def printratirhtml(): #Reads in final magnitudes plotra, plotdec, plotrmag, plotrmagerr, plotimag, plotimagerr, plotzmag, plotzmagerr, plotymag, plotymagerr, plotJmag, plotJmagerr, plotHmag, plotHmagerr = np.loadtxt('./finalmags.txt', unpack=True) pl.figure() pl.xlim([15,22]) pl.ylim([-0.01,0.2]) pl.plot(plotrmag, plotrmagerr, marker='o',linestyle='None', label='r', color='purple') pl.plot(plotimag, plotimagerr, marker='o',linestyle='None', label='i', color='blue') pl.plot(plotzmag, plotzmagerr, marker='o',linestyle='None', label='z', color='aqua') pl.plot(plotymag, plotymagerr, marker='o',linestyle='None', label='y', color='green') pl.plot(plotJmag, plotJmagerr, marker='o',linestyle='None', label='J', color='orange') pl.plot(plotHmag, plotHmagerr, marker='o',linestyle='None', label='H', color='red') pl.xlabel('AB Magnitude') pl.ylabel(r"$\Delta$ Mag") pl.legend(loc='lower right') pl.savefig( 'photcomp.png', bbox_inches='tight') pl.clf() f = open( './ratir.html', 'w' ) f.write( '<!DOCTYPE HTML>\n' ) f.write( '<HTML>\n' ) f.write( '<HEAD>\n' ) f.write( '<TITLE>RATIR DATA</TITLE>\n' ) f.write( '</HEAD>\n' ) f.write( '<BODY BGCOLOR="#FFFFFF" TEXT="#003300">\n' ) #Finds filter image files with green circles over sources and writes to HTML prefchar = 'coadd' zffiles = pplib.choosefiles( prefchar + '*_?.png' ) im_wid = 400 f.write( '<IMG SRC="./color.png" width="' + `im_wid` + '"><BR>\n' ) for i in range(len(zffiles)): f.write( '<IMG SRC="./' + zffiles[i] + '" width="' + `im_wid` + '">\n' ) if (i+1)%3 == 0: f.write( '<BR>\n' ) f.write( '<BR><HR><FONT SIZE="+2" COLOR="#006600">AB System Photometry (sources within 1 arcmin):</FONT><BR>\n' ) f.write( 'Notes: Non-zero magnitudes with uncertainty of zero are 3-sigma upper limits. Sources with magnitudes of 0.0000 are unobserved.<BR>\n' ) f.write( ' Circles in images above match aperture size used in sextractor.<BR>\n' ) f.write( '<br />\n' ) #Writes table with all magnitudes f.write( '<table border="1" width="100%">\n' ) f.write( '<tr><th>#</th><th>RA</th><th>DEC</th><th>r MAG</th><th>r MAG ERR</th><th>i MAG</th><th>i MAG ERR</th><th>z MAG</th><th>z MAG ERR</th><th>y MAG</th><th>y MAG ERR</th><th>J MAG</th><th>J MAG ERR</th><th>H MAG</th><th>H MAG ERR</th><tr>\n' ) for i in range(len(plotra)): f.write( '<tr><td>{:.0f}</td><td>{:.6f}</td><td>{:.6f}</td><td>{:.2f}</td><td>{:.2f}</td><td>{:.2f}</td><td>{:.2f}</td><td>{:.2f}</td><td>{:.2f}</td><td>{:.2f}</td><td>{:.2f}</td><td>{:.2f}</td><td>{:.2f}</td><td>{:.2f}</td><td>{:.2f}</td></tr>\n'.format(i,plotra[i],plotdec[i],plotrmag[i],plotrmagerr[i],plotimag[i],plotimagerr[i],plotzmag[i],plotzmagerr[i],plotymag[i],plotymagerr[i],plotJmag[i],plotJmagerr[i],plotHmag[i],plotHmagerr[i]) ) f.write( '</table>\n' ) f.write( '</PRE><BR><HR>\n' ) f.write( '<IMG SRC="photcomp.png">\n' ) f.write( '</PRE><BR><HR>\n' ) f.write( '</BODY>\n' ) f.write( '</HTML>\n' ) f.close()
def completephot(wildcardsearch): fitsfiles = pplib.choosefiles(wildcardsearch) f = open('photometrymultiple.txt','w') for file in fitsfiles: [fitsfile, filter, mag, magerr, correrr] = quickphot(file) f.write(fitsfile + '\t' + filter + '\t' + ut + '\t' + str(mag) + '\t' + str(magerr) + '\t' + str(correrr) + '\n') f.close()
def printhtml(filters, colnames): #Reads in final magnitudes colgrab = np.loadtxt('./finalmags.txt', unpack=True) #Store each column into dictionary based on colnames and create header for HTML header from colnames plotdict = {} t = '<tr><th>#</th>' for i in np.arange(len(colnames)): plotdict[colnames[i]] = colgrab[i,:] t = t + '<th>' + colnames[i]+'</th>' t = t + '<tr>\n' colors = ['black', 'purple','blue','aqua','green','orange','red','yellow', 'magenta'] pl.figure() pl.xlim([15,22]) pl.ylim([-0.01,0.2]) #For each filter, plot mag vs. error for photocomp.png counter = 0 for filter in filters: pl.plot(plotdict[filter+'mag'], plotdict[filter+'magerr'], marker='o',linestyle='None', label=filter, color=colors[counter]) counter = counter + 1 pl.xlabel('AB Magnitude') pl.ylabel(r"$\Delta$ Mag") pl.legend(loc='lower right') pl.savefig( 'photcomp.png', bbox_inches='tight') pl.clf() #Create html page that displays images made in and values from finalmags.txt f = open( './photom.html', 'w' ) f.write( '<!DOCTYPE HTML>\n' ) f.write( '<HTML>\n' ) f.write( '<HEAD>\n' ) f.write( '<TITLE>PHOTOMETRY DATA</TITLE>\n' ) f.write( '</HEAD>\n' ) f.write( '<BODY BGCOLOR="#FFFFFF" TEXT="#003300">\n' ) #Finds filter image files with green circles over sources and writes to HTML prefchar = 'coadd' zffiles = pplib.choosefiles( prefchar + '*_?.png' ) im_wid = 400 f.write( '<IMG SRC="./color.png" width="' + `im_wid` + '"><BR>\n' ) for i in range(len(zffiles)): f.write( '<IMG SRC="./' + zffiles[i] + '" width="' + `im_wid` + '">\n' ) if (i+1)%3 == 0: f.write( '<BR>\n' ) f.write( '<BR><HR><FONT SIZE="+2" COLOR="#006600">AB System Photometry (sources within 1 arcmin):</FONT><BR>\n' ) f.write( 'Notes: Non-zero magnitudes with uncertainty of zero are 3-sigma upper limits. Sources with magnitudes of 0.0000 are unobserved.