def find_source_daofind(frame, ellipse, config, track_record, special=False): """ This function ... :param data: :return: """ # TODO: FIX THIS FUNCTION sigma_level = 5.0 # Calculate the sigma-clipped statistics of the data mean, median, std = sigma_clipped_stats(data, sigma=3.0) result_table = DAOStarFinder(data - median, fwhm=3.0, threshold=sigma_level*std) result_table.rename_column('xcentroid', 'x_peak') result_table.rename_column('ycentroid', 'y_peak') # If requested, make a plot with the source(s) indicated if plot: plotting.plot_peaks(data, result_table['x_peak'], result_table['y_peak'], radius=4.0) # Return the list of source positions #return result_table, median source = [] return source
def find_psf(image,fwhm,show=False): ''' Obtain the position of the centroids in a image matrix --- Input: - image: str image path including the name - ''' #importing useful packages from astropy from photutils import datasets from astropy.stats import sigma_clipped_stats from photutils import DAOStarFinder #daofind im,hdr = fits.getdata(image,header=True) #reading the fits image (data + header) im = np.array(im,dtype='Float64') #transform the data for a matrix tam = np.shape(im) #dimension of the matrix mean, median, std = sigma_clipped_stats(im, sigma=fwhm, iters=5) # sources = daofind(im - median,fwhm=fwhm, threshold=5.*std) result = DAOStarFinder(threshold=median,fwhm=3.5) sources = result.find_stars(im) if show == True: plt.figure() plt.imshow(im,origin='lower',,vmin=np.mean(im)-np.std(im),vmax=np.mean(im)+np.std(im)) plt.colorbar() plt.scatter(sources['xcentroid'],sources['ycentroid'],color='red') plt.savefig('psf_sources_.png') # sources = sources.to_ return sources
def _detect_sources(self): from photutils import DAOStarFinder fwhm = 3. detection_threshold = 3. daofind = DAOStarFinder(threshold=(self._med + self._std * detection_threshold), fwhm=fwhm) sources = daofind.find_stars(self.image) pl.plot(sources['xcentroid'], sources['ycentroid'], 'r.')
def find_sources(file_, fwhm): """ Uses DAOStarFinder to extract source positions from fits file :param file_ (str): name of target .fits file :param fwhm (float): The full width half maximum of the gaussian kernel in pixels For more config see """ # Read in fits file as numpy array data = read_fits(file_, return_array=True) # Calculate background level mean, median, std = stats.sigma_clipped_stats(data) print(('mean', 'median', 'std')) print((mean, median, std)) # Set up DAO Finder and run on bg subtracted image, printing results # sharplo=.2, sharphi=1., roundlo=-.3, roundhi=.3, daofind = DAOStarFinder(exclude_border=True, fwhm=fwhm, threshold=std) sources = daofind.find_stars(data - median) # daofind(data-median) # print('Sources:') print(sources) # Save positions of detected sources to csv file positions = (sources['xcentroid'], sources['ycentroid']) print_positions = zip(*[ sources[x] for x in [ 'id', 'xcentroid', 'ycentroid', 'sharpness', 'roundness1', 'roundness2', 'npix', 'sky', 'peak', 'flux', 'mag' ] ]) header = 'id,xcentroid,ycentroid,sharpness,roundness1,roundness2,npix,sky,peak,flux,mag' np.savetxt(file_[:-5] + '_positions.csv', print_positions, fmt='%.5e', header=header) # Show image with detected sources circled in blue apertures = CircularAperture(positions, r=4.) norm = ImageNormalize(stretch=SqrtStretch()) plt.imshow(data, cmap='Greys', origin='lower', norm=norm) apertures.plot(color='blue', lw=1.5, alpha=0.5) plt.draw() # Scatter plot sharpness vs magnitude plt.figure(2) sharp, round_, mags = (sources['sharpness'], sources['roundness1'], sources['mag']) plt.scatter(mags, sharp) plt.title('Sharpness vs Magnitude') plt.xlabel('Mag') plt.ylabel('Sharp') # Scatter plot roundness vs magnitude plt.figure(3) plt.scatter(mags, round_) plt.title('Roundness vs Magnitude') plt.xlabel('Mag') plt.ylabel('Roundness1')
