def __init__(self, K, n, C=None, sigma_C=1, mu=None, mu_pi=None): """ Create a PGMultinomial distribution with mean and covariance for psi. :param K: Dimensionality of the multinomial distribution :param mu_C: Mean of the matrix normal distribution over C """ assert isinstance(K, int) and K >= 2, "K must be an integer >= 2" self.K = K assert isinstance(n, int) and n >= 1, "n must be an integer >= 1" self.n = n # Initialize emission matrix C self.sigma_C = sigma_C if C is None: self.C = self.sigma_C * np.random.randn(self.K-1, self.n) # mu, sigma = compute_psi_cmoments(np.ones(K)) # self.C = compute_psi_cmoments(np.ones(K))[0][:,None] * np.ones((self.K-1, self.n)) else: assert C.shape == (self.K-1, self.n) self.C = C # Initialize the observation mean (mu) if mu is None and mu_pi is None: = np.zeros(self.K-1) elif mu is not None: assert mu.shape == (self.K-1,) = mu else: assert mu_pi.shape == (self.K,) = pi_to_psi(mu_pi) # Initialize Polya-gamma augmentation variables self.ppgs = initialize_polya_gamma_samplers()
def add_data(self, Z, X, optimize_hypers=True): assert Z.ndim == 2 and Z.shape[1] == self.D M = Z.shape[0] assert X.shape == (M, self.K) # Get the empirical probabilities (offset by 1 to ensure nonzero) pi_emp_train = (self.alpha+X).astype(np.float) / \ (self.alpha + X).sum(axis=1)[:,None] # Convert these to psi's self.Z = Z self.psi = np.array([pi_to_psi(pi) for pi in pi_emp_train]) # Compute the mean value of psi = self.psi.mean(axis=0) self.psi -= # Create the GP Regression model from GPy.models import GPRegression self.model = GPRegression(Z, self.psi, self.kernel) # Optimize the kernel parameters if optimize_hypers: self.model.optimize(messages=True)
def fit_gp_multinomial_model(model, test, pi_train=None, N_samples=100, run=1): if pi_train is not None: if isinstance(model, model.data_list[0]["psi"] = ln_pi_to_psi(pi_train) - elif isinstance(model, model.data_list[0]["psi"] = pi_to_psi(pi_train) - model.resample_omega() else: model.initialize_from_data() ### Inference results_base = os.path.join("results", "names", "run%03d" % run, "results") results_file = results_base + ".pkl.gz" if os.path.exists(results_file): with, "r") as f: samples, lls, pred_lls, timestamps = pickle.load(f) else: Z_test = get_inputs(test) lls = [model.log_likelihood()] samples = [model.copy_sample()] pred_ll, pred_pi = model.predictive_log_likelihood(Z_test, pred_lls = [pred_ll] pred_pis = [pred_pi] times = [0] # Print initial values print("Initial LL: ", lls[0]) print("Initial Pred LL: ", pred_lls[0]) for itr in range(N_samples): print("Iteration ", itr) tic = time.time() model.resample_model(verbose=True) times.append(time.time()-tic) samples.append(model.copy_sample()) lls.append(model.log_likelihood()) pred_ll, pred_pi = model.predictive_log_likelihood(get_inputs(test), pred_lls.append(pred_ll) pred_pis.append(pred_pi) print("Log likelihood: ", lls[-1]) print("Pred Log likelihood: ", pred_ll) # Save this sample # with + ".itr%03d.pkl.gz" % itr, "w") as f: # pickle.dump(model, f, protocol=-1) lls = np.array(lls) pred_lls = np.array(pred_lls) timestamps = np.cumsum(times) return samples, lls, pred_lls, pred_pis, timestamps
