def __init__(self, position, level): PhysicalObject.__init__(self, position) self.level = level self.controllingPlayer = physical_object.OWNER_DEFENDER self.physicsRect = pygame.rect.Rect(self.r_x, self.r_y, TURRET_WIDTH, TURRET_HEIGHT) self.image = pygame.image.load("images/defenses.png") self.rect = self.image.get_rect() self.actions = { "charged 0": (0, 112, TURRET_WIDTH, TURRET_HEIGHT), "charged 50": (TURRET_WIDTH, 112, TURRET_WIDTH, TURRET_HEIGHT), "charged 100": (2 * TURRET_WIDTH, 112, TURRET_WIDTH, TURRET_HEIGHT), } self.boundsRect = Rect(level.rect.x, level.rect.y, level.rect.width, constants.SCREEN_HEIGHT) self.action = "charged 0" self.area = pygame.rect.Rect(self.actions[self.action]) # print 'turret (x,y) = ', (self.r_x, self.r_y) # print 'turret owner = ', self.controllingPlayer self.timeLeftToCharge = GUN_CHARGEUP_TIME
def step(self, scrollPosition): #tight physics v_step = 0.5 v_target = 6.0 # max. speed relative to screen # translate movement boundary self.boundsRect.y = scrollPosition # determine speed def towards(current,expected): if abs(expected-current) < v_step: return expected if current > expected: return current - v_step return current + v_step # continue to determine speed if self.DOWN and not self.UP: self.v_y = towards(self.v_y,v_target-constants.SCROLL_RATE) elif self.UP and not self.DOWN: self.v_y = towards(self.v_y,-v_target-constants.SCROLL_RATE) elif not self.UP and not self.DOWN: self.v_y = towards(self.v_y,-constants.SCROLL_RATE) if self.LEFT and not self.RIGHT: self.v_x = towards(self.v_x,-v_target-constants.SCROLL_RATE) elif self.RIGHT and not self.LEFT: self.v_x = towards(self.v_x,v_target-constants.SCROLL_RATE) elif not self.LEFT and not self.RIGHT: self.v_x = towards(self.v_x,0) # update position PhysicalObject.step(self, scrollPosition) #hard bounds fix if self.physicsRect.x + self.physicsRect.width > self.boundsRect.x + self.boundsRect.width: self.setX(self.boundsRect.x + self.boundsRect.width - self.physicsRect.width) if self.r_x < self.boundsRect.x: self.setX(self.boundsRect.x) if self.r_y + self.physicsRect.height > self.boundsRect.y + self.boundsRect.height: self.setY(self.boundsRect.y + self.boundsRect.height - self.physicsRect.height) if self.r_y < self.boundsRect.y: self.setY(self.boundsRect.y) #update image if 0 < self.v_x < (v_target / 2.0): self.action = "right-center" elif (v_target / 2.0) <= self.v_x <= v_target: self.action = "right" elif self.v_x==0: self.action = "center" elif -(v_target / 2.0) < self.v_x < 0: self.action = "left-center" elif -(v_target) < self.v_x < -(v_target/2.0): self.action = "left" self.area = pygame.rect.Rect(self.actions[self.action]) # update weapon if self.timeUntilWeaponCanFireAgain > 0: self.timeUntilWeaponCanFireAgain -= 1
def test_eq(self): po = PhysicalObject() po2 = PhysicalObject() self.assertTrue(po != po2) self.assertFalse(po == po2) self.assertTrue(po == po) self.assertFalse(po != po)
def __init__(self, position, bulletkind): PhysicalObject.__init__(self, position) self.collisionType = physical_object.COLLISION_TYPE_BULLET self.physicsRect = pygame.rect.Rect(self.r_x, self.r_y, BULLET_WIDTH, BULLET_HEIGHT) self.image = pygame.image.load('images/bullets.png') self.rect = self.image.get_rect() self.kinds = {"shp": (0, 0, self.physicsRect.width, self.physicsRect.height), "tur": (12, 0, self.physicsRect.width, self.physicsRect.height)} self.kind = bulletkind self.area = pygame.rect.Rect(self.kinds[self.kind]) self.timeToLive = LIFE_SPAN
def print_debug(): print("time: {0:.2E} ".format(PhysicalObject.get_total_time()), end='') print("distance to mars: {0:.2E}\t".format(mars.distance_with(rocket)), end='') print("distance to earth: {0:.2E} ".format(earth.distance_with(rocket)), end='') print("energy used: {0:.2E}\t".format(get_total_energy()), end='') # print("Net force on earth: {0:.2E} ".format(earth.get_net_force().mag)) # print("Accln: {0:.2E} ".format(earth.accln().mag)) print()
def __init__(self, position, level): PhysicalObject.__init__(self, position) self.level = level self.controllingPlayer = physical_object.OWNER_ATTACKER self.image = pygame.image.load('images/ship.png') self.rect = self.image.get_rect() self.actions = { "center": (SHIP_WIDTH*2, 0, SHIP_WIDTH,SHIP_HEIGHT), "left": (SHIP_WIDTH*0, 0, SHIP_WIDTH,SHIP_HEIGHT), "left-center": (SHIP_WIDTH*1, 0, SHIP_WIDTH,SHIP_HEIGHT), "right-center": (SHIP_WIDTH*3, 0, SHIP_WIDTH,SHIP_HEIGHT), "right": (SHIP_WIDTH*4, 0, SHIP_WIDTH,SHIP_HEIGHT) } self.action = "center" self.area = pygame.rect.Rect(self.actions[self.action]) self.boundsRect = Rect(level.rect.x,level.rect.y,level.rect.width,constants.SCREEN_HEIGHT) self.physicsRect = pygame.rect.Rect(self.r_x, self.r_y, SHIP_WIDTH, SHIP_HEIGHT) self.targetType = physical_object.TARGET_TYPE_SHIP
