------------- For Render and Physics Calculation ---------------------------------- """ def _create_in_world(self): """ Create NodePath and Geom node to perform both collision detection and render """ self.lane_line_node_path = NodePath( RigidBodyCombiner( + "_lane_line")) self.sidewalk_node_path = NodePath( RigidBodyCombiner( + "_sidewalk")) self.lane_node_path = NodePath(RigidBodyCombiner( + "_lane")) self.lane_vis_node_path = NodePath( RigidBodyCombiner( + "_lane_vis")) graph = self.block_network.graph for _from, to_dict in graph.items(): for _to, lanes in to_dict.items(): self._add_lane_surface(_from, _to, lanes) for _id, l in enumerate(lanes): line_color = l.line_color self._add_lane(l, _id, line_color) self.lane_line_node_path.flattenStrong() self.lane_line_node_path.node().collect() self.sidewalk_node_path.flattenStrong() self.sidewalk_node_path.node().collect() self.sidewalk_node_path.hide(CamMask.ScreenshotCam) # only bodies reparent to this node self.lane_node_path.flattenStrong() self.lane_node_path.node().collect() self.lane_vis_node_path.flattenStrong() self.lane_vis_node_path.node().collect() self.lane_vis_node_path.hide(CamMask.DepthCam | CamMask.ScreenshotCam) self.origin.hide(CamMask.Shadow) self.sidewalk_node_path.reparentTo(self.origin) self.lane_line_node_path.reparentTo(self.origin) self.lane_node_path.reparentTo(self.origin) self.lane_vis_node_path.reparentTo(self.origin) self.bounding_box = self.block_network.get_bounding_box() def _add_pgdrive_lanes(self, lane, lane_id, lane_width, colors, parent_np): # for pgdrive structure for k, i in enumerate([-1, 1]): line_color = colors[k] if lane.line_types[k] == LineType.NONE or (lane_id != 0 and k == 0): if isinstance(lane, StraightLane): continue elif isinstance( lane, CircularLane) and lane.radius != lane_width / 2: # for ramp render continue if lane.line_types[k] == LineType.CONTINUOUS or lane.line_types[ k] == LineType.SIDE: if isinstance(lane, StraightLane): lane_start = lane.position(0, i * lane_width / 2) lane_end = lane.position(lane.length, i * lane_width / 2) middle = lane.position(lane.length / 2, i * lane_width / 2) self._add_lane_line2bullet(lane_start, lane_end, middle, parent_np, line_color, lane.line_types[k]) elif isinstance(lane, CircularLane): segment_num = int( lane.length / DrivableAreaProperty.CIRCULAR_SEGMENT_LENGTH) for segment in range(segment_num): lane_start = lane.position( segment * DrivableAreaProperty.CIRCULAR_SEGMENT_LENGTH, i * lane_width / 2) lane_end = lane.position( (segment + 1) * DrivableAreaProperty.CIRCULAR_SEGMENT_LENGTH, i * lane_width / 2) middle = (lane_start + lane_end) / 2 self._add_lane_line2bullet(lane_start, lane_end, middle, parent_np, line_color, lane.line_types[k]) # for last part lane_start = lane.position( segment_num * DrivableAreaProperty.CIRCULAR_SEGMENT_LENGTH, i * lane_width / 2) lane_end = lane.position(lane.length, i * lane_width / 2) middle = (lane_start + lane_end) / 2 self._add_lane_line2bullet(lane_start, lane_end, middle, parent_np, line_color, lane.line_types[k]) if lane.line_types[k] == LineType.SIDE: radius = lane.radius if isinstance(lane, CircularLane) else 0.0 segment_num = int(lane.length / DrivableAreaProperty.SIDEWALK_LENGTH) for segment in range(segment_num): lane_start = lane.position( segment * DrivableAreaProperty.SIDEWALK_LENGTH, i * lane_width / 2) lane_end = lane.position( (segment + 1) * DrivableAreaProperty.SIDEWALK_LENGTH, i * lane_width / 2) middle = (lane_start + lane_end) / 2 self._add_sidewalk2bullet(lane_start, lane_end, middle, radius, lane.direction) # for last part lane_start = lane.position( segment_num * DrivableAreaProperty.SIDEWALK_LENGTH, i * lane_width / 2) lane_end = lane.position(lane.length, i * lane_width / 2) middle = (lane_start + lane_end) / 2 if norm(lane_start[0] - lane_end[0], lane_start[1] - lane_end[1]) > 1e-1: self._add_sidewalk2bullet(lane_start, lane_end, middle, radius, lane.direction) elif