#select drive controller based on name # this means using a different controller will require the hardcoded name to change elif joysticks[-1].get_name() == arm_stick_name: print("Detected arm controller '%s'" % joysticks[-1].get_name()) arm_stick = joysticks[-1] else: print("Detected unbound controller '%s'" % joysticks[-1].get_name()) #start main loop rover = phoenix.Phoenix(master_ip) rover.open() """rover.killAll()""" #every update, run the below while not BSExit: #main menu screen while mainMenu == True: for event in pygame.event.get(): #quit program if event.type == pygame.QUIT: BSExit = True mainMenu = False
# This code runs the arm on the Phoenix rover. #initialize and import import pygame #for controller import math import socket #for sockets import sys #for exit import phoenix pygame.init() pygame.joystick.init() joysticks = [] rover = phoenix.Phoenix('') ip = "" port = 9002 drive_stick_name = "" shoulder_stick_draw_pos = (150, 350) wrist_stick_draw_pos = (350, 350) elbow_pitch_draw_pos = (50, 350) claw_actuation_draw_pos = (450, 350) temp_label_draw_pos = (100, 100) #open window screen = pygame.display.set_mode((500, 500)) pygame.display.set_caption("Rover Arm Driving Code") #find xbox controller
def test(): global channel_vals rover = phoenix.Phoenix('') rospy.init_node('DrivetrainSW') for i in range(3): topic = '/Drive_Board_HW/PWM_Channels/PulseTimeControl/CH' + str(i) print(topic) subscriptions.append( rospy.Subscriber(topic, Float64, callback, i, queue_size=speed)) for i in range(4, 7): topic = '/Drive_Board_HW/PWM_Channels/PulseTimeControl/CH' + str(i) print(topic) subscriptions.append( rospy.Subscriber(topic, Float64, callback, i - 1, queue_size=speed)) rover.setWheels(speed, speed) time.sleep(0.5) rover.setWheels(0, 0) time.sleep(0.5) for channel in range(6): assert channel_vals[channel] == 0.0015, channel_vals[channel] rover.setWheels(+speed, +speed) channel_directions = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] time.sleep(0.5) for channel in range(6): assert channel_vals[channel] != 0.0015 if (channel_vals[channel] < 0.0015): channel_directions[channel] = -1 else: channel_directions[channel] = 1 rover.setWheels(-speed, -speed) time.sleep(0.5) for channel in range(6): assert channel_vals[channel] != 0.0015 if (channel_vals[channel] < 0.0015): assert channel_directions[channel] == 1 else: assert channel_directions[channel] == -1 rover.setWheels(+speed, 0) time.sleep(0.5) for channel in range(3): assert channel_vals[channel] != 0.0015 if (channel_vals[channel] < 0.0015): assert channel_directions[channel] == -1 else: assert channel_directions[channel] == 1 for channel in range(3, 6): assert channel_vals[channel] == 0.0015 rover.setWheels(-speed, 0) time.sleep(0.5) for channel in range(3): assert channel_vals[channel] != 0.0015 if (channel_vals[channel] < 0.0015): assert channel_directions[channel] == 1 else: assert channel_directions[channel] == -1 for channel in range(3, 6): assert channel_vals[channel] == 0.0015 rover.setWheels(0, +speed) time.sleep(0.5) for channel in range(3): assert channel_vals[channel] == 0.0015 for channel in range(3, 6): assert channel_vals[channel] != 0.0015 if (channel_vals[channel] < 0.0015): assert channel_directions[channel] == -1 else: assert channel_directions[channel] == 1 rover.setWheels(0, -speed) time.sleep(0.5) for channel in range(3): assert channel_vals[channel] == 0.0015 for channel in range(3, 6): assert channel_vals[channel] != 0.0015 if (channel_vals[channel] < 0.0015): assert channel_directions[channel] == 1 else: assert channel_directions[channel] == -1 rover.setWheels(speed, -speed) time.sleep(0.5) for channel in range(3): assert channel_vals[channel] != 0.0015 if (channel_vals[channel] < 0.0015): assert channel_directions[channel] == -1 else: assert channel_directions[channel] == 1 for channel in range(3, 6): assert channel_vals[channel] != 0.0015 if (channel_vals[channel] < 0.0015): assert channel_directions[channel] == 1 else: assert channel_directions[channel] == -1 rover.setWheels(-speed, speed) time.sleep(0.5) for channel in range(3): assert channel_vals[channel] != 0.0015 if (channel_vals[channel] < 0.0015): assert channel_directions[channel] == 1 else: assert channel_directions[channel] == -1 for channel in range(3, 6): assert channel_vals[channel] != 0.0015 if (channel_vals[channel] < 0.0015): assert channel_directions[channel] == -1 else: assert channel_directions[channel] == 1 rover.setWheels(0, 0) for subscription in subscriptions: subscription.unregister() return