<BR>\n' ) f.write( ' Circles in images above match aperture size used in sextractor.<BR>\n' ) f.write( '<br />\n' ) #Writes table with all magnitudes f.write( '<table border="1" width="100%">\n' ) f.write( t ) for j in np.arange(len(plotdict[colnames[0]])): f.write('<tr><td>{:.0f}</td>'.format(j)) for col in colnames: f.write('<td>{:.3f}</td>'.format(plotdict[col][j])) f.write('<tr>\n') f.write( '</table>\n' ) f.write( '</PRE><BR><HR>\n' ) f.write( '<IMG SRC="photcomp.png">\n' ) f.write( '</PRE><BR><HR>\n' ) f.write( '</BODY>\n' ) f.write( '</HTML>\n' ) f.close()
def plotphotom(prefchar='coadd'): #Initialize arrays filters = ['r','i','z','y','J','H'] arr_size = 10000 #Creates a list of names: ['ra', 'dec', '(FILTER)mag', '(FILTER)magerr'] including #all filters in filters list #Also initializes filter index dictionary for use later names = ['ra', 'dec'] ifiltdict = {} for filter in filters: names.extend([filter+'mag', filter+'magerr']) ifiltdict[filter] = -1 #Create dictionary with keys from names list and all set to np.zeros(arr_size) #easily changed for other filters plotdict = {} for name in names: plotdict[name] = np.zeros(arr_size) # retrieve detection files zffiles = pplib.choosefiles( prefchar+'*_?.ref.multi.fits' ) #Save filter and data from each file into arrays and find overlapping stars #between filter files using final photometry file (comparing distances from RA and DEC) cfilterarr = [] imgarr = [] harr = [] for i in range(len(zffiles)): #Find filter of each file and make sure that has the right capitalization cfilter = zffiles[i].split('_')[1].split('.')[0] if cfilter == 'Z' or cfilter == 'Y': cfilter = cfilter.lower() cfilterarr.append(cfilter) #Save data scaled by scale factor to imgarr ifile = zffiles[i] hdulist = h = hdulist[0].header img = hdulist[0].data im_size = np.shape(img) scalefactor = 1. img = zoom( img, 1./scalefactor, order=0 ) imgarr.append(img) harr.append(h) #Read in finalphot[FILTER].am which has the instrument corrected photometry pfile = 'finalphot' + cfilter + '.am' x, y, ra, dec, mag, magerr = np.loadtxt(pfile, unpack=True) clen = len(mag) #For first file initialize variables for following files, use temporary variables #for comparison if i == 0: plotdict['ra'][0:clen] = ra plotdict['dec'][0:clen] = dec plotdict[cfilter+'mag'][0:clen] = mag plotdict[cfilter+'magerr'][0:clen] = magerr nstars = clen else: compra = ra compdec = dec compmag = mag compmagerr = magerr #For each source in file find any sources that are within 1 arcsecond #if these exist then store information in same index but different filter's magnitude #array. If these don't exist, put on the end of filter's (and position) arrays #to signify a new source for j in range(len(compra)): smatch = pplib.nearest( compra[j]*np.cos(compdec[j]*np.pi/180.), compdec[j], plotdict['ra']*np.cos(plotdict['dec']*np.pi/180.), plotdict['dec'], maxdist=1./3600. ) if any(smatch): plotdict[cfilter+'mag'][smatch] = compmag[j] plotdict[cfilter+'magerr'][smatch] = compmagerr[j] else: plotdict['ra'][nstars] = compra[j] plotdict['dec'][nstars] = compdec[j] plotdict[cfilter+'mag'][nstars] = compmag[j] plotdict[cfilter+'magerr'][nstars] = compmagerr[j] nstars += 1 imgarr = np.array(imgarr) #Save stars to finalmags.txt with correct format and removes zeros store = np.zeros(nstars) for name in names: store = np.vstack( (store,plotdict[name][:nstars]) ) store = store[1:, :] #Removes 0's from initialization #Finds sources that are cut off on at least one filter using weight maps #and checking if 25% of the number of pixels in a 10 pixel radius circle #are 0 in the weight map of each filter (i.e. cut off) sra = store[0] sdec = store[1] removesource = [] for s in np.arange(len(sra)): for file in zffiles: nzero = 0 wmultifile = file[:-4]+'weight.fits' hlist = wdata = hlist[0].data wh = hlist[0].header w = wcs.WCS(wh) spix = w.wcs_world2pix(sra[s],sdec[s], 1) wcir =[0],spix[1],10) ncir = len(wcir) for coord in wcir: if (wh['NAXIS1'] > coord[0] > 0) & (wh['NAXIS2'] > coord[1] > 0): if wdata[int(coord[1])][int(coord[0])] == 0: nzero += 1 else: ncir -= 1 if nzero >= 0.25*ncir: removesource.append(s) break store = np.delete(store, removesource, axis=1) np.savetxt('finalmags.txt', store.T, fmt='%12.6f') #Find the index of the file that corresponds to each filter and save #to ifiltdict (initialized to -1) for item in ifiltdict: try: ifiltdict[item] = cfilterarr.index(item) except ValueError: pass #Determines colors based on which filters are present. #Red = J/H, green = z/y, blue = r/i #If neither filter present, set to 0, if one present, use imgarr of data from that filter #if both present use half from imgarr of data from each filter def fcolor(filt1, filt2, ifiltdict, imgarr): if filt1 and filt2 in ifiltdict: if ifiltdict[filt1] >= 0 and ifiltdict[filt2] >= 0: x = imgarr[ifiltdict[filt1],:,:] * 0.5 + imgarr[ifiltdict[filt2],:,:] * 0.5 if ifiltdict[filt1] >= 0 and ifiltdict[filt2] < 0: x = imgarr[ifiltdict[filt1],:,:] if ifiltdict[filt2] >= 0 and ifiltdict[filt1] < 0: x = imgarr[ifiltdict[filt2],:,:] if ifiltdict[filt2] < 0 and ifiltdict[filt1] < 0: x = 0 else: print 'Valid filters were not supplied, set color to 0' x = 0 return x red = fcolor('J', 'H', ifiltdict, imgarr) green = fcolor('z', 'y', ifiltdict, imgarr) blue = fcolor('r', 'i', ifiltdict, imgarr) #Determine image size base on if color filter exists (priority: red, green, blue in that order) if np.size(red) > 1: im_size = np.shape(red) elif np.size(green) > 1: im_size = np.shape(green) elif np.size(blue) > 1: im_size = np.shape(blue) def bytearr( x, y, z ): return np.zeros((x,y,z)).astype(np.uint8) #Create color of image and save to color.png color = bytearr( im_size[0], im_size[1], 3 ) #Changes color into bytescale range and saves to color array if np.size(blue) > 1: blue = bytescale(blue, 0, 8, 250) color[:,:,2] = blue * 0.5 if np.size(green) > 1: green = bytescale(green, 0, 8, 250) color[:,:,1] = green * 0.5 if np.size(red) > 1: red = bytescale(red, 0, 8, 250) color[:,:,0] = red * 0.5 color = color[::-1,:] fig = pl.figure('color image') pl.axis('off') pl.imshow( color, interpolation='None', origin='lower' ) sp.misc.imsave( 'color.png', color ) #Find aperture size to make circles around sources that match sextractor aperture pline='' sfile = open('', 'r') for line in sfile: if 'PHOT_APERTURES' in line: pline=line sfile.close() bpline = pline.split() if len(bpline) != 0: aper = int(bpline[1])/2.0 #radius else: aper = 10 objra = store[0] objdec = store[1] #Plot each image with circles on star identification for i in range(len(zffiles)): ifile = zffiles[i] img = imgarr[i] h = harr[i] cfilter = cfilterarr[i] scale = bytescale(img, 0, 10, 255) dpi = 72. # px per inch figsize = (np.array(img.shape)/dpi)[::-1] fig = pl.figure(i) pl.imshow( scale, interpolation='None',, origin='lower' ) xlims = pl.xlim() ylims = pl.ylim() # Parse the WCS keywords in the primary HDU w = wcs.WCS(h) world = np.transpose([objra, objdec]) pixcrd = w.wcs_world2pix(world, 1) fs = 20 fw = 'normal' lw = 2 #For each star create a circle and plot in green #If pixel coordinates of star (from WCS conversion of RA and DEC) and within the #x and y limits, then put text on right side, otherwise put on left for j in range(len(objra)): ctemp = pixcrd[j][0]/scalefactor, pixcrd[j][1]/scalefactor, aper ).T pl.plot( ctemp[0], ctemp[1], c='#00ff00', lw=lw ) if pixcrd[j][0]/scalefactor+40 < xlims[1] and pixcrd[j][1]/scalefactor+20 < ylims[1]: pl.text( pixcrd[j][0]/scalefactor+15, pixcrd[j][1]/scalefactor, `j`, color='#00ff00', fontsize=fs, fontweight=fw ) else: pl.text( pixcrd[j][0]/scalefactor-45, pixcrd[j][1]/scalefactor-20, `j`, color='#00ff00', fontsize=fs, fontweight=fw ) #Label plot and remove axes, save to filename+.png pl.text( 0.2*xlims[1], 0.9*ylims[1], cfilter+'-Band', color='r', fontsize=fs, fontweight=fw ) a = pl.gca() a.set_frame_on(False) a.set_xticks([]); a.set_yticks([]) pl.axis('off') pl.xlim(xlims) pl.ylim(ylims) fig.set_size_inches(figsize[0], figsize[1]) ofile = ifile.split('.')[0] + '.png' pl.savefig( ofile, bbox_inches='tight', pad_inches=0, transparent=True, dpi=dpi ) pl.close() #Create HTML to do quick look at data printhtml.printhtml(filters, names)
def plotphotom(prefchar='coadd'): #Initialize arrays filters = ['r', 'i', 'z', 'y', 'J', 'H'] arr_size = 10000 #Creates a list of names: ['ra', 'dec', '(FILTER)mag', '(FILTER)magerr'] including #all filters in filters list #Also initializes filter index dictionary for use later names = ['ra', 'dec'] ifiltdict = {} for filter in filters: names.extend([filter + 'mag', filter + 'magerr']) ifiltdict[filter] = -1 #Create dictionary with keys from names list and all set to np.zeros(arr_size) #easily changed for other filters plotdict = {} for name in names: plotdict[name] = np.zeros(arr_size) # retrieve detection files zffiles = pplib.choosefiles(prefchar + '*_?.ref.multi.fits') #Save filter and data from each file into arrays and find overlapping stars #between filter files using final photometry file (comparing distances from RA and DEC) cfilterarr = [] imgarr = [] harr = [] for i in range(len(zffiles)): #Find filter of each file and make sure that has the right capitalization cfilter = zffiles[i].split('_')[1].split('.')