lane.line_types[k] == LineType.BROKEN: straight = True if isinstance(lane, StraightLane) else False segment_num = int(lane.length / (2 * DrivableAreaProperty.STRIPE_LENGTH)) for segment in range(segment_num): lane_start = lane.position( segment * DrivableAreaProperty.STRIPE_LENGTH * 2, i * lane_width / 2) lane_end = lane.position( segment * DrivableAreaProperty.STRIPE_LENGTH * 2 + DrivableAreaProperty.STRIPE_LENGTH, i * lane_width / 2) middle = lane.position( segment * DrivableAreaProperty.STRIPE_LENGTH * 2 + DrivableAreaProperty.STRIPE_LENGTH / 2, i * lane_width / 2) self._add_lane_line2bullet(lane_start, lane_end, middle, parent_np, line_color, lane.line_types[k], straight) lane_start = lane.position( segment_num * DrivableAreaProperty.STRIPE_LENGTH * 2, i * lane_width / 2) lane_end = lane.position( lane.length + DrivableAreaProperty.STRIPE_LENGTH, i * lane_width / 2) middle = (lane_end[0] + lane_start[0]) / 2, (lane_end[1] + lane_start[1]) / 2 if not straight: self._add_lane_line2bullet(lane_start, lane_end, middle, parent_np, line_color, lane.line_types[k], straight) if straight: lane_start = lane.position(0, i * lane_width / 2) lane_end = lane.position(lane.length, i * lane_width / 2) middle = lane.position(lane.length / 2, i * lane_width / 2) self._add_box_body(lane_start, lane_end, middle, parent_np, lane.line_types[k], line_color) def _add_lane(self, lane: AbstractLane, lane_id: int, colors: List[Vec4]): parent_np = self.lane_line_node_path lane_width = lane.width_at(0) if isinstance(lane, CircularLane) or isinstance(lane, StraightLane): self._add_pgdrive_lanes(lane, lane_id, lane_width, colors, parent_np) elif isinstance(lane, WayPointLane): for c, i in enumerate([-1, 1]): line_color = colors[c] acc_length = 0 if lane.line_types[c] != LineType.NONE: for segment in lane.segment_property: lane_start = lane.position(acc_length, i * lane_width / 2) acc_length += segment["length"] lane_end = lane.position(acc_length, i * lane_width / 2) middle = (lane_start + lane_end) / 2 self._add_lane_line2bullet(lane_start, lane_end, middle, parent_np, line_color, lane.line_types[c]) def _add_box_body(self, lane_start, lane_end, middle, parent_np: NodePath, line_type, line_color): length = norm(lane_end[0] - lane_start[0], lane_end[1] - lane_start[1]) if LineType.prohibit(line_type): node_name = BodyName.White_continuous_line if line_color == LineColor.GREY else BodyName.Yellow_continuous_line else: node_name = BodyName.Broken_line body_node = BulletGhostNode(node_name) body_node.set_active(False) body_node.setKinematic(False) body_node.setStatic(True) body_np = parent_np.attachNewNode(body_node) shape = BulletBoxShape( Vec3(length / 2, DrivableAreaProperty.LANE_LINE_WIDTH / 2, DrivableAreaProperty.LANE_LINE_GHOST_HEIGHT)) body_np.node().addShape(shape) mask = DrivableAreaProperty.CONTINUOUS_COLLISION_MASK if line_type != LineType.BROKEN else DrivableAreaProperty.BROKEN_COLLISION_MASK body_np.node().setIntoCollideMask(mask) self.static_nodes.append(body_np.node()) body_np.setPos( panda_position(middle, DrivableAreaProperty.LANE_LINE_GHOST_HEIGHT / 2)) direction_v = lane_end - lane_start # theta = -numpy.arctan2(direction_v[1], direction_v[0]) theta = -math.atan2(direction_v[1], direction_v[0]) body_np.setQuat( LQuaternionf(math.cos(theta / 2), 0, 0, math.sin(theta / 2))) def _add_lane_line2bullet(self, lane_start, lane_end, middle, parent_np: NodePath, color: Vec4, line_type: LineType, straight_stripe=False): length = norm(lane_end[0] - lane_start[0], lane_end[1] - lane_start[1]) if length <= 0: return if LineType.prohibit(line_type): node_name = BodyName.White_continuous_line if color == LineColor.GREY else BodyName.Yellow_continuous_line else: node_name = BodyName.Broken_line # add bullet body for it if straight_stripe: body_np = parent_np.attachNewNode(node_name) else: body_node = BulletGhostNode(node_name) body_node.set_active(False) body_node.setKinematic(False) body_node.setStatic(True) body_np = parent_np.attachNewNode(body_node) # its scale will change by setScale body_height = DrivableAreaProperty.LANE_LINE_GHOST_HEIGHT shape = BulletBoxShape( Vec3(length / 2 if line_type != LineType.BROKEN else length, DrivableAreaProperty.LANE_LINE_WIDTH / 2, body_height)) body_np.node().addShape(shape) mask = DrivableAreaProperty.CONTINUOUS_COLLISION_MASK if line_type != LineType.BROKEN else DrivableAreaProperty.BROKEN_COLLISION_MASK body_np.node().setIntoCollideMask(mask) self.static_nodes.append(body_np.node()) # position and heading body_np.setPos( panda_position(middle, DrivableAreaProperty.LANE_LINE_GHOST_HEIGHT / 2)) direction_v = lane_end - lane_start # theta = -numpy.arctan2(direction_v[1], direction_v[0]) theta = -math.atan2(direction_v[1], direction_v[0]) body_np.setQuat( LQuaternionf(math.cos(theta / 2), 0, 0, math.sin(theta / 2))) if self.render: # For visualization lane_line = self.loader.loadModel( AssetLoader.file_path("models", "box.bam")) lane_line.setScale(length, DrivableAreaProperty.LANE_LINE_WIDTH, DrivableAreaProperty.LANE_LINE_THICKNESS) lane_line.setPos( Vec3(0, 0 - DrivableAreaProperty.LANE_LINE_GHOST_HEIGHT / 2)) lane_line.reparentTo(body_np) body_np.set_color(color) def _add_sidewalk2bullet(self, lane_start, lane_end, middle, radius=0.0, direction=0): length = norm(lane_end[0] - lane_start[0], lane_end[1] - lane_start[1]) body_node = BulletRigidBodyNode(BodyName.Sidewalk) body_node.setKinematic(False) body_node.setStatic(True) side_np = self.sidewalk_node_path.attachNewNode(body_node) shape = BulletBoxShape(Vec3(1 / 2, 1 / 2, 1 / 2)) body_node.addShape(shape) body_node.setIntoCollideMask(self.SIDEWALK_COLLISION_MASK) self.dynamic_nodes.append(body_node) if radius == 0: factor = 1 else: if direction == 1: factor = (1 - self.SIDEWALK_LINE_DIST / radius) else: factor = (1 + self.SIDEWALK_WIDTH / radius) * ( 1 + self.SIDEWALK_LINE_DIST / radius) direction_v = lane_end - lane_start vertical_v = Vector( (-direction_v[1], direction_v[0])) / norm(*direction_v) middle += vertical_v * (self.SIDEWALK_WIDTH / 2 + self.SIDEWALK_LINE_DIST) side_np.setPos(panda_position(middle, 0)) theta = -math.atan2(direction_v[1], direction_v[0]) side_np.setQuat( LQuaternionf(math.cos(theta / 2), 0, 0, math.sin(theta / 2))) side_np.setScale( length * factor, self.SIDEWALK_WIDTH, self.SIDEWALK_THICKNESS * (1 + 0.1 * np.random.rand())) if self.render: side_np.setTexture(self.ts_color, self.side_texture) self.sidewalk.instanceTo(side_np) def _add_lane_surface(self, from_: str, to_: str, lanes: List): """ Add the land surface to world, this surface will record the lane information, like index :param from_: From node :param to_: To Node :param lanes: All lanes of this road """ if isinstance(lanes[0], StraightLane): for index, lane in enumerate(lanes): middle = lane.position(lane.length / 2, 0) end = lane.position(lane.length, 0) direction_v = end - middle theta = -math.atan2(direction_v[1], direction_v[0]) width = lane.width_at(0) + self.SIDEWALK_LINE_DIST * 2 length = lane.length self._add_lane2bullet(middle, width, length, theta, lane, (from_, to_, index)) elif isinstance(lanes[0], CircularLane): for index, lane in enumerate(lanes): segment_num = int(lane.length / self.CIRCULAR_SEGMENT_LENGTH) for i in range(segment_num): middle = lane.position( lane.length * (i + .5) / segment_num, 0) end = lane.position(lane.length * (i + 1) / segment_num, 0) direction_v = end - middle theta = -math.atan2(direction_v[1], direction_v[0]) width = lane.width_at(0) + self.SIDEWALK_LINE_DIST * 2 length = lane.length self._add_lane2bullet(middle, width, length * 1.3 / segment_num, theta, lane, (from_, to_, index)) elif isinstance(lanes[0], WayPointLane): for index, lane in enumerate(lanes): for segment in lane.segment_property: lane_start = segment["start_point"] lane_end = segment["end_point"] middle = (lane_start + lane_end) / 