def jobs_from_array(self, array_id): """ Creates a set of Jobs from the verbose output of the arrays. Args: array_id (int): Array id. Returns: jobs (dict): Dictionary of Job objects. """ cmd = "bjobs -al {}".format(array_id) (stdout, stderr, return_code) = utils.run_shell_command(cmd) outlines = stdout.replace("\n ", "").splitlines() jobs = {} joblines = [] for line in outlines: if '---' in line: job = LSFJob() job.from_bjobs(joblines) jobs[(job.jobid, job.jobindex)] = job joblines = [] else: joblines.append(line) job = LSFJob() job.from_bjobs(joblines) jobs[(job.jobid, job.jobindex)] = job return jobs
def sub_array_for_cmdfile(self, args): """ Submits one or more arrays for commands in a commandfile Args: args (Namespace): Argparse Namespace - split_cutoff Returns: array_ids (list): List of job array ids. """ argsd = args.__dict__ array_ids = [] for eo_file in [args.stdout, args.stderr]: logdir = os.path.dirname(eo_file) if logdir: os.makedirs(logdir, exist_ok=True) # Create commands for each bsub array needed split_cutoff = argsd.get('split_cutoff', self._split_cutoff) nlines = open(args.cmdfile).read().count('\n') jid_beg = 1 jid_end = split_cutoff if nlines < split_cutoff: jid_end = nlines cmd = self._get_bsub_command(argsd, jid_beg, jid_end) (stdout, stderr, return_code) = utils.run_shell_command(cmd) if return_code != 0: print("ERROR: Unable to submit LSF job.") print("bsub command: {}".format(cmd)) print("exited with code {}".format(return_code)) print("STDOUT:") print(stdout) print("stderr:") print(stderr) # NOTE: ST Jude specific LSF output: # "Job <JOBID> is submitted to queue <QUEUE>" array_ids.append(stdout.split('<')[1].split('>')[0]) while jid_end < nlines: jid_beg = jid_end + 1 jid_end += split_cutoff - 1 if jid_end > nlines: jid_end = nlines cmd = self._get_bsub_command(argsd, jid_beg, jid_end) (stdout, stderr, return_code) = utils.run_shell_command(cmd) array_ids.append(stdout.split('<')[1].split('>')[0]) return array_ids
def test_command_not_found(self): """ Tests functionality of a shell command """ (stdout, stderr, return_code) = utils.run_shell_command("blah") self.assertIsInstance(stdout, str) self.assertIsInstance(stderr, str) self.assertIsInstance(return_code, int) self.assertEqual(return_code, 127)
def test_simple_shell_command(self): """ Tests functionality of a shell command """ (stdout, stderr, return_code) = \ utils.run_shell_command("echo foo") self.assertIsInstance(stdout, str) self.assertIsInstance(stderr, str) self.assertIsInstance(return_code, int) self.assertEqual(stdout, 'foo\n') self.assertEqual(stderr, '') self.assertEqual(return_code, 0)
def detect_scheduler(): """ Detect what (if any) scheduler is available. Args: None Returns: scheduler (str): The scheduler detected on the system. """ # Check for LSF (stdout, stderr, return_code) = utils.run_shell_command("lsid") if return_code == 0 and "LSF" in stdout: return "LSF" return "local"
def phoenix_step(directory, step, outfile=None, errfile=None, force_qc=False): """ Run a single phoenix step. Args: directory (str): Directory to find scripts in. starting_step (int): Optional step to start on. outfile (str): Filename for stdout. errfile (str): Filename for stderr. force_qc (bool): Whether or not to force past QC issues Returns: (int): Return code """ original_dir = os.getcwd() assert os.path.isdir(directory) directory = os.path.realpath(directory) fout = sys.stdout if outfile: fout = open(outfile, 'w') ferr = sys.stderr if errfile: ferr = open(errfile, 'w') steps = utils.get_phoenix_steps(directory) assert steps step_name = steps[step] print("[STEP {}] Running the following substeps:".format(step), file=fout) all_phoenix_scripts = utils.get_phoenix_scripts(directory) base_regex = "%02i" % (step) + "_?_*_*.sh" phoenix_scripts = glob.glob(os.path.join(directory, base_regex)) substeps = [] # Get a list of all substeps to be processed (in order) for phoenix_script in sorted(phoenix_scripts): assert phoenix_script in all_phoenix_scripts substep_script = os.path.basename(phoenix_script) pieces = substep_script.split('.sh')[0].split('_') substeps.append( (step, int(pieces[1]), pieces[3], pieces[2], phoenix_script)) if len(substeps) > 1: assert substeps[-1][0] > substeps[-2][0] \ or substeps[-1][1] > substeps[-2][1] # Print out the substeps to be processed for substep in substeps: print("[STEP {}.{}] {}.{}".format(substep[0], substep[1], substep[2], substep[3]), file=fout) # Process the substeps for substep in substeps: stat = "[STEP {}.{}]".format(substep[0], substep[1]) step_name = substep[2] substep_name = substep[3] if substep_name == "qc" and force_qc: print("{} SKIP qc".format(stat)) continue phoenix_script = substep[4] print("", file=fout) print("{} STEP {}.{}".format(stat, step_name, substep_name), file=fout) print("{} Date: ".format(stat),, file=fout) print("{} Running script {}".format(stat, phoenix_script), file=fout) os.chdir(directory) (stdout, stderr, return_code) = \ utils.run_shell_command(phoenix_script, stdout=fout, stderr=ferr) os.chdir(original_dir) if return_code != 0: print("{} Substep FAILURE".format(stat), file=fout) return return_code print("{} Done running {}".format(stat, phoenix_script), file=fout) print("{} Date: ".format(stat),, file=fout) print("{} Substep successful!".format(stat), file=fout) print("", file=fout) print("[STEP {}] Step successful!".format(step), file=fout) if outfile: fout.close() if errfile: ferr.close() return 0