def monitor(self): self.check_is_top21() self.check_latency() if self.bp.is_top21 is False: msg = 'bp with name %s NOT FOUND!!! @ %s' % (BP_NAME, get_current_time()) print("in is top21 ", get_current_time()) send_message(msg) if self.bp.is_new_top21 is True: msg = 'Congratulations! %s become the new top 21 ! @ %s' % ( BP_NAME, get_current_time()) print('in is new top21', get_current_time()) send_message(msg) call() if self.bp.is_top21 is True: self.notify_count += 1 if self.notify_count % 64 == 0: if self.check_is_producing(): msg = '%s in good condition :) @%s' % (BP_NAME, get_current_time()) print('produing....', get_current_time()) self.notify_count = 0 send_message(msg) else: msg = '%s DOWN :( @%s' % (BP_NAME, get_current_time()) print('down...', get_current_time()) send_message(msg) call()
def check_latency(self): self.latency_count += 1 if self.latency_count % 30 == 0: # call every one minute latency = if latency != -1: if 2000 < latency <= 4000: msg = "bp %s's latency %s ms is too high !!! @ %s" % ( BP_NAME, latency, get_current_time()) print(msg) send_message(msg) self.latency_count = 0 elif latency > 4000: msg = "bp %s is stucking now. The latency is %s ms !!! @ %s" % ( BP_NAME, latency, get_current_time()) print(msg) send_message(msg) self.latency_count = 0 call() elif 0 < latency <= 2000: msg = "bp %s has normal latency %s ms!!! @ %s" % ( BP_NAME, latency, get_current_time()) print(msg) send_message(msg) self.latency_count = 0 else: self.latency_count = 0
def report_volume_anomalies(th, notify, i=-1, threshold={ 1: 10, 2: 10, 3: 10, 5: 10, 15: 10, 30: 20 }, pthreshold=1.2, show=True, beep=True, call=False, text=False, flag=True): anomaly = False for market in th.keys(): timestamp, delta = detect_volume_anomaly(th[market], i, threshold, pthreshold) va = [(n, v, p) for n, v, p in delta if v and p] if va: anomaly = True ts = time.strftime('%H:%M:%S', timestamp) if show: if not flag: print('') flag = True for n, v, p in va: if show: print(ts.ljust(13), market.ljust(10), str(n).ljust(9), '{:.2g}'.format(v).ljust(9), '{:.3g}'.format(p).ljust(9)) if notify[market][n]: notify[market][n] = False if beep: d = 0.25 f = 440 os.system( 'play --no-show-progress --null --channels 1 synth {} sine {}' .format(d, f)) if call:'me') if text: n = len(va) txt_msg = 'TIME:{}, MARKET:{}, PERIOD:{}, BUY:{:.2f}, PRICE:{:.2g}, VD:{}'.format( ts, market, n, buy, price, int(vd)) phone.text('me', txt_msg) return anomaly
cv2.drawContours(drawing, [res], 0, (0, 255, 0), 2) cv2.drawContours(drawing, [hull], 0, (0, 0, 255), 3) isFinishCal, cnt = calculateFingers(res, drawing) if triggerSwitch is True: if isFinishCal is True and cnt <= 4: print(cnt) if cnt == 1: sos_counter += 1 if cnt == 3: nearby_places_counter += 1 # app('System Events').keystroke(' ') # simulate pressing blank space cv2.imshow('output', drawing) if sos_counter >= 10 and sos_called_counter == 0:'+917903535980') sos_counter = 0 sos_called_counter += 1 if nearby_places_counter == 10: latitude, longitude = get_location() new_nearby_places.get_Nearest_Petrol_Station( latitude, longitude, "petrol-station") nearby_places_counter = 0 # Keyboard OP k = cv2.waitKey(10) if k == 27: # press ESC to exit camera.release() cv2.destroyAllWindows() break elif k == ord('b'): # press 'b' to capture the background bgModel = cv2.createBackgroundSubtractorMOG2(0, bgSubThreshold)