def export_patients(bot, patient_ids, study, owner, out_file, progress_callback): start_time = time.time() count = 0 n_exported = 0 prop_names = bot.list_patient_class_properties() writer = csv.writer(out_file) writer.writerow(prop_names) for patient_id in patient_ids: progress_callback(count) count += 1 if study != None: patient_study = bot.get_study(patient_id) if patient_study != study and not (study == '' and patient_study == None): continue if owner: patient_owner = bot.get_owner(patient_id) if PhenoTipsBot.qualify(patient_owner) != PhenoTipsBot.qualify(owner): continue patient = bot.get(patient_id) patient['identifier'] = 'P' + patient['identifier'].zfill(7) row = [] for prop_name in prop_names: row.append(patient[prop_name]) writer.writerow(row) n_exported += 1 return n_exported, timedelta(seconds=time.time() - start_time)
def get_clinvar_data(bot, patient_ids, study, owner, gene, progress_callback): start_time = time.time() count = 0 clinvar_data = OrderedDict() for patient_id in patient_ids: count += 1 progress_callback(count) if study != None: patient_study = bot.get_study(patient_id) if study != patient_study.lower() and not (study == '' and patient_study == None): continue if owner: patient_owner = bot.get_owner(patient_id) if PhenoTipsBot.qualify(patient_owner) != PhenoTipsBot.qualify(owner): continue clinvar_variant_nums = bot.list_objects(patient_id, 'Main.ClinVarVariant') if len(clinvar_variant_nums) == 0: continue patient_obj = bot.get(patient_id) for clinvar_variant_num in clinvar_variant_nums: clinvar_variant_obj = bot.get_object(patient_id, 'Main.ClinVarVariant', clinvar_variant_num) gene_symbol = clinvar_variant_obj.get('gene_symbol') if gene and (not gene_symbol or not gene in gene_symbol.upper().split(';')): continue #we aggregate all fields except for these clinvar_data_key = ( clinvar_variant_obj['reference_sequence'] if 'reference_sequence' in clinvar_variant_obj else None, clinvar_variant_obj['hgvs'] if 'hgvs' in clinvar_variant_obj else None, clinvar_variant_obj['cis_or_trans'] if 'cis_or_trans' in clinvar_variant_obj else None, clinvar_variant_obj['location'] if 'location' in clinvar_variant_obj else None, patient_obj['omim_id'] if 'omim_id' in patient_obj else None, clinvar_variant_obj['condition_category'] if 'condition_category' in clinvar_variant_obj else None, clinvar_variant_obj['clinical_significance'] if 'clinical_significance' in clinvar_variant_obj else None, clinvar_variant_obj['collection_method'] if 'collection_method' in clinvar_variant_obj else None, clinvar_variant_obj['allele_origin'] if 'allele_origin' in clinvar_variant_obj else None, clinvar_variant_obj['tissue'] if 'tissue' in clinvar_variant_obj else None, patient_obj ['case_or_control'] if 'case_or_control' in patient_obj else None, ) if not clinvar_data_key in clinvar_data: clinvar_data[clinvar_data_key] = [] clinvar_data[clinvar_data_key].append((patient_obj, clinvar_variant_obj)) return clinvar_data, timedelta(seconds=time.time() - start_time)
base_url = 'http://' + base_url base_url = base_url.rstrip('/') if not username: username = input('Input your username (blank for Admin): ') if not username: username = '******' if not password: password = getpass('Input your password (blank for admin): ') if not password: password = '******' #log in bot = PhenoTipsBot(base_url, username, password) #parse PED file # def get_id(external_id): if external_id == '0': return None try: return bot.get_id(external_id) except HTTPError: return None print('Matching pedigree rows to the patient database...') count = 0