def test_is_clicked(self): bola = Bola((50, 50)) self.assertTrue(bola.is_clicked(PhysicalObject((51, 52)))) self.assertFalse(bola.is_clicked(PhysicalObject((60, 52))))
earth.register( sun.register(color.yellow) mars.register( # moon.register(color.white) rocket.register(color.cyan) frame = 0 lastdiff = 1e1000 while True: # print(PhysicalObject.get_total_time()) render = frame > MAIN_SKIPS PhysicalObject.update_bodies(render) add_energy(rocket.get_net_propulsion(), rocket.vel, dt) frame += 1 # print((rocket.pos - mars.pos).mag) # print(render) # print(FRAME_RATE) print_debug() # print(abs((DISTANCE_BETWEEN_SUN_AND_MARS-RADIUS_OF_MARS) - rocket.pos.mag), PhysicalObject.get_total_time()) diff = abs(rocket.pos.mag - DISTANCE_BETWEEN_SUN_AND_MARS - RADIUS_OF_MARS) if diff > lastdiff and PhysicalObject.get_total_time() > 8000000: print("Difference in distance started to increase") print(rocket.pos, rocket.vel) print(mars.pos, mars.vel)
def test_init(self): po = PhysicalObject((50, 50)) self.assertEqual(po.pos(), (50, 50))
def test_actualize(self): po = PhysicalObject((50, 50)) po.actualize(1) self.assertEqual(po.v, Vector(0, 0)) po.v = Vector(1, 0) po.actualize(1) self.assertEqual(po.pos(), (51, 50)) po.actualize(1) self.assertEqual(po.pos(), (52, 50))
def step(self, scrollPosition): # translate movement boundary self.boundsRect.y = scrollPosition # update self PhysicalObject.step(self, scrollPosition) if self.timeLeftToCharge < (1 / 5.0) * GUN_CHARGEUP_TIME: self.action = "charged 100" elif self.timeLeftToCharge < (3 / 5.0) * GUN_CHARGEUP_TIME: self.action = "charged 50" else: self.action = "charged 0" self.area = pygame.rect.Rect(self.actions[self.action]) if self.physicsRect.colliderect(self.boundsRect): turretSeesShip = False target = None for o in self.level.physicalObjects: if ( o.controllingPlayer == physical_object.OWNER_ATTACKER and o.targetType == physical_object.TARGET_TYPE_SHIP ): turretSeesShip = True target = o if turretSeesShip: self.timeLeftToCharge -= 1 if self.timeLeftToCharge <= 0: # it's the ship! get it! soundEfx = pygame.mixer.Sound(constants.TURRET_BULLET_SFX) soundEfx.set_volume(0.5) play_sound.PlaySounds(soundEfx, 2) theBullet = bullet.Bullet( ( self.rect.x + TURRET_WIDTH / 2 - bullet.BULLET_WIDTH / 2, self.rect.y + (bullet.BULLET_HEIGHT + 6), ), "tur", ) theBullet.controllingPlayer = self.controllingPlayer # old velocity code # deltaX = o.r_x - self.r_x # deltaY = o.r_y - self.r_y # distance = math.hypot(deltaX, deltaY) # theBullet.v_x = bullet.DEFAULT_SPEED*(deltaX/distance) # v_x = speed*cos # theBullet.v_y = bullet.DEFAULT_SPEED*(deltaY/distance) # v_y = speed*sin # new velocity code; apparently tries to divide by zero and take the square root of a negative number # timeToImpact = ((o.r_x*o.v_x + o.r_y*o.v_y + math.sqrt(-pow(o.r_y,2)*(-1 + pow(o.v_x, 2)) + o.r_x*(o.r_x + 2*o.r_y*o.v_x*o.v_y - o.r_x*pow(o.v_y, 2))))/(-1 + pow(o.v_x, 2) + pow(o.v_y, 2))) # theBullet.v_x = (o.r_x + timeToImpact*o.v_x)/timeToImpact # theBullet.v_y = (o.r_y + timeToImpact*o.v_y)/timeToImpact # new velocity code, mk. II futurepos = ( target.r_x, target.r_y, ) # Guess that where they'll be in the future is where they are now MY_SPEED = 1.5 + constants.SCROLL_RATE for i in range(0, 4): dist = (futurepos[0] - self.r_x, futurepos[1] - self.r_y) timetotarget = math.hypot(dist[0], dist[1]) / bullet.DEFAULT_SPEED distcovered = (target.v_x * timetotarget, target.v_y * timetotarget) futurepos = (target.r_x + distcovered[0], target.r_y + distcovered[1]) dirNotNormalized = (futurepos[0] - self.r_x, futurepos[1] - self.r_y) dirNormalized = ( dirNotNormalized[0] / math.hypot(dirNotNormalized[0], dirNotNormalized[1]), dirNotNormalized[1] / math.hypot(dirNotNormalized[0], dirNotNormalized[1]), ) theBullet.v_x = MY_SPEED * dirNormalized[0] theBullet.v_y = MY_SPEED * dirNormalized[1] # end of velocity code self.childObjects.append(theBullet) self.timeLeftToCharge = GUN_CHARGEUP_TIME else: # if the turret doesn't see the ship, self.timeLeftToCharge = GUN_CHARGEUP_TIME # then the turret should power down
def step(self, scrollPosition): PhysicalObject.step(self, scrollPosition) self.timeToLive -= 1 if(self.timeToLive <= 0): self.destroyed = True;