def source_detection(Band, Reduced_Image_Data, Bkg, Bkg_Sigma, Median, Std, image_num): Find_Source = DAOStarFinder(fwhm=8, threshold=3. * Std[image_num]) Sources = Find_Source( Reduced_Image_Data[image_num] - Median[image_num] ) # Finding the sources within the defined parameters in DAOStarFinder Positions = np.transpose((Sources['xcentroid'], Sources['ycentroid'])) DAO_Flux = np.array(Sources['flux']) Apertures = CircularAperture( Positions, r=5.) # Chossing an aperture radius of 5 pixels Phot_Table = aperture_photometry(Reduced_Image_Data[image_num], Apertures) X_coord = np.array(Phot_Table['xcenter']) Y_coord = np.array(Phot_Table['ycenter']) Aperture_Sum = Phot_Table['aperture_sum'] Flux_Err = 15 * 0.5 * Std[image_num] Mags = -2.5 * np.log10(Aperture_Sum) # Convert aperture sums to magnitudes Mag_Err = ((-2.5 * Flux_Err) / (np.log10(10) * Aperture_Sum)) #plt.figure() # This block of code will plot the identified sources #plt.imshow(Reduced_Image_Data[image_num], cmap = 'gray_r', origin = 'lower') #Apertures.plot(color = 'blue', lw = 1.5, alpha = 1.5) #print(f'Time of Obs : {Header_Data_Dictionary[Band[image_num]][0]}') #print(f'Band : {Header_Data_Dictionary[Band[image_num]][2]}') return Aperture_Sum, Mags, Mag_Err, X_coord, Y_coord, Phot_Table, DAO_Flux
def getOffsetStars(self, finderim, PS1=True, roundlo=-1.0, roundhi=1.0): imdata = fits.getdata(finderim) hdr = fits.getheader(finderim) ImWCS = wcs.WCS(hdr) # use detection/findstars from photutils to get stars from photutils import DAOStarFinder mean, median, std = sigma_clipped_stats(imdata, sigma=3.0, iters=5) self.skystd = std daofind = DAOStarFinder(fwhm=3.0, threshold=5. * std, roundlo=roundlo, roundhi=roundhi) sources = daofind(imdata - median) positions = [] for x, y in zip(sources['xcentroid'], sources['ycentroid']): positions += [(x, y)] ap = CircularAperture(positions, r=10) skysubim = imdata - median #err = calc_total_error(skysubim, std, 1.0) phot_table = aperture_photometry(skysubim, ap) #, error=err) # check mags with aperture photometry if PS1: zpt = 25 + 2.5 * np.log10(hdr['EXPTIME']) else: zpt = 28.0 + np.log10(hdr['EXPOSURE'] / 60.) * 2.5 mag = -2.5 * np.log10(phot_table['aperture_sum']) + zpt imshape = np.shape(imdata) iGood = np.where((mag < self.options.maxOffsetStarMag) & (sources['xcentroid'] > 10) & (sources['xcentroid'] < imshape[1] - 10) & (sources['ycentroid'] > 10) & (sources['ycentroid'] < imshape[0] - 10))[0] if not len(iGood): print('Error : no good offset stars found') return (None, None, None, None, None, None, None) iBright = iGood[np.argsort(mag[iGood])] xpos,ypos = sources['xcentroid'][iBright][0:self.options.numOffsetStar],\ sources['ycentroid'][iBright][0:self.options.numOffsetStar] mag = mag[iBright][0:self.options.numOffsetStar] # get ra, dec offsets objcoord = SkyCoord(self.options.ra, self.options.dec, unit=u.deg) ralist, declist, raofflist, decofflist, maglist = [], [], [], [], [] for x, y in zip(xpos, ypos): ra, dec = ImWCS.wcs_pix2world([(x, y)], 0)[0] ralist += [ra] declist += [dec] offcoord = SkyCoord(ra, dec, unit=u.deg) dra, ddec = offcoord.spherical_offsets_to(objcoord) raofflist += [] decofflist += [] return (xpos, ypos, ralist, declist, mag, raofflist, decofflist)