[0] if cfilter == 'Z' or cfilter == 'Y': cfilter = cfilter.lower() cfilterarr.append(cfilter) #Save data scaled by scale factor to imgarr ifile = zffiles[i] hdulist = h = hdulist[0].header img = hdulist[0].data im_size = np.shape(img) scalefactor = 1. img = zoom(img, 1. / scalefactor, order=0) imgarr.append(img) harr.append(h) #Read in finalphot[FILTER].am which has the instrument corrected photometry pfile = 'finalphot' + cfilter + '.am' x, y, ra, dec, mag, magerr = np.loadtxt(pfile, unpack=True) clen = len(mag) #For first file initialize variables for following files, use temporary variables #for comparison if i == 0: plotdict['ra'][0:clen] = ra plotdict['dec'][0:clen] = dec plotdict[cfilter + 'mag'][0:clen] = mag plotdict[cfilter + 'magerr'][0:clen] = magerr nstars = clen else: compra = ra compdec = dec compmag = mag compmagerr = magerr #For each source in file find any sources that are within 1 arcsecond #if these exist then store information in same index but different filter's magnitude #array. If these don't exist, put on the end of filter's (and position) arrays #to signify a new source for j in range(len(compra)): smatch = pplib.nearest( compra[j] * np.cos(compdec[j] * np.pi / 180.), compdec[j], plotdict['ra'] * np.cos(plotdict['dec'] * np.pi / 180.), plotdict['dec'], maxdist=1. / 3600.) if any(smatch): plotdict[cfilter + 'mag'][smatch] = compmag[j] plotdict[cfilter + 'magerr'][smatch] = compmagerr[j] else: plotdict['ra'][nstars] = compra[j] plotdict['dec'][nstars] = compdec[j] plotdict[cfilter + 'mag'][nstars] = compmag[j] plotdict[cfilter + 'magerr'][nstars] = compmagerr[j] nstars += 1 imgarr = np.array(imgarr) #Save stars to finalmags.txt with correct format and removes zeros store = np.zeros(nstars) for name in names: store = np.vstack((store, plotdict[name][:nstars])) store = store[1:, :] #Removes 0's from initialization #Finds sources that are cut off on at least one filter using weight maps #and checking if 25% of the number of pixels in a 10 pixel radius circle #are 0 in the weight map of each filter (i.e. cut off) sra = store[0] sdec = store[1] removesource = [] for s in np.arange(len(sra)): for file in zffiles: nzero = 0 wmultifile = file[:-4] + 'weight.fits' hlist = wdata = hlist[0].data wh = hlist[0].header w = wcs.WCS(wh) spix = w.wcs_world2pix(sra[s], sdec[s], 1) wcir =[0], spix[1], 10) ncir = len(wcir) for coord in wcir: if (wh['NAXIS1'] > coord[0] > 0) & (wh['NAXIS2'] > coord[1] > 0): if wdata[int(coord[1])][int(coord[0])] == 0: nzero += 1 else: ncir -= 1 if nzero >= 0.25 * ncir: removesource.append(s) break store = np.delete(store, removesource, axis=1) np.savetxt('finalmags.txt', store.T, fmt='%12.6f') #Find the index of the file that corresponds to each filter and save #to ifiltdict (initialized to -1) for item in ifiltdict: try: ifiltdict[item] = cfilterarr.index(item) except ValueError: pass #Determines colors based on which filters are present. #Red = J/H, green = z/y, blue = r/i #If neither filter present, set to 0, if one present, use imgarr of data from that filter #if both present use half from imgarr of data from each filter def fcolor(filt1, filt2, ifiltdict, imgarr): if filt1 and filt2 in ifiltdict: if ifiltdict[filt1] >= 0 and ifiltdict[filt2] >= 0: x = imgarr[ifiltdict[filt1], :, :] * 0.5 + imgarr[ ifiltdict[filt2], :, :] * 0.5 if ifiltdict[filt1] >= 0 and ifiltdict[filt2] < 0: x = imgarr[ifiltdict[filt1], :, :] if ifiltdict[filt2] >= 0 and ifiltdict[filt1] < 0: x = imgarr[ifiltdict[filt2], :, :] if ifiltdict[filt2] < 0 and ifiltdict[filt1] < 0: x = 0 else: print 'Valid filters were not supplied, set color to 0' x = 0 return x red = fcolor('J', 'H', ifiltdict, imgarr) green = fcolor('z', 'y', ifiltdict, imgarr) blue = fcolor('r', 'i', ifiltdict, imgarr) #Determine image size base on if color filter exists (priority: red, green, blue in that order) if np.size(red) > 1: im_size = np.shape(red) elif np.size(green) > 1: im_size = np.shape(green) elif np.size(blue) > 1: im_size = np.shape(blue) def bytearr(x, y, z): return np.zeros((x, y, z)).astype(np.uint8) #Create color of image and save to color.png color = bytearr(im_size[0], im_size[1], 3) #Changes color into bytescale range and saves to color array if np.size(blue) > 1: blue = bytescale(blue, 0, 8, 250) color[:, :, 2] = blue * 0.5 if np.size(green) > 1: green = bytescale(green, 0, 8, 250) color[:, :, 1] = green * 0.5 if np.size(red) > 1: red = bytescale(red, 0, 8, 250) color[:, :, 