def test_fileio_support_with_chaining_and_all(self): f = phpserialize.BytesIO() phpserialize.dump([1, 2], f) phpserialize.dump(42, f) f = phpserialize.BytesIO(f.getvalue()) self.assertEqual(phpserialize.load(f), {0: 1, 1: 2}) self.assertEqual(phpserialize.load(f), 42)
def filter_meta_file(path): with open(path, 'rb') as f: data = phpserialize.load(f) for key in [b'current', b'persistent']: if key in data and b'last_change' in data[key] and isinstance( data[key][b'last_change'], dict) and b'ip' in data[key][b'last_change']: if data[key][b'last_change'][b'ip'] != b'': data[key][b'last_change'][b'ip'] = b'redacted-ip' output = io.BytesIO() phpserialize.dump(data, output) size = output.tell() return output, size
def main(): db_password = raw_input("DB Password: "******"bundle" and artist = %s and album = %s' cursor.execute(sql, (artist, album)) albumId = cursor.fetchone()['post_id'] print('This album already exists - ' + album) songList = getSongList(artist, album) for song in songList: # print ('Song Name: ' + song) if not any(item['item_type'] == 'single' and item['artist'] == artist and item['album'] == album and item['song'] == song for item in checkList): songId = uploadPost('single', artist, album, song, artwork, connection) albumArray.append(songId) else: with connection.cursor() as cursor: sql = 'SELECT post_id from `upload_info` where item_type = "single" and artist = %s and album = %s and song = %s' cursor.execute(sql, (artist, album, song)) songId = cursor.fetchone()['post_id'] albumArray.append(songId) print('This song already exists - ' + song) phpserialize.dump(albumArray, albumSerialized) with connection.cursor() as cursor: sql1 = 'INSERT INTO `wp9r_postmeta` (`post_id`, `meta_key`, `meta_value`) VALUES (%s, "_edd_product_type", "bundle") ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `meta_value` = "bundle"' sql2 = 'INSERT INTO `wp9r_postmeta` (`post_id`, `meta_key`, `meta_value`) VALUES (%s, "_edd_bundled_products", %s) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `meta_value` = %s' cursor.execute(sql1, (albumId)) cursor.execute(sql2, (albumId, albumSerialized.getvalue(), albumSerialized.getvalue())) connection.commit() connection.close()