def detect_sources_daofind(fx, fy, photons, threshold): mask_radius = 1700 kernel = Gaussian2DKernel(x_stddev=4 * gaussian_fwhm_to_sigma) aperture = CircularAperture((2400, 2400), r=mask_radius) mask = aperture.to_mask(method='center') mask = mask.to_image(shape=((4800, 4800))) weights = photons / framecount_per_sec bins = np.arange(0, 4801) ndarray, yedges, xedges = np.histogram2d(fy, fx, bins=(bins, bins), weights=weights) data = ndarray * mask mean, _, std = sigma_clipped_stats(data, sigma=5., maxiters=1) # to avoid std becoming zero. if std == 0: mean = np.mean(data) std = np.std(data) data = convolve(data, kernel) daofind = DAOStarFinder(fwhm=3.0, threshold=threshold * std, exclude_border=True) sources = daofind(data - mean) sources.sort('mag') uA = np.array([sources['xcentroid'].data, sources['ycentroid'].data]).T uA = np.round(uA, 2) return uA
def clusterfindsubfunc(image_array, image_sigma, fwhm, threshold, apertureplotrad=7): ''' Function: Find cluster and output results (wrapper around DAOfild) ''' daofind = DAOStarFinder(fwhm=fwhm, threshold=threshold * image_sigma) sources = daofind(image_array) # Output source detection table for col in sources.colnames: sources[col].info.format = '%.8g' sources_cut_xcentroid = sources['xcentroid'] sources_cut_ycentroid = sources['ycentroid'] positions = convert2xNtoarray( (sources_cut_xcentroid, sources_cut_ycentroid)) positions_out = positions apertures = CircularAperture(positions_out, r=fwhm) apertures_plot = CircularAperture(positions_out, r=fwhm + apertureplotrad) print('Found {} using FWHM = {} and Threshold = {}'.format( len(sources_cut_xcentroid), fwhm, threshold)) return sources, positions, apertures_plot
def findStars(image): # In order to use the MAD as a consistent estimator for the estimation # of the standard deviation σ, one takes σ = k * MAD where k is a constant # scale factor, which depends on the distribution. For normally distributed # data k is taken to be k = 1.48[26] bkg_sigma = 1.48 * mad(image) t = 5 * bkg_sigma daofind = DAOStarFinder(fwhm=3.0, threshold=t) stars = daofind(image) #stars['signal'] = stars['flux'] * t # data = image mask = make_source_mask(data, snr=2, npixels=5, dilate_size=11) mean, median, std = sigma_clipped_stats(data, sigma=3.0, mask=mask) madstd = mad_std(data) snrs = [] for peak in stars['peak']: snrs.append(peak / madstd / 7.4) stars['snr'] = snrs print((mean, median, std, bkg_sigma, t, madstd)) # #print stars return stars
def find_stars_dao(self, fwhm=5, maxn=100, target_sky=None, target_pix=None): data = self.reduced imean, imedian, istd = sigma_clipped_stats(data, sigma=3.0, iters=5) sfinder = DAOStarFinder(5 * istd, fwhm, exclude_border=True) stars = sfinder(data) sids = argsort(array(stars['flux']))[::-1] cpix = array([stars['xcentroid'], stars['ycentroid']]).T cpix = cpix[sids, :][:maxn, :] self.nstars = cpix.shape[0] if self._wcs and target_sky is not None: target_pix = array(target_sky.to_pixel(self._wcs)) cpix = concatenate([atleast_2d(target_pix), cpix]) elif target_pix is not None: cpix = concatenate([atleast_2d(target_pix), cpix]) self._initialize_tables(self.nstars, self.napt) if self._wcs: csky = pd.DataFrame(self._wcs.all_pix2world(cpix, 0), columns='RA Dec'.split()) self.set_reference_stars(cpix, csky=csky) else: self.set_reference_stars(cpix)
def _lookup_via_photutils(fits_file, wcs=None, *args, **kwargs): from photutils import DAOStarFinder data = fits.getdata(fits_file) - 2048 # Camera bias mean, median, std = sigma_clipped_stats(data) fwhm = kwargs.get('fwhm', 3.0) threshold = kwargs.get('threshold', 3.0) daofind = DAOStarFinder(fwhm=fwhm, threshold=threshold * std) sources = daofind(data - median).to_pandas() sources.rename(columns={ 'xcentroid': 'x', 'ycentroid': 'y', }, inplace=True) if wcs is None: header = fits_utils.getheader(fits_file) wcs = WCS(header) coords = wcs.all_pix2world(sources['x'], sources['y'], 1) sources['ra'] = coords[0] sources['dec'] = coords[1] return sources