def fit_gp_multinomial_model(model, test, pi_train=None, N_samples=100, run=1): if pi_train is not None: if isinstance(model, model.data_list[0]["psi"] = ln_pi_to_psi(pi_train) - elif isinstance(model, model.data_list[0]["psi"] = pi_to_psi(pi_train) - model.resample_omega() else: model.initialize_from_data() ### Inference results_base = os.path.join("results", "names", "run%03d" % run, "results") results_file = results_base + ".pkl.gz" if os.path.exists(results_file): with, "r") as f: samples, lls, pred_lls, timestamps = pickle.load(f) else: Z_test = get_inputs(test) lls = [model.log_likelihood()] samples = [model.copy_sample()] pred_ll, pred_pi = model.predictive_log_likelihood(Z_test, pred_lls = [pred_ll] pred_pis = [pred_pi] times = [0] # Print initial values print("Initial LL: ", lls[0]) print("Initial Pred LL: ", pred_lls[0]) for itr in xrange(N_samples): print("Iteration ", itr) tic = time.time() model.resample_model(verbose=True) times.append(time.time()-tic) samples.append(model.copy_sample()) lls.append(model.log_likelihood()) pred_ll, pred_pi = model.predictive_log_likelihood(get_inputs(test), pred_lls.append(pred_ll) pred_pis.append(pred_pi) print("Log likelihood: ", lls[-1]) print("Pred Log likelihood: ", pred_ll) # Save this sample # with + ".itr%03d.pkl.gz" % itr, "w") as f: # pickle.dump(model, f, protocol=-1) lls = np.array(lls) pred_lls = np.array(pred_lls) timestamps = np.cumsum(times) return samples, lls, pred_lls, pred_pis, timestamps
def fit_lds_model_with_pmcmc(Xs, Xtest, D, N_samples=100): """ Fit a logistic normal LDS model with pMCMC """ Nx = len(Xs) assert len(Xtest) == Nx print("Fitting SBM-LDS with %d states using pMCMC" % D) models = [ ParticleSBMultinomialLDS( init_dynamics_distn=GaussianFixed(mu=np.zeros(D), sigma=1 * np.eye(D)), dynamics_distn=AutoRegression(nu_0=D + 1, S_0=D * np.eye(D), M_0=np.zeros((D, D)), K_0=D * np.eye(D)), emission_distn=Regression(nu_0=K + 1, S_0=K * np.eye(K), M_0=np.zeros((K, D)), K_0=K * np.eye(D)), mu=pi_to_psi(np.ones(K) / K), sigma_C=1.0) for _ in xrange(Nx) ] for model in models: model.A = 0.5 * np.eye(D) model.sigma_states = np.eye(D) model.C = np.random.randn(K - 1, D) model.sigma_obs = 0.1 * np.eye(K) for X, model in zip(Xs, models): model.add_data(X) def compute_pred_ll(): pred_ll = 0 for Xte, model in zip(Xtest, models): pred_ll += model.predictive_log_likelihood(Xte, Npred=100)[0] return pred_ll init_results = (0, None, np.nan, np.nan, compute_pred_ll()) def resample(): tic = time.time() [model.resample_model() for model in models] toc = time.time() - tic return toc, None, np.nan, np.nan, compute_pred_ll() times, samples, lls, test_lls, pred_lls = \ map(np.array, zip(*([init_results] + [resample() for _ in progprint_xrange(N_samples, perline=5)]))) timestamps = np.cumsum(times) return Results(lls, test_lls, pred_lls, samples, timestamps)
def test_psi_pi_conversion_3d(): K = 10 N = 10 D = 10 pi = np.random.rand(N, D, K) pi /= np.sum(pi, axis=2, keepdims=True) psi = np.array([pi_to_psi(p) for p in pi]) pi2 = psi_to_pi(psi, axis=2) assert np.allclose(pi, pi2), "Mapping is not invertible."
def test_psi_pi_conversion(): K = 10 pi = np.ones(K) / float(K) psi = pi_to_psi(pi) pi2 = psi_to_pi(psi) print("pi: ", pi) print("psi: ", psi) print("pi2: ", pi2) assert np.allclose(pi, pi2), "Mapping is not invertible."