class MainWindow(QMainWindow): def __init__(self): super(MainWindow, self).__init__() uic.loadUi('mainwindow.ui', self) self.statusLabel.setText("") self.progressBar.setVisible(False) self.previousButton.clicked.connect(self.previousButton_clicked) self.nextButton.clicked.connect(self.nextButton_clicked) self.siteSelector.lineEdit().returnPressed.connect(self.nextButton_clicked) self.usernameTextbox.returnPressed.connect(self.nextButton_clicked) self.passwordTextbox.returnPressed.connect(self.nextButton_clicked) self.importCsvOption.clicked.connect(self.operationOption_clicked) self.exportCsvOption.clicked.connect(self.operationOption_clicked) self.exportClinVarOption.clicked.connect(self.operationOption_clicked) self.browseButton.clicked.connect(self.browseButton_clicked) def asyncAddGeneSelectorItem(self, item): QMetaObject.invokeMethod(self, 'addGeneSelectorItem', Qt.QueuedConnection, Q_ARG(str, item)) def asyncAddOwnerSelectorItem(self, item): QMetaObject.invokeMethod(self, 'addOwnerSelectorItem', Qt.QueuedConnection, Q_ARG(str, item)) def asyncAddStudySelectorItem(self, item): QMetaObject.invokeMethod(self, 'addStudySelectorItem', Qt.QueuedConnection, Q_ARG(str, item)) def asyncClearOwnerSelector(self): QMetaObject.invokeMethod(self.ownerSelector, 'clear', Qt.QueuedConnection) def asyncClearStudySelector(self): QMetaObject.invokeMethod(self.studySelector, 'clear', Qt.QueuedConnection) def asyncHideGeneSelector(self): QMetaObject.invokeMethod(self.geneLabel, 'setVisible', Qt.QueuedConnection, Q_ARG(bool, False)) QMetaObject.invokeMethod(self.geneSelector, 'setVisible', Qt.QueuedConnection, Q_ARG(bool, False)) def asyncLockUi(self, status, maxProgress = 0): QMetaObject.invokeMethod(self, 'setEnabled', Qt.QueuedConnection, Q_ARG(bool, False)) self.asyncSetStatus(status, maxProgress) QMetaObject.invokeMethod(self.progressBar, 'setVisible', Qt.QueuedConnection, Q_ARG(bool, True)) def asyncResetGeneSelector(self): QMetaObject.invokeMethod(self.geneLabel, 'setVisible', Qt.QueuedConnection, Q_ARG(bool, True)) QMetaObject.invokeMethod(self.geneSelector, 'setVisible', Qt.QueuedConnection, Q_ARG(bool, True)) QMetaObject.invokeMethod(self.geneSelector, 'clear', Qt.QueuedConnection) self.asyncAddGeneSelectorItem('All genes') def asyncSetBrowseLabelText(self, text): QMetaObject.invokeMethod(self.browseLabel, 'setText', Qt.QueuedConnection, Q_ARG(str, text)) def asyncSetConfirmation(self, confirmation): QMetaObject.invokeMethod(self.confirmationLabel, 'setText', Qt.QueuedConnection, Q_ARG(str, confirmation)) def asyncSetOwnerLabelText(self, text): QMetaObject.invokeMethod(self.ownerLabel, 'setText', Qt.QueuedConnection, Q_ARG(str, text)) def asyncSetOwnerSelectorText(self, text): QMetaObject.invokeMethod(self.ownerSelector, 'setCurrentText', Qt.QueuedConnection, Q_ARG(str, text)) def asyncSetPage(self, index): QMetaObject.invokeMethod(self.stackedWidget, 'setCurrentIndex', Qt.QueuedConnection, Q_ARG(int, index)) def asyncSetProgress(self, progress): QMetaObject.invokeMethod(self.progressBar, 'setValue', Qt.QueuedConnection, Q_ARG(int, progress)) def asyncSetStatus(self, status, maxProgress = 0): QMetaObject.invokeMethod(self.statusLabel, 'setText', Qt.QueuedConnection, Q_ARG(str, status)) QMetaObject.invokeMethod(self.progressBar, 'setMaximum', Qt.QueuedConnection, Q_ARG(int, maxProgress)) def asyncSetStudyLabelText(self, text): QMetaObject.invokeMethod(self.studyLabel, 'setText', Qt.QueuedConnection, Q_ARG(str, text)) def asyncSetSummary(self, summary): QMetaObject.invokeMethod(self.summaryLabel, 'setText', Qt.QueuedConnection, Q_ARG(str, summary)) def asyncUnlockUi(self, status = ''): QMetaObject.invokeMethod(self, 'setEnabled', Qt.QueuedConnection, Q_ARG(bool, True)) QMetaObject.invokeMethod(self.progressBar, 'setVisible', Qt.QueuedConnection, Q_ARG(bool, False)) self.asyncSetStatus(status) def