def getDAOStarFinderStats(img_file, target_dir, kernel_in_pix, sig_clipping_for_stats=3.0, star_find_n_sig_threshold=4.0, fit_radius_scaling=5.0, bg_radii_scalings=[7.0, 8.0]): data, header = can.readInDataFromFitsFile(img_file, target_dir) mean, median, std = astrostats.sigma_clipped_stats( data, sigma=sig_clipping_for_stats) print('Finding stars in image: ' + target_dir + img_file) daofind = DAOStarFinder(fwhm=kernel_in_pix, threshold=star_find_n_sig_threshold * std) sources = daofind(data - median) results = { 'xcentroid': sources['xcentroid'].data, 'ycentroid': sources['ycentroid'].data, 'sharpness': sources['sharpness'].data, 'roundness1': sources['roundness1'].data, 'roundness2': sources['roundness2'].data, 'npix': sources['npix'].data, 'sky': sources['sky'].data, 'peak': sources['peak'].data, 'flux': sources['flux'].data, 'mag': sources['mag'].data } return results
def detect_sources(ccd, fwhm=8, thresh=10): """ Detect sources in an image using the DAOStarFinder from photutils. Parameters ---------- ccd : `astropy.nddata.CCDData` The CCD image in which to detect sources. fwhm : float, optional Full-width half-max of the sources, in pixels. thresh : float, optional Threshold above which a source must be to count as a source. This argument is multiplied by the sigma-clipped standard deviation of the data. """ men, med, std = faster_sigma_clip_stats(, sigma=5) # This sets up the source detection. The FWHM turns out to be key...making # it too small results in a single star being detected as two separate # sources. # # Stars must be brighter than the threshold to count as sources. Making # the number higher gives you fewer detected sources, lower gives you more. # There is no "magic" number. dao = DAOStarFinder(threshold=thresh * std, fwhm=fwhm, exclude_border=True) stars = dao(ccd - med) return stars
def find_sources(scidata, margin=10, nmax=None): """Detect stars in the science image.""" # Initialize the DAOStarFinder. mean, median, stddev = sigma_clipped_stats(scidata, sigma=3.0, maxiters=5) daofind = DAOStarFinder(fwhm=2.0, threshold=5. * stddev, exclude_border=True) # Mask a border around the edge of the image. mask = np.zeros_like(scidata, dtype='bool') mask[:margin] = True mask[-margin:] = True mask[:, :margin] = True mask[:, -margin:] = True # Find sources in the image. sources = daofind(scidata - median, mask=mask) # Sort the sources from brightest to faintest. invsort = np.argsort(sources['flux'])[::-1] sources = sources[invsort] # If nmax is given pick only the nmax brightest sources. if nmax is not None: nmax = np.minimum(len(sources), nmax) sources = sources[:nmax] return sources
def dao(i): """Entrée: i: numéro de l'image que l'on veut étudier Sortie: la liste des objets présents sur l'image i avec leurs données sous forme d'une liste de liste (indice de l'objet, coord x, coord y, sharpness, roundness 1, roundness 2, npix, sky, peak, flux, mag) """ # Ouvre l'image format .fits suivante hdul = '/home/maxime/Documents/Workspace Python/Project_S3/photos/tn%d0.fts' % i) # Modifier le chemin d'accès pour ouvrir les images hdu = hdul[0].data # On utilise des paramètres adaptés afin de détecter tous les objets sur l'image mean, median, std = sigma_clipped_stats(hdu, sigma=3.0) # Nous avons fait les 3 premières étoiles avec fwhm=10 # La dernière a été faite avec fwhm=5 daofind = DAOStarFinder(fwhm=5.0, threshold=5 * std) sources = daofind(hdu - median) # Construit une table avec les données relatives aux objets détéctés for col in sources.colnames: sources[col].info.format = '%.8g' return sources
