예제 #1
    def phonemize(self,
        text, text_type, punctuation_marks = self._phonemize_preprocess(text)
        lang_switches = []

        if njobs == 1:
            # phonemize the text forced as a string
            text, lang_switches = self._phonemize_aux(list2str(text),
                                                      separator, strip)
            # If using parallel jobs, disable the log as stderr is not
            # picklable.
            self.logger.info('running %s on %s jobs', self.name(), njobs)
            log_storage = self.logger
            self.logger = None

            # divide the input text in chunks, each chunk being processed in a
            # separate job
            text_chunks = chunks(text, njobs)

            # offset used below to recover the line numbers in the input text
            # wrt the chunks
            offset = [0] + cumsum(
                (c.count('\n') + 1 for c in text_chunks[:-1]))

            # we have here a list of (phonemized chunk, lang_switches)
            output = joblib.Parallel(n_jobs=njobs)(
                joblib.delayed(self._phonemize_aux)(t, separator, strip)
                for t in text_chunks)

            # flatten both the phonemized chunks and language switches in a
            # list. For language switches lines we need to add an offset to
            # have the correct lines numbers wrt the input text.
            text = list(itertools.chain(*(chunk[0] for chunk in output)))
            lang_switches = [chunk[1] for chunk in output]
            for i in range(len(lang_switches)):
                for j in range(len(lang_switches[i])):
                    lang_switches[i][j] += offset[i]
            lang_switches = list(itertools.chain(*lang_switches))

            # restore the log as it was before parallel processing
            self.logger = log_storage

        # warn the user if language switches occured during phonemization

        # finally restore the punctuation
        return self._phonemize_postprocess(text, text_type, punctuation_marks)
예제 #2
def test_cumsum():
    assert cumsum([]) == []
    assert cumsum([0]) == [0]
    assert cumsum([1, 2, 3]) == [1, 3, 6]