turnToPage2(self): self.asyncLockUi('Finding studies, users, and work groups...') = self.siteSelector.currentText().rstrip('/') self.username = self.usernameTextbox.text() self.password = self.passwordTextbox.text() = PhenoTipsBot(, self.username, self.password) try: self.studies = self.users = self.groups = self.gene_table = {} if self.operation == EXPORT_CLINVAR: self.asyncSetStatus('Getting patient list...') patient_ids = self.asyncSetStatus('Getting gene list...', len(patient_ids)) count = 0 for patient_id in patient_ids: for variant_num in, 'Main.ClinVarVariant'): gene =, 'Main.ClinVarVariant', variant_num).get('gene_symbol').upper() if gene: if gene not in self.gene_table: self.gene_table[gene] = set() self.gene_table[gene].add(patient_id) count += 1 self.asyncSetProgress(count) except Exception as err: self.asyncUnlockUi(str(err)) return if len(self.studies) or len(self.users) > 1 or len(self.groups): self.asyncClearStudySelector() self.asyncClearOwnerSelector() if self.operation == IMPORT_CSV: self.asyncSetStudyLabelText('Which study form should be used for the new patients?') self.asyncSetOwnerLabelText('Who should own (have access to) the new patients?') else: self.asyncSetStudyLabelText('Which study do you want to export from?') self.asyncAddStudySelectorItem('All studies') self.asyncSetOwnerLabelText('Which user or group\'s patients do you want to export?') self.asyncAddOwnerSelectorItem('All users') self.asyncAddStudySelectorItem('Default study') for study in self.studies: self.asyncAddStudySelectorItem(study) for user in self.users: self.asyncAddOwnerSelectorItem(user) for group in self.groups: self.asyncAddOwnerSelectorItem('Groups.' + group) if self.operation == IMPORT_CSV: self.asyncSetOwnerSelectorText(self.username) if self.operation == IMPORT_CSV: self.asyncHideGeneSelector() if len(self.users) > 1 or len(self.studies): self.asyncSetPage(2) else: = None self.turnToPage3() self.asyncUnlockUi() elif self.operation == EXPORT_CSV: self.asyncHideGeneSelector() if len(self.studies) > 1: self.asyncSetPage(2) else: = None self.turnToPage3() self.asyncUnlockUi() else: if len(self.gene_table): self.asyncResetGeneSelector() for gene in self.gene_table: self.asyncAddGeneSelectorItem(gene) if len(self.studies) or len(self.gene_table) > 1: self.asyncSetPage(2) else: = None self.owner = self.username self.gene = None self.asyncTurnToPage3() self.asyncUnlockUi() else: self.asyncUnlockUi('There are no variants for ClinVar on this site.') def turnToPage3(self): if self.operation == IMPORT_CSV: self.asyncSetBrowseLabelText('Please click Browse and open the file to import.') elif self.operation == EXPORT_CSV: self.asyncSetBrowseLabelText('Please click Browse and save the file to export.') else: self.asyncSetBrowseLabelText('Please click Browse and select the folder to save Variant.csv and CaseData.csv to.') self.asyncSetPage(3) def turnToPage4(self): global confirmation self.asyncLockUi('Parsing CSV file...') confirmation = '' try: def unrecognizedColumnHandler(column): global confirmation confirmation += 'WARNING: Ignoring unrecognized column "' + column + '"\n' def unrecognizedValueHandler(value, field): global confirmation confirmation += 'WARNING: Ignoring unrecognized value "' + value + '" for "' + field + '"\n' self.patients = parse_csv_file(self.path, unrecognizedColumnHandler, unrecognizedValueHandler) self.asyncSetStatus('Checking ' + str(len(self.patients)) + ' external IDs...', len(self.patients)) self.patient_ids = get_patient_ids(, self.patients, self.asyncSetProgress) self.n_to_import = str(len(self.patients) - len(self.patient_ids)) self.n_to_update = str(len(self.patient_ids)) except Exception as err: self.asyncUnlockUi(str(err)) return confirmation += '\nYou are about to import ' + self.n_to_import + ' new patients and update ' + self.n_to_update + ' existing patients.' self.asyncSetConfirmation(confirmation.strip()) self.asyncSetPage(4) self.asyncUnlockUi() def turnToPage5(self): if self.operation == IMPORT_CSV: self.asyncLockUi('Importing/updating...', len(self.patients)) try: elapsedTime = import_patients(, self.patients, self.patient_ids,, self.owner, self.asyncSetProgress) except Exception as err: self.asyncUnlockUi(str(err)) return self.asyncSetSummary( 'Imported ' + self.n_to_import + ' patients and updated ' + self.n_to_update + ' patients.\n' + 'Elapsed time ' + str(elapsedTime) ) elif self.operation == EXPORT_CSV: self.asyncLockUi('Getting patient list...') try: patient_ids = self.asyncSetStatus('Exporting...', len(patient_ids)) outFile = open(self.path, 'w') n_exported, elapsedTime = export_patients(, patient_ids,, self.owner, outFile, self.asyncSetProgress) outFile.close() except Exception as err: self.asyncUnlockUi(str(err)) return self.asyncSetSummary( 'Exported ' + str(n_exported) + ' patients.\n' + 'Elapsed time ' + str(elapsedTime)) else: if self.gene: patient_ids = self.gene_table[self.gene] else: patient_ids = set.intersection(*self.gene_table.values()) self.asyncLockUi('Exporting...', len(patient_ids)) try: clinvar_data, elapsedTime1 = get_clinvar_data(, patient_ids,, self.owner, self.gene, self.asyncSetProgress) self.asyncSetStatus('Writing files Variant.csv and CaseData.csv...') variantsFile = open(self.path + '/Variant.csv', 'w') caseDataFile = open(self.path + '/CaseData.csv', 'w') n_variants, n_cases, elapsedTime2 = write_clinvar_files(clinvar_data, variantsFile, caseDataFile) variantsFile.close() caseDataFile.close() except Exception as err: self.asyncUnlockUi(str(err)) return self.asyncSetSummary( 'Exported ' + str(n_variants) + ' variants and ' + str(n_cases) + ' cases.\n' + 'Elapsed time ' + str(elapsedTime1 + elapsedTime2) ) self.asyncSetPage(5) self.asyncUnlockUi() # slots # @pyqtSlot(str) def addGeneSelectorItem(self, item): self.geneSelector.addItem(item) @pyqtSlot(str) def addStudySelectorItem(self, item): self.studySelector.addItem(item) @pyqtSlot(str) def addOwnerSelectorItem(self, item): self.ownerSelector.addItem(item) def browseButton_clicked(self): if self.operation == IMPORT_CSV: path = QFileDialog.getOpenFileName(self, 'Import spreadsheet', '', '*.csv')[0] elif self.operation == EXPORT_CSV: path = QFileDialog.getSaveFileName(self, 'Export spreadsheet', '', '*.csv')[0] else: path = QFileDialog.getExistingDirectory(self, 'Export spreadsheets') if path: self.pathLabel.setText(path) def nextButton_clicked(self): if self.stackedWidget.currentIndex() == 0: #operation self.importMode = self.importCsvOption.isChecked() if self.importCsvOption.isChecked(): self.operation = IMPORT_CSV elif self.exportCsvOption.isChecked(): self.operation = EXPORT_CSV else: self.operation = EXPORT_CLINVAR self.previousButton.setEnabled(True) self.stackedWidget.setCurrentIndex(1) #login elif self.stackedWidget.currentIndex() == 1: #login Thread(target=self.turnToPage2).start() #study elif self.stackedWidget.currentIndex() == 2: #study, owner, and gene = self.studySelector.currentText() if == 'All studies': = None elif == 'Default study': if len(self.studies): = '' else: = None self.owner = self.ownerSelector.currentText() if self.owner == 'All users': self.owner = None self.gene = self.geneSelector.currentText() if self.gene == 'All genes': self.gene = None self.pathLabel.setText('') Thread(target=self.turnToPage3).start() #file elif self.stackedWidget.currentIndex() == 3: #file self.path = self.pathLabel.text() if