def takePicture(): img = cv2.imread('output/20201024013736_ZWO_ASI294MC_Pro.tiff') gray = cv2.cvtColor(img, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY) mean, median, std = sigma_clipped_stats(gray, sigma=3.0) print(f'mean:{mean} median:{median} std:{std}') daofind = DAOStarFinder(fwhm=5.0, threshold=5. * std) print(gray.shape, median.shape) sources = daofind(gray - median) for col in sources.colnames: sources[col].info.format = '%.8g' # for consistent table output print(sources) import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from astropy.visualization import SqrtStretch from astropy.visualization.mpl_normalize import ImageNormalize from photutils import CircularAperture positions = np.transpose((sources['xcentroid'], sources['ycentroid'])) apertures = CircularAperture(positions, r=4.) norm = ImageNormalize(stretch=SqrtStretch()) plt.imshow(gray, cmap='Greys', origin='lower', norm=norm, interpolation='nearest') apertures.plot(color='blue', lw=1.5, alpha=0.5) plt.savefig('kk.png') cv2.namedWindow('Falcon') cv2.imshow('Falcon', gray) cv2.waitKey(0) return
def find_guide_star(self): """ Find a guide star Uses DAOStar find the `photutils` package to find all point sources in the image after sigma clipping. The 10th best match is selected and the X and Y pixel coordinates are returned. Returns: tuple(int, int): X and Y pixel coordinates of matched star """ self.logger.debug("Finding point sources in image") data = fits.getdata(self.image_path) mean, median, std = sigma_clipped_stats(data) daofind = DAOStarFinder(fwhm=3.0, threshold=5. * std) sources = daofind(data - median) sources.sort('flux') sources.reverse() selected = sources[9] # 10th best match x = selected['xcentroid'] y = selected['ycentroid'] self.logger.debug("Found star at pixel coordinates ({}, {})".format( x, y)) return x, y
def find_psf_centers(imagePass,fwhmPass,thresholdPass): # uses the grid of guesses to find the real centroids daofind = DAOStarFinder(fwhm=fwhmPass, threshold=thresholdPass, exclude_border=True) sources = daofind(imagePass) return sources['xcentroid'], sources['ycentroid']
def photometry(self,filepath, b, d): hdulist =, ignore_missing_end=True) hdu = hdulist[0] image = image -= np.median(image) bkg_sigma = mad_std(image) daofind = DAOStarFinder(fwhm=b, threshold=d * bkg_sigma) sources = daofind(image) # Save Stellar Sources from DOA Star Algorithm for col in sources.colnames: sources[col].info.format = '%.8g' # for consistent table output print(sources) # Perform Aperture Photometry positions = (sources['xcentroid'], sources['ycentroid']) apertures = CircularAperture(positions, r=17.) phot_table = aperture_photometry(image, apertures) for col in phot_table.colnames: phot_table[col].info.format = '%.8g' # for consistent table output filedest1 = input("Where to Save the result:") filedest2 = input("Where to Save the result 2:") print(phot_table) np.savetxt(filedest1, (sources), delimiter=',') # Save Result in CSV np.savetxt(filedest2, (phot_table), delimiter=',') # Save Result in CSV plt.imshow(image, cmap='gray_r', origin='lower') apertures.plot(color='blue', lw=1.5, alpha=0.5)
def do_psf(image_num, Letter): epsf = build_epsf(image_num) daofind = DAOStarFinder(fwhm=8, threshold=3. * Std[image_num]) sigma_psf = 2.0 daogroup = DAOGroup(2.0 * sigma_psf * gaussian_sigma_to_fwhm) photometry = IterativelySubtractedPSFPhotometry(finder=daofind, group_maker=daogroup, bkg_estimator=None, psf_model=epsf, fitter=LevMarLSQFitter(), aperture_radius=5, niters=1, fitshape=(11, 11)) result_tab = photometry(image=Reduced_Image_Data[image_num]) #residual_image = photometry.get_residual_image() X_0 = result_tab['x_fit'] Y_0 = result_tab['y_fit'] Flux = result_tab['flux_fit'] Flux_Err = np.sqrt(np.array(Flux)) PSF_Mags_1 = -2.5 * np.log10( np.array(Flux)) # Convert aperture sums to magnitudes PSF_Mags_Err_1 = ((-2.5 * Flux_Err) / (np.log10(10) * Flux)) return PSF_Mags_1, PSF_Mags_Err_1, Flux, Flux_Err, X_0, Y_0