def initialize_from_data(self, pi_lim=None, initialize_to_mle=True): """ Initialize the psi's to the empirical mean of the data :return: """ for data in self.data_list: # Compute the empirical probability X = data["X"] M = data["M"] assert X.ndim == 2 and X.shape[1] == self.K # Get the empirical probabilities (offset by 1 to ensure nonzero) alpha = 1 pi_emp = (alpha+X).astype(np.float) / \ (alpha + X).sum(axis=1)[:,None] pi_emp_mean = pi_emp.mean(axis=0) # Set mu equal to the empirical mean value of pi psi_emp_mean = pi_to_psi(pi_emp_mean) = psi_emp_mean # = np.zeros(self.K-1) if initialize_to_mle: # Convert empirical values to psi psi_emp = np.array([pi_to_psi(p) for p in pi_emp]) psi_emp -= assert psi_emp.shape == (M, self.K-1) # Set the deviations from the mean to zero data["psi"] = psi_emp else: data["psi"] = np.zeros((M, self.K-1)) # Resample the omegas self.resample_omega()
def fit_lds_model_with_pmcmc(Xs, Xtest, D, N_samples=100): """ Fit a logistic normal LDS model with pMCMC """ print("Fitting SBM-LDS with %d states using pMCMC" % D) model = ParticleSBMultinomialLDS( init_dynamics_distn=GaussianFixed(mu=np.zeros(D), sigma=1 * np.eye(D)), dynamics_distn=AutoRegression(nu_0=D + 1, S_0=D * np.eye(D), M_0=np.zeros((D, D)), K_0=D * np.eye(D)), emission_distn=Regression(nu_0=K + 1, S_0=K * np.eye(K), M_0=np.zeros((K, D)), K_0=K * np.eye(D)), mu=pi_to_psi(np.ones(K) / K)) model.A = 0.5 * np.eye(D) model.sigma_states = np.eye(D) model.C = np.random.randn(K - 1, D) model.sigma_obs = 0.1 * np.eye(K) for X in Xs: model.add_data(X) compute_pred_ll = lambda: sum([ model.predictive_log_likelihood(Xt, data_index=i, Npred=10)[0] for i, Xt in enumerate(Xtest) ]) init_results = (0, None, model.log_likelihood(), np.nan, compute_pred_ll()) def resample(): tic = time.time() model.resample_model() toc = time.time() - tic # pred_ll = model.predictive_log_likelihood(Xtest, Npred=1000) return toc, None, model.log_likelihood(), \ np.nan, \ compute_pred_ll() times, samples, lls, test_lls, pred_lls = \ list(map(np.array, list(zip(*([init_results] + [resample() for _ in progprint_xrange(N_samples)]))))) timestamps = np.cumsum(times) return Results(lls, test_lls, pred_lls, samples, timestamps)
def fit_lds_model_with_pmcmc(Xs, Xtest, D, N_samples=100): """ Fit a logistic normal LDS model with pMCMC """ Nx = len(Xs) assert len(Xtest) == Nx print("Fitting SBM-LDS with %d states using pMCMC" % D) models = [ParticleSBMultinomialLDS( init_dynamics_distn=GaussianFixed(mu=np.zeros(D), sigma=1*np.eye(D)), dynamics_distn=AutoRegression(nu_0=D+1,S_0=D*np.eye(D),M_0=np.zeros((D,D)),K_0=D*np.eye(D)), emission_distn=Regression(nu_0=K+1,S_0=K*np.eye(K),M_0=np.zeros((K,D)),K_0=K*np.eye(D)), mu=pi_to_psi(np.ones(K)/K), sigma_C=1.0) for _ in xrange(Nx)] for model in models: model.A = 0.5*np.eye(D) model.sigma_states = np.eye(D) model.C = np.random.randn(K-1,D) model.sigma_obs = 0.1*np.eye(K) for X, model in