self.path: if self.operation == IMPORT_CSV: Thread(target=self.turnToPage4).start() #confirmation else: Thread(target=self.turnToPage5).start() #summary else: self.browseButton_clicked() elif self.stackedWidget.currentIndex() == 4: #confirmation Thread(target=self.turnToPage5).start() #summary elif self.stackedWidget.currentIndex() == 5: #summary self.previousButton.setEnabled(False) self.stackedWidget.setCurrentIndex(0) #operation def operationOption_clicked(self): self.nextButton.setEnabled(True) def previousButton_clicked(self): self.statusLabel.clear() if self.stackedWidget.currentIndex() in [1, 5]: #login, summary self.stackedWidget.setCurrentIndex(0) #operation self.previousButton.setEnabled(False) self.nextButton.setEnabled(True) elif self.stackedWidget.currentIndex() == 2: #study self.stackedWidget.setCurrentIndex(1) #login self.previousButton.setEnabled(True) self.nextButton.setEnabled(True) elif self.stackedWidget.currentIndex() == 3: #file if len(self.studies): self.stackedWidget.setCurrentIndex(2) #study else: self.stackedWidget.setCurrentIndex(1) #login self.nextButton.setEnabled(True) elif self.stackedWidget.currentIndex() == 4: #confirmation self.stackedWidget.setCurrentIndex(3) #file
def turnToPage2(self): self.asyncLockUi('Finding studies, users, and work groups...') = self.siteSelector.currentText().rstrip('/') self.username = self.usernameTextbox.text() self.password = self.passwordTextbox.text() = PhenoTipsBot(, self.username, self.password) try: self.studies = self.users = self.groups = self.gene_table = {} if self.operation == EXPORT_CLINVAR: self.asyncSetStatus('Getting patient list...') patient_ids = self.asyncSetStatus('Getting gene list...', len(patient_ids)) count = 0 for patient_id in patient_ids: for variant_num in, 'Main.ClinVarVariant'): gene =, 'Main.ClinVarVariant', variant_num).get('gene_symbol').upper() if gene: if gene not in self.gene_table: self.gene_table[gene] = set() self.gene_table[gene].add(patient_id) count += 1 self.asyncSetProgress(count) except Exception as err: self.asyncUnlockUi(str(err)) return if len(self.studies) or len(self.users) > 1 or len(self.groups): self.asyncClearStudySelector() self.asyncClearOwnerSelector() if self.operation == IMPORT_CSV: self.asyncSetStudyLabelText('Which study form should be used for the new patients?') self.asyncSetOwnerLabelText('Who should own (have access to) the new patients?') else: self.asyncSetStudyLabelText('Which study do you want to export from?') self.asyncAddStudySelectorItem('All studies') self.asyncSetOwnerLabelText('Which user or group\'s patients do you want to export?') self.asyncAddOwnerSelectorItem('All users') self.asyncAddStudySelectorItem('Default study') for study in self.studies: self.asyncAddStudySelectorItem(study) for user in self.users: self.asyncAddOwnerSelectorItem(user) for group in self.groups: self.asyncAddOwnerSelectorItem('Groups.' + group) if self.operation == IMPORT_CSV: self.asyncSetOwnerSelectorText(self.username) if self.operation == IMPORT_CSV: self.asyncHideGeneSelector() if len(self.users) > 1 or len(self.studies): self.asyncSetPage(2) else: = None self.turnToPage3() self.asyncUnlockUi() elif self.operation == EXPORT_CSV: self.asyncHideGeneSelector() if len(self.studies) > 1: self.asyncSetPage(2) else: = None self.turnToPage3() self.asyncUnlockUi() else: if len(self.gene_table): self.asyncResetGeneSelector() for gene in self.gene_table: self.asyncAddGeneSelectorItem(gene) if len(self.studies) or len(self.gene_table) > 1: self.asyncSetPage(2) else: = None self.owner = self.username self.gene = None self.asyncTurnToPage3() self.asyncUnlockUi() else: self.asyncUnlockUi('There are no variants for ClinVar on this site.')