def find_stars(self, max_dim_per=0.005, times_std=5, n_brightest=20): max_dim = max(self.img.shape) daofind = DAOStarFinder(fwhm=max_dim * max_dim_per, threshold=times_std * self.std, brightest=n_brightest) sources = daofind(self.processed_img) self.sources = sources.to_pandas()
def build_star_finder(reduction_metadata, image_path, log): """Function to construct a DAOStarFinder object to detect point sources in an image"""'Building star finder for ' + os.path.basename(image_path)) image_idx = reduction_metadata.images_stats[1]['IM_NAME'].tolist().index( os.path.basename(image_path)) fwhm = reduction_metadata.images_stats[1]['FWHM_X'][image_idx] sky_bkgd = reduction_metadata.images_stats[1]['SKY'][image_idx] sky_bkgd_sig = np.sqrt(sky_bkgd)'FWHM = ' + str(fwhm))'Sky background = ' + str(sky_bkgd)) det_threshold = 3.0 * sky_bkgd_sig'Sky background sigma = ' + str(sky_bkgd_sig)) daofind = DAOStarFinder(fwhm=fwhm, threshold=det_threshold)'Completed star finder object') return daofind
def make_master_cat(path, root): """ Create catalog of sources from deepsky Args: path: str - path to deepsky Returns: a catalog of sources with their timestamp """ kwargs_stat = {'sigma': 3.0, 'maxiters': 5} with as hdu: data = hdu[0].data mean, median, std = sigma_clipped_stats(data, **kwargs_stat) kwargs_dao = {'fwhm': 10.0, 'threshold': 5 * std} print('mean: ' + str(mean)) print('median: ' + str(median)) print('std: ' + str(std)) # Next Subtract background and use DAOStarFinder print('kwargs_dao: ' + str(kwargs_dao)) daofind = DAOStarFinder(**kwargs_dao) sources = daofind(data - median) filename, _ = splitext(basename(path)) catfile = root + '/deepsky/' + filename + '.cat' ascii.write(sources, catfile, overwrite=True) # add RA and DEC to cat file args_makecatalog = Table() args_makecatalog['aligned_path'] = [path] args_makecatalog['cat_path'] = [catfile] make_catalog(args_makecatalog) return catfile
def source_detection(imdata): mean, median, std = sigma_clipped_stats(imdata, sigma=3.0, iters=5) daofind = DAOStarFinder(fwhm=3.0, threshold=5. * std) sources = daofind(imdata - median) sources.sort('flux') sources.reverse() return sources
def centroid(self, x, y, data, radius): dist = 1024 x0, y0, arr = self.cut_region(x, y, radius, data) mean, median, std = sigma_clipped_stats(arr, sigma=sigma) daofind = DAOStarFinder(threshold=5.*std, fwhm=fwhm_daofind) sources = daofind.find_stars(arr - median) cx, cy = x, y for i in sources: dist_temp = math.sqrt(abs(i[1]+x0-x)**2 + abs(i[2]+y0-y)**2) if dist_temp < dist: dist = dist_temp cx = i[1] + x0 cy = i[2] + y0 print('center: ', cx + 1, cy + 1) return (cx, cy)
def get_n_source(data, subtract_median=False, return_data=False, fwhm=3.0, nstd=5.0): nx = data.shape[0] if subtract_median == True: median_size = 40 data_median = np.asfarray( median_filter(data, size=(median_size, median_size))) data -= data_median mean, median, std = sigma_clipped_stats(data, sigma=3.0) daofind = DAOStarFinder(fwhm=fwhm, threshold=nstd * std) try: warnings.filterwarnings('ignore', category=UserWarning, append=True) sources = daofind(data - median) ix = (sources["xcentroid"] > 10) & (sources["xcentroid"] < nx - 10) & ( sources["ycentroid"] > 10) & (sources["ycentroid"] < nx - 10) sources = sources[ix] n = len(sources) except Exception: n = 0 if return_data == False: return n else: return n, data