0] = red * 0.5 color = color[::-1, :] fig = pl.figure('color image') pl.axis('off') pl.imshow(color, interpolation='None', origin='lower') sp.misc.imsave('color.png', color) #Find aperture size to make circles around sources that match sextractor aperture pline = '' sfile = open('', 'r') for line in sfile: if 'PHOT_APERTURES' in line: pline = line sfile.close() bpline = pline.split() if len(bpline) != 0: aper = int(bpline[1]) / 2.0 #radius else: aper = 10 objra = store[0] objdec = store[1] #Plot each image with circles on star identification for i in range(len(zffiles)): ifile = zffiles[i] img = imgarr[i] h = harr[i] cfilter = cfilterarr[i] scale = bytescale(img, 0, 10, 255) dpi = 72. # px per inch figsize = (np.array(img.shape) / dpi)[::-1] fig = pl.figure(i) pl.imshow(scale, interpolation='None',, origin='lower') xlims = pl.xlim() ylims = pl.ylim() # Parse the WCS keywords in the primary HDU w = wcs.WCS(h) world = np.transpose([objra, objdec]) pixcrd = w.wcs_world2pix(world, 1) fs = 20 fw = 'normal' lw = 2 #For each star create a circle and plot in green #If pixel coordinates of star (from WCS conversion of RA and DEC) and within the #x and y limits, then put text on right side, otherwise put on left for j in range(len(objra)): ctemp =[j][0] / scalefactor, pixcrd[j][1] / scalefactor, aper).T pl.plot(ctemp[0], ctemp[1], c='#00ff00', lw=lw) if pixcrd[j][0] / scalefactor + 40 < xlims[ 1] and pixcrd[j][1] / scalefactor + 20 < ylims[1]: pl.text(pixcrd[j][0] / scalefactor + 15, pixcrd[j][1] / scalefactor, ` j `, color='#00ff00', fontsize=fs, fontweight=fw) else: pl.text(pixcrd[j][0] / scalefactor - 45, pixcrd[j][1] / scalefactor - 20, ` j `, color='#00ff00', fontsize=fs, fontweight=fw) #Label plot and remove axes, save to filename+.png pl.text(0.2 * xlims[1], 0.9 * ylims[1], cfilter + '-Band', color='r', fontsize=fs, fontweight=fw) a = pl.gca() a.set_frame_on(False) a.set_xticks([]) a.set_yticks([]) pl.axis('off') pl.xlim(xlims) pl.ylim(ylims) fig.set_size_inches(figsize[0], figsize[1]) ofile = ifile.split('.')[0] + '.png' pl.savefig(ofile, bbox_inches='tight', pad_inches=0, transparent=True, dpi=dpi) pl.close() #Create HTML to do quick look at data printhtml.printhtml(filters, names)
def printhtml(filters, colnames, omitted_colnames, headers, headers_names): #Reads in final magnitudes colgrab = np.loadtxt('./finalmags.txt', unpack=True) #Store each column into dictionary based on colnames and create header for HTML header from colnames plotdict = {} t = '<tr><th>#</th>' for i in np.arange(len(colnames)): plotdict[colnames[i]] = colgrab[i, :] if not (colnames[i] in omitted_colnames): t = t + '<th>' + colnames[i] + '</th>' t = t + '</tr>\n' colors = [ 'black', 'purple', 'blue', 'aqua', 'green', 'orange', 'red', 'yellow', 'magenta' ] print 'Plotting AB Magnitude comparison' plot_mag(filters, plotdict, colors) print 'Plotting SEDs' plot_seds(filters) #Create html page that displays images made in and values from finalmags.txt f = open('./photom.html', 'w') f.write('<!DOCTYPE HTML>\n') f.write('<HTML>\n') f.write('<HEAD>\n') f.write('<TITLE>PHOTOMETRY DATA</TITLE>\n') f.write('</HEAD>\n') f.write('<BODY BGCOLOR="#FFFFFF" TEXT="#003300">\n') #Finds filter image files with green circles over sources and writes to HTML prefchar = 'coadd' zffiles = pplib.choosefiles(prefchar + '*_?.png') im_wid = 400 f.write('<IMG SRC="./color.png" width="' + ` im_wid ` + '"><BR>\n') for i in range(len(zffiles)): f.write('<IMG SRC="./' + zffiles[i] + '" width="' + ` im_wid ` + '">\n') if (i + 1) % 3 == 0: f.write('<BR>\n') #Write table with header info from each image f.write('<BR>\n') f.write(generate_headers_table(headers, headers_names)) f.write('<BR>\n') f.write( '<BR><HR><FONT SIZE="+2" COLOR="#006600">AB System Photometry (sources within 1 arcmin):</FONT><BR>\n' ) f.write( 'Notes: Non-zero magnitudes with uncertainty of zero are 3-sigma upper limits. Sources with magnitudes of 0.0000 are unobserved.<BR>\n' ) f.write( ' Circles in images above match aperture size used in sextractor.<BR>\n' ) f.write('<BR>\n') #Writes table with all magnitudes f.write('<table border="1" width="100%">\n') f.write(t) for j in np.arange(len(plotdict[colnames[0]])): f.write('<tr><td>{:.0f}</td>'.format(j)) for col in colnames: if not (col in omitted_colnames): f.write('<td>{:.3f}</td>'.format(plotdict[col][j])) f.write('<tr>\n') f.write('</table>\n') f.write('<BR><HR>\n') f.write( '<table><tbody><tr><td><IMG SRC="photcomp.plot.png"/></td></tr></tbody></table>\n' ) f.write('<BR><HR>\n') f.write('</BODY>\n') f.write('</HTML>\n') f.close()