base_url = 'http://localhost:8080' if not base_url.startswith('http://') and not base_url.startswith('https://'): base_url = 'http://' + base_url base_url = base_url.rstrip('/') if not username: username = input('Input your username (blank for Admin): ') if not username: username = '******' if not password: password = getpass('Input your password (blank for admin): ') if not password: password = '******' bot = PhenoTipsBot(base_url, username, password) patient_ids = bot.list() stderr.write('Looking through ' + str(len(patient_ids)) + ' patient records...\n') stderr.write('\n') count = 0 patient_total = 0 positive_phenotype_total = 0 negative_phenotype_total = 0 owners = set() studies = set() fields_used = set() for patient_id in patient_ids: stderr.write(str(count) + '\r')
if not base_url.startswith('http://') and not base_url.startswith('https://'): base_url = 'http://' + base_url base_url = base_url.rstrip('/') if not username: sys.stderr.write('Input your username (blank for Admin): ') username = input() if not username: username = '******' if not password: password = getpass('Input your password (blank for admin): ', sys.stderr) if not password: password = '******' bot = PhenoTipsBot(base_url, username, password) if study == None: studies = bot.list_studies() if len(studies): print('Available studies:') print('* ' + '\n* '.join(studies)) sys.stderr.write('Are you exporting from a particular study (blank for no)? ') study = input() if study and study[0] == 'y': sys.stderr.write('Input the study to export from (blank for default): ') study = input() else: study = None elif study == 'None': study = None
base_url = 'http://localhost:8080' if not base_url.startswith('http://') and not base_url.startswith('https://'): base_url = 'http://' + base_url base_url = base_url.rstrip('/') if not username: username = input('Input your username (blank for Admin): ') if not username: username = '******' if not password: password = getpass('Input your password (blank for admin): ') if not password: password = '******' bot = PhenoTipsBot(base_url, username, password) if study == None and len(bot.list_studies()): study = input('Are you submitting on a particular study (blank for no)? ') if study and study[0] == 'y': study = input('Input the study to submit on (blank for default): ').lower() else: study = None elif study == 'None': study = None if owner == None: users = bot.list_users() groups = bot.list_groups() if len(users) > 1: print('Available users:')
base_url = 'http://localhost:8080' if not base_url.startswith('http://') and not base_url.startswith('https://'): base_url = 'http://' + base_url base_url = base_url.rstrip('/') if not username: username = input('Input your username (blank for Admin): ') if not username: username = '******' if not password: password = getpass('Input your password (blank for admin): ') if not password: password = '******' bot = PhenoTipsBot(base_url, username, password) #parse CSV file patients = parse_csv_file( bot, args[0], lambda column: print('WARNING: Ignoring unrecognized column "' + column + '"'), lambda value, field: print('WARNING: Ignoring unrecognized value "' + value + '" for "' + field + '"'), lambda: print('WARNING: Ignoring identifier column; all existing patients must be identified using the external_id column and all new patients must receive new PhenoTips IDs.') ) #get the rest of the missing arguments if study == None: studies = bot.list_studies()
base_url = 'http://localhost:8080' if not base_url.startswith('http://') and not base_url.startswith('https://'): base_url = 'http://' + base_url base_url = base_url.rstrip('/') if not username: username = input('Input your username (blank for Admin): ') if not username: username = '******' if not password: password = getpass('Input your password (blank for admin): ') if not password: password = '******' bot = PhenoTipsBot(base_url, username, password) if study == None: studies = bot.list_studies() if len(studies): print('Available study forms:') print('* ' + '\n* '.join(studies)) study = input('Input the study form to use (blank for default): ') elif study == 'None': study = None #begin import if yes or input('You are about to import ' + str(len(patients)) + ' patients. Type y to continue: ')[0] == 'y': count = 0 start_time = time.time()
if not base_url.startswith('http://') and not base_url.startswith('https://'): base_url = 'http://' + base_url base_url = base_url.rstrip('/') if not username: sys.stderr.write('Input your username (blank for Admin): ') username = input() if not username: username = '******' if not password: password = getpass('Input your password (blank for admin): ', sys.stderr) if not password: password = '******' bot = PhenoTipsBot(base_url, username, password) if study == None: studies = bot.list_studies() if len(studies): sys.stderr.write('Are you exporting from a particular study (blank for no)? ') study = input() if study and study[0] == 'y': print('Available studies:') print('* ' + '\n* '.join(studies)) sys.stderr.write('Input the study to export from (blank for default): ') study = input() else: study = None elif study == 'None': study = None
base_url = 'http://localhost:8080' if not base_url.startswith('http://') and not base_url.startswith('https://'): base_url = 'http://' + base_url base_url = base_url.rstrip('/') if not username: username = input('Input your username (blank for Admin): ') if not username: username = '******' if not password: password = getpass('Input your password (blank for admin): ') if not password: password = '******' bot = PhenoTipsBot(base_url, username, password) patient_ids = bot.list() stderr.write('Looking through ' + str(len(patient_ids)) + ' patient records...\n') stderr.write('\n') count = 0 patient_total = 0 positive_phenotype_total = 0 negative_phenotype_total = 0 fields_used = set() for patient_id in patient_ids: stderr.write(str(count) + '\r') count += 1