2 direction_v = lane_end - middle theta = -math.atan2(direction_v[1], direction_v[0]) width = lane.width_at(0) length = segment["length"] self._add_lane2bullet(middle, width, length, theta, lane, (from_, to_, index)) def _add_lane2bullet(self, middle, width, length, theta, lane: Union[StraightLane, CircularLane], lane_index): """ Add lane visualization and body for it :param middle: Middle point :param width: Lane width :param length: Segment length :param theta: Rotate theta :param lane: Lane info :return: None """ length += 0.1 lane.index = lane_index segment_np = NodePath(BaseRigidBodyNode(lane, BodyName.Lane)) segment_node = segment_np.node() segment_node.set_active(False) segment_node.setKinematic(False) segment_node.setStatic(True) shape = BulletBoxShape(Vec3(length / 2, 0.1, width / 2)) segment_node.addShape(shape) self.static_nodes.append(segment_node) segment_np.setPos(panda_position(middle, -0.1)) segment_np.setQuat( LQuaternionf( math.cos(theta / 2) * math.cos(-math.pi / 4), math.cos(theta / 2) * math.sin(-math.pi / 4), -math.sin(theta / 2) * math.cos(-math.pi / 4), math.sin(theta / 2) * math.cos(-math.pi / 4))) segment_np.reparentTo(self.lane_node_path) if self.render: cm = CardMaker('card') cm.setFrame(-length / 2, length / 2, -width / 2, width / 2) cm.setHasNormals(True) cm.setUvRange((0, 0), (length / 20, width / 10)) card = self.lane_vis_node_path.attachNewNode(cm.generate()) card.setPos(panda_position(middle, np.random.rand() * 0.01 - 0.01)) card.setQuat( LQuaternionf( math.cos(theta / 2) * math.cos(-math.pi / 4), math.cos(theta / 2) * math.sin(-math.pi / 4), -math.sin(theta / 2) * math.cos(-math.pi / 4), math.sin(theta / 2) * math.cos(-math.pi / 4))) card.setTransparency(TransparencyAttrib.MMultisample) card.setTexture(self.ts_color, self.road_texture) def add_body(self, physics_body): raise DeprecationWarning( "Different from common objects like vehicle/traffic sign, Block has several bodies!" "Therefore, you should create BulletBody and then add them to self.dynamics_nodes " "manually. See in construct() method")
def __init__(self, global_network: RoadNetwork, lane_width: float, lane_num: int, render_root_np: NodePath, physics_world: PhysicsWorld, length: float = 50, ignore_intersection_checking=False): place_holder = PGBlockSocket(Road(Decoration.start, Decoration.end), Road(Decoration.start, Decoration.end)) super(FirstPGBlock, self).__init__( 0, place_holder, global_network, random_seed=0, ignore_intersection_checking=ignore_intersection_checking) assert length > self.ENTRANCE_LENGTH, (length, self.ENTRANCE_LENGTH) self._block_objects = [] basic_lane = StraightLane( [0, lane_width * (lane_num - 1)], [self.ENTRANCE_LENGTH, lane_width * (lane_num - 1)], line_types=(LineType.BROKEN, LineType.SIDE), width=lane_width) ego_v_spawn_road = Road(self.NODE_1, self.NODE_2) CreateRoadFrom( basic_lane, lane_num, ego_v_spawn_road, self.block_network, self._global_network, ignore_intersection_checking=self.ignore_intersection_checking) CreateAdverseRoad( ego_v_spawn_road, self.block_network, self._global_network, ignore_intersection_checking=self.ignore_intersection_checking) next_lane = ExtendStraightLane(basic_lane, length - self.ENTRANCE_LENGTH, [LineType.BROKEN, LineType.SIDE]) other_v_spawn_road = Road(self.NODE_2, self.NODE_3) CreateRoadFrom( next_lane, lane_num, other_v_spawn_road, self.block_network, self._global_network, ignore_intersection_checking=self.ignore_intersection_checking) CreateAdverseRoad( other_v_spawn_road, self.block_network, self._global_network, ignore_intersection_checking=self.ignore_intersection_checking) self._create_in_world() # global_network += self.block_network global_network.add(self.block_network) socket = self.create_socket_from_positive_road(other_v_spawn_road) socket.set_index(, 0) self.add_sockets(socket) self.attach_to_world(render_root_np, physics_world) self._respawn_roads = [other_v_spawn_road]