def photom(): #Identify files (must have same number of images files as weight files) prefchar = 'coadd' zffiles = pplib.choosefiles(prefchar + '*_?.fits') weightfiles = pplib.choosefiles(prefchar + '*_?.weight.fits') if len(zffiles) > len(weightfiles): print 'Must have matching weight file to each image file to run automatic crop.' print 'To use manual crop user manualcrop keyword and change crop values by hand' return -1 numfiles = len(zffiles) #Resample all images using SWarp to a reference image called multicolor using weight files swarpstr = '' for i in range(numfiles): swarpstr = swarpstr + zffiles[i] + ' ' stackcmd = 'swarp ' + swarpstr + '-DELETE_TMPFILES N -WRITE_XML N -SUBTRACT_BACK N -WEIGHT_TYPE MAP_WEIGHT -IMAGEOUT_NAME multicolor.fits -WEIGHTOUT_NAME multicolor.weight.fits' stackcmd = stackcmd + ' -COPY_KEYWORDS OBJECT,TARGNAME,TELESCOP,FILTER,INSTRUME,OBSERVAT,PIXSCALE,ORIGIN,CCD_TYPE,JD,DATE-OBS,AIRMASS,FLATFLD,FLATTYPE,SEEPIX,ABSZPT,ABSZPTSC,ABSZPRMS' print stackcmd os.system( stackcmd ) #Rename all the resampled files to crop files for i in range(numfiles): tmp = zffiles[i].split('.')[0] ifile = tmp + '.resamp.fits' ofile = tmp + '.ref.fits' mvcmd = 'mv -f ' + ifile + ' ' + ofile os.system(mvcmd) ifile = tmp + '.resamp.weight.fits' ofile = tmp + '.ref.weight.fits' mvcmd = 'mv -f ' + ifile + ' ' + ofile os.system(mvcmd) #CHANGE FOR RIMAS coaddfiles = pplib.choosefiles('coadd*_?.ref.fits') ra1arr = [] dec1arr = [] ra2arr = [] dec2arr = [] #Finds the RA and DEC of the first and the last pixel of each cropped coadded file for files in coaddfiles: fitsfile = fitsheader = fitsfile[0].header data = fitsfile[0].data imSize = shape(data) #Converts pixel value to RA and DEC using header information (AstroPy function) w = wcs.WCS(fitsheader) pixcrd = [[0.,0.], [imSize[1]-1.0, imSize[0]-1.0]] [[ra1,dec1],[ra2,dec2]] = w.wcs_pix2world(pixcrd, 0) #Stores information into arrays ra1arr.append(ra1) dec1arr.append(dec1) ra2arr.append(ra2) dec2arr.append(dec2) #Finds the coordinates that fit all of the data raleft = min(ra1arr) raright = max(ra2arr) decbot = max(dec1arr) dectop = min(dec2arr) #Crops data so the size of every filter image matches and saves to file 'coadd*.multi.fits' #Same for weight file for files in coaddfiles: newfile = files[:-4]+'multi.fits' fitsfile = fitsheader = fitsfile[0].header data = fitsfile[0].data w = wcs.WCS(fitsheader) [[x1,y1],[x2,y2]] = w.wcs_world2pix([[raleft, decbot], [raright, dectop]], 0) pplib.hextractlite(newfile, data, fitsheader, x1+1, x2, y1+1, y2) wnewfile = files[:-4]+'multi.weight.fits' wfitsfile =[:-4]+'weight.fits') wfitsheader = wfitsfile[0].header wdata = wfitsfile[0].data w = wcs.WCS(wfitsheader) [[x1,y1],[x2,y2]] = w.wcs_world2pix([[raleft, decbot], [raright, dectop]], 0) pplib.hextractlite(wnewfile, wdata, wfitsheader, x1+1, x2, y1+1, y2) #Crops the multicolor (data file and weight) fits files to match the same coordinates mixfile = 'multicolor.fits' mixfitsfile = mixfitsheader = mixfitsfile[0].header mixdata = mixfitsfile[0].data mixw = wcs.WCS(mixfitsheader) [[mx1,my1],[mx2,my2]] = mixw.wcs_world2pix([[raleft, decbot], [raright, dectop]], 0) pplib.hextractlite(mixfile, mixdata, mixfitsheader, mx1+1, mx2, my1+1, my2) wmixfile = mixfile[:-4]+'weight.fits' wmixfitsfile = wmixfitsheader = wmixfitsfile[0].header wmixdata = wmixfitsfile[0].data wmixw = wcs.WCS(wmixfitsheader) [[wmx1,wmy1],[wmx2,wmy2]] = mixw.wcs_world2pix([[raleft, decbot], [raright, dectop]], 0) pplib.hextractlite(wmixfile, wmixdata, wmixfitsheader, wmx1+1, wmx2, wmy1+1, wmy2) #Find directory where this python code is located propath = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) #Make sure configuration file is in current working directory, if not copy it from #location where this code is stored if not os.path.exists(''): os.system('cp '+propath+'/defaults/ .') if not os.path.exists('weightedtemp.param'): os.system('cp '+propath+'/defaults/weightedtemp.param .') if not os.path.exists('ratir.conv'): os.system('cp '+propath+'/defaults/ratir.conv .') if not os.path.exists('ratir_nir.nnw'): os.system('cp '+propath+'/defaults/ratir_nir.nnw .') #Uses sextractor to find the magnitude and location of sources for each file #Saves this information into 'fluxes_*.txt' files for files in coaddfiles: hdr = pf.getheader(files) filter = hdr['FILTER'] abszpt = hdr['ABSZPT'] abszprms = hdr['ABSZPRMS'] pixscale = hdr['PIXSCALE'] #Finds filter name and makes sure it is capitalized correctly filter = files.split('_')[1].split('.')