class MyModel(object): seed = np.random.seed(0) n_channels = 8 n_spikes = 20000 n_clusters = 32 n_templates = n_clusters n_pcs = 5 n_samples_waveforms = 100 channel_positions = np.random.normal(size=(n_channels, 2)) channel_mapping = np.arange(0, n_channels) channel_shanks = np.zeros(n_channels, dtype=np.int32) features = artificial_features(n_spikes, n_channels, n_pcs) metadata = {'group': {3: 'noise', 4: 'mua', 5: 'good'}} sample_rate = 10000 spike_attributes = {} amplitudes = np.random.normal(size=n_spikes, loc=1, scale=.1) spike_clusters = artificial_spike_clusters(n_spikes, n_clusters) spike_templates = spike_clusters spike_samples = artificial_spike_samples(n_spikes) spike_times = spike_samples / sample_rate spike_times_reordered = artificial_spike_samples(n_spikes) / sample_rate duration = spike_times[-1] spike_waveforms = None traces = artificial_traces(int(sample_rate * duration), n_channels) def _get_some_channels(self, offset, size): return list( islice(cycle(range(self.n_channels)), offset, offset + size)) def get_features(self, spike_ids, channel_ids): return artificial_features(len(spike_ids), len(channel_ids), self.n_pcs) def get_waveforms(self, spike_ids, channel_ids): n_channels = len(channel_ids) if channel_ids else self.n_channels return artificial_waveforms(len(spike_ids), self.n_samples_waveforms, n_channels) def get_template(self, template_id): nc = self.n_channels // 2 return Bunch(template=artificial_waveforms(1, self.n_samples_waveforms, nc)[0, ...], channel_ids=self._get_some_channels(template_id, nc)) def save_spike_clusters(self, spike_clusters): pass def save_metadata(self, name, values): pass
def test_feature_view(qtbot, gui, n_channels): nc = n_channels ns = 10000 features = artificial_features(ns, nc, 4) spike_clusters = artificial_spike_clusters(ns, 4) spike_times = np.linspace(0., 1., ns) spc = _spikes_per_cluster(spike_clusters) def get_spike_ids(cluster_id): return (spc[cluster_id] if cluster_id is not None else np.arange(ns)) def get_features(cluster_id=None, channel_ids=None, spike_ids=None, load_all=None): if load_all: spike_ids = spc[cluster_id] else: spike_ids = get_spike_ids(cluster_id) return Bunch( data=features[spike_ids], spike_ids=spike_ids, masks=np.random.rand(ns, nc), channel_ids=(channel_ids if channel_ids is not None else np.arange(nc)[::-1]), ) def get_time(cluster_id=None, load_all=None): return Bunch(data=spike_times[get_spike_ids(cluster_id)], lim=(0., 1.)) v = FeatureView(features=get_features, attributes={'time': get_time}) qtbot.waitForWindowShown(v.canvas) v.attach(gui) v.set_grid_dim(_get_default_grid()) v.on_select(cluster_ids=[]) v.on_select(cluster_ids=[0]) v.on_select(cluster_ids=[0, 2, 3]) v.on_select(cluster_ids=[0, 2]) assert v.status v.increase() v.decrease() v.increase_marker_size() v.decrease_marker_size() v.on_select_channel(channel_id=3, button='Left', key=None) v.on_select_channel(channel_id=3, button='Right', key=None) v.on_select_channel(channel_id=3, button='Right', key=2) v.clear_channels() v.toggle_automatic_channel_selection(True) # Test feature selection with Alt+click. _l = [] @connect(sender=v) def on_select_feature(sender, dim=None, channel_id=None, pc=None): _l.append((dim, channel_id, pc)) for i, j, dim_x, dim_y in v._iter_subplots(): for k, button in enumerate(('Left', 'Right')): # Click on the center of every subplot. w, h = v.canvas.get_size() w, h = w / 4, h / 4 x, y = w / 2, h / 2 mouse_click(qtbot, v.canvas, (x + j * w, y + i * h), button=button, modifiers=('Alt', )) assert _l[-1][0] == v.grid_dim[i][j].split(',')[k] # Split without selection. spike_ids = v.on_request_split() assert len(spike_ids) == 0 a, b = 10, 100 mouse_click(qtbot, v.canvas, (a, a), modifiers=('Control', )) mouse_click(qtbot, v.canvas, (a, b), modifiers=('Control', )) mouse_click(qtbot, v.canvas, (b, b), modifiers=('Control', )) mouse_click(qtbot, v.canvas, (b, a), modifiers=('Control', )) # Split lassoed points. spike_ids = v.on_request_split() # HACK: this seems to fail because qtbot.mouseClick is not working?? # assert len(spike_ids) > 0 v.set_state(v.state) _stop_and_close(qtbot, v)
def get_features(self, spike_ids, channel_ids): return artificial_features(len(spike_ids), len(channel_ids), self.n_pcs)
def features(n_spikes, n_channels, n_features_per_channel): yield artificial_features(n_spikes, n_channels, n_features_per_channel)