def find_stars(image, imgfile, fwhm=3.0, nsigma=3, sigma=None, verbose=True, overwrite=False): from astropy.table import Table starsfile = os.path.join(reduxdir, 'stars-{}'.format(os.path.basename(imgfile))) if not os.path.isfile(starsfile) or overwrite: from photutils import DAOStarFinder if sigma is None: sigma = np.std(image) daofind = DAOStarFinder(fwhm=fwhm, threshold=nsigma * sigma) srcs = daofind(image) # reverse-sort by flux srcs.sort('flux') srcs.reverse() if verbose: print('Found {} sources'.format(len(srcs))) print('Writing {} stars to {}'.format(len(srcs), starsfile)) srcs.write(starsfile, overwrite=True) else: srcs = print('Read {} stars from {}'.format(len(srcs), starsfile)) return srcs
def get_wcs(pattern): for filename in pattern: which_hdu = choose_hdu(filename) header = fits.getheader(filename, which_hdu) print(header) w = WCS(header) print(w) data = fits.getdata(filename, ext=0) threshold = detect_threshold(data, nsigma=2.) sigma = 3.0 * gaussian_fwhm_to_sigma # FWHM = 3. kernel = Gaussian2DKernel(sigma, x_size=3, y_size=3) kernel.normalize() mean, median, std = sigma_clipped_stats(data, sigma=3) daofind = DAOStarFinder(fwhm=3.0, threshold=5. * std) sources = daofind(data - median) for col in sources.colnames: sources[col].info.format = '%.8g' # for consistent table output x_unscaled = np.array(sources['xcentroid']) y_unscaled = np.array(sources['ycentroid']) x_min = min(x_unscaled) y_min = min(y_unscaled) x_max = max(x_unscaled) y_max = max(y_unscaled) x1 = ((x_unscaled - x_min) / x_max) * 90 y1 = ((y_unscaled - y_min) / y_max) * 90 fig, ax = plt.subplots() ax.plot(x1, y1, 'ok', ms=5) c1 = SkyCoord(ra=x1 *, dec=y1 * print(c1) coo = SkyCoord.from_name('GJ3470')
def Centroids_DAO(Flux, Median, TPF=None, Plot=False): """ Calculate the centroid shifts of time series images. """ m = Median.copy() f = Flux #TPF.flux.copy() mean, med, std = sigma_clipped_stats(m, sigma=3.0) daofind = DAOStarFinder(fwhm=3.0, threshold=5. * std) s = daofind(m - med) mx = s['xcentroid'] my = s['ycentroid'] shifts = np.zeros((len(TPF.flux), 2, len(mx))) * np.nan for i in range(len(f)): if np.nansum(f[i]) > 0: mean, med, std = sigma_clipped_stats(f[i], sigma=3.0) s = daofind(f[i] - med) x = s['xcentroid'] y = s['ycentroid'] dist = np.zeros((len(mx), len(x))) dist = dist + np.sqrt((x[np.newaxis, :] - mx[:, np.newaxis])**2 + (y[np.newaxis, :] - my[:, np.newaxis])**2) ind = np.argmin(dist, axis=1) indo = np.nanmin(dist) < 1 ind = ind[indo] shifts[i, 0, indo] = x[ind] - mx[indo] shifts[i, 1, indo] = y[ind] - my[indo] meds = np.nanmedian(shifts, axis=2) smooth = Smooth_motion(meds, TPF) nans = np.nansum(f, axis=(1, 2)) == 0 smooth[nans] = np.nan if Plot: Plot_centroids(TPF, meds, smooth) return smooth
def DAOStarFinder_wrapper(args_dao, kwargs): path = args_dao[0] median = args_dao[1] with as fitsfile: data = fitsfile[0].data daofind = DAOStarFinder(**kwargs) return daofind(data - median)
def centralizar(img, banda, cx, cy): ''' Encontra uma fonte dentro de uma abertura com o raio definido pelo usuário ''' xmax, ymax = img.shape dmin = np.sqrt(xmax*xmax+ymax*ymax) r = session['r'] aperture = CircularAperture((cx,cy), r) mask = aperture.to_mask() print(mask) _, median, std = session['stats'][banda] find = DAOStarFinder(fwhm=3, threshold=3*std) cr = find((img-median)*mask.to_image(img.shape)) if cr: print(cr) # Pega o índice mais próxima do ponto clicado for i in range(len(cr)): x = cr[i]['xcentroid'] y = cr[i]['ycentroid'] d = np.sqrt((x-cx)**2+(y-cy)**2) if d<dmin: dmin = d cx = cr[i]['xcentroid'] cy = cr[i]['ycentroid'] return cx,cy