[0] if filter.lower() in ('j','h','k'): filter = filter.upper() else: filter = filter.lower() compfile = files[:-4]+'multi.fits' #Call to sextractor in double image mode (image1 used for detection of sources, image2 only for measurements - must be same size) #"sex image1,image2 -c configuration file" uses multicolor file for source detection and filter file for magnitude measurements os.system('sex ' + mixfile + ',' + compfile + ' -WEIGHT_IMAGE '+ wmixfile+','+compfile[:-4]+'weight.fits' + \ ' -c -SEEING_FWHM 1.5 -PIXEL_SCALE '+str(pixscale)+' -DETECT_THRESH 3.0 -ANALYSIS_THRESH 3.0 -PHOT_APERTURES ' + \ str(hdr['SEEPIX']*1.38)+ ' -MAG_ZEROPOINT ' + str(hdr['ABSZPT'])) os.system('mv -f fluxes_'+filter+'.txt') #Columns unpacked for fluxes*.txt are: (x,y,ra,dec,mag,magerr,e,fwhm,flags) sexout = np.loadtxt('fluxes_'+filter+'.txt', unpack=True) magcol = 4 magerrcol = 5 tout = np.transpose(sexout[0:6,:]) #Only include through magerr for i in np.arange(len(tout[:,magerrcol])): tout[i,magerrcol] = max(tout[i,magerrcol], 0.01) tout[:,magerrcol] = np.sqrt(tout[:,magerrcol]**2 + abszprms**2) tsorted = tout[np.argsort(tout[:,magcol])] #Creates Absolute Magnitude file with coordinates amfile = 'finalphot'+filter+'.am' np.savetxt(amfile, tsorted, fmt='%15.6f', header='X\t Y\t RA\t DEC\t CAL_MAG\t CAL_MAG_ERR\t')
def photom(): #Identify files (must have same number of images files as weight files) prefchar = 'coadd' zffiles = pplib.choosefiles(prefchar + '*_?.fits') weightfiles = pplib.choosefiles(prefchar + '*_?.weight.fits') if len(zffiles) > len(weightfiles): print 'Must have matching weight file to each image file to run automatic crop.' print 'To use manual crop user manualcrop keyword and change crop values by hand' return -1 numfiles = len(zffiles) #Resample all images using SWarp to a reference image called multicolor using weight files swarpstr = '' for i in range(numfiles): swarpstr = swarpstr + zffiles[i] + ' ' stackcmd = 'swarp ' + swarpstr + '-DELETE_TMPFILES N -WRITE_XML N -SUBTRACT_BACK N -WEIGHT_TYPE MAP_WEIGHT -IMAGEOUT_NAME multicolor.fits -WEIGHTOUT_NAME multicolor.weight.fits' stackcmd = stackcmd + ' -COPY_KEYWORDS OBJECT,TARGNAME,TELESCOP,FILTER,INSTRUME,OBSERVAT,PIXSCALE,ORIGIN,CCD_TYPE,JD,DATE-OBS,AIRMASS,FLATFLD,FLATTYPE,SEEPIX,ABSZPT,ABSZPTSC,ABSZPRMS' print stackcmd os.system(stackcmd) #Rename all the resampled files to crop files for i in range(numfiles): tmp = zffiles[i].split('.')[0] ifile = tmp + '.resamp.fits' ofile = tmp + '.ref.fits' mvcmd = 'mv -f ' + ifile + ' ' + ofile os.system(mvcmd) ifile = tmp + '.resamp.weight.fits' ofile = tmp + '.ref.weight.fits' mvcmd = 'mv -f ' + ifile + ' ' + ofile os.system(mvcmd) #CHANGE FOR RIMAS coaddfiles = pplib.choosefiles('coadd*_?.ref.fits') ra1arr = [] dec1arr = [] ra2arr = [] dec2arr = [] #Finds the RA and DEC of the first and the last pixel of each cropped coadded file for files in coaddfiles: fitsfile = fitsheader = fitsfile[0].header data = fitsfile[0].data imSize = shape(data) #Converts pixel value to RA and DEC using header information (AstroPy function) w = wcs.WCS(fitsheader) pixcrd = [[0., 0.], [imSize[1] - 1.0, imSize[0] - 1.0]] [[ra1, dec1], [ra2, dec2]] = w.wcs_pix2world(pixcrd, 0) #Stores information into arrays ra1arr.append(ra1) dec1arr.append(dec1) ra2arr.append(ra2) dec2arr.append(dec2) #Finds the coordinates that fit all of the data raleft = min(ra1arr) raright = max(ra2arr) decbot = max(dec1arr) dectop = min(dec2arr) #Crops data so the size of every filter image matches and saves to file 'coadd*.multi.fits' #Same for weight file for files in coaddfiles: newfile = files[:-4] + 'multi.fits' fitsfile = fitsheader = fitsfile[0].header data = fitsfile[0].data w = wcs.WCS(fitsheader) [[x1, y1], [x2, y2]] = w.wcs_world2pix([[raleft, decbot], [raright, dectop]], 0) pplib.hextractlite(newfile, data, fitsheader, x1 + 1, x2, y1 + 1, y2) wnewfile = files[:-4] + 'multi.weight.fits' wfitsfile =[:-4] + 'weight.fits') wfitsheader = wfitsfile[0].header wdata = wfitsfile[0].data w = wcs.WCS(wfitsheader) [[x1, y1], [x2, y2]] = w.wcs_world2pix([[raleft, decbot], [raright, dectop]], 0) pplib.hextractlite(wnewfile, wdata, wfitsheader, x1 + 1, x2, y1 + 1, y2) #Crops the multicolor (data file and weight) fits files to match the same coordinates mixfile = 'multicolor.fits' mixfitsfile = mixfitsheader = mixfitsfile[0].header mixdata = mixfitsfile[0].data mixw = wcs.WCS(mixfitsheader) [[mx1, my1], [mx2, my2]] = mixw.wcs_world2pix([[raleft, decbot], [raright, dectop]], 0) pplib.hextractlite(mixfile, mixdata, mixfitsheader, mx1 + 1, mx2, my1 + 1, my2) wmixfile = mixfile[:-4] + 'weight.fits' wmixfitsfile = wmixfitsheader = wmixfitsfile[0].header wmixdata = wmixfitsfile[0].data wmixw = wcs.WCS(wmixfitsheader) [[wmx1, wmy1], [wmx2, wmy2]] = mixw.wcs_world2pix([[raleft, decbot], [raright, dectop]], 0) pplib.hextractlite(wmixfile, wmixdata, wmixfitsheader, wmx1 + 1, wmx2, wmy1 + 1, wmy2) #Find directory