zip(Xs, models): model.add_data(X) def compute_pred_ll(): pred_ll = 0 for Xte, model in zip(Xtest, models): pred_ll += model.predictive_log_likelihood(Xte, Npred=100)[0] return pred_ll init_results = (0, None, np.nan, np.nan, compute_pred_ll()) def resample(): tic = time.time() [model.resample_model() for model in models] toc = time.time() - tic return toc, None, np.nan, np.nan, compute_pred_ll() times, samples, lls, test_lls, pred_lls = \ map(np.array, zip(*([init_results] + [resample() for _ in progprint_xrange(N_samples, perline=5)]))) timestamps = np.cumsum(times) return Results(lls, test_lls, pred_lls, samples, timestamps)
def fit_lds_model_with_pmcmc(Xs, Xtest, D, N_samples=100): """ Fit a logistic normal LDS model with pMCMC """ print("Fitting SBM-LDS with %d states using pMCMC" % D) model = ParticleSBMultinomialLDS( init_dynamics_distn=GaussianFixed(mu=np.zeros(D), sigma=1*np.eye(D)), dynamics_distn=AutoRegression(nu_0=D+1,S_0=D*np.eye(D),M_0=np.zeros((D,D)),K_0=D*np.eye(D)), emission_distn=Regression(nu_0=K+1,S_0=K*np.eye(K),M_0=np.zeros((K,D)),K_0=K*np.eye(D)), mu=pi_to_psi(np.ones(K)/K)) model.A = 0.5*np.eye(D) model.sigma_states = np.eye(D) model.C = np.random.randn(K-1,D) model.sigma_obs = 0.1*np.eye(K) for X in Xs: model.add_data(X) compute_pred_ll = lambda: sum([model.predictive_log_likelihood(Xt, data_index=i, Npred=10)[0] for i,Xt in enumerate(Xtest)]) init_results = (0, None, model.log_likelihood(), np.nan, compute_pred_ll()) def resample(): tic = time.time() model.resample_model() toc = time.time() - tic # pred_ll = model.predictive_log_likelihood(Xtest, Npred=1000) return toc, None, model.log_likelihood(), \ np.nan, \ compute_pred_ll() times, samples, lls, test_lls, pred_lls = \ map(np.array, zip(*([init_results] + [resample() for _ in progprint_xrange(N_samples)]))) timestamps = np.cumsum(times) return Results(lls, test_lls, pred_lls, samples, timestamps)
nonempty_docs = np.asarray( > 0).ravel() model.theta[nonempty_docs] = ln_psi_to_pi(lmbda) model.resample_z() return model fit_lda_gibbs = sampler_fitter( 'fit_lda_gibbs', StandardLDA, 'resample', lda_initializer) fit_lda_collapsed = sampler_fitter( 'fit_lda_collapsed', StandardLDA, 'resample_collapsed', lda_initializer) fit_lnctm_gibbs = sampler_fitter( 'fit_lnctm_gibbs', LogisticNormalCorrelatedLDA, 'resample', make_ctm_initializer(lambda lmbda: lmbda)) fit_sbctm_gibbs = sampler_fitter( 'fit_sbctm_gibbs', StickbreakingCorrelatedLDA, 'resample', make_ctm_initializer(lambda lmbda: pi_to_psi(ln_psi_to_pi(lmbda)))) ######################## # inspecting results # ######################## def plot_sb_interpretable_results(sb_results, words): nwords = 5 Sigma = sb_results[-1][-1] T = Sigma.shape[0] def get_topwords(topic): return words[np.argsort(sb_results[-1][0][:,topic])[-nwords:]] lim = np.abs(Sigma).max()
def pi(self, value): self.psi = pi_to_psi(value)
def theta(self, theta): self.psi = pi_to_psi(theta)