where this python code is located propath = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) #Make sure configuration file is in current working directory, if not copy it from #location where this code is stored if not os.path.exists(''): os.system('cp ' + propath + '/defaults/ .') if not os.path.exists('weightedtemp.param'): os.system('cp ' + propath + '/defaults/weightedtemp.param .') if not os.path.exists('ratir.conv'): os.system('cp ' + propath + '/defaults/ratir.conv .') if not os.path.exists('ratir_nir.nnw'): os.system('cp ' + propath + '/defaults/ratir_nir.nnw .') #Uses sextractor to find the magnitude and location of sources for each file #Saves this information into 'fluxes_*.txt' files for files in coaddfiles: hdr = pf.getheader(files) filter = hdr['FILTER'] abszpt = hdr['ABSZPT'] abszprms = hdr['ABSZPRMS'] pixscale = hdr['PIXSCALE'] #Finds filter name and makes sure it is capitalized correctly filter = files.split('_')[1].split('.')[0] if filter.lower() in ('j', 'h', 'k'): filter = filter.upper() else: filter = filter.lower() compfile = files[:-4] + 'multi.fits' #Call to sextractor in double image mode (image1 used for detection of sources, image2 only for measurements - must be same size) #"sex image1,image2 -c configuration file" uses multicolor file for source detection and filter file for magnitude measurements os.system('sex ' + mixfile + ',' + compfile + ' -WEIGHT_IMAGE '+ wmixfile+','+compfile[:-4]+'weight.fits' + \ ' -c -SEEING_FWHM 1.5 -PIXEL_SCALE '+str(pixscale)+' -DETECT_THRESH 3.0 -ANALYSIS_THRESH 3.0 -PHOT_APERTURES ' + \ str(hdr['SEEPIX']*1.38)+ ' -MAG_ZEROPOINT ' + str(hdr['ABSZPT'])) os.system('mv -f fluxes_' + filter + '.txt') #Columns unpacked for fluxes*.txt are: (x,y,ra,dec,mag,magerr,e,fwhm,flags) sexout = np.loadtxt('fluxes_' + filter + '.txt', unpack=True) magcol = 4 magerrcol = 5 tout = np.transpose(sexout[0:6, :]) #Only include through magerr for i in np.arange(len(tout[:, magerrcol])): tout[i, magerrcol] = max(tout[i, magerrcol], 0.01) tout[:, magerrcol] = np.sqrt(tout[:, magerrcol]**2 + abszprms**2) tsorted = tout[np.argsort(tout[:, magcol])] #Creates Absolute Magnitude file with coordinates amfile = 'finalphot' + filter + '.am' np.savetxt(amfile, tsorted, fmt='%15.6f', header='X\t Y\t RA\t DEC\t CAL_MAG\t CAL_MAG_ERR\t')
def printhtml(filters, colnames): #Reads in final magnitudes colgrab = np.loadtxt('./finalmags.txt', unpack=True) #Store each column into dictionary based on colnames and create header for HTML header from colnames plotdict = {} t = '<tr><th>#</th>' for i in np.arange(len(colnames)): plotdict[colnames[i]] = colgrab[i, :] t = t + '<th>' + colnames[i] + '</th>' t = t + '<tr>\n' colors = [ 'black', 'purple', 'blue', 'aqua', 'green', 'orange', 'red', 'yellow', 'magenta' ] pl.figure() pl.xlim([15, 22]) pl.ylim([-0.01, 0.2]) #For each filter, plot mag vs. error for photocomp.png counter = 0 for filter in filters: pl.plot(plotdict[filter + 'mag'], plotdict[filter + 'magerr'], marker='o', linestyle='None', label=filter, color=colors[counter]) counter = counter + 1 pl.xlabel('AB Magnitude') pl.ylabel(r"$\Delta$ Mag") pl.legend(loc='lower right') pl.savefig('photcomp.png', bbox_inches='tight') pl.clf() #Create html page that displays images made in and values from finalmags.txt f = open('./photom.html', 'w') f.write('<!DOCTYPE HTML>\n') f.write('<HTML>\n') f.write('<HEAD>\n') f.write('<TITLE>PHOTOMETRY DATA</TITLE>\n') f.write('</HEAD>\n') f.write('<BODY BGCOLOR="#FFFFFF" TEXT="#003300">\n') #Finds filter image files with green circles over sources and writes to HTML prefchar = 'coadd' zffiles = pplib.choosefiles(prefchar + '*_?.png') im_wid = 400 f.write('<IMG SRC="./color.png" width="' + ` im_wid ` + '"><BR>\n') for i in range(len(zffiles)): f.write('<IMG SRC="./' + zffiles[i] + '" width="' + ` im_wid ` + '">\n') if (i + 1) % 3 == 0: f.write('<BR>\n') f.write( '<BR><HR><FONT SIZE="+2" COLOR="#006600">AB System Photometry (sources within 1 arcmin):</FONT><BR>\n' ) f.write( 'Notes: Non-zero magnitudes with uncertainty of zero are 3-sigma upper limits. Sources with magnitudes of 0.0000 are unobserved.<BR>\n' ) f.write( ' Circles in images above match aperture size used in sextractor.<BR>\n' ) f.write('<br />\n') #Writes table with all magnitudes f.write('<table border="1" width="100%">\n') f.write(t) for j in np.arange(len(plotdict[colnames[0]])): f.write('<tr><td>{:.0f}</td>'.format(j)) for col in colnames: f.write('<td>{:.3f}</td>'.format(plotdict[col][j])) f.write('<tr>\n') f.write('</table>\n') f.write('</PRE><BR><HR>\n') f.write('<IMG SRC="photcomp.png">\n') f.write('</PRE><BR><HR>\n') f.write('</BODY>\n') f.